Paragon Chat 1.0 Mac Edition Beta Testing

Started by Manga, April 03, 2016, 06:35:59 AM


One of two things happened:

1.  You didn't download the Mac client first.  There are 3 you can use now:

    - Wineskin:
    - Cider:
    - Wine:  Follow the instructions at and then use "brew install wine"

2.  Island Rum isn't pointed at the downloaded Mac client application in the case of Wineskin or Cider, or isn't pointed to the right folder for Wine.


The Wine C: Drive is in my user folder as "/.wine/drive_c/"

I can reach it in Finder in the Go to Folder... command, using "~/.wine" when in the Home Directory, but how do I find the path in Island Rum when it only shows visible folders in the selector for "Reset Path"?

I apologize if this is basic stuff to know... I'm more familiar with Linux than Mac.
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Create a symbolic link/alias of the CoH folder somewhere like Applications.


I installed the new island rhum on my old imac 2011 with sierra 12,10,6

the wine app pops and ask to install something:

what should I do?


Most of the Island Rum support is happening over on the Homecoming forums.  I'm not sure if Manga pokes his head in here very often these days.


I do, but this is a very old thread.  I don't really have a fix for Paragon Chat yet, as I've been trying to get the Mac client working with Homecoming.