Man I Miss COH's attitude about gear ...

Started by Kaos Arcanna, March 03, 2013, 11:18:09 PM


Quote from: Kaos Arcanna on March 03, 2013, 11:18:09 PM
So I've enjoyed DC Online, Champions Online, and now I've been dabbling a bit in Diablo 3.

I am REALLY missing COH's attitude about gear.

"Save your money, you'll need it for your gear", "You'll need to do raids for gear"...

I miss how in COH I could get a character to 50, and not have to worry about gear. Sure, I could
farm for IOs or buy them from the market, but there was plenty to do if I DIDN'T. I could roll up
dozens of alts-- I wound up with over 100 toons by the end-- and had plenty of content to entertain
me along the way.

Now it feels like every game I play now is expecting me to do raids or something else to trick my
character out... so I can do more raids...

Don't get me wrong. I've had fun in both DC Online and CO, but I'm not a raidy, gear kind of guy.

I just want something that doesn't seem to point me in only one direction for what I'm supposed to do
after I level a character.

While I agree about the concept of divorcing appearance with abilities, we had gear and once upon a time you had to run sub-par because you couldn't afford to upgrade.  We could get SOs at 25 but only the "power 10" unless you opened up a origin contact who would sell you the rest at that level at a mark up.  That was actually OK because you simply didn't have enough inf to even buy all the Acc, Dam, Rec, End Red SOs at 25.  I wasn't able to outfit myself fully until sometime like 33, 34.

Of course this was before Issue 9 with IOs, salvage/recipe drops and Wentworths.  Then it was easy to get a drop where you won the lottery or skim the market for cheap recipes where you could sell them to a FF rep for 10x the amount you paid for it and earn a couple 100,000 there in 1/2 hour dashing between the WW and the rep in Kings Row.

Now there were some folk who would discriminate and not invite you onto some TF speedrun they were doing because you weren't IOed out (they could see what bonuses you had doing an info on you) or insist this team was incarnate only.  Because you know gaming is serious business and nothing should interfere with maximizing farming for purples.
Tempus unum hominem manet

Twitter - AtomicSamuraiRobot@NukeSamuraiBot


I miss that about CoX in general, that you could have so many abilities and how using your powers mattered more then your gear or whether or not you had a healer.  Had a discussion with corp in CO(I admit, I actually dislike most CORP players, they tend to be way to narrow minded and even hateful of CoX at times) about the healer role and how it shouldn't be a be-all-end-all of support.  And they were all aghast at the idea of healing being a last line of defense rather then a primary line of defense.  They then accused me of threatening their play style of holy trinity, in fact they seemed to think the holy trinity was supposed to be the only way to play mmo's.  It really annoyed me.  It annoys me how so many people seem to think team play HAS to involve that one play style and support has to be healing first buffs second.

They just don't get that CoX's success was more that it was how you used your powers that truely mattered in the game, not anything else.  It wasn't whether you had uber gear, or had a healer and tank taking everything for you, but it was how you used your powers.  Just the standard of mmo's anymore seems to be "Well gear has to make a difference, but we don't want to scare casuals so we have to make it make a bigger difference then player skill....we also want to make sure that the damage is low enough for healers to be effective."  I tried secret world...I got bored at how slow paced the game felt for me.  Some fights were lasting a full minute and I had to wait like 10-15 seconds in between each fight, ugh.
Currently; Not doing any streaming, found myself with less time available recently.  Still playing starbound periodically, though I am thinking of trying other games.  Don't tell me to play mmohtg's though please :).  Getting back into participating in VO and the successors again to.


Quote from: LaughingAlex on May 14, 2013, 04:14:18 PM
I miss that about CoX in general, that you could have so many abilities and how using your powers mattered more then your gear or whether or not you had a healer.  Had a discussion with corp in CO(I admit, I actually dislike most CORP players, they tend to be way to narrow minded and even hateful of CoX at times) about the healer role and how it shouldn't be a be-all-end-all of support.  And they were all aghast at the idea of healing being a last line of defense rather then a primary line of defense.  They then accused me of threatening their play style of holy trinity, in fact they seemed to think the holy trinity was supposed to be the only way to play mmo's.  It really annoyed me.  It annoys me how so many people seem to think team play HAS to involve that one play style and support has to be healing first buffs second.

Yeah some people in CO and COX and other games seem to always hold truth to the holy three and of course their way is the only way and any other way is wrong because no team can be successful without a tank/healer/damage and regardless of what those teams without did and the wonderful success, it's still wrong.

I like CORP. Havent seen much hate on that channel but seen plenty on COX channel ironically and narrow minded thinking in all games. I just took it as one those things when dealing with people. But I've been spending more and time on CORP channel as I found it to be more laid back and enjoyable. COX, too much debating over little things, too much serious, and it's getting like Zone Chat Lite recently. But the biggest thing is the dark cloud bringers which on one hand I understand but it's kills my enjoyment most instantly as each day there is someone still grieving, understandable grieving, and just kills the mood. It's like having a party and some guy comes in talking about his recently dead father and how close they were and how he miss them. That is cool and dandy but it's kind of hard to have fun with that person around in that state of mind. I find it might be kind of odd and they probably will and have taken it the wrong way if someone let them know they are killing the buzz. Then it gets turned into "Oh you all are paid NCSoft shills and dont understand what's it like to lose a game" and etc. Just straight killing the mood of enjoying the old friends and enjoying the game but it's understandable they are still grieving and if that is the place they feel comfortable letting it out, more power to them. But I'm trying to enjoy the times there but wont stand in their way or get on their case. I just found there is not much of that in CORP and I can enjoy people convo without dark cloud coming into the party and killing the mood faster than someone's bible thumping grandma killing a bachelor party.


STO has the ability to turn off your armor/Kits and any ship-altering piece of gear, so that's handy. Figuring out which weaponry is best to use...that's a bit more difficult.
All that I'm after is a life filled with laughter


Quote from: JaguarX on May 14, 2013, 06:36:26 PM
Yeah some people in CO and COX and other games seem to always hold truth to the holy three and of course their way is the only way and any other way is wrong because no team can be successful without a tank/healer/damage and regardless of what those teams without did and the wonderful success, it's still wrong.

I like CORP. Havent seen much hate on that channel but seen plenty on COX channel ironically and narrow minded thinking in all games. I just took it as one those things when dealing with people. But I've been spending more and time on CORP channel as I found it to be more laid back and enjoyable. COX, too much debating over little things, too much serious, and it's getting like Zone Chat Lite recently. But the biggest thing is the dark cloud bringers which on one hand I understand but it's kills my enjoyment most instantly as each day there is someone still grieving, understandable grieving, and just kills the mood. It's like having a party and some guy comes in talking about his recently dead father and how close they were and how he miss them. That is cool and dandy but it's kind of hard to have fun with that person around in that state of mind. I find it might be kind of odd and they probably will and have taken it the wrong way if someone let them know they are killing the buzz. Then it gets turned into "Oh you all are paid NCSoft shills and dont understand what's it like to lose a game" and etc. Just straight killing the mood of enjoying the old friends and enjoying the game but it's understandable they are still grieving and if that is the place they feel comfortable letting it out, more power to them. But I'm trying to enjoy the times there but wont stand in their way or get on their case. I just found there is not much of that in CORP and I can enjoy people convo without dark cloud coming into the party and killing the mood faster than someone's bible thumping grandma killing a bachelor party.

Huh, I guess we just had different experiences then.  I think there are people like that all over in CO, it's mostly those who hated ED or something else that made them quit CoX long before it was shut down.  Admittedly CO does tend to make you feel more powerful, at times though I feel the game is to easy, and I feel more like a bully rather then a super hero(because the mobs litterally end up with no means to even injure me on some characters, as if I typed in a god mode code).  It may just have been we ran into the bad crowds at different times.  I notice CORP seems to have improved, I guess most of it's nastier sides have left recently.
Currently; Not doing any streaming, found myself with less time available recently.  Still playing starbound periodically, though I am thinking of trying other games.  Don't tell me to play mmohtg's though please :).  Getting back into participating in VO and the successors again to.

Candie Firestar

Amen!  CoX was nothing like these other MMO's out there where you are constantly swapping out gear for better bonuses every few levels.  In this regard it was one of CoX's strengths and what made it different.

Mistress Urd

Quote from: Sailboat on May 14, 2013, 01:55:16 PM
Heh.  Try Overwhelming Force's -KB proc in Tornado on a Stormie.  Auto-hit Tornado.  It made the 'Nado stay in place (mostly) instead of jumping around to new targets; it would just sit on someone and repeatedly hammer them to the floor while stacking disorient and buzz-sawing their hit points away.  It was easily permed.  It could not be killed or targeted.

I tried to make a Stormie in a couple of pen'n'paper roleplaying games and each time the GM was aghast at the idea that any system might let a player have a self-targeting, auto-hit, big-damage, AoE, unkillable, permanent, control pet. 

Too overpowered, I was told.  I wasn't allowed to have it as my ONLY power.  And Storm had plenty of OTHER powers.


Aye, I was in the remove KB camp. So many powers were flat out unsable because of KB. Oh how I just loved the -KB IO!  ;D

Mistress Urd

Personally, I prefered CoH when there was TO, DO and SO. No loot was a big selling point to me.


Quote from: LaughingAlex on May 14, 2013, 11:13:35 PM
Huh, I guess we just had different experiences then.  I think there are people like that all over in CO, it's mostly those who hated ED or something else that made them quit CoX long before it was shut down.  Admittedly CO does tend to make you feel more powerful, at times though I feel the game is to easy, and I feel more like a bully rather then a super hero(because the mobs litterally end up with no means to even injure me on some characters, as if I typed in a god mode code).  It may just have been we ran into the bad crowds at different times.  I notice CORP seems to have improved, I guess most of it's nastier sides have left recently.


Quote from: Mistress Urd on May 15, 2013, 12:35:04 AM
Personally, I prefered CoH when there was TO, DO and SO. No loot was a big selling point to me.

It's not like they removed TO, DO and SOs, you could keep playing like you always had. Personally the Invention system saved the game for me, giving me some long term goals to work toward customizing and increasing the power of all my character kept me around. I would also classify myself as extremely casual, playing maybe 5 hours a week and I still had plenty of awesome IO builds going.


Quote from: Lightslinger on May 15, 2013, 01:21:38 PM
It's not like they removed TO, DO and SOs, you could keep playing like you always had. Personally the Invention system saved the game for me, giving me some long term goals to work toward customizing and increasing the power of all my character kept me around. I would also classify myself as extremely casual, playing maybe 5 hours a week and I still had plenty of awesome IO builds going.

I tend to agree, at least about IOs. I really enjoyed finding and developing synergies, etc. And the increase in power wasn't out of hand. A well-IO'd character wasn't ridiculously better than a character with full "green" SOs.

The Incarnate system? Not so much. Even leaving aside the incredibly annoying proliferation of currencies (something that's happened in generally wonderful TSW, too), a character at or near the top of the Incarnate system usually found that any game content not designed for Incarnates was trivially easy. And in a game in which the combat was never exactly difficult...

Mistress Urd

Quote from: Lightslinger on May 15, 2013, 01:21:38 PM
It's not like they removed TO, DO and SOs, you could keep playing like you always had. Personally the Invention system saved the game for me, giving me some long term goals to work toward customizing and increasing the power of all my character kept me around. I would also classify myself as extremely casual, playing maybe 5 hours a week and I still had plenty of awesome IO builds going.

That was before ED. Honestly all they did was waste a lot of time and generate bad PR and end up with unbalanced stuff with inventions. The game was much better with no loot.

I could have just stuck to them, but as an informed gamer I had a few characters where I did go through all the trouble to get purple sets and other goodies. Given how slow the devs were at fixing things I just kept to the OP stuff and tried to see if they would nerf the stuff before doomsday.

Taceus Jiwede

Quote from: Dollhouse on May 15, 2013, 01:29:55 PM
I tend to agree, at least about IOs. I really enjoyed finding and developing synergies, etc. And the increase in power wasn't out of hand. A well-IO'd character wasn't ridiculously better than a character with full "green" SOs.

The Incarnate system? Not so much. Even leaving aside the incredibly annoying proliferation of currencies (something that's happened in generally wonderful TSW, too), a character at or near the top of the Incarnate system usually found that any game content not designed for Incarnates was trivially easy. And in a game in which the combat was never exactly difficult...

I am not sure about that.  I took a small break before IO's.  When I quit I was top of the line blaster I was fully slotted to the best of the games capabilities.  When I came back I was like a cave man,  I could barely stand my own ground compared to everyone else.  After a few months of playing the market I was able to raise a large sum of money and set up the build I wanted with the sets I wanted.  By the end of I could solo easier AV's and run missions a x8 and I was a blaster.  Then, like you said, when the incarnate system came out it was madness.  I remember my blaster once had to tank-kite Battle maiden on the Apex mission because the actual tank didn't have a clue what to do.  My blaster had become a rock skinned cannon with practically unlimited endurance.

Pre IO to Post IO are too different ball games I think.  IO's were the first step towards god-hood on our characters.


Quote from: Taceus Jiwede on May 17, 2013, 06:19:23 PM
Pre IO to Post IO are too different ball games I think.  IO's were the first step towards god-hood on our characters.


And it seemed to be a case of haves and have nots like the run of the mill fantasy grind.

You have people that had much inf. and can create god like characters many lucky enough to get the inf flow going with lucky drops oand or time to farm. Then you had people that wasnt able to raise that much due to suck drops, meaning they could only watch and dream to get that powerful while stuck with IOs, and cheap IOs they may been able to get their hands on with purples being out of their reach.

Basically leet gear.

It was slightly annoying seeing some people get 3-4 purple drops in a missions while others played just as much and played just as hard and never even seen a purple drop. And of course those getting the good drops keep saying ,"Oh it's easy to make inf." Of course it's easy to make inf when they keep getting IO drops that rake in 50 million to a couple 100 million a piece while the other guy get drops that dont even bring in 1,000 inf if it sale at all.

Then of course in the very last coupel of days, some of those billion inf holders got genrous and finally gave to the less fortunate which seemed like a slap in the face "oh only when the game is shutting down in two days do they finally get to see what it's like." When prior it was "get your own." "Oh it's easy to get billion of inf. You ahve to sell stuff." while leaving out the part where you have to get good drops in the first place.

I think COX was too luck based with everything. Even purples all of them not just a few here and few there in the end should have been available from a vendor. And some things should have been guranteed dropped especially for people that bust their butts running those things and never get lucky while other people get lucky very often.  Sure someone could get by with SOs but really IOs especially the purple ones were vastly suporior. Or else they wouldnt have been so sought after and high priced. That is like saying oh enhancements werent needed at all, which they wasnt, but ignoring the fact that just about everyone used them. With SO was there a way to make a blaster a pure damage dealing tank  with no end trouble and easily able to take down AVs and in some cases GMs on X8+4? Like with purple IOs? Like the relative few lucky people was able to do, get god mode basically because they was lucky? And anyone else without that luck was SOL? With invention system, COX basically went the way of the rest of the Fantasy grind MMOs. At that point it stop standing out as one for casual gamers. That is one step I hope that no matter what, thenext projects dont follow into those footsteps of catering to only the lucky people that get the good stuff and everyone else that isnt so lucky is SOL and cant partake.


Quote from: Dollhouse on May 15, 2013, 01:29:55 PM
And the increase in power wasn't out of hand. A well-IO'd character wasn't ridiculously better than a character with full "green" SOs.

Oh by god it could be, especially when going the +def route on a toon with some Defence to start with.  The enhancements to Damage, Acc, Recharge totals from each setc may not always have been as good as SO's in some cases, but the set bonuses more than made up for it if you were careful.

When I broke down and finally fully IO'd my Stone/Fire (Granite only as a panic button) Scranker, he went from moderately squishy to 99% immune.  He was functionally immune to Carnies, since he had softcapped S/L/E/NE/Psi defence, Big lumps of +regen and a huge arse self heal in reserve which also gave him even more regen from the +maxHP.  Before IO's I had to play in a more cautious manner, pulling, herding, etc.  Afterwards, I would stomp him through multiple spawns, get WELL over the aggro cap and then just stand still and burn Carnies down as they came running in to replace their friends that jsut got immolated...

I still miss it, Karmic payback on one toon for all the grief that The Carnival Of Shadows ever caused me, my friends or anyone else.  I called it 'Giving Vanessa DeVore a Migraine', since I kept the Psychic Plane Carnie mission from Harvey Maylor around specifically for that purpose.  (Yes, I farmed Carnies.  Yes that may mean I'm less than sane <grin>)

The fact that I also tanked all of the Incarnate trials on him too and he was fully T4'd was just icing on the IO's.

I still miss the game :(


Quote from: zaprobo on March 04, 2013, 05:45:21 PM
For me, I miss the detachment of "gear" from appearance.

AAAAnnnnnd, THIS.

Although I will agree with the idea that CoX was indeed too luck-based, it seemed like certain people always got the good drops. Or maybe they were just good liars! But we'd be motoring through an ITF and it was purple drop here, and five minutes later another one, and two missions down the road another one.... while I got one about every six months. And when I DID, I kept shut about it to not make others jealous.

Not being able to pick how I look is just horrible. And CoX is the only one I have ever played that allowed you that freedom. Most games dont even let you pick what color your outfit is, or you choose between various horrid colors..... its just mind-numbing.


I've said this before but I'll say it again : We were all spoiled by what we had in CoH and most of us didn't even realize it because we never stopped playing it long enough to find out. It's appalling what they expect you to pay for in other games. Hell you can't even get a different belt in DC without paying for it. Character customization in all other games I've tried is a joke, even if you do pay for it. I hate the direction this industry is heading in.


Quote from: Jonfan on May 19, 2013, 05:10:53 PM
I've said this before but I'll say it again : We were all spoiled by what we had in CoH and most of us didn't even realize it because we never stopped playing it long enough to find out. It's appalling what they expect you to pay for in other games. Hell you can't even get a different belt in DC without paying for it. Character customization in all other games I've tried is a joke, even if you do pay for it. I hate the direction this industry is heading in.


Especially when if comes to customization, so many other games dont have it that it seems many players just accept it as industry standards. Outside that, what, maybe a few games two I cant remember the name of it, and then you had CO, which is in proverbial maint. mode, and   then there was COX which is no longer with us for right now. And majority of the gamers never played either or knew of their existance and think that stuff we find a downgrade from COX, as normal.

I have a feeling it's only going to get worse. Unless...

Pinnacle Blue

Quote from: JaguarX on May 17, 2013, 06:35:14 PM

My luck in the game I would describe as "average."  Occasionally I would get the rare burst of good luck, such as getting a purple drop while farting around street-sweeping in DA before a trial.  More often than not, however, I was not getting purple drops.

For the most part, however, getting purples and inf was easy-- you just had to put the time in, and you had to be mindful of what kind of character you were playing.  As I understood it, if you played something that could lay waste to large numbers of minions, your chances of getting a purple drop were better than someone who could survive anything but took a longer time to defeat enemies.  (If I'm wrong, I'm sure I'll be hearing about it soon.)

As I also understood it, people who had been playing longer than I did simply had more inf because damn, they were playing a lot longer.  I begrudged them nothing, as they had set goals for their characters and achieved them, and it was possible for me to do the same.  After all, once a character was fully built, it didn't stop getting drops or inf, and some of those would be purple, and some of those would sell for 700m in WW.  So folks who had been around longer than I would have more and better stuff.

Mainly, though, you could earn purples through means besides drops (e.g., amerits, emerits, and inf).  In that respect getting them wasn't luck based.  Again, you just had to put in the time, and if you were impatient like me, you could simply use them to buy level 25 LoTG 7.5% recharges and sell them for cash at WW.

By the time the game was unceremoniously unplugged, my main-- a Warshade (whose build won't be complete until the game is restored and I can get the second Archetype set)-- had a recharge of 200%, and he wasn't even fully purpled out.  By that time I was using him to get whatever I needed on my alts.

That said, there were guides all over the forums on making inf.  All you had to do was read them, follow the instructions, and put in the time.  Some people found going to AE for agriculture (ahem) distasteful; I viewed it as a means to an end, and it took most of the luck element out of the game.

Bottom line, if I know what I'm doing, and I've been doing it for a long time, why should I expect to be no more powerful than someone who (for example) got PL'd to 50 in a day?
Warshades don't take Alphas.  They give Alphas.


Quote from: Pinnacle Blue on May 19, 2013, 09:58:10 PM
My luck in the game I would describe as "average."  Occasionally I would get the rare burst of good luck, such as getting a purple drop while farting around street-sweeping in DA before a trial.  More often than not, however, I was not getting purple drops.

For the most part, however, getting purples and inf was easy-- you just had to put the time in, and you had to be mindful of what kind of character you were playing.  As I understood it, if you played something that could lay waste to large numbers of minions, your chances of getting a purple drop were better than someone who could survive anything but took a longer time to defeat enemies.  (If I'm wrong, I'm sure I'll be hearing about it soon.)

As I also understood it, people who had been playing longer than I did simply had more inf because damn, they were playing a lot longer.  I begrudged them nothing, as they had set goals for their characters and achieved them, and it was possible for me to do the same.  After all, once a character was fully built, it didn't stop getting drops or inf, and some of those would be purple, and some of those would sell for 700m in WW.  So folks who had been around longer than I would have more and better stuff.

Mainly, though, you could earn purples through means besides drops (e.g., amerits, emerits, and inf).  In that respect getting them wasn't luck based.  Again, you just had to put in the time, and if you were impatient like me, you could simply use them to buy level 25 LoTG 7.5% recharges and sell them for cash at WW.

By the time the game was unceremoniously unplugged, my main-- a Warshade (whose build won't be complete until the game is restored and I can get the second Archetype set)-- had a recharge of 200%, and he wasn't even fully purpled out.  By that time I was using him to get whatever I needed on my alts.

That said, there were guides all over the forums on making inf.  All you had to do was read them, follow the instructions, and put in the time.  Some people found going to AE for agriculture (ahem) distasteful; I viewed it as a means to an end, and it took most of the luck element out of the game.

Bottom line, if I know what I'm doing, and I've been doing it for a long time, why should I expect to be no more powerful than someone who (for example) got PL'd to 50 in a day?

Basically grind if ya not lucky. And that brings me to my earlier point of it being too grindy for that stuff. It seemed like a straight play out of the run of the mill fantasy game, aka anti-casual gamer. But still the luck portion, favored the lucky. With one purple that could be instant 100-200 million inf compared to getting it the old fashioned way and maybe being able to buy one with five more to go for a set. While others basically get three or four drops a time while others as I said earlier put i nthe time and the work and the farming and come up empty still.

That is the part I never get. Why should someone that put in just as much if not more time and effort be less powerful than someone else because they get lucky very often? I guess it's one of those things. I think there should have been a set drop rate or streak breaker for that stuff. But even if it is decided to favor the luck is the best way to go for the games, then I still wish them success but I wont be able to enjoy and partake as if it has to be grind grind grind I might as well play the real thing like WoW or those other games that are notorious for grind work. The difference is there, it's more even as everyone has to grind and not by passed constantly by the lucky few that get all the good drops while the rest is stuck having to put in 10-20 times more work to achieve even a portion of the success.

Well what done is done and its in the past but hope the projects coming out isnt overly luck based. While the luckless have to grind for months bit by bit at the slowest rate possible to get on the same level that some lucky few get within two missions.

And no, not whining about it just sharing my experience. I'm glad your luck was better than mine and others I seen. As you said your luck was average that means assuming your luck was indeed average, there was many with better luck and there were many with worse luck. And as you explained your luck and your drop rate, I did the same, although not as good luck and thus because it might have been lower than yours and stated, that dont make it whining. It's just stating my experience just as you stated yours which seemed to be better. And I'm sure someone had even better experience and better luck than you, and they might or might not express it but because your luck was worse than there and they got more I'm sure you wouldnt appreciate it if they came here out the blue and dismissed your experience as whining. Well, whether if you do or not, I dont. So it would be appreciated if you dont do it to me and be rude especially if I wasnt rude to you. If that is how you feel, me whining because my luck wasnt as good as yours that is fine but it's not good for communication at all and a waste of discussion. As I said, good to hear you had some luck, average luck, but that wasnt the case for me unfortunately and I accepted that but that doesnt mean I'm goign to lie about it when the subject come up. I'm still going to say what happened to me and what I seen. And in this case, I havent seen many purples at all even after putting in long game time, while I seen others, such as you get many, and many get even more than you stated you got. And I know some people who never ever had a single purple drop and they farmed all day all night, and with the price of those things on the market it was still out of their reach.

Some people are great at the market thing. Like in CO, many complain that thins are overpriced and out of price range while I have figured out and got pretty good at making globals. Does this mean that they are whining because they have no luck? I dont think so, not anymore than rich people saying "oh anyone can be rich. They have to put in work." If it was that easy as said, then everyone would be multibillionaires and everyone in that game and any other game would be geared out to the max. There would be no need for social programs, food stamps, low paying jobs would be obsolete, there wouldnt be a single college graduate that is jobless or working a job outside their degree field to make ends meet, and no one on this planet would be be struggling as some has said to come up with $15 a month and have millions to dump into game development and or make a solo offer to NCSoft. But unfortunately like in life, not everyone is that fortunate even though they work their entire life and work they butt off to move up, and still die with little to nothing as if they just sat around on the couch all day and did nothing at all. While others come across the right person that get them on their way and for every one, there is thousands if not millions that dont get that opportunity even if they are more skilled, more hard working. And it's really a diservice to dismiss it as plain whining and a bit condencending because one got that opportunity and was lucky enough to be there at right tiem and place by saying "oh, all you have to do is work hard." It's like saying anyone that is less fortunate is just sitting around doing nothing when majority of the time that is not the case and a false assumption.

If it was that I got drops every other missions like I seen some people do, meaning I was doing the same missions same time same work, then I would have gladly said, hell, I got many purples but many people didnt. But that isnt the case. The snark reply wasnt needed. I'm not sure what is going on lately, but a few people are really pushing it. If that is the attitude that will be carried over to the other games, then it WILL fail because many people come to check it out and being a small upstart, and people meet that level of straight disrespect out the blue, then they will leave and I guess you will have your wish as being the only one and few friends in the game to play. At least thins time I hope, it wont have to be worried about it getting shut down. Already lost one game, lets be practice on being more welcoming and less of the rudeness. It works both ways.