Author Topic: Stupid things players have said to you.  (Read 33475 times)


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #40 on: June 01, 2013, 02:41:41 PM »
Heh, a friend of mine had a toon named Testikles... well, it could have been greek ;D
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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #41 on: June 01, 2013, 06:07:37 PM »
The dumbest comment/question/remark I got quite often on COX is this one right here:

"Are you black?"

Not sure why this mattered on an MMO but this was asked constantly, I guess it had to do with the words I chose to type in the chat box!

Well, are you?   ;)

Though I did like to make more female heroes then male. I figure what's better to look at from behind for 5 or 6 hours.

But I used to team a lot in my first SG with a huge bodied tank called Spumulater (or something like that).

After about a year I found out that the person playing that toon was a mom in like her mid 30's. It just blew my mind lol.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #42 on: June 01, 2013, 08:29:00 PM »
Well, are you?   ;)

Though I did like to make more female heroes then male. I figure what's better to look at from behind for 5 or 6 hours.

But I used to team a lot in my first SG with a huge bodied tank called Spumulater (or something like that).

After about a year I found out that the person playing that toon was a mom in like her mid 30's. It just blew my mind lol.

yup. no telling what the person behind the toon is like or controling said toon. That well done near proffesional grad looking toon might be merely the brainchild of a 8 year old. That ranting raving lunatic that troll everyone and speak in broken sentences and wear bright coloredmishmash of stuff might be the VP of major corporation and one of the most powerful Forbes 500 women in the world. That little girl toon might be a little girl while the little girl toon next to her might be some big fat guy laying in his laz-E-Boy chair with his wick hanging out. The naked cat girl might be a nun, the prude toon berating the cat girl might be a stripper.

But usually people try to assume and assert their assumption is right merely by what they think a person that would play a toon like is or will act online. 99.9% of the time it's completely wrong. And nothing wrong with being wrong but when a person assume and insist they are right as if they are that person or eveb know that person that is when they really are saying "Look at me look at me I'm an idiot that know people without even knowing them and my accessment is neevr wrong!" but while a bit odd to ask certain questions, it's better than one of those guys that just assume wrong and insist they are right even when ya try to tell them. There was plenty of those people in COX and on the forum. More than I seen in any other game so far. Most other games, most people dont give a crap about who you are in real life. They just call you "noob!" and keep it moving. In COX people will argue about who you are and why what they think you are is right and what you know you are is somehow wrong?

"You must be from Idaho."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are from Idaho. I know where you are from. Only people from IDaho use that word and play atoon looking like that."

"Well I heard that word many times outside Idaho and I'm not from Idaho."

"You are lying. I know you are from Idaho."

I mean really? And that is the mild example. You're telling me where I'm from now because of a word and the look of a toon? Sometimes it extends to what ya meant by ya words. Even after you tell them, they have the nerve to tell you what you meant even after you corrected them and tell them what you meant.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #43 on: June 01, 2013, 09:11:43 PM »
I once had a long, very intelligent chat with someone I was teaming with. Must have been about 10-15 mins, about all kind of things.

Found out a little later he was only 11 years old! I was like - wow - we had such a great chat I couldn't believe he was that young. And I was 49 at the time!

Also one time I was teaming and a lot of us on the team had teamed like 1,000 times before. So were were chatting back and forth in team chat, cussing like sailors. and making all kinds of rude remarks when one of the toons that was quiet chimed in and said basically that her son plays this toon and he is only 6 and could we please not chat so rudely or at least do private chats. We all got very quiet after that out of embarrassment lol.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #44 on: June 01, 2013, 09:21:30 PM »
Young people are often more knowledgeable and mature than us older folk give them credit for... and likewise us older folk are just as often more ignorant and immature than we would otherwise be expected to be... lol


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #45 on: June 01, 2013, 09:37:07 PM »
Young people are often more knowledgeable and mature than us older folk give them credit for... and likewise us older folk are just as often more ignorant and immature than we would otherwise be expected to be... lol

This is true.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #46 on: June 01, 2013, 09:50:15 PM »
I once had a long, very intelligent chat with someone I was teaming with. Must have been about 10-15 mins, about all kind of things.

Found out a little later he was only 11 years old! I was like - wow - we had such a great chat I couldn't believe he was that young. And I was 49 at the time!

Also one time I was teaming and a lot of us on the team had teamed like 1,000 times before. So were were chatting back and forth in team chat, cussing like sailors. and making all kinds of rude remarks when one of the toons that was quiet chimed in and said basically that her son plays this toon and he is only 6 and could we please not chat so rudely or at least do private chats. We all got very quiet after that out of embarrassment lol.

Yeah understand that.

But then again, I believe on the box, it said rated T for Teen. WHich last I checked a 6 year old is not a teen. Although even with that I would have toned it down myself in that situation too. But on the same token, I hope she dont expect everyteam to give in to her demand to make chat rated E because she wants her 6 year old to play a game that is not even designed for 6 year olds, especially online game and they have every right to not change due to some parent that wish to make it so their 6 year old can play a game that is not designed for children that young. If it was some Mickey mouse rated E game that is designed for children and people was talking like that that expectation would be wholly right demand. But in a game rated T or above where it might be viewed as irresponsible to allow a 6 year old to play a game that not rated for their age group. COme on. COme into a rated T game, then expect rated T and above behavior, especially when iirc on the box it says that online content NR rated or something of the likes. Meaning, at least to me, that it may not be an appropriate environment for a 6 year old.

Reminds me of this Call of Duty 4: modern Warfare round. We all playing and one squad member was getting murked. We didnt care that he was bring down the score of our team. We all having fun and the squad member looks to be trying to stay alive so we brushed it off a "eh, he must be new." About 2 minutes before the round ended, a female adult get on the mic saying " Excuse me, my son is only 5. Please stop shooting him." One of my other other team mates bluntly stated. "Ma'am, we understand the concern for your son's avatar but you should be worried about your son and the kind of parent that allows a 5 year old to play a rated M game that is about blood war and guts. So instead of getting on here expecting people to turn this into a children's game as if the entire gaming world is supposed to dumb it down for you child only, you should get you child off this game, give yourself a time out and thing about what kind of parent you are for even buying your son this game. I have a 4 years old a 7 years old and 11 year old and I would NEVER allow any of them to play this game. It's called being a responsible parent. You should try it, you might like it."

Well I didnt exactly agree with the way he put it but the main point, I think he was right.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #47 on: June 02, 2013, 01:43:47 PM »
Not really a rude tell as such, but one of my few negative experiences in COH, on Virtue. I can't remember the guys name, but I wish I could.

I was on a reasonably lowbie alt. Somewhere in the mid-teens, probably. I got a tell from a guy wanting to know if I wanted to run missions on PI. I said that I was only a level whatever I was and wasn't sure how much help he could be, but I was on my own and bored, so if they had room, that'd be awesome.

So he put together a full team and I made the trek to PI. We ran a couple of missions, was pretty fun. I was holding my own more-or-less ok, bit of banter and chat. All nice enough, when the guy sends me a tell, asking if I want to join his SG.

I said it was kind of him, but I was an RPer and the toon was already promised to another group, one her 'brother' was in, and I was just waiting for one of the officers to be on the same time I was, for an SG invite.

He asked if I'd reconsider.

I said no, but thank you all the same.

He said that was a shame, and promptly kicked me out of the team, onto a map that was suddenly full of mobs 30-ish levels higher than me, and stomped me good.  >:(

I think that given that I can probably count the number of negative encounters I have on one hand (and many of them were RP drama based) that's not bad going, really for a game I played for 7 1/2 years.
Virtue - Vandellia / Unseen Scarlet

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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #48 on: June 02, 2013, 05:31:12 PM »
Not really a rude tell as such, but one of my few negative experiences in COH, on Virtue. I can't remember the guys name, but I wish I could.

I was on a reasonably lowbie alt. Somewhere in the mid-teens, probably. I got a tell from a guy wanting to know if I wanted to run missions on PI. I said that I was only a level whatever I was and wasn't sure how much help he could be, but I was on my own and bored, so if they had room, that'd be awesome.

So he put together a full team and I made the trek to PI. We ran a couple of missions, was pretty fun. I was holding my own more-or-less ok, bit of banter and chat. All nice enough, when the guy sends me a tell, asking if I want to join his SG.

I said it was kind of him, but I was an RPer and the toon was already promised to another group, one her 'brother' was in, and I was just waiting for one of the officers to be on the same time I was, for an SG invite.

He asked if I'd reconsider.

I said no, but thank you all the same.

He said that was a shame, and promptly kicked me out of the team, onto a map that was suddenly full of mobs 30-ish levels higher than me, and stomped me good.  >:(

I think that given that I can probably count the number of negative encounters I have on one hand (and many of them were RP drama based) that's not bad going, really for a game I played for 7 1/2 years.

I would say 98% of the people I encountered in the game were great and even hung out with some of them in the game for 4 or 5 years.

Then you get the 2% that are real d***heads and I have met my fair share of those as well.

Mazz vs The World

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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #49 on: June 03, 2013, 03:57:52 PM »
To answer someone's question yes I am black!! LOL!! Back on topic, reading everyone's comments makes me miss COH even more. Although there were rude people who said crazy and absurd things it was still so very entertaining!


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #50 on: June 03, 2013, 09:00:26 PM »
To answer someone's question yes I am black!! LOL!! Back on topic, reading everyone's comments makes me miss COH even more. Although there were rude people who said crazy and absurd things it was still so very entertaining!

That was the thing I loved most about COH and most MMO's - If you were nice and played well and got along with other players - no one (at least I didn't) cared what race, religion, sex, whatever you were behind that hero you played.

Even if you were an a-hole, it didn't matter. Just proves anyone can be an a-hole no matter race, religion or sex.

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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #51 on: June 04, 2013, 01:58:59 AM »
Not really a rude tell as such, but one of my few negative experiences in COH, on Virtue. I can't remember the guys name, but I wish I could.

I was on a reasonably lowbie alt. Somewhere in the mid-teens, probably. I got a tell from a guy wanting to know if I wanted to run missions on PI. I said that I was only a level whatever I was and wasn't sure how much help he could be, but I was on my own and bored, so if they had room, that'd be awesome.

So he put together a full team and I made the trek to PI. We ran a couple of missions, was pretty fun. I was holding my own more-or-less ok, bit of banter and chat. All nice enough, when the guy sends me a tell, asking if I want to join his SG.

I said it was kind of him, but I was an RPer and the toon was already promised to another group, one her 'brother' was in, and I was just waiting for one of the officers to be on the same time I was, for an SG invite.

He asked if I'd reconsider.

I said no, but thank you all the same.

He said that was a shame, and promptly kicked me out of the team, onto a map that was suddenly full of mobs 30-ish levels higher than me, and stomped me good.  >:(

I think that given that I can probably count the number of negative encounters I have on one hand (and many of them were RP drama based) that's not bad going, really for a game I played for 7 1/2 years.

That was actually the recruiting method for one of Virtue's bigger, more well-known non-RP SGs. Unnamed Heroes or Forgotten Heroes or something like that. The leader's name escapes me at the moment, but there was once a thread about him on the official forums. The thread basically exploded because A LOT of players had been lured out to IP and abandoned over a period of YEARS. So the SG leader shows up in the thread and makes a well-written, totally unapologetic defense of his recruiting methods, citing recruitment rate, membership size, SG base assets and other factors as indicators of his success. So a lot of people were livid, of course, and a lot of people were also dismissing him as a unicorn.

The scary part is, after studying his one or two posts (he didn't stick around to debate it much as I recall, just made his points and left), I didn't think that guy was a unicorn, at least not in the traditional sense. Or rather I should say, I don't think his intent was to unicorn. I remember this guy one of my sisters used to date, back in her "bad boy" stage. He would say stuff all the time that just made you wonder if he was looking for a reaction, or really was rotten to the core; but he'd always say it with a straight face, like it was just a casual comment. Years later I found out he had indeed been medically diagnosed as some kind of sociopath. The part of his physical brain that allows most of us to feel empathy was honest-to-goodness...inactive. The guy seemed to function well in terms of work and finances, but if he saw his best friend dying in the street, he'd probably want to check his watch before helping, just to make sure he wasn't going to be late to any appointments.

Eventually, one day, on a lowbie character, the Unnamed Heroes guy sent me a recruiting tell. I was in AP, he was in IP. Of course I knew exactly what was going on and boy, I let him have it in a /tell. He never responded or anything. Now that I think about it, my anger might have elicited nothing in him besides bewilderment or mild irritation.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #52 on: June 04, 2013, 02:37:15 AM »

The scary part is, after studying his one or two posts (he didn't stick around to debate it much as I recall, just made his points and left), I didn't think that guy was a troll, at least not in the traditional sense. Or rather I should say, I don't think his intent was to troll. I remember this guy one of my sisters used to date, back in her "bad boy" stage. He would say stuff all the time that just made you wonder if he was looking for a reaction, or really was rotten to the core; but he'd always say it with a straight face, like it was just a casual comment. Years later I found out he had indeed been medically diagnosed as some kind of sociopath. The part of his physical brain that allows most of us to feel empathy was honest-to-goodness...inactive. The guy seemed to function well in terms of work and finances, but if he saw his best friend dying in the street, he'd probably want to check his watch before helping, just to make sure he wasn't going to be late to any appointments.

YEah believe or not, there are many of those type of people. And of course 99.999% are not sociopathic turn everyone they come across into chopped liver any more than someone crying full of emotions and trying to get revenge on the world because their dog died. I know quite a few personally. Nothing is wrong or weird about them, all of them I know are highly successful, they just have different view of things just the way thier minds work. Some do get a bit flustered when they view too much mush is surrounding them. ANd most are not trying to be mean but it's a case where some just cant relate. Like if someone goes to walmart and standing at checkout numbe is this guy there bawling outloud all day and night about his imaginary friend. To many, reasonable and normal emotioned people probably will find this bizarre, uncomfortable to be around and or a down right annoyance, and probably think the dude is bat pancake loco. But to the guy, the death of his imaginary friend is very real and hurt very deep and people who tell him to move along, or he's crazy, or tell him to cut it out and the store employees that try to remove him are pure heartless and mean and emotionless and cruel. While to others that cant relate to losing an imaginary friend, it's merely a removal of an inconvience. And like anything there are levels and thresholds.

Some people have more empathy morethan others and in different areas. In a way 99% of the world is sociopathic in some manner. Some feel empathy for the guy struggling and have to steal diapers because he cant afford any while others say he is a criminal and should be locked up while those same people can feel empathy for someone who lost a house ina storm while others say they should not have moved there in the first place while feeling empathy for a cat while others think it's nuts but they can feel empathy for a guy in the cold while the first guy see it as merely an opportunity to get diapers but feel empathy for his friend who just got shot. 

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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #53 on: June 04, 2013, 03:44:13 AM »
Here's one!!!

LF DfB...Please send tell for invite!!!


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #54 on: June 04, 2013, 04:26:37 AM »
Sure, Energy Aura.  I have someone with the Lost Cure ready for that AV! :D


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #55 on: June 04, 2013, 05:52:25 PM »
I enjoyed the Rude Tells thread back on the official forums. Psychoti (I believe that was his name), in particular, had a way with stupid people, both in gaming and in real life. It's been fun reading some of the stuff here. I have to say, though, in the 5 years or so I played, I can't say I ever had a rude tell, stupid comment, or been griefed by anyone. Maybe cause I rarely grouped, and spent most of my time on /hide to stop the blind invites and gold spammers....


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #56 on: June 04, 2013, 07:17:24 PM »
I enjoyed the Rude Tells thread back on the official forums. Psychoti (I believe that was his name), in particular, had a way with stupid people, both in gaming and in real life. It's been fun reading some of the stuff here. I have to say, though, in the 5 years or so I played, I can't say I ever had a rude tell, stupid comment, or been griefed by anyone. Maybe cause I rarely grouped, and spent most of my time on /hide to stop the blind invites and gold spammers....

They were too busy flocking to my path like how zombies smell fresh living meat. :D


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #57 on: June 04, 2013, 07:22:02 PM »
Glad I want the only one who got stung  :)

I know CoH wasn't perfect. There were people in the community I didn't like, or avoided and probably a few people who didn't think much of me.

But they were my community. They were a part of something I loved, and they helped to make it what it was. I very much hope to be annoyed by them again in the future, and about them in return :-)
Virtue - Vandellia / Unseen Scarlet

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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #58 on: June 04, 2013, 11:45:20 PM »
The dumbest comment/question/remark I got quite often on COX is this one right here:

"Are you black?"

Haha Mazz, that was because of a couple things.

1) You were a daily PvPer
2) PvP community is small, which means everyone knows everyone and wants to know their business (Small-town esque)
3) You've been on teamspeak with some people (Including me) and they could tell by your strong accent, and then apparently that got around
4) It's the PvP community, they'll find something about you and rip on you about it for a good long time

You're just as guilty as all of us for the last one of course. Nobody left CoH PvP clean. Anyway, that explains the question.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #59 on: June 05, 2013, 06:03:42 PM »
I wouldn't say this was stupid but because of my toon's name, Older'n Dirt, I'd always get the, "Bet you're not older than me." remark. In my 60's. I'd usually reply, "I'm probably old enough to be your father or grandfather," and usually win that conversation. I did lose twice though, once to a lady, who after my usual "I'm probably old enough to be your father or grandfather," reply said, "Then you must really be Older than dirt, I'm 75"  and then again to a man who said he was 70. My answer to both those people was, "WOW, I now have someone to look up to!" I had a good laugh, and I'm sure both of them did too, on those two occasions
Keeper of the toons from the SG, Sugar Coated Suicide, Freedom
Older'n Dirt and proud of it!