Paragon Chat 1.0 Mac Edition Beta Testing

Started by Manga, April 03, 2016, 06:35:59 AM


EDIT:  Beta is now closed, IR has hit first new release.  I changed the link below to download the release version.

I think I found a way around the issues that were preventing Paragon Chat from running on Mac, especially El Capitan (10.11.x).  As much as I'd like to release it already, I'd like to go through a couple of stages of testing first.

The Open Beta stage is now in progress.

If you're interested, follow these steps:

1.  BACK UP your current CoH/Paragon Chat client first.  You can do that easily enough by right-clicking it and selecting Compress from the contextual menu.  This step will preserve your settings and screenshots if something goes wrong.  This is a beta, after all.

2.  Download Island Rum.

3.  Uncompress Island Rum beta.

4.  Launch Island Rum beta and wait for it to download your replacement Mac client, move all your CoH files, and check for patches.  If you get an error, try running it again.  Demand will be high, so it may have difficulty getting files.

After that you should be able to launch Paragon Chat normally from Island Rum.  It will also be launchable without Island Rum by double-clicking the CoH app.

Beta Notes:

- The same client can also be used for Titan Icon.

- You will have to enter your login and password again, and re-set your display settings, as those don't transfer from the Cider client, or from Homebrew Wine.  NOTE:  Settings also don't make it version-to-version.  I might be able to solve that via Island Rum, but it doesn't work yet.

- Having Wine installed via Homebrew or outside sources may cause unexpected results.  I don't expect it, but it could be unexpected.

- Windowed Mode works, but it's kind of tricky.  You have to set the CoH settings to Windowed first, then click Apply, then exit CoH and launch it again.  Then drag the corner of the window to change its size.  There is a slight chance it may start up the 2nd time with a really tiny window.

- You might have to re-select the path to your CoH application.  I didn't, but it's possible that might happen.

- The "Use Cider Client" switch in Island Rum's options doesn't do anything, and will be removed eventually.

If you have any problems, post to this thread or send me a PM.  I'm going through this testing while working full time, so please be patient if your fix takes longer than expected.

Beta cycle will switch to Release after I've fixed all of the outstanding issues that can be fixed.


I'm not a mac user, but I'd like to work together to create a mac friendly quickchat.exe when you work out the kinks. :)
This message has been brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Danger Rangers...
My CoH Faces Profile! // Get your Quickchat FIXED!

"It's only after you've lost everything, that you're free to do anything..." Tyler Durden - Fight Club


Quote from: lexicon on April 03, 2016, 05:31:55 PM
I'm not a mac user, but I'd like to work together to create a mac friendly quickchat.exe when you work out the kinks. :)

That's possible.  What does it do, make .mnu files?


It repairs the emote menu trees so all emotes/combat emotes/dicebag/quickport(mapmove) etc etc. I have snapshots on the thread linked in my signature below.
This message has been brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Danger Rangers...
My CoH Faces Profile! // Get your Quickchat FIXED!

"It's only after you've lost everything, that you're free to do anything..." Tyler Durden - Fight Club


Does it have to run from the game path or can you choose it's working directory?


Well, it's preconfigured to hit the $APPDATA\ParagonChat in the Exe file which auto points to %APPDATA%\Roaming\ParagonChat for windows users then installs the files listed in the advance install instructions in their appropriate locations.

The installer (for windows users) allows you to change the folder destination like most installers. I am uncertain as to how they install for a mac.
This message has been brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Danger Rangers...
My CoH Faces Profile! // Get your Quickchat FIXED!

"It's only after you've lost everything, that you're free to do anything..." Tyler Durden - Fight Club


It sounds like I'd have to add something to Island Rum (or have it added to the manifest) to launch it, but it could work.  I'll have to check how compatible it is with the packager I'm using.


Quote from: lexicon on April 03, 2016, 06:03:55 PM
It repairs the emote menu trees so all emotes/combat emotes/dicebag/quickport(mapmove) etc etc. I have snapshots on the thread linked in my signature below.

It's actually just a straight up expansion now rather than a fix. Paragon Chat 1.0's new client patching abilities were used to fix the badge and store locked items, so the stock install now has all of the emotes that were available in the live game unlocked.

Quote from: Manga on April 03, 2016, 08:22:23 PM
It sounds like I'd have to add something to Island Rum (or have it added to the manifest) to launch it, but it could work.  I'll have to check how compatible it is with the packager I'm using.

Pretty sure lexicon is using NSIS (that's what I suggested and they seemed to be pleased when looking into it), which is just straight Win32 and very lightweight, no .NET or anything crazy needed. So it should work.


Mac user here... older iMac, 2.4GHz Core2Duo with 4G RAM.


I'd be happy to help if short on numbers, but I must admit I'm only 'okay' at best with the technical side of a Mac.  Paragon Chat 1.0 is working for me still, so my policy (slackness) of spending ages without updating before is paying off!


I'm currently uploading a test version of Paragon Chat for Mac.  It's going to take about half the night to upload because it's fully packaged, as opposed to the final that will download in pieces via Island Rum.  Sometime tomorrow I'll start sending PM's of download links to participants in the beta.

The test will last approximately a week, or until I finish adding the patch functionality to Island Rum, whichever comes first. 

I may open it to general testing before then, since Paragon Chat patches itself, but people downloading it anew will have a fairly long and painful download ahead of them, and I'd need to set up mirrors to avoid killing my dev web site.


I'm excited about a mac version! I've been feeling left out


Quote from: Manga on April 05, 2016, 03:16:34 AM
I'm currently uploading a test version of Paragon Chat for Mac.  It's going to take about half the night to upload because it's fully packaged, as opposed to the final that will download in pieces via Island Rum.  Sometime tomorrow I'll start sending PM's of download links to participants in the beta..

Hey Manga,

I'm a bit late to the thread (been away from the forums a while) but if you need any more testers I'd be happy to help. I did a bit of debugging when you first released IR (like finding out you could disable the loopback interface to fix an error logging in), so I might be able to help.

Just an offer, no problem waiting otherwise.


I'm holding adding more testers for the moment because I have a newer beta paired with Island Rum waiting in the queue.  As soon as I finish some more testing with it, I'll announce it here.

As noted in the post at the top, we're now in Open Beta phase.  The Closed Alpha phase files will no longer be available to download.


Hey Manga and Codewalker, I would be happy to test the install once you get it up and running.
Here are my system specs so you know.

OS X Yosemite 10.10.5 (I was smart enough NOT to instail El Capitan yet)
Macbook pro 2.8 GHZ Intel Core 2 Duo
NVIDIA GeForce 9400M 256MB Graphics Card

So far the only thing I installed was the package Manga sent me in 2013 for Icon 1.7


Quote from: Ectokin on April 12, 2016, 02:32:00 AM
Hey Manga and Codewalker, I would be happy to test the install once you get it up and running.

You can test it now!  Read the first post.


Okay, I've been trying to download the Mac Beta, but seems to not be working right.

I download Island Rum from the link above, run it/extract it, it downloads, relaunches, then attempts to download, but fails stating there is an MDS Error.

Is this something wrong on my Mac? Or is it something on the server?


The beta is now closed - final version released last night.


Hi all, having trouble getting it running on Mac.  Have not used IR or PC in many months so may have missed something.  Also might be tough to get it working here on 12th anniversary day.

I downloaded the new Island Rum, run it, it says "ready to play", I click blue arrow, CoH starts to launch and I get this error message every time:

"Paragon Chat Bootstrap
An error occured while attempting to download Paragon Chat. Please ensure that you have an Internet connection. This may also be caused by server issues, in which case you can try again later. If you encounter this message repeatedly, please post in the Paragon Chat forums on the Titan Network ( with your system information so that we can hopefully resolve the issue or suggest alternative means of installation."

Not sure if it's just a busy day or I have done something wrong. I recall that I had to do some trouble-shooting to get it to work last time but not sure what.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

iMac 21.5 inch late 2009
3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
NVIDA GeForce 9400 256 MB
OS X Yosemite 10.10.2


I installed Island Rum, I ran it, and the files are not saving once downloaded.  I get Unauthorized Access Exception errors on each file that comes in.  Nothing saves, and when I click OK on the error, Island Rum quits.

I checked System Preferences and changed Security options to allow apps from anywhere.  Still happens.

I'm on a MacBook Air Mid-2012, 4GB RAM, Intel HD Graphics 4000. Running El Cap 10.11.5.
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran