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DC Universe Online is Fun ...

Started by Kaos Arcanna, January 03, 2013, 02:21:30 AM


I found CO too cartoony and both SWTOR and DCUO have way too many people doing the same missions (hunt) that I was so I was battling kill stealers as much as I was trying to achieve the mission objective.  SWTOR did a good job in making sure if you engaged a foe, it was yours, but DCUO not so much.  They respawn rate on DCUO was also a bit of a dissapointment.  I also did not like the fact that in DCUO, people would send a PvP invite IN MISSION  :o  This person has died 3 times, I had not and he/she still wanted to battle ???  I will be checking out Elder Scrolls Online if I cant get a decent superhero game (Go Plan Z!!)
All my computer skill was used up on my Commodore 64 decades ago...

Kaos Arcanna

So a few weeks ago I stumbled across the portal to Central City in the Watchtower.

Yay! New content!

... but it turns out you need a combat rating of 53 to be able to access it.

So I get another 30 and check out the armors that can be earned ... and they'd make give you a combat rating of 53!


Then I see just how many Marks you need PER piece ....

And I ask in general chat how long that'd take...

And someone tells me about six months...

Guess I won't be seeing Central City anytime soon if I'd have to grind the gear to get access...  :o


This is the only mmo-game left on my computer, not bad and I like the DC characters, but when you play City of Heroes in all the years then there are so many things you miss. In every game I miss the teamplay and it's the same here: Everyone is doing his own missions it feels like an solo game, but maybe there is an SG out there on the EU servers where I can hop in?


Quote from: Kaos Arcanna on January 16, 2013, 10:21:00 PM
So a few weeks ago I stumbled across the portal to Central City in the Watchtower.

Yay! New content!

... but it turns out you need a combat rating of 53 to be able to access it.

So I get another 30 and check out the armors that can be earned ... and they'd make give you a combat rating of 53!


Then I see just how many Marks you need PER piece ....

And I ask in general chat how long that'd take...

And someone tells me about six months...

Guess I won't be seeing Central City anytime soon if I'd have to grind the gear to get access...  :o

I've taken three toons high enough to get into Central City in the last few months. It's not as bad as it sounds, if you're willing to run the content.

If you have the DLC that grants you access to the Brainiac mishes in South Gotham, I highly recommend doing those daily for 5 Marks of Triumph each. 4 of those will be 20 Marks a day right there.

Run the T1 challenges from the On Duty menu and get more Marks. That will help you get into a suit of T1 gear within a couple weeks, without setting foot into a Raid or Alert. Hit the PvP weapon vendors in the Reactor in the Watchtower and pick up the level 30 weapon until you get a better one, either as a drop in the T2 content, or from the vendors in Central City.

Gather as many exobits as possible to craft up Mods for your T1 gear. Mods are sort of like IOs. Matching the color of the mod to the color of the slot for each piece of gear will grant you a bonus. All of those Mods will boost up the item level of each piece of gear as well. I went into Central City with each of my three level 30 heroes, having run almost entirely solo to that point, with Modded T1 gear.

Once you're in there you can get an easy 120 Marks a day by doing the mishes for Bounties against the Rogues, plus Cork, Ruptures, Infiltrators, etc. Overall, you're looking at an hour or so a day with even a PUG team for the Central City stuff, which will also take you out into Metropolis and Gotham for the Bounties, plus closing Ruptures in the Speed Force that occur randomly in both cities.

With my rifle/gadgets troller (a direct port of my bots/ff MM and beam/traps Corr, the Maker of Artifacts) I skipped T2 to grab the Central City gear (unofficially T2.5). Maker then skipped his T3 gear, easily getting to CR 70 with Mods in his Central City gear. I'm now working on his suit of T4 gear. As for the time frame needed, Maker only had a CR of 34 when the Halloween Event ended. As of the Wayward Souls alert I was in last night, Maker is now at CR 78.

In short, don't get discouraged by what seems like an insurmountable amount. I'm an anti-social player who mostly plays solo, and I managed to get that far and then some in half the time that others are telling you it will take.

If you need help getting started with Mods and stuff like that, feel free to ask.
"In my dreams, devil, I soar through a far finer world than this. I dine and dance among graceful goddesses on the other side of the universe, and share home and hearth with heroes. In reality, here -- now -- I'm just another man, in a role I was never meant to play...."

Kaos Arcanna

So I rerolled one of my villains (he was an elec/wp Brute) as an Elec/One Hand Weapon villain in DC Online which has given me a chance to check out the villain content in DC Online.

On the whole, I like the writing in DC Online. In solo missions my character generally isn't having his butt kicked by named characters. The voice acting is MUCH better than Champions Online, though some characters have voices that just do not match my interpretation of the character.

But the amount of content that's available is rather lacking. Even with three mentors to each side you wind up doing a good chunk of the same missions for each toon which can discourage alting. (I've taken two heroes to 30 already this month which is why I checked out the villain stuff).

It's too bad there's not something like AE there as that could be a lot of fun.


Quote from: Technerdoc on January 20, 2013, 09:57:52 PM
In every game I miss the teamplay and it's the same here: Everyone is doing his own missions it feels like an solo game, but maybe there is an SG out there on the EU servers where I can hop in?

Seems to be the problem with most quest-based MMOs these days.

Teaming up to do quests is just too much of a hassle. You have to make sure everyone is on the same quest, gotta split the quest drops, make sure everyone is around the same level, etc.

Thinking back, the MMO's with the best teaming experience usually required you to grind a lot in order to level up. So you'd grab a few players and tackle tough mobs.

Soloing the main game, and teaming for the "dungeons" seems to be the norm these days.


Quote from: Kaos Arcanna on January 24, 2013, 04:07:24 AM
On the whole, I like the writing in DC Online. In solo missions my character generally isn't having his butt kicked by named characters. The voice acting is MUCH better than Champions Online, though some characters have voices that just do not match my interpretation of the character.

They have a budget at DCUO. That voice acting is probably done by a higher percentage of professional voice actors, rather than, "Hey, Bob from accounting has a superhero-y voice. See what he's doing on Thursday." Also, I believe the "signature characters" are relatively well known voice actors. I know Supes is Adam Baldwin.
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."


Quote from: Kaos Arcanna on January 03, 2013, 02:21:30 AM
You know, it's a pretty world. (Feels much like Praetoria to me.)

And I've met some helpful people there.

If the dang game just had a bigger ability tray, wasn't dependent on combos, and could use a mouse I'd be much happier with it.

Don't get me wrong. I'm having fun there, but those things are kind of annoying.

Glad you found something you enjoy to play.


I played DCUO in place of CoH for about two months before CoH was cancelled. (I would periodically get bored of CoH, but I always came back.)
It was fun, yeah, but after a while it just felt too repetitive. Every enemy was basically just a re-skin in my eyes, and nothing really impressed me.
I guess CoH was just as bad, but I practically played for the community anyways.
@Bullet Barrage
I left the forums with 1,337 post.


Eliot's "A Mild-Mannered Reporter" column is a pretty good write-up of his experiences with the game. I gotta say, if my experience with it had been like what he describes, I'd probably play it.
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."

wei yau

I just started playing this game, after having given Champions Online a try and not really *feeling it*.

As a longtime DC fanboy, DCUO definitely has appeal.  I love the locales, the lore and interacting with the NPCs.  I could do that for hours.  For that some reason, I'm enjoying the storylines in missions, since they are based in DC lore.

Also neat is feeling super right off the bat, since I got to square off against Dr. Fate.

While it's definitely not the same as my beloved City of Heroes, it has its appeal.  I'll admit that the controls take a lot of getting used to, especially after CoH.  I've never been good at having to mash more than one button at a time *and* in specific sequences/rates, but I am managing.

I don't see a lot of RP opportunity and this feels very much like a single-player game, so I'll miss the community aspect we had in CoH.  Nonetheless, I'm having fun and have once again, taken to the skies:


I just started this game hope too see some faces i know from CoH!

General Idiot

Being thoroughly bored with Champions I'm giving into the temptation to patch this up and play some. Anything a returning player who hasn't played since a month after launch needs to know?

Also, DLCs. Which are worth getting and which should I stay away from?


After sitting through two hours of patching, I fired this up, last night, and lost interest halfway through generating a new character. I hadn't tried a tank, yet, couldn't figure out how, and was going to make a "Punisher" themed character. I'm sorry, but I think I'll let this one go.
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."


after playing CO for a couple of months, getting 4 characters to 40 and being thoroughly bored with the game, along with fed up at the lack of interest the dev team seems to have for the game i figured i'd try this thing out, and it's startling how fast it latched on to me.

used my mouse for a couple of days and that was fine if not a little frustrating, the game got easier to control when i picked up a cheap controller i can just plug into my computer. i honestly love the combat, it's pretty interesting. it's like a novice action-adventure game. and that's good for me, because im good at really easy action-adventure console games. anything that requires a LOT of attention and skill and movement will demolish me.

this game is nothing like CoH though, there's just no comparison to be made here. looking for a CoH game and going into this (or any other game, tbh) will just make you sigh, turn away from your computer and lay on your bed for a couple of hours while you wonder what's going to let you escape into a fantasy land of tights and freem if it isn't CoH. the answer is nothing, i've found, because it was the ultimate.

compared to CoH:

  • costume creator is BALLS. 3 colors across the board, you have to earn 99% of the costume parts ingame, PER CHARACTER. 9 cookie cutter body types&heights. that means no sliders. you get a lot of clones because its hard to make yourself look pretty.
  • customization beyond costume is BALLS. every character has to have a weapon, and the one that'll appeal to CoH players due to the fact it isn't an actual, physical weapon (hand blasters) just. suck. they're pretty weak, mostly single target, and even though you'd think they'd work for your concept they probably won't, because the attacks all have the "energy blast" look to them, so your ice character will be shooting blue colored energy, not ice. also, only 9 powers available, and 3 travel powers. concept is kind of...not a thing the game wants you or even lets you bother with. there isn't (afaik) even a description box for your toon.
  • the way team content runs is B A L L S. there's no way to "break the mold" like you could in CoH. the roles are important, and you play your role the way everyone else does, usually. the exception being damage dealers, since they are the only ones that aren't bent on protecting the team they can play around a bit. a bit. a small, tiny bit. your healer heals and hardly attacks(only to regenerate power), the tank keeps aggro, the controller(don't get excited, i know you are) gives the team power. there's no making a hard hitter that can take a room, or one that can control them and widdle them down all on their own in complete safety. granted, this is mostly for 4-player & 8-player stuff, you can be a bit varied with the 2-player content and definitely solo. the higher player content just moves too fast to do much in the way of setting things up.

i've only been playing for a couple of weeks so i'm not sure i'm 100% correct here, but this is just what i've gathered. i know there are some leagues of nutjobs that do things like run raids with just DPSes, and maybe as the game goes on there will be more of that, and it'll get easier. it is only 2 years old. i think if you get enough skill points through feats you could maybe start to break things? i'm not sure.

i have noticed that for the most part there's some interaction between the people working on the game and the people playing it, and that's hard to find and incredibly important for me and lots of other CoH players, i'm sure. i'm not quite if they're good at actually listening to the community about things, but any kind of interest is better than what most MMOs have. and on top of that they seem pretty consistent with releasing new content in DLCs every couple of months, that's not that different from CoH.

again, i haven't been in the game for that long, just got my first character to the level cap (an incredibly easy thing to do in this game) yesterday and i'm experiencing the 'real' game now. the 1-30 was getting kind of boring but now i have lots to do.


Well, I tried both DCU and CO when they came out, hoping the MMO world had learned from CoH and sought to better it. Sadly, I didn't see that. They weren't as fun.

So I've been biding my time before trying them again, hoping the developers would somehow fix things in the meantime. I think I may give 'em another try soon, just to see. Just because I miss Paragon City so much.

But it sounds like I'll be disappointed. Again.


My nephew plays CO and I find DCUO much more pretty.  There have been some changes in CO that have made toons seem less "cartoony", but I still like the artwork (environment) in DCUO better.  Still having issues with hunting quest theft on my f2p account, but as far as hero games go it is my choice.  Just not enough to pay for it.
All my computer skill was used up on my Commodore 64 decades ago...


I tried it, but they did the weirdes thing.  in the beta, tails were in the belt slot.  not great, but serviceable.  when i played the live game to have a tail you had to use one of the "fursuit"  Skins.  so no dice there. Went back to co.


I still hop on my free DCUO account...just to fly again.
All my computer skill was used up on my Commodore 64 decades ago...


Tried this back in the day and ended up back at CoH. Thought I might give it a shot again, I know the name Lightslinger is taken, which sucks, so I figure I'll just start over with a whole new concept. For a complete DCUO noob, what's a good power, build, whatever you call it to start with?