Author Topic: Are we losing momentum ??  (Read 13236 times)


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Are we losing momentum ??
« on: January 30, 2013, 03:47:44 AM »
I dont know.. it just feels like there is nothing going on.. no word.. no movement.. I know these things take time.. but I feel like without some kind of action our community will be an afterthought and fondly remembered but just chalked up to the casualty of gaming. The gaming industry needs to recognize that we are real people.. not just numbers on a spread sheet. You invite us into you world but yet you can end it on a whim.. even when it s PROFITABLE and then refuse to sell it or release the IP..

Personally I am very angry that I spend thousands of dollars and i have no idea how many hours designing builds, making background. writing intertwined stories. playing and meeting new people only to have that destroyed.. Its like the customer doesnt even matter.. 8 years of playing and being a customer and it means nothing. And to make matters worse the greatest issue EVER Issue 24 was soon to be released... but thats not even what makes me the most angry..

When my son was born I made a toon in his honor called SonStroke and although he is only two years old he would sit on my lap and I would log in his toon and he would hit the space bar to make him jump and and down and he would laugh and laugh...

you took that away from me NC Soft.... Hate is a very strong word which I almost never use..



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Re: Are we losing momentum ??
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2013, 04:13:49 AM »
I dont know.. it just feels like there is nothing going on.. no word.. no movement.. I know these things take time.. but I feel like without some kind of action our community will be an afterthought and fondly remembered but just chalked up to the casualty of gaming. The gaming industry needs to recognize that we are real people.. not just numbers on a spread sheet.

I dont think must momentum has lost. The original furor and hell fire and brimstone burn everything to the ground has subsided lately, but over all, the grind to get things rolling is still going strong. The games are being developed, letters are still being sent out, people are still talking, and people are still angry.

When dealing with other corporations, for example, sometimes it takes more than brute force to get stuff done. It take finesse and walking that thin line between coming off as fans with money to spend on anyone that pick up the IP to raging hate mongering people that will try to burn anything or anyone that close down the game that they just so happening to be playing. We dont want to be viewed as the second option as that is bad for business as businesses tend to think ahead in the long term and probably wouldnt want to pick up a game where if they have to close or rather want to close they may have to deal with bad PR campaign against them. If come across as hurting avid fans and we are still here wanting to play, they may listen but still cant be too pushy while at the same time cant act like we are not serious.

Things are getting done, my good person, things are getting done. Our time will come when we can say we have triumph in one way or another. But the bonus would be if either of the games gets up and running and we can show them that a game can be ran by people with the customer in mind for the customer and by the customer.

Yet, in order to change the industry it will take more than a company picking up the IP and or creating games. The mindest has to change also. We as a people have to stop giving or the better term is rewarding these companies for bad behavior. If we want them to appreciate the customer, then support the company that does just that. If the companies with bad records and or just view customers as mere numbers on a spreadsheet continue to rake in millions or for some billions, then they will continue to not give a crap. I think many MMO players are getting fed up and the time is perfect as it may not come again. Money talks. People can rant rave moan groan, hate all they want but when those dollars roll in and subscription numbers show up, and it's looking lovely to them, they wont care. But if one of these games get on, get the word out that there is now an option for players to go for a game and or company with their customers in mind and intentions on treating them right, their words will no longer have to be empty. They can take action with their money and move to the new games. Then when their subscriptions numbers start to fall, and they lose more money, I mean real money, not money they already written off, then they will have no choice but to either reform to stay competitive or cease to exist. They can take games, they can close servers but it's our choice as customers to choose with our wallets. Change will come when as a whole we demand change. Yelling kicking creaming isnt going to do much when we are just a number on the spreadsheet to begin with. We must affect those numbers in a significant manner and that is going to take more than the lot of us here. But, that is how just about every change starts, with a small group that had enough and decided to take a stand. We are that stand. Now we must show them and the people we mean buisness and wont go away. We already have the will, we have the knowledge, we even have people that know the right people, but now we have to show them how it supposed to be done with these new projects. I think there is a lot riding on those projects and in the end, they will be considered more than a game. They are a symbol, that players can build their own and look out for their own and still be successful. Even if success doesn't happen, we learn, and the next attempt will be better and so on until ever company that have an MMO have to take notice and either change or fade with the times of history.

Soon we will be sitting around reminiscing on the days when game companies used to be able to shutdown a game at any moment and move on the next day like nothing even happened and how a few said we are not just going to take it and instead of griping about they did something about it. And I will be somewhere, probably too old to play games, saying, well done.

We already have the power, we have to (well here we are figuring out and or have figured out rather) how to use it against those corporate buggers.

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Re: Are we losing momentum ??
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2013, 06:27:38 AM » took that away from me NC Soft.... Hate is a very strong word which I almost never use..


Everyday, little things remind me of City.
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Samantha:  "I have to ask you a question. It's a good one so think about it. If a Player and a Game love each other, but they just can't seem to get it together, when do you get to that point of enough is enough?"

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Re: Are we losing momentum ??
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2013, 06:41:02 AM »
I think someone, anyone should start working on a device that will allow them to go back in time and prevent NCSoft from shutting down City of Heroes.

Edit: I guess my suggestion didn't work...


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Re: Are we losing momentum ??
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2013, 12:47:54 PM »
The OP has a point however in that momentum is something we have to address. Momentum is a short-lived commodity for groups like our's. The thing that binds our group is gone, as the months and years come and go there will be fewer and fewer people here, it just happens.

The hope is that just one of the Titan Network projects outlasts that loss of momentum, even if it just barely does, and we get our game back (or its successor). My personal belief is that the private server is our best chance at ever seeing CoH or something like it again, god speed coders.

Constant updates, maybe doing some marketing, hosting contests, fundraisers, anything to keep people active would be a good idea at this point in time.


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Re: Are we losing momentum ??
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2013, 02:15:22 PM »
I for one am reaching out still and may even take a trip down to the offices of Stardock a local game developer in the Detroit area.

I sent a letter off to them bringing up the idea of them trying to use the Michigan development grant to try and buy the IP for City of Heroes. I have not heard back from them but it has only been a week. I didn't expect a letter back the next day saying wow, what a great idea come on in we are filling out the paperwork today!

IF, big if as well, they consider my proposal there is still the paperwork required to get Michigan to give them the money. However if I don't get an answer from them - I have another idea in mind - in fact I may try and see if the University of Michigan could use that grant and buy the game to run for their game development degree class.


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Re: Are we losing momentum ??
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2013, 03:45:22 PM »
I know some professors have used CoH to teach classes with and I wonder if it is something we could sell to the U of M on how the class was taught and the benefits to the students - also buying the IP would allow the students to run the game and learn in a real life situation with the servers, programming and networking to administer.

This would allow a University to harness the marketing, advertising and other degrees in an active manner and to do so while having a game like this established and actually PAYING BACK the investment is another line of thought I have been debating. I think this could be sold to a college if packaged to the right place and honestly I think Michigan State or the U of M might just be the place.

The other thought is that the IP MIGHT just be sold for LESS if they approached NCSoft from the angle of using one of their games as a learning platform. It would be great customer relations for them and our game back for us.

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Re: Are we losing momentum ??
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2013, 04:00:28 PM »
I think someone, anyone should start working on a device that will allow them to go back in time and prevent NCSoft from shutting down City of Heroes.

Edit: I guess my suggestion didn't work...

Depending on the exact mechanics of how time travel works in this universe, it's possible that it did actually work. If you subscribe to the theory that making changes in the past doesn't alter the future you came from but instead creates a second alternate timeline where the different future plays out (Essentially making the idea of an alternate timeline and an alternate dimension one and the same), your suggestion may in fact have worked. Just not in this timeline.

Logically, that's about the only way such an action wouldn't cause a massive paradox and blow a hole in the universe. Alternately, you simply made the attempt (Or will make the attempt) and failed. Which is more likely, given that the creation of an alternate universe takes enormous amounts of energy and the universe as a whole hates expending energy when it doesn't have to. Forcing a failure on any prospective time traveller is a much easier option.


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Re: Are we losing momentum ??
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2013, 04:04:05 PM »
This is the link to the U of M gaming program:


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Re: Are we losing momentum ??
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2013, 04:58:12 PM »
Depending on the exact mechanics of how time travel works in this universe, it's possible that it did actually work. If you subscribe to the theory that making changes in the past doesn't alter the future you came from but instead creates a second alternate timeline where the different future plays out (Essentially making the idea of an alternate timeline and an alternate dimension one and the same), your suggestion may in fact have worked. Just not in this timeline.

Logically, that's about the only way such an action wouldn't cause a massive paradox and blow a hole in the universe. Alternately, you simply made the attempt (Or will make the attempt) and failed. Which is more likely, given that the creation of an alternate universe takes enormous amounts of energy and the universe as a whole hates expending energy when it doesn't have to. Forcing a failure on any prospective time traveller is a much easier option.

In all seriousness though, it took Asheron's call ...what... 10 years to be brought back to life? I honestly think that as long as we are all still here hoping and working for the same thing we'll get there eventually. There's going to be gains and losses in momentum no matter what we do.  This is a good community and I really believe we'll be able to push through momentary losses in momentum that we will suffer from time to time.
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Re: Are we losing momentum ??
« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2013, 06:21:54 PM »
You should've seen the look on my eleven year old's face when he spontaneously described the Grandfather Paradox to me, and I countered with the alternate universe theory. It me be the closest I will ever come to actually seeing a brainmelt in action. :)
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."

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Re: Are we losing momentum ??
« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2013, 06:58:29 PM »
Depending on the exact mechanics of how time travel works in this universe, it's possible that it did actually work. If you subscribe to the theory that making changes in the past doesn't alter the future you came from but instead creates a second alternate timeline where the different future plays out (Essentially making the idea of an alternate timeline and an alternate dimension one and the same), your suggestion may in fact have worked. Just not in this timeline.

Logically, that's about the only way such an action wouldn't cause a massive paradox and blow a hole in the universe. Alternately, you simply made the attempt (Or will make the attempt) and failed. Which is more likely, given that the creation of an alternate universe takes enormous amounts of energy and the universe as a whole hates expending energy when it doesn't have to. Forcing a failure on any prospective time traveller is a much easier option.
What if the alternate universe was already there, but the divergence hadn't happened yet? The two universes would look the exact same up until the choice had been made and then they diverged and it just looked like the second universe spontaneously popped into existence. No massive energy expenditure needed.

Just a thought... :)
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Re: Are we losing momentum ??
« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2013, 07:24:54 PM »
Or, what if that universe still had City of Heroes, but donuts had never been invented?

To address the OP, I don't think real momentum is the issue, but that doesn't mean I think your concerns are invalid. If you look back through old threads, though, I think you'll find at least one other similar post right before Team Wildcard revealed themselves to us. I seem to recall another one sometime during the holidays. Ours is not a cause that has a set course, nor does it have a predictable timeline. If you're still here, that's enough, for now.
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."


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Re: Are we losing momentum ??
« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2013, 07:32:16 PM »
Or, what if that universe still had City of Heroes, but donuts had never been invented?
2 things:
  • when is the next transport to that universe?
  • What would that do for the doughnut shop in Faultline? what would it be?

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Re: Are we losing momentum ??
« Reply #14 on: January 30, 2013, 07:47:11 PM »
Trust me with so many people trying to find a way and to do so by often thinking completely out of the box, I still feel confident.


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Re: Are we losing momentum ??
« Reply #15 on: January 30, 2013, 08:55:17 PM »
I admit my own momentum has waned - but then with my somewhat erratic health and disabilities that is not news.  I loved CoH and still do, keep abreast of things here, take part in consumer actions and fan initiatives etc as best I can, relay info to my CoH buddies and pals via guildportal sg web pages (still active with discussion) etc.

Some of my time forcefully "liberated" by the closure of CoH has resulted in my resuming writing and blogging (on non-gaming stuff, mostly sociological and political) as well as involving myself further with online activities such as supporting worthy causes as best I may via internet.  Due to this however I read this, and include a link in hopes some of all of the CoH community will lend voice and weight to this petition:,7847.0.html  Yup, Halo 2 is scheduled for shut down on Feb 15th.  Keeping the faith.  /em holdtorch
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Re: Are we losing momentum ??
« Reply #16 on: January 30, 2013, 08:59:03 PM »
Or, what if that universe still had City of Heroes, but donuts had never been invented?
I'd suggest playing at least until it rained.


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Re: Are we losing momentum ??
« Reply #17 on: January 30, 2013, 09:27:29 PM »
Or, what if that universe still had City of Heroes, but donuts had never been invented?

To address the OP, I don't think real momentum is the issue, but that doesn't mean I think your concerns are invalid. If you look back through old threads, though, I think you'll find at least one other similar post right before Team Wildcard revealed themselves to us. I seem to recall another one sometime during the holidays. Ours is not a cause that has a set course, nor does it have a predictable timeline. If you're still here, that's enough, for now.
I agree with what you say here, dwtruducken.  Also if IIRC from a certain CoH genius video, Fusionette would have something to say had donuts not been invented!  ;)
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Re: Are we losing momentum ??
« Reply #18 on: January 30, 2013, 09:43:19 PM »
Then we would have had to jump through this if no donuts were invented:


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Re: Are we losing momentum ??
« Reply #19 on: January 30, 2013, 10:18:55 PM »
Today I got so nostalgic for CoH, I went and had a meaningless argument on some other forum.

Because I can't argue with y'all; you're family.  It's just not the same.


p.s.  The other argument?  Also "not the same."