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Official Bug Thread

Started by Codewalker, March 31, 2016, 01:20:33 PM


New update on the Local chat not responsive bug.  If you and the people who cannot see your local chat move to a different location the local chat will work for you again.
Currently; Not doing any streaming, found myself with less time available recently.  Still playing starbound periodically, though I am thinking of trying other games.  Don't tell me to play mmohtg's though please :).  Getting back into participating in VO and the successors again to.


Quote from: Codewalker on April 05, 2016, 03:43:13 PM
I believe I have this tracked down. While skipping the server select screen doesn't cause any problems when moving forward through the pages, it seems that the 'back' button on that screen resets some internal state that is used by the character select / creation page.
If any characters exist on the account, it doesn't matter because the state gets initialized in order to display the preview. However if you first log into an account with characters on it, then back out to the login screen, then go to an account with no characters and try to create one, it ends up using a player structure that has no costumes allocated. That causes a client crash upon trying to use the body or costume tab.
Should be fixed in the next patch.

Looks like it was fixed in Patch 5.  I can now back out of the character page and COH account, type in a new COH account name, and get an empty character list.  I have created two toons, used them in PChat/COH and deleted them with no errors.


My mouse will be in once spot and ill attempt to click a power but it always register my mouse being in a spot that it actually isnt! help how can i fix this


Honestly, I'd try a different mouse.  I'm sure PChat uses the standard Windows mouse methods


Don't know if anything can be done about this, but . . if you attempt to start PChat or zone to another zone, but XMPP doesn't 'catch' - I mean XMPP doesn't make the XMPP connection - the whole PC locks up with a black screen and moveable mouse cursor. (If player is running, the music continues uninterrupted.)   

Ctl-Alt-Del, Windows-D, Alt-Tab, Windows-Tab - none of those do anything until XMPP times out (a minute or more) and gives a 'No Map Server Connection, Try Again' (or words to that effect) message.  If I do click the 'Log In' button again, it always 'makes' the second time.

This is not very common, maybe once a day for a while, then no occurrences for several days.  If we could reduce the TIMEOUT for XMPP, I don't mind clicking the 'Log In' button a second time near as much as having my whole PC lock up while waiting.


Quote from: jimmyj71 on June 09, 2016, 11:38:54 PM
My mouse will be in once spot and ill attempt to click a power but it always register my mouse being in a spot that it actually isnt! help how can i fix this

Press Alt+Enter to switch to windowed mode. You are probably set to a fullscreen resolution that your monitor doesn't natively support, or your graphics driver is set to an unusual scaling factor.


When you create a toon in PC, "Log Chat" and "Log Private Messages" show as Disabled by default in the Options/Windows/Chat area, but in fact both chat and PMs ARE being logged by default.  (And I'm really glad that they are, as I have full PC chatlogs right from the beginning.  If you "fix" this so that "Disabled" truly is disabled, then would you please also make "Enabled" the default setting for new toons?)  Thx! 
Liberty and a plethora of others.  Altaholic.  SG Starfire.
"...and it's never too late to stop being afraid..." 
"...have you ever been caught in a sea of despair?
"And your Moment of Truth is the day that you say, "I'm not scared!"
"Unity" - - Shinedown


Paragon Chat 1.0.5

After "Loading Sequencers..." the progress bar turns red and says "Error".
Every version of PC has run fine for me up until this version.


Can anyone load costume files in version 1.0.5?


I moved the entire install from /user/[etc] to my games directory, now it runs fine.


Quote from: Kawless on August 30, 2016, 03:40:10 AM
Paragon Chat 1.0.5

After "Loading Sequencers..." the progress bar turns red and says "Error".
Every version of PC has run fine for me up until this version.

That sounds a lot like it's trying to update the ParagonChat.pigg file and failing. I just checked and there is a small bug in that it doesn't show the error message it's supposed to if that happens, but just goes to 'Error' at the end of the loading process like you're describing.

First thing to try would be to make sure you don't have any extra copies of Paragon Chat or the client running. A reboot is a good way to make sure everything is cleared out.

If that doesn't work, you can try manually deleting the file - click on the folder button from the main window, go into Piggs, and delete the file that is there. Then close and restart Paragon Chat.

EDIT: Nevermind, sounds like you got it working.


Quote from: saipaman on August 30, 2016, 03:43:54 AM
Can anyone load costume files in version 1.0.5?
Yes, in the tailor and the creation screen. They have to be in %APPDATA%\Roaming\ParagonChat\Costumes\ assuming your installation is in the standard place.



Quote from: Pengy on August 30, 2016, 12:42:24 PM
Yes, in the tailor and the creation screen. They have to be in %APPDATA%\Roaming\ParagonChat\Costumes\ assuming your installation is in the standard place.

That was the problem.

With 3 copies of regular PC and 3 copies of Dev PC, I've sometimes forgotten what I've done and what I haven't.


So, not sure if this would constitute as a bug, as I have no idea whether other people are having the same problem I'm currently having.

The problem I'm having is that I currently can't see any of the chat from the Paragon Chat channel, that includes whatever I may send.

I've no idea whether this is because of my end, or if it's because of the server or what.

The weird part is that I'm connected to the server and the Paragon Chat channel, I just can't see anything within the channel.


Paragon Avenger

Did you try typing C.
If so, I haven't a clue.


I seem to be having an issue with running the repair utility for Paragon Chat. It tells me that there was a problem repairing Paragon Chat and to make sure I am completely exited from Paragon Chat before attempting to repair it. If I do that, the Repair utility is unavailable to repair the program.


Already told Codewalker about this, but just logging it here in case anyone else runs into it.

When I was on a team and teleported to a new map, my game crashes, including ParagonChat and the Client. I was able to mapmove when not on a team but once on a team, it crashed when I did it. This was the first time I had used teaming, so I am unsure if any other specifics are relevant as I'd never be in a position to have discovered this bug before.


Not sure if this is the kind of bug to report here, but I've been hunting for exploration badges and noticed that some of the ones in Underground Imperial are inaccessible due to a door that should move out of the way to let you pass to different sections of the zone acting like a mission door instead. Six doors, actually; the ones on either side of the City Access points. This also happens with the same doors in the other two Underground zones, but in those cases you can go around the doors in question, while in Underground Imperial they are the only path through to a section of the map.

Edit: After double-checking, door problems make some badges impossible to get in Underground Nova as well, including different doors than the others blocking access to the Trainspotter and Secret Prisoner badges.

Edit 2: Some additional badge issues. The two progress-based ones in Praetoria don't award, which I'm not too surprised about because I figure they take more work. However, Going Rouge in Imperial City doesn't award either. Maybe that one's another weird typo in the files?


Quote from: patteroast on January 02, 2017, 08:37:33 AM
Not sure if this is the kind of bug to report here, but I've been hunting for exploration badges and noticed that some of the ones in Underground Imperial are inaccessible due to a door that should move out of the way to let you pass to different sections of the zone acting like a mission door instead. Six doors, actually; the ones on either side of the City Access points. This also happens with the same doors in the other two Underground zones, but in those cases you can go around the doors in question, while in Underground Imperial they are the only path through to a section of the map.

Not really a bug so much as something that hasn't been implemented yet. Those doors probably have a special property on the generator or something that Paragon Chat needs to learn how to understand in order to make them open.