I wish there could be a SINGLE player game of this genre!

Started by freewaydog, February 10, 2013, 04:16:36 AM


& I wish I knew how to do one, but game making is NOT my strong suit, to say the least!  I would love to see a single player open ended game where you can make choices to be the hero(ine) or villain(ness).  & totally customizable in how you look & such.  This way it could be more focused & centered on story & playing the game, no worries about pk'ing/pvp'ing, nor other player drama.  It could be YOUR game the way YOU want to play it w/o being dictated to by devs.  Something like Elder Scrolls, but w/ heroes/villains.  Anyone know how to do this?  I sure don't, frustratingly enough!  Any feedback?  Ideas?  Anything?  Thanks.


Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...



Actually, is there anything else out there as well?  I don't know when this "Project: Awakened" thing will be, IF it will be,...

Taceus Jiwede

Not like what you are talking about.  This is probably actually about the closest thing to a CoH style single player.  I highly recommend pledging it if you are interested it looks like they could use the help and a game like that deserves to thrive.


6 days left and they're not even 2/5th of their goal.  It doesn't look good.
Teams are the number one killers of Soloists.

Taceus Jiwede

Quote from: SerialBeggar on February 27, 2013, 11:04:04 PM
6 days left and they're not even 2/5th of their goal.  It doesn't look good.

I know :(  However, the KS is to raise money for a full time development team.  They plan on releasing the game no matter what, it will just come along faster and they will have more funding for some of their more out of the box ideas.


Ordinarily, I would contribute, IF it looked promising, but Idk that it does,....I'm debating,...


I will say this: Kickstarter won't actually take the money at all from the donors if the goal isn't met. So there's no 'risk' to donating if the goal isn't met.


Quote from: Segev on February 28, 2013, 02:59:27 PMI will say this: Kickstarter won't actually take the money at all from the donors if the goal isn't met. So there's no 'risk' to donating if the goal isn't met.
You mean, I can get the $ back?


Quote from: freewaydog on February 28, 2013, 03:13:57 PM
  You mean, I can get the $ back?
Yes. Had a few KS fail to meet their goals, and I got the $$ back.


What Downix said. Your money is only taken by Kickstarter if the goal is met.

There are other crowdfunding sources that take it anyway; the goal is just a pencil mark that says "we'd like to get here." Those deliver on their rewards and take the money no matter what.

Whether it's wiser to run your crowdfunding on one or the other is a question of whether getting part of your goal would be sufficient to make use of the funds towards production, or not. That is, if NOT meeting your goal means the money isn't of use (perhaps because it really was a minimum value you NEEDED to take 'the next step'), go with Kickstarter. If it's "any amount will get me closer, so it's still worth it to my donors," then other sites are probably better for you.

In this case, it's Kickstarter, so donate what you can afford if you want it to have a better chance of succeeding. If it misses its goal by its deadline, you'll not be out the money.

Taceus Jiwede

Quote from: freewaydog on February 28, 2013, 08:42:37 PM
ok I will see,...

Its good to be cautious.  A lot of people out there just want to take money.  I have become quite the follower of the game and am actually in communication with the developers because I want to be there every step of the way doing everything I can to see this game come to light.  Short of some crazy unpredictable event the game will come out no matter what they said.  This goal probably won't be met so donating now is a little bit of a moot point.  But they are publishing an article in a gaming magazine in the future.  And they have finished their UE4 demo.  So they will be most likely starting up another KS here in the future.  And that one should have more support and more things to show what you are donating your money too. I'd say keep an eye on it and decide if you are interested.  If you don't wanna play the game no point in donating heh.  Unless you have an extra $10,000 and want to help design/be a boss lol.

However I think these guys are in the same boat as us.  A game made by players for players, and they are truly looking to change the future of gaming much like we are here.  It would be nice if we could get their support they way they have gotten support from many of us.


Yeah.  It's not that I don't want to play the game or that I am not interested, I do & I am.  I just want to see this game come into play (literally!) before I decide to spend any $ w/ no guarantee that I actually WILL get the $ back, should something fall thru!  I have seen ppl really enthusiastic about creating some sort of game, or like a single player mod, or w/e at first, only to have it abandoned & lose interest.  I just do not want to be disappointed again.  I am hoping even the 2 tentative games, "Heroes & Villians" & "The Phoenix Project" don't get abandoned.


Quote from: freewaydog on March 01, 2013, 02:05:24 AM
Yeah.  It's not that I don't want to play the game or that I am not interested, I do & I am.  I just want to see this game come into play (literally!) before I decide to spend any $ w/ no guarantee that I actually WILL get the $ back, should something fall thru!  I have seen ppl really enthusiastic about creating some sort of game, or like a single player mod, or w/e at first, only to have it abandoned & lose interest.  I just do not want to be disappointed again.  I am hoping even the 2 tentative games, "Heroes & Villians" & "The Phoenix Project" don't get abandoned.
Per terms of use, Kickstarter stuff that gets funded is legally required to follow through with what was in the Kickstarter program, or refund the money donated if they can't. Indiegogo and the other sites are basically "buyer beware" - you're donating money and there's nothing in the terms of use that says you will ever get recompense for failed endeavors.
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...



Well, just as I figured,..PA has not reached their goal at all.  They are considering doing another one,...asking for $350K, which I do NOT have & it is a lot to ask!  But, that's just me, right?

Golden Girl

People are starting to get a lot more wary of Kickstarter-style funding - to succeeed with it now, you really need either a well-known IP, or a knockout unique concept.
"Heroes and Villains" website - http://www.heroes-and-villains.com
"Heroes and Villains" on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/HeroesAndVillainsMMORPG
"Heroes and Villains" on Twitter - https://twitter.com/Plan_Z_Studios
"Heroes and Villains" teaser trailer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnjKqNPfFv8
Artwork - http://goldengirlcoh.deviantart.com


Quote from: freewaydog on March 10, 2013, 02:42:38 AM
Well, just as I figured,..PA has not reached their goal at all.  They are considering doing another one,...asking for $350K, which I do NOT have & it is a lot to ask!  But, that's just me, right?
$350K is only $12k less than their first attempt actually "obtained" (or would have obtained). Their first attempt was also a rather short campaign, as far as game fund raising goes. It looks like they're looking at doing a longer campaign this time, which makes it a lot simpler to meet their goal.
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...


Taceus Jiwede

Quote from: freewaydog on March 10, 2013, 02:42:38 AM
Well, just as I figured,..PA has not reached their goal at all.  They are considering doing another one,...asking for $350K, which I do NOT have & it is a lot to ask!  But, that's just me, right?

That's rather cheap actually.  For a game like this 350k isn't much of anything.  Plus split that among 6000-7000 people and that isn't asking for much.  I hope they can reach their goal this time, but I got my $100 back so I am ready to donate again.  Hopefully the next one is like some of the other KS's I have seen where they have a low goal and then end up raising over a $1,000,000.