Author Topic: MMOKiller/GameKiller meme images  (Read 113149 times)


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Re: MMOKiller/GameKiller meme images
« Reply #240 on: February 07, 2013, 08:45:35 PM »
To be fair, his strawberry tarts are out of this world.

Right, because there are no other threads about anything else anywhere to be found here at all?

Folks, I'm going to say this again.  There are people here who want to see NCsoft boiled in oil.  I personally don't like the company myself (although to be fair, shout-out to the GM team, they're awesome; I'm referring to the corporate offices in Korea).  There are anti-NCsoft threads, and that's not going to stop in the foreseeable future.  Consider yourself warned.

However, that is not the sole purpose of the Titan Network.  In fact, in spite of my own personal feelings towards NCsoft, there is a thread dedicated specifically to former CoH players who are now playing Guild Wars 2.  And yes, people have posted anti-NCsoft posts there.  And yes, we have moderated them because it's disruptive.  So please, spare me the lectures and comparisons to Orwell, and no matter how many ragequit posts I read, you're not going to make me feel one iota of guilt or convince me to start shutting down people who are peacefully expressing their anger and disappointment with NCsoft without disrupting others.  Funny thing, to me it would be more Orwellian of me to start locking threads, deleting posts, and otherwise telling people what to think or say when they're not causing any harm or disruption to discussion, yet apparently that's what some people expect me to do.

It's really simple.  If you don't agree with the anti-NCsoft crowd, then find other threads to read and post in.  It's not like they're hard to find.  This particular forum, "Save Paragon City!", is specifically dedicated to ideas and discussion around getting NCsoft to change their mind and release the game IP.  That's not going to happen with people sitting around doing nothing, and all of our positive efforts have been rebuffed, so it's not unreasonable to expect many of the posts here to focus on how to negatively affect NCsoft to the point where they will let the IP go to stop the negative publicity.  If you have better ideas, by all means, please post them!  (Just be forewarned that "Just let it go..." is probably also not going to meet a warm reception in the "Save Paragon City!" forum.)

If you want to leave the Titan Network because of anti-NCsoft posts in this forum, then don't let the door hit you on the way out.  I'm not saying that I want you to go, but I won't lose any sleep over it because to be brutally honest, if you come to this particular forum and you're offended by anti-NCsoft posts, that's your problem, not mine.  Why aren't you contributing to pitching City of Heroes to other companies?  Why aren't you participating in discussions about the comic medium in general?  Why are you seeking other former CoH players to play other games with?  Why aren't you contributing to a successor to City of Heroes?  Why aren't you discussing the future of the Paragon Wiki now that CoH is shut down?

If instead of doing any of these or many other things that are topics of discussion you deliberately choose to come into threads that are about a topic that you know you're probably not going to enjoy reading or participating in, hey, I really don't have any issue with that, either.  Spirited discussion and even civil arguments--including dissenting viewpoints--are welcome and encouraged.  If you're under the impression that I'm going to shut down conversation because someone has a disagreement, though, I can tell you that's not going to happen.  I'm sorry if that's the standard by which you just a community worth participating in, but that's not how we roll here.  If we were so anti-NCsoft, why do you think we haven't moderated any of your posts?

The kind of funny thing is, I just had another ragequit a week ago for precisely the opposite reason; someone was all hurt and upset because we moderated their posts for using an offensive derogatory term.  If I were more fragile, I'd give up, under the impression that I just can't win.  As it is, though, I'm just arrogant enough to know when I'm right about something, and a few things I know I'm right about are that not everyone here is anti-NCsoft, there are plenty of discussions that have nothing to do with NCsoft at all, and accusations of being Orwellian aren't going to get very far when we moderate as little as we do.

Wel lsaid Tony, but not trying to flame or start anything, and I might have just should of just sent private PM, but since it's said, I have noticed that it's not that easy to avoid anti-NCSoft rants. Even in other threads, postings, if someone barely mentions NCSoft in a way that is not NC(insert insult or negative comment) some how anti-ncsoft comments pop up. It really dont bother me much as it's very much understood that some people have deep hatred of NCSoft and rightfully so, but on the other hand I understand how it can get tiring that a post or thread topic with any mention of NCSoft cant go three postings (may be exaggeration) with out someone inserting anti-ncsoft something. Or calling NCSoft something derogatory.

I know that hating NCSoft is not the sole purpose of Titan network, and the reason I like it here and see the great things people are doing, but from a glance, pick a topic, outside that modded GW2 thing, and somewhere there is someone again saying something negative about NCSoft. With some of those comments, which is allowed, if a person was to take out NCSoft, and insert say, Paragon Studios, they probably would be flamed, and or banned or modded. Yet, add insult and as long as NCSoft is the subject it's ok. Fair enough given their reputation but avoiding it isnt an easy endeavor. It's everywhere. A person that may not be familiar with Titan or just stopping through and seeing what is up, may take the sheer amount of hate NCsoft posts as a sign that Titan is there solely for spewing hate at and about NCsoft. What do I propose? I think a anti-NCSoft vent section would help. That way, people have a dedicated space to vent their frustration without it being all over the place and making it seems our entire efforts are directed at either trying to bring the demise to NCSoft, making ant-NCSoft artwork, and general hate towards NCSoft which can distract from the main goal. While on the other hand anyone who enters know exactly what they are getting into and make it easy for those that do not wish to join up arms against NCSoft and or do not have to feel the pressure to defend themselves when ever they mention NCSoft without an insult against those that are still hurting.  But yeah, this thread in particular, with the title was fair warning for people that dont like to see a bunch of NCSoft hate.

Sorry for the ramble, havent had my Rockstar yet. I havent said this before but what made me stick around here and stick around COX community as long as I have was the diversity of the people. You had some expert gamers, you had beginning gamers, you had the nutcases, you have the level headed people, you had some people who put their sweat blood tears into the game you had some people who just played when they could. To me, that what made the community great. IN games like WoW, besides an outside few, everyone is about the samething in the same manner and same attitude and there are millions of them. Here we barely had 150,000 and had more diversity than any game I ever came across. That is one essence I hope we can keep in this community. But like anything there are ups, downs, ugly, and oogly. Emily Dickinson, for example. Most people never even knew of her works during her lifetime but after her death and many of her poems was found, then they realized the talent. Just people a person havent worn their talent on their sleeve at this given point doesnt mean they are absolutely worthless to the cause. The greatest game in the world can be created by the greatest game gurus in the universe but it's a waste without the players and sometimes even the most casual player can point out things and see things that a guru would miss and or because it's beneath their notice but important.


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Re: MMOKiller/GameKiller meme images
« Reply #241 on: February 07, 2013, 09:00:15 PM »
With some of those comments, which is allowed, if a person was to take out NCSoft, and insert say, Paragon Studios, they probably would be flamed, and or banned or modded.
Only a handful of people have been banned, and one of those was for posting nothing but nigh-on gibberish so he doesn't count, and another one was banned AFTER throwing a hissy fit, so he doesn't count either. I personally haven't done a whole lot of modding people's posts, whether pro- or anti-NCsoft, unless they get into racist comments or are being belligerent or offensive. I haven't seen any of the other mods/admins doing anything more than what I've been doing. So honestly, I have no idea where you're coming from with this.

Flamed, sure, maybe, but we don't have control over how the userbase responds to people, only how we tone down the craziest parts.
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Re: MMOKiller/GameKiller meme images
« Reply #242 on: February 07, 2013, 09:17:28 PM »
While it was only one person, not the first and probably wont be the last, we really should, as a whole, be a bit more open to differing opinions without jumping down each other throat. Yeah I know, people SAY the yare open to differing opinions but their actions sometimes speak different.



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Re: MMOKiller/GameKiller meme images
« Reply #243 on: February 07, 2013, 09:32:07 PM »
Only a handful of people have been banned, and one of those was for posting nothing but nigh-on gibberish so he doesn't count, and another one was banned AFTER throwing a hissy fit, so he doesn't count either. I personally haven't done a whole lot of modding people's posts, whether pro- or anti-NCsoft, unless they get into racist comments or are being belligerent or offensive. I haven't seen any of the other mods/admins doing anything more than what I've been doing. So honestly, I have no idea where you're coming from with this.

Flamed, sure, maybe, but we don't have control over how the userbase responds to people, only how we tone down the craziest parts.

*dranked my medicine I mean Rockstar and brain working better now.*

Oh yeas, you all been doing an excellent job at modding. It's not the modding part that is even the slight of worrisome. Just the reaction you cant control. And that can be worrisome. For example, with a Meme in this thread that got a reply along the lines of "Photoshop the brain down to about 1/10 the size and give the guy a magnifying glass." which implied that Kim has small brain. Although not the classic outrageous ranting, if it was about someone or soemthing else, it would had been taken a great offense even though the subliminal meaning is the same.  Maybe he do havea small brain maybe he dont, but if say that Meme was about Tony for example and get the same quote. I doubt the following postings would be a whole lot different.

But what I was proposing earlier was a section that is specifically about NCSoft and or their buisness practice. I recall one of the goals was to get the word out about how NCSoft handle the situation. And if word is truely indeed getting out and some people come snooping here, I think it would be good if they could click on a section and see how bad it really was. Instead of having go post to post some with titles that have nothing to do with the hate of NCSoft and or how small their brain is. Or even title it Everything you need to know about NCSoft, add this thread there and boom, a person coming in to see what is happening and tryign to inquire about what we are saying about NCSoft can click on a section and it's all right there laid out for them in one section instead of sprinkled throughout the forum. Concentrated fire is what I'm talking about. While those that may not want to see it every post can also enjoy themselves without being on edge. And those that have something to say about NCSoft can speak their mind without anythign standing in their way and it being visible without any sort of doubt that it's the entire goal of Titan. It's just another section that is "off to the side" officially that just happen to be there for people to vent, but really a tool for people that may join and may have or may have not heard about the details of what NCSoft have done and that it's not just ranting of random emotional people reacting in response to something someone else said but a place where it's a "fair" assessment of their reputation among gamers that may or may not be COX players. Hell, it could be a Tabula Rasa player passing through and want to speak his mind of how they feel and they have a section for it. Hope that clears it up a bit. Sorry for the length.


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Re: MMOKiller/GameKiller meme images
« Reply #244 on: February 07, 2013, 09:33:40 PM »
lol.  :P. You cheeky fellow you.


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Re: MMOKiller/GameKiller meme images
« Reply #245 on: February 07, 2013, 09:47:34 PM »
*dranked my medicine I mean Rockstar and brain working better now.*

Oh yeas, you all been doing an excellent job at modding. It's not the modding part that is even the slight of worrisome. Just the reaction you cant control. And that can be worrisome. For example, with a Meme in this thread that got a reply along the lines of "Photoshop the brain down to about 1/10 the size and give the guy a magnifying glass." which implied that Kim has small brain. Although not the classic outrageous ranting, if it was about someone or soemthing else, it would had been taken a great offense even though the subliminal meaning is the same.  Maybe he do havea small brain maybe he dont, but if say that Meme was about Tony for example and get the same quote. I doubt the following postings would be a whole lot different.

That was me, maybe I should have used smilies, the comment was not entirely serious in responding to a picture that I felt wasn't entirely serious either.


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Re: MMOKiller/GameKiller meme images
« Reply #246 on: February 07, 2013, 09:54:24 PM »
That was me, maybe I should have used smilies, the comment was not entirely serious in responding to a picture that I felt wasn't entirely serious either.
nah nah I know. That why I used it as an example because I knew it wasnt serious intent so less chance of me pissing someone off instead of using one that might have been serious and written with hurt emotions and come off as attacking their emotions which is not my intentions at all.

But I hope that since I used an example that wasnt a serious jab at anyone, the point wasnt lost.


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Re: MMOKiller/GameKiller meme images
« Reply #247 on: February 07, 2013, 10:05:42 PM »
Well to be fair I was doing a send up of "They Saved Hitler's Brain".  There isn't a lot of suitable options at Pulp-o-Matic that could apply to a MMOKiller meme.  I admit it was more personal than intended. 

Taek Jin Kim is unquestionably a very bright man.  However that doesn't mean he doesn't make wrong headed decisions or at the very least understand the consequences of those decisions down the road.
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Re: MMOKiller/GameKiller meme images
« Reply #248 on: February 07, 2013, 10:12:11 PM »
Well to be fair I was doing a send up of "They Saved Hitler's Brain".  There isn't a lot of suitable options at Pulp-o-Matic that could apply to a MMOKiller meme.  I admit it was more personal than intended. 

Taek Jin Kim is unquestionably a very bright man.  However that doesn't mean he doesn't make wrong headed decisions or at the very least understand the consequences of those decisions down the road.
So... comparisons to Mengele wouldn't be too far off.


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Re: MMOKiller/GameKiller meme images
« Reply #249 on: February 08, 2013, 04:52:32 PM »
Gonna need some new ideas for my memes, folks. :: Cracks knuckles. :: Consider the suggestion box open.


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Re: MMOKiller/GameKiller meme images
« Reply #250 on: February 08, 2013, 08:25:08 PM »
Something simple works.  NCSoft's stock chart on the face of a heart monitor?  :)


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Re: MMOKiller/GameKiller meme images
« Reply #251 on: February 08, 2013, 08:34:37 PM »
The stock chart lately reminds me of this:


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Re: MMOKiller/GameKiller meme images
« Reply #252 on: February 08, 2013, 10:09:00 PM »
..or perhaps...


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Re: MMOKiller/GameKiller meme images
« Reply #253 on: February 08, 2013, 10:57:21 PM »
Very neatly done, Lady Shin.

"I absolutely love it!"

Nice of you to say. I wonder if you know the source material? Virtual cookie to the first to ID the image.  :)

"This is so fitting with what I have witnessed happening on these forums..."

Little vague, though. What have you witnessed?

I'm a bit late I think, but I'd have to say it's from the movie Van Helsing, when the villagers try to destroy Frankenstein and his creator.

To which Frankenstein demands with a mighty bellow as his creator lay dying, 'WHY?!?!?!' ...They have no answer.

EDIT: and nooo, I didn't browse through any responses to try and copy them if they got it right.  :P

Further edit: My favorite line in that movie is where the priest is trying to send Frankenstein to his death...and Frankenstein resists.

The priest goes..'But you're supposed to die!'

Frankenstein... 'I want to live!'
"Frank! It's the love boat to Cuba! Shuffle board and pineapples filled with rum. Know what they do? They put little paper umbrellas sticking out the top so that when it rains, it don't thin out the liquor."


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Re: MMOKiller/GameKiller meme images
« Reply #254 on: February 09, 2013, 08:06:10 AM »
Love that, Harvester. Much better than my rough draft. Put an NCSoft logo on that.  :D


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Re: MMOKiller/GameKiller meme images
« Reply #255 on: February 09, 2013, 11:59:53 PM »

« Last Edit: February 10, 2013, 12:05:58 AM by LadyShin »
"Frank! It's the love boat to Cuba! Shuffle board and pineapples filled with rum. Know what they do? They put little paper umbrellas sticking out the top so that when it rains, it don't thin out the liquor."


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Re: MMOKiller/GameKiller meme images
« Reply #256 on: February 10, 2013, 10:08:40 AM »

Wow!!  both images really reach and "speak" to me; thank you, LadyShin!  I actually surfed in to write something else, so here goes.  While I like all the humor and feel or rather KNOW our cause is just, I feel like the very least we can do is look at root causes.  by this i mean why did ncsoft execs do this?  and why was their manner even brusque and callous.  I think part of the reason lies here at home within the United States, for all i know maybe parts of Europe.  Somewhere along the road after World War II the United States pretty much just decided it was the "top." the most "super" of the Super Power nations.  That supremacy was largely supported by Western Europe; e.g. the N.A.T.O. Allies, with the Soviet Block of countries behind the Iron Curtain, as well as the rising importance militarily but especially economically of Red China (sorry for my early 1960s lingo; it's now just China, of course).  Anyhow what that meant is post-WW2 much of the so-called Free World looked up to and respected the United States.  Now as a U.S. citizen and patriot I'm proud to report that my nation and homeland does indeed have some virtues, many worth emulating.  The downside is that we're not perfect and have flaws, and tragically often flaws get copied as much as the good stuff.  Consequently, I feel like what we are personally on the receiving end of, what NCSoft execs have done is 'cause inadvertently WE/our culture taught them to be that way: to prize money over virtue and ideals, even noble ones.  Just imagine if you will the most compulsive shiney-chaser that ever existed in gaming and go further, and that's an executive; it's their character class - or if you prefer it's a characteristic of their class.  Other than turning pigs into pigskins I don't see any way for pigs to fly, except maybe in their dreams like Charlotte and Wilbur.  [I am assuming you've all read Charlotte's Web ]

Thanks as always Titans for letting me speak my mind and say my piece.  And speaking of piece, Peace Out!   :)  Love ya, SG!

/em Holdtorch

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Re: MMOKiller/GameKiller meme images
« Reply #257 on: February 10, 2013, 08:46:10 PM »

Longcat is long.  :o

 not a gamekiller, just something I made to pass the time.  ;D
"Frank! It's the love boat to Cuba! Shuffle board and pineapples filled with rum. Know what they do? They put little paper umbrellas sticking out the top so that when it rains, it don't thin out the liquor."


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Re: MMOKiller/GameKiller meme images
« Reply #258 on: February 11, 2013, 02:18:03 AM »
I know, it's weak.

It is simply too large to be HIS brain!
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Re: MMOKiller/GameKiller meme images
« Reply #259 on: February 11, 2013, 03:47:45 AM »