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I can't do it anymore

Started by Ampithere, January 30, 2013, 07:15:31 PM


Tried a number of MMOs including GW2, SWTOR, DCUO, etc and while I could play for awhile (except DC, that I hated) nothing grabbed me quite like CoH did. However, I had been a part of a few beta runs for The Secret World and had purchased the game when it went B2P. I created my character, went through a few things and lost interest.

This weekend however, I logged back in and the hours flew by and I had to force myself to log off in order to eat and sleep. Now I have to face not being on there again for quite some time (travel).

There are a number of CoH refugees there and they have their own channels.

The system is pretty nifty. No need to re-roll or respec. You can go at it alone and team randomly to experience some of the dungeons or team up for a good portion of the game (there are solo instances in your storyline). I hope that they add a bit more to the character creator. Plus there are mods to make switching of outfits, tracking friends, etc a lot easier and the mod community is pretty active. What is really nice is that I have yet to see some of the antics in General Chat like can be found in GW2. For the most part everyone seems pretty laid back and helpful.
"I kept running, kept hoping for a change
kept moving the pieces kept shifting the blame
he said my time now runs short let's play
just keep breathing baby one more day"
--Episode 6 Many Happy Returns by Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling


Quote from: Thunder Glove on February 03, 2013, 07:49:15 PM
See, the problem is, I hate blocking.  Especially since all it does is prevent me from attacking while slightly slowing down the rate I'm taking damage.  I'm still not regenerating (like I was in CoH) so my health is still going down, and while I'm blocking, I'm not doing any damage to the enemy.

The upshot of that is, when I release block, I'm worse off than I was when I started blocking - I have less HP than before, while the opponent has the same HP as before.

I'd rather take the hits while delivering big hits of my own (which is hard enough considering that all my big hits involve charging for 5 seconds), and trying to out-damage him (because sitting there doing no damage certainly isn't getting me any closer to winning the fight).

And telling me how "powerful" your Level 40s are ... is not encouraging.  All it does is prove my point.  I had 50% damage resistance at level 22 on CoH, so your 55% at level 40 with ultra-rare uber-leet gear is not impressive.

At max level, I had 90% damage resist, plus constant regeneration, plus full mez protection, plus +300% damage buffs... which pretty much proves my original statement: CO characters are frail paper-mache wisps compared to my old CoH characters.

Meh guess it depeds on how ya build them.

I havent even gotten around to mentioning my level 40 yet.

I guess some people are better at building charcters in COX than I was and I'm better at building charcters in CO. Two different games two different mechanics and not everyone is a god building machine in both. Some COX character building gods find themselves weak in CO while people who found themselves weak in COX find their character building skills uber in CO. I guess sometimes people find a game they are not too good at when previous they were the master while the ones that wasnt the master of one system is the master of another.

Thunder Glove

That's the other thing - I wasn't a "master" of CoH.  My 50% resist on a level 22 Brute was on SOs. I probably could have done a lot better if I'd had better enhancements.  I was a lazy player who didn't grind (other than for Incarnate components, but that was because I actually enjoyed the Incarnate trials) and didn't have the best of anything (including Incarnate components - T3 was good enough for most of my characters), and my characters were still a million times more effective than any other character I've ever had in any other MMO I've ever played, even ones where I've put in more effort.  (And in the off-chance that my character still sucked, I could turn the difficulty down even further and still blow through the content and the story arcs)

That's why I posted this lament in a topic entitled "I can't do it anymore", rather than making a topic on the CO boards.  I wasn't asking for help, I was bemoaning the lack of games where my characters feel as powerful as they felt in CoH.

Champions is just another example of a game where the player abilities sound powerful in theory but in practice they're nowhere near as effective as they sound (or where they're only effective after you've hit the level cap and have spent months grinding for a full set of uber-gear where each piece has a 1/1,000,000 chance of dropping), and the only really "powerful" characters are the mobs. (And telling me about supposedly powerful characters who have lower damage resistance than my high-end CoH Dominators, let alone the Brutes and Tankers, doesn't change that opinion at all)

Kaiser Tarantula

My issue with CO, specifically, is that if you're not a freeform, you can't build gods.  Hell, you can't even build what the community considers 'relatively passable.'  Freeform is that essential to the process, and this is why I've stopped after I got my first character to the cap.  There's no incentive to grind him further, because even if I did get a full set of modded out questionite gear or uber-drops from cosmic/legendary enemies, he wouldn't get much better.

This is why I've moved on to non-superhero games.  All of them are either more restrictive than CoH was, won't run on my computer, or lack the fundamental things I loved about CoH - character customization and backstory development.


Quote from: Thunder Glove on February 04, 2013, 01:41:06 AM
That's the other thing - I wasn't a "master" of CoH.  My 50% resist on a level 22 Brute was on SOs. I probably could have done a lot better if I'd had better enhancements.  I was a lazy player who didn't grind (other than for Incarnate components, but that was because I actually enjoyed the Incarnate trials) and didn't have the best of anything (including Incarnate components - T3 was good enough for most of my characters), and my characters were still a million times more effective than any other character I've ever had in any other MMO I've ever played, even ones where I've put in more effort.  (And in the off-chance that my character still sucked, I could turn the difficulty down even further and still blow through the content and the story arcs)

That's why I posted this lament in a topic entitled "I can't do it anymore", rather than making a topic on the CO boards.  I wasn't asking for help, I was bemoaning the lack of games where my characters feel as powerful as they felt in CoH.

Champions is just another example of a game where the player abilities sound powerful in theory but in practice they're nowhere near as effective as they sound (or where they're only effective after you've hit the level cap and have spent months grinding for a full set of uber-gear where each piece has a 1/1,000,000 chance of dropping), and the only really "powerful" characters are the mobs. (And telling me about supposedly powerful characters who have lower damage resistance than my high-end CoH Dominators, let alone the Brutes and Tankers, doesn't change that opinion at all)

I see.

Well maybe CO just isnt the game for you.

But I'm not sure if number to number is proper compare. If that was the case, then I could say that COX hp was very low because even my weakest toon in CO have way more sometimes up to 2-3 times as much  hp as the ones in COX at level 26 than my level 50 tanks to more than make up for the lower defense type numbers. Not to mention 100% hit rate compared to whiffing alot when facing things more than yellow con thus able to do more damage overall. And more end to boot.

But in the end it all depends on the player. To some, they will find their creations weaker. Others will find them way more near god like in CO. Thus in the end, whether or not COX characters are more powerful or less powerful is something that cant be said ina definate manner outside of personal experience. I guess in this case you got the short end of the stick and it's unfortunate but bound to happen to someone. Sorry CO just can do it for you as an enjoyable game but there are plenty more out there that may or may not suit your needs.

Thunder Glove

Percentages are percentages.  The HP numbers may be larger in CO but 50% damage resist is still 50% damage resist.  And regeneration vs. lack of regeneration still means my HP stayed rock-steady at the top in CoH against all but the toughest enemies, while my HP in CO drops against Villains and drops quickly against Master Villains.  (Heck, since I picked up Bountiful Chi Resurgence, I note my HP drops even while regenerating)

And the saddest part of all is despite all that, as fragile as my CO characters feel compared to their CoH counterparts, my characters in CO still feel far more powerful than my characters in every other MMO I've ever played, to the same degree that my CoH characters felt more powerful than my CO characters.  My characters in most games are nothing but damage magnets who quickly die over and over, regardless of class, role, or strategy.  (In one game I play, my character is only decent because my wife gets her guildmates to give me free items.  Every attempt to find or craft any high-end gear for myself ends in failure.  I'm just wearing other people's hand-me-downs, and I'm still always the first to die.  I don't feel heroic - or effective, or useful - at all.  I'm committing suicide every time I solo, and I'm dragging everyone else down when I team.  That's not fun for me or anyone around me)

As the topic title says, I can't do this anymore. I can't pretend that other games - any other game, MMO or otherwise - is even a tenth as good as CoH.  CoH held my interest for two full years, even when I couldn't afford to subscribe due to joblessness (and they had so much planned for the future I wasn't going to get bored any time soon).  No other game has done that.  In particular, I'm utterly bored with CO after less than two months (and their "future" is just more lockboxes and cash grabs, rather than new powersets, zones, and story arcs, so there's nothing to look forward to).

I seriously miss CoH, and I'm seriously depressed about it.


As sad as it sounds, I haven't played another MMO since CoX went down. I went back to console games and, while they're nowhere near the same, at least I can create my own 'hero' in my fave one (Mass Effect series) or at least kick back and grind/level in others (Fire Emblem, Borderlands).

But I miss the RPing community only found in CoX and the amazing character creator that went with it. Maybe I'll have to give TSW or SW:TOR a try again one day, when I get my MMO muse back, but I just hate playing a character whose story is pre-planned for me in an MMO. *coughanywordonprivateserversforcoxcough?*


Quote from: Thunder Glove on February 05, 2013, 04:13:27 AM
Percentages are percentages.  The HP numbers may be larger in CO but 50% damage resist is still 50% damage resist.  And regeneration vs. lack of regeneration still means my HP stayed rock-steady at the top in CoH against all but the toughest enemies, while my HP in CO drops against Villains and drops quickly against Master Villains.  (Heck, since I picked up Bountiful Chi Resurgence, I note my HP drops even while regenerating)

And the saddest part of all is despite all that, as fragile as my CO characters feel compared to their CoH counterparts, my characters in CO still feel far more powerful than my characters in every other MMO I've ever played, to the same degree that my CoH characters felt more powerful than my CO characters.  My characters in most games are nothing but damage magnets who quickly die over and over, regardless of class, role, or strategy.  (In one game I play, my character is only decent because my wife gets her guildmates to give me free items.  Every attempt to find or craft any high-end gear for myself ends in failure.  I'm just wearing other people's hand-me-downs, and I'm still always the first to die.  I don't feel heroic - or effective, or useful - at all.  I'm committing suicide every time I solo, and I'm dragging everyone else down when I team.  That's not fun for me or anyone around me)

As the topic title says, I can't do this anymore. I can't pretend that other games - any other game, MMO or otherwise - is even a tenth as good as CoH.  CoH held my interest for two full years, even when I couldn't afford to subscribe due to joblessness (and they had so much planned for the future I wasn't going to get bored any time soon).  No other game has done that.  In particular, I'm utterly bored with CO after less than two months (and their "future" is just more lockboxes and cash grabs, rather than new powersets, zones, and story arcs, so there's nothing to look forward to).

I seriously miss CoH, and I'm seriously depressed about it.

Yeah nothing will replace COX. It was one of a kind.

The up side of being one of a kind is that it was unique, fresh, fun, overall total package. Downside to being unique is when it goes and or get shut down, there is nothing to replace it.  It's like a gift and a curse in one package.

General Idiot

Except CO uses percentages where it shouldn't. Remember in CoH, how 100% recharge or endurance cost reduction actually only about halved the value? CO uses that kind of wonky math for everything.

Thunder Glove

Quote from: General Idiot on February 05, 2013, 08:46:29 AM
Except CO uses percentages where it shouldn't. Remember in CoH, how 100% recharge or endurance cost reduction actually only about halved the value? CO uses that kind of wonky math for everything.

Yes.  I know.  That's why I converted them to real values, and was referencing those real values when I said "50% is 50%".  50% real damage resist is the same as 50% real damage resist, even if CO tries to inflate the numbers by claiming it's 100%.

If I were using Wonky Champions Numbers for everything, then I would have said my CoH Brutes and Tanks had between (what CO calls) 400% to 900% damage resistance.


I don't know why CO insists on using those wonky damage resistance numbers, it's just freaking confusing and nearly useless to the average joe..

Almost as useless as the "Superior Damage Resistance" "Minor Damage Resistance" descriptions from early CoH..


Quote from: General Idiot on February 05, 2013, 08:46:29 AM
Except CO uses percentages where it shouldn't. Remember in CoH, how 100% recharge or endurance cost reduction actually only about halved the value? CO uses that kind of wonky math for everything.

OK, I'll be the odd duck in the pond: I'm OK with Cryptic math. CoH math made it too easy to make guys impervious to almost everything, so we wound up with debuffs as the dev weapon of choice. Which turned combat pretty much into an all-or-nothing affair. It annoyed me that my Elec tank could steamroll through most anything, then had to stock up on purples and greens when he hit a batch of Cimerorans. Cryptic mixed it up a bit more in CO and I think it pays off well. My Invuln can literally shrug off the small stuff but can feel the heavier hitters, that to me feels more modern age (DCAU) Superman.

General Idiot

I don't mind the wonky math either as long as it's made clear that +50 resist isn't +50% resist. If the final number actually only takes 50% off damage, display it as 50%. Don't display the +500 of whatever stat it took to get there.