Plan Z: Justice (A third option)

Started by Nadia Luma, December 11, 2012, 09:53:43 AM


I'm ready for Justice. ( Would play.)
7 (24.1%)
This is not justice, and I'm not having it. (Won't play.)
2 (6.9%)
In search of Justice but I'm not sure we're there yet. ( Like the ideas so far.)
2 (6.9%)
Your brand of Justice isn't Justice at all. ( Dislike the ideas so far.)
1 (3.4%)
Until further evidence is available, I will not make a decision. (On the fence.)
17 (58.6%)

Total Members Voted: 29

Nadia Luma

Quote from: avelworldcreator on January 19, 2013, 09:58:53 PM
Even though I work for the Phoenix Project version of Plan Z, I have been trying to advertise this one exists where I can. I hope it's been a help.

That's I appreciate that. I plan to update my post tomorrow night.

Nadia Luma

Original Post has been updated...Let me know what you think. Thank you.

Nadia Luma

I also had another idea but not sure if I want to include it into my original post just yet. I still want to share it regardless if its been completely thought out. I thought about connecting Justice outside of the game. This could be done through social media (Facebook)....I don't mean you can check your facebook while playing (unless there's an interest in that.). What I mean is.... from outside a game be able to chat with friends playing the game. You can send and receive photos, msgs without being in the game. I came up with this idea thinking about all the friends that have to work, having computer or personal issues and are unable play. This idea can at least give them a chance to be apart of the game even though they are away for whatever reason.

It doesn't have to be facebook...It can be an App you can download to your home computer or phone. Using the same log in as the game and always be part of the game.

Let me know what you all think. I'll include it if there's an interest in this idea.


Quote from: crownarts on January 08, 2013, 07:37:19 AMThe one thing I believe about MMORPGs that we come here to play together...Its the one thing I believe in and I won't stray from that idea. It may be poor taste to some but its the one idea that I feel strongly about. This doesn't mean I would as far as not allow you the option to do so...Since this game is about options and choices I think I'd be contradicting myself. My problem is finding that line that pleases everyone.....

You won't be able to please everyone consistently. Because you say you believe MMOs are about teaming, it seems to me you will likely make the choice to have content that requires groups of people, whether it's a "boss raid" style encounter or sweet bases for supergroups. And that's fine; you just need to recognize that somewhere along the way a choice will have to be made about what sorts of things solo players will or will not have access to.

That being said.....

Quote from: crownarts on January 08, 2013, 07:37:19 AMThe question is, how to give people something similar to freeform yet still provide structure for teaming?

I don't think that freeform and teaming are mutually exclusive. Your experience is likely being colored by Champions Online, which by some accounts doesn't have a very good freeform system. In STO for example, there is very little in the way of "freeform" character building, but teaming only happens because Cryptic artificially puts it in. If they didn't gate content behind fleet starbases, or multiplayer queues, there would be rampant soloing - as there was before they added content that required teams and groups. This had nothing to do with the way characters were built, and everything to do with the fact that content was so easy, even on STO's hard difficulty, that people didn't need to team, and there wasn't really any incentive to do so. What I'm getting at here is that you should treat how you build characters and how you create content somewhat separately - one does not rely on the other. Freeform is doable without limiting teaming, if you create content that encourages or even requires teaming.

In fact, it may be better to allow characters to solo with ease. Back to STO: I'm not saying that people didn't team, or make fleets, before it was required. There certainly exists a large amount of people who play MMOs for just the reasons you stated above: to play together. Those people will make teams and supergroups no matter what. But by allowing characters the ability to solo, you also keep more of the solo players happy, until they come up against content that they can't do alone.

And that's where the real decision must be made. Because there will always be players that like to solo, regardless of what type of character they will make. Chances are, they'll also want to experience everything the game has to offer... and they might be annoyed when a mission has, for example, two glowies that need to be clicked simultaneously, or when a boss needs 10 people to take it down, or when the best starships require a fleet to acquire. So do you want to just sort of encourage teaming, or straight up require it?

Quote from: crownarts on January 08, 2013, 07:37:19 AMStill I don't think Characters that are unable to solo are any less appealing than one that is able. (Blasters for example)...

I am honestly not sure what you're trying to say about blasters. Could you please clarify?

Note: I suspect STO also has a great many solo players because it's an existing IP; for many players, Star Trek was the draw, and it is their first MMO. Some of them will no doubt end up enjoy teaming, but others just want to experience Trek, and all the being the badass solo captain of a starship that that implies.
I used CIT before they even joined the Titan network! But then I left for a long ol' time, and came back. Now I edit the wiki.

I'm working on sorting the Lore AMAs so that questions are easily found and linked: Tell me what you think!

Pinnacle: The only server that faceplants before a fight! Member of the Pinnacle RP Congress (People's Elf of the CCCP); formerly @The Holy Flame

Nadia Luma

QuoteYou won't be able to please everyone consistently. Because you say you believe MMOs are about teaming, it seems to me you will likely make the choice to have content that requires groups of people, whether it's a "boss raid" style encounter or sweet bases for supergroups. And that's fine; you just need to recognize that somewhere along the way a choice will have to be made about what sorts of things solo players will or will not have access to.

I understand what you're saying. I haven't quite tackled how to fine a balance. I do believe these games are created for teaming, still like I said I don't wan't to scare off players that solo. If I can't find a balance, a decision will have to be made. Which is why I'm here looking for feedback.

QuoteI am honestly not sure what you're trying to say about blasters. Could you please clarify?

What I mean is, Coh was more based around teaming....not saying that soloing wasn't possible but types like blasters were not strong in that department. Despite that, people still decided to choose them. They were still appealing even though they aren't good solo'ers.


I had several blasters and never had much problem soloing. For me, until they were buffed, Defenders were the tough soloing archetype. Heck, my main blaster solo'd EB versions of the Praetorians in the PI arcs.

Nadia Luma

I'm not saying that Blaster aren't solo-able...For the those I've met, who played as Blaster weren't that good at soloing. Anyways, the point that I was trying to make was, regardless of a type's solo-bility people still enjoy playing with them.

Nadia Luma

Right now as fresh ideas go, I'm all out.  If there is anything I missed that someone wants me to add or address please let me know.


Just my 2 cents.  If I can't play a superhero mmo solo, then I won't play it, needless to say I'm not one who likes to team.  I solo'd 5 scrappers, 4 brutes, 2 doms, and 4 blasters to 50 solo.  My main server was Infinity.  The only time I ever teamed was when my son was actively playing.  So, yes I will play and sub if your game allows a full level 1 - 50 solo play.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it!  Infinity Server...


soooo I read a bit on the replys but didn't see this question being asked....will it have a City of Villain aspect to it? I am rather fond of all my 30+ villains :3

also will there be  a Peacebringer-type hero? that was the only hero I had alot of fun with. just asking

Nadia Luma

Quote from: ReplicatorFifth on February 14, 2013, 11:16:46 PM
soooo I read a bit on the replys but didn't see this question being asked....will it have a City of Villain aspect to it? I am rather fond of all my 30+ villains :3

also will there be  a Peacebringer-type hero? that was the only hero I had alot of fun with. just asking

Yes it would have both sides....Actually I want to go along side of a system where there really isn't sides. Right and wrong is subjective. You may have to do bad things for right reason or vice versa if there is one. Justice is about choices.

And to add to the person before you. Yes you can solo all the way through from initial level to cap....but like I said I believe these games are for those that want to play with others so there will be a lot of details gear to make that a great experience. Not to say that the rest won't be but I'd hope people would enjoy everything Justice has to offer.