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set title binds

Started by beatnik420, January 20, 2009, 06:45:43 PM


ive downloaded the set title bind since the release of i13.. but for some reason its not going through all of my badges... is there something im missing or is there a new update out there?


We've got a few Threads stating that they need to be Updated, we've Updated the DB with the correct Settitle Listing, we just haven't gotten the Binds Updated yet.

Check out this Post -,2.msg22614.html#msg22614, Calea created one.


Yup yup yup. this one got all my badges on my 2nd Account main, 309 on the dot.


Steiner, any way that you can Update Mavs Post Here, to reflect the new Binds?  So that everyone can get at it.

Maverick X

Quote from: Tazhyngarth on January 21, 2009, 03:00:25 PM
Steiner, any way that you can Update Mavs Post Here, to reflect the new Binds?  So that everyone can get at it.

Or you know, you could just ask me...

It's now updated.
Retired Resident Titan Nerd


I've made several Posts dating back a good few weeks asking anyone in general to do that, but no one had done so.  This starting when we first heard of the Binds needing to be extended because of all the changes.

Perhaps a PM wouldn't have been missed as the Posts were....I'll remember that for next time :).



Maverick X

Quote from: Steiner on January 21, 2009, 11:34:39 PM
Yea, PMs FTW

Yeah, I try to read every post, but some times I still miss them. PMs email me too, so I never miss any of those. ;)
Retired Resident Titan Nerd


On a side note, is there anyway the binds can be set up so that the T button isn't used and a key that isn't already part of the game is?


Well, ya... but this thing resets T back to it's original bind though... only after you've finished through with it.

I mean ~2 years of people hitting 'T' I don't know how many other people would appreciate the sudden change.


Well, no, I meant is there a way for us to select the letter, like that first txt file, can we change the first t to another key and it just works, or is there more to it?


You'd have to change the bind key in every bind file.

I have an idea, let me try it out, and I'll get right back to this thread if it works.


Crap, I was going to add a key modifier or something... but it would just cause overhead and other issues.

I apologize for the inconvenience but, sadly the bind files are stuck using 'T'.

If it changes to where we can change the bind key, I'll post it here.



Read this thread, and use the last link for a custom settitle bind.

The thread has been stickied since the end of December.  ;),1117.0.html


Yea, but you'll have to download a visual basic debugging application (not sure how many good free ones there are).

And that isn't linked in anyway to our data... which is... not really important, but a nice feature.



Quote from: Steiner on January 31, 2009, 07:05:50 PM
Yea, but you'll have to download a visual basic debugging application (not sure how many good free ones there are).

No you don't. You just use the last link konoko posted. Do you even look at anything before commenting on it?


Well... I click on it. didn't do a thing... neither link... so what am I missing?

Love the rudeness I've been getting lately. I read thing thoroughly and try to utilize all script and ideas on these forums.

If you can get a Visual Basic script to run on your computer without using Internet Explorer (which I tried... nothing happened) or posting that script to a Windows Server host, which we don't really have anymore... sweet... otherwise I'm at a loss on how to get that script to function without utilizing resources most people don't have, or know about.


I wish I had left my CoH install on my Flash Drive in order to test this properly, but from my attempt at an install, it worked great up until it needed the CoH directory.  I clicked the links while using an IE Browser, is your Setup different Steiner?

I'll double check it again tonight on my PC.

Side not, Steiner, I know you saw some rudeness in that Post, but read it with some sarcasm instead, that's how it should be coming across.


Sorry... can't assume sarcasm on a forum... just not possible. Against my netiquette... (even if you throw an emoticon in there...)

Anyway, ya this isn't working at all on my system. Vista Ult x64 with all the updates, and it just keeps trying to open in my editor applications, even if I right click and open in IE 7.

Sucks that this thing forces you to have an obsolete environment to run...

I'm going to get working on the PHP version of selectable binding. I coded VB for 2 years at work... and there is a lot wrong with that code... not to mention that if you're running Vista (or with secure settings) it won't touch the FileSystem.IO that it utilizes without ActiveX permissions. That's just a headache to me.

Not to mention, there has been an edit I made to Glycerine like a month ago almost that will auto extract and deploy the bind files with one click... overlooked I guess.

Believe me I've been making progress with stuff, just everyone else is just too busy. Not their faults, remember I have no life... and most the other devs not only have lives they have other lives to care for, as well... lol.



Okay, here's what I did. Maybe I'm missing something, but it worked before and works right now for me.

From this post:

Quote from: konoko on December 23, 2008, 08:40:51 PM
Need to install a VBS IDE, editing this through VIM is giving me a headache. At least color coding is working.

Added relative path dialog. Will add number of files later.

I click the last link.

I click "Open".

I click "Run".

I follow the instructions.

P.S. I wasn't trying to be rude. I just don't get how this works with a few clicks on my end even though I don't have a clue what I'm doing. Also, haven't we talked on Skype? How would you not assume sarcasm from me?

n00 LOL JK!


That's strange... Firefox saved the .vbs as .vbs.txt, and after renaming it to .vbs I can't run it on this work computer...

I wanted to code it in C++, and as a stupid idea tried a CMD/Batch script, but was failing on the loops in CMD. Instead I modified IceHeart's vbs thingy.

I'll have to re-learn C++ or something.

How does one run .vbs files if they're not associated with an application?
-Paragonwiki Admin


I don't know, all I did was just like Cath, Open it instead of Save.  Then the prompts work their way through and take it from there to Save it correctly.  Well, as stated I never finished my save, but I'm 100% certain this PC does not have any VB association and it was still working.



I don't even know what you guys are talking about, but it worked for me.


I've got something in the works. If it passes internal QA, I'll make it live today/tomorrow.


You do not need any VBasic IDE to just 'run' these. Konoko was referring to editing them to add more functionality.

These VBS can be run  with just the Windows Scripting Host (WSH) which is included by default in all installations of win 2000, win xp and win Vista, unless you have specifically removed it or altered it. There are no additional references, libraries or other bells and whistles included or required.... they are rather simple.

Note that if you have other IDEs there, as is most likely the case with many of the developers/tech people around here, even myself included, then the standard VBS association may have been modified/hijacked by any of the mutliple developemnt IDEs you have.... so i cannot confirm how this is gonna work with your configuration.

But, if you do have any problems running it (either my original  or konoko's upgraded version) you could always try:

- save it to whatever path\filename you wish .. (lets call it c:\temp\set-title-binds.vbs)
- open up a command window and specifically force cscript or wscript to run it:
wscript c:\temp\set-title-binds.vbs

It should run without any problems.
if it doesnt, make sure you do have Wscript host enabled.. try simply running either "wscript" (the windowed version, or "cscript" (the core, command line-only version) .. you should get something along the lines of:

Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. All rights reserved.

If you cannot get anything out of that then you may have a version error with WSH 5.6 vs WSH 5.7
try reading through this.. as usal, MS messing things around...

I have also posted a copy of this at that thread to clarify there as well.

oh and yay! thanks for the Sticky!  :)