For the old timers in the game: Remember when....

Started by doc7924, March 26, 2013, 06:30:26 PM


Quote from: dwturducken on April 18, 2013, 01:00:30 AM
How did I completely miss Elude!? :)

It's Elude. It's supposed to make you miss...



Quote from: blacksly on April 17, 2013, 08:21:34 PM
If I recall right, the capes were added after the game started because of animation issues that had to be solved, and they ret-conned a reason why they weren't just available at character start to explain why so many heroes got them later.

They added all sorts of other costume pieces without such a pointless chore as an explanation.
When you insult someone by calling them a "pig" or a "dog" you aren't maligning pigs and dogs everywhere.  The same is true of any term used as an insult.


Quote from: Tenzhi on April 19, 2013, 09:41:34 PMThey added all sorts of other costume pieces without such a pointless chore as an explanation.

Capes are a particularly unique staple of superheroes though. Much more than any other costume piece added before or since.


I recall the original hero cape mission as being unusually hard for CoH.   It got toned down later to the point that it was a joke.


Part of the cape and aura stuff being locked by level was actually a performance concern- the devs figured if everyone in the game was wearing capes and auras from lv1 then computers would melt in crowded areas.

In 2004?  They were right.  It happened a lot anyway at Icon, which was crowded to the brim when it, capes, and auras were added.

By the time the game went f2p though, standards had gone up enough that it wasn't an issue anymore.  And then if you didn't unlock or buy cape/aura access for lv1s, well.  That's your own fault.

But I totally remember people complaining about the performance hit capes and auras caused.
green hair


Quote from: saipaman on April 19, 2013, 11:40:03 PM
I recall the original hero cape mission as being unusually hard for CoH.   It got toned down later to the point that it was a joke.

To be fair it's been years, but didn't the original take you through some seriously hostile territory? To say nothing of most players' first encounter with the Rikti.

Still, fair being fair, it made getting capes/auras something to brag about and show off.
All that I'm after is a life filled with laughter

Golden Ace

Quote from: Rust on April 20, 2013, 10:22:09 AM
To be fair it's been years, but didn't the original take you through some seriously hostile territory? To say nothing of most players' first encounter with the Rikti.

Still, fair being fair, it made getting capes/auras something to brag about and show off.

yes it did.

IMO things got too easy toward the end.

Zookeeper only a thousand monkeys?  should have given everyone who already had it a Super Zookeeper badge.

Hollows was too damn easy after the change.  didn't even bother going there with the low level characters anymore. 

it was getting to be that any Tom, Dick or Mary could put on a cape and be a hero toward the end.  Back in my day you had to earn that cape, and you knew you earned it.  you had the battle scars to prove it too.  And the zookeeper, you would spend weeks on monkey island clearing out those little pests only to have them breed almost as fast as you killed them. No matter how many you killed Monkey island never seemed to run out of the little pests.  toward the end I had monkey bites on monkey bites that were on monkey scars that used to be monkey bites when I first got to the island.  They still itch. But dag nab-it I earned that zookeeper badge.  you new heroes had it so easy, now get the hell off my lawn!

♫Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't!♪


Heh, just makes me remember that Perez Park was originally the "Super Hero Highway" prior to Level 14.

It was like the Hotel California. You can zone out any time you'd like, but you will never leave it behind.

Also I seem to recall at least one mission that involved going from Boomtown to Atlas Park pre-Level 14.
All that I'm after is a life filled with laughter


I remember actually wanting to go to Perez.  The lake was the place to be.


Perez would just about make me run in circles trying to find the pathways to the interior.  And the Hollows... shoot, trying to get around there would make my palms sweat.  Thanks goodness for the kindness of the "Taxibots."


Ah, the Taxibots. Bless their kind souls. That was a good example of the kind of community the game had - Players taking the time to help other players.
All that I'm after is a life filled with laughter


Quote from: TimtheEnchanter on April 19, 2013, 09:43:52 PM
Capes are a particularly unique staple of superheroes though. Much more than any other costume piece added before or since.

Indeed.  That's why the restriction was ridiculous.
When you insult someone by calling them a "pig" or a "dog" you aren't maligning pigs and dogs everywhere.  The same is true of any term used as an insult.


...the old theme played as you created a new character, and pumped you up to play EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

...that fanfare that sounds kind of like something you'd hear on the news played when you logged into Atlas Park.

...there were five starting contacts instead of one.

...I always got REALLY excited to try out new powers.

Haha I definitely relate to the thirties lag. That was always the hardest part of leveling any toon for me. Once I hit 30 I was like "okayyyy, here we go..."

Forgive if any of these have already been said!
Name: Safehouse     Origin: Magic
Powers: Energy Blast/Electricity Manipulation/Flame Mastery/Teleportation
Security Level: 50+
Status: Inactive
Last Seen: Wandering the empty streets of the evacuated Paragon City.


Remember when each AT had a loading screen for between zones and when you first entered the game?


Quote from: Golden Ace on April 17, 2013, 10:55:06 PM
Remo Williams my SR MA scraper

Pet peeve, it's Scrapper, not Scraper.  The latter is something you use to clear ice and frost off your widscreen in the winter, if you tried that with the former, you'd be lucky to find your nose in the same street as your ears...  :P

Also, I take it Remo was Unarmed and Dangerous?  ;)


Quote from: Golden Ace on April 20, 2013, 02:23:34 PMIMO things got too easy toward the end.

Zookeeper only a thousand monkeys?  should have given everyone who already had it a Super Zookeeper badge.

To be fair, back when it was 10,000 monkeys, the monkeys didn't have a ranged attack, and there wasn't an aggro or AoE target limit, so an SS/Inv Tanker could easily round up and Foot Stomp a hundred to a hundred and fifty monkeys at a time; even with my AR/EM Blaster, zooming around with Fly on Monkey Island to aggro a couple dozen spawns and drag them into a group under me where Boost Range, Build Up, and Full Auto would leave the ground carpeted in fart gas from exploding monkeys.


I remember when first playing....running into another illusion controller....who had bypassed the recharge rate on spectral wounds so they could rapid fire it.

I also remember always getting a defeat so many circle of thorns in parez park.....and then going their....and they would invariably have one mage blow up killing his entire coven you no credit.

I also remember back in the the developers at the time would taunt you with things to one day while out in kings row....I see this big mecha group fly over.  Sadly that never did become part of the game, those mecha models seamed to just never get used again.

And lest we forget the Veridian Archviallin outside spawn ambush thing....that was wild

Or how about one of my favorite all time missions: "Defeat 50 Nemesis Snipers in Founders Falls"  These only appeared on one building and only during the games night time.

And now that I recall know its time went on....many zones seamed to lose their day and night changes.

Oh well the Kiosks in the game also got broken


Quote from: Canine on April 22, 2013, 01:56:32 PM

*cuts in with a little good-natured teasing about having a typo in a post talking about someone else's typo*

;) ;D