Meanwhile, in the Halls of Titan...

Started by TonyV, September 01, 2012, 12:19:57 AM

KnightHawk Prime

Take a good long look at what's already been accomplished.

Yes, Plan Z is going to take a while, but not three or four times a regular studio, I think.

A regular studio has a real budget and specific designers, true, but more "Professional?" We've got some good people involved, both amateur and professional, working on various things. What we have is something I haven't seen in any game before.

A game *Community* set up *before* the game was started, giving Plan Z a huge pool of people and talents to draw from. And the Devs for Plan Z are doing a good job of doing just that.

Take a good long read through the threads and look at what's already been done, including a lot of things that either weren't feasible for CoH, or weren't possible due to the game engine, NCSoftcore wouldn't fund it, or for whatever reason, that are on the Plan Z "We're going to attempt to do this" list on a dozen different threads.

Hell, what I've seen on Plan Z from the forums has done something that nothing else has done in nearly 20 years: Gotten *me* off my butt to get involved. ;]

Whether getting me involved was a *good* thing or a *bad* thing, well, that's for others to decide. ;]

2cp. ;]


That is true and didnt consider alot of that stuff.

Plan Z didnt have to really go out and find people, they were already here. Usually that in itself can be a very long process.

Not to mention, already have a community to bounce ideas around unlike having to create the game and hope for the best.

And also we already had a basis to work on instead having to come up with it all from scratch and trying to figure out what to do. Plan Z is already at the now that there is an idea of what is aimed to be put in it's about how to organize it into a game.

Hmmm, it may not take so long after all.

And word around is that at least one company is interested in giving financial support so that may solve that.

Well then to hell with NCSoft, we dont need NCSoft, we have Plan Z, son. 

KnightHawk Prime

As far as *I'm* concerned, the best of all worlds is they manage to buy the CoH IP outright, and everything we're doing in Plan Z becomes Titan City, Paragon City's sister city to the north/east/south/west.

End result: We end up with CoH continuing to operate till Plan Z is finished, and because we *own* the IP, everything from CoH is *in* Plan Z, cleaned up and fixed, and we end up with CoH2.

Yup, I'm a dreamer, but someone has to.

Oh, look! there's a *lot* of someone's involved in this. ;]

2cp. ;]

The Fifth Horseman

The law governing patents does not bear any impact on copyrights. These are two very different things.
We were heroes. We were villains. At the end of the world we all fought as one. It's what we did that defines us.
The end occurred pretty much as we predicted: all servers redlining until midnight... and then no servers to go around.

Somewhere beyond time and space, if you look hard you might find a flash of silver trailing crimson: a lone lost Spartan on his way home.


I always thought video game patents were 20 years.

I remember a big stink being made about MAME being able to include pac-man with the download of the mame software as the original pac-man game rom had run the course of it's copyright.

Also, to the best of my knowledge is that anyone working on reverse engineering the coh servers can do so for educational purposes, is that correct?

to go back to the MAME analogy to explain, it is ok for someone to have the MAME software. It is not ok for someone to have the double dragon motherboard dump (hereafter referred to as rom) unless they also own the double dragon motherboard itself. So for coh, it would be ok to have a working server copy for educaiton purposes, ie to learn how it worked, but not to have the coh rom (containing the intellectual property, such as Positron).

for anything I've said here that's wrong, feel free to debunk me, also, please let me know it was wrong as I would not want to be handing out misinformation.


Quote from: TonyV on September 01, 2012, 12:19:57 AM
Anyway, what I'm pondering is contacting the powers-that-be at Paragon Studios and NCsoft and find out if there's any way possible that something can be worked out for us to keep the servers on.  Whether that be through acquiring the IP and codebase, licensing technologies, releasing their tech specs to us so that we can reverse engineer the server and client, whatever.  I just find it really hard to think that NCsoft is going to sit on IP and code and completely shutter a project if there are people willing to pony up cash for it.

I support Titan Network's decision on this, and I will be willing to send some funds via paypal for the cause, let's get this ball rollin cause I want to play with a the big boys. Also I have played around with 3D modling & vertex shaders/renders, as well as some hobbies done with C++, and HTML 1-3 in the past, so if you want a novice editor designer on board I'd be glad to come along with little to no pay, because I would love to be apart of the staff on this.


Quote from: GuyPerfect on October 18, 2012, 04:41:22 PM
I can tell you now, as someone in the know, that Titan Network is not working on any emulation or reverse-engineering projects and does not wish to be affiliated with any such project.


I can also tell you, as someone in the know, that many people who coincidentally happen to be members of Titan Network are working on emulation and reverse-engineering projects and that progress is moving along quite well. (-:

pm me if said people would like a hand in their ....studies.


For funding I think we should start a kickstarter.

I am not creative, have no designing or art skills but I can be good for story stuff. I just do not know where to go in the plan z / phoenix etc to go start pitching any ideas or know how to start getting involved in such things.


I have only one serious concern - let's say the game gets off the ground and is a smashing success - then the lawsuits start.

What sort of release/profit sharing agreement do you have? It is often not thought out how open source stuff will work and when you get a couple million in profit rolling in all of the sudden the water is full of sharks. Seeing a new game open and then slam shut due to greed and a lack of preparation is a serious concern.


Quote from: Ironwolf on January 15, 2013, 06:03:41 PM
I have only one serious concern - let's say the game gets off the ground and is a smashing success - then the lawsuits start.

SWG seems fine and they're totally out in the open.

Rotten Luck

As of right now the latest news is from January 1st.,7585.0/topicseen.html

Team Wild Card is doing the Task Force Hail Mary.  What you can do to help is write to Disney and anyone else that we can contact who has the power and funds to buy the CoH IP from NCsoft.  A side quest is to contact news media outlets.  Human interest stories keep the word out we as a community will not go quietly!

Long term operations are the Plan Z tasks.

Heroes and Villains as well as The Phoenix Project.  Both are making a new Superhero MMO using City of heroes as a guide.  It wouldn't be CoH2 but be closer to home then Champions or DCUO. 

What you can do there is join the forums (BOTH!) and offer ideas or join in one of the teams writing stories or programming. 

Last and not least.  NEVER EVER GIVE UP.  This is our darkest hour and our chance to shine the brightest.  Even a single candle of hope can keep the darkness away. 

Remember this is first and foremost.  We are Paragon city.  our community what made City of Heroes great our Devs love for the game and our love for the game.  The joy of helping a newbie learn the ropes.  The fun of doing a new story with a new team.  We are Paragon always and forever they may have kicked us out of our servers but they can't take City of heroes out of us.  When you play a new game carry Paragon with you.  Help a new player, show them what our community is about.  Because even with out our game we are still Paragon City we are still a Community of heroes and I for one will always be proud of being a member of that.
One way or another... Heroes will fly again!


im really excited for plan z/ phoenix project/ heroes and villians, shame we wont see anything playable for years. i wish i was able to help w the back end but at best i could write or edit stories


Head on over to the Phoenix Project boards and introduce yourself to the Lore and Story boards if you're interested; I'm pretty sure SithRose and Xivilai still have plenty of work they can hand out to willing volunteers.