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Official Bug Thread

Started by Codewalker, March 31, 2016, 01:20:33 PM


This is the official bug thread for Paragon Chat. Starting over with 1.0, since many things have changed and it's difficult to know which ones still exist.

If you're just reporting a bug, you can reply to this post. I'll try to keep a running list updated in the first post.

If you are experiencing something that will require some back and forth to resolve, please start a separate thread in this section.  That way replies to help troubleshoot don't get mixed in with bug reports.



Creating Another Local Account
I went into 1.0, picked a toon and went into CoX, no problem.  Exited back to login, typed in a new account name: 'crashtest2'.  Character list was of course empty. Named character, picked origin, blaster, fire blaster, 2nd set fire manipulation, clicked NEXT
PChat crashed completely - no error, no warning. CoX is closed. No PChat tray item. Rebooted PC, went in, did same thing, same result.
Is there a different process to create a new account ?

[EDIT] Possible clue: Tried again today.  While zoning, I had a Map crash and I went back to the login.  Figured I might as well and tried the new account name 'crashtest2' and created the character successfully.  When I attempted to exit the creator to enter game, I got 'Unable to start map', but I was able to save the new costume.  Went back to the login and exited that way. Restarted PChat and CoH. Opened a character, entered game, moved around a bit, went back to log in. Entered 'crashtest2' and PChat and CoH crashed as before. So, if the Map is offline, I can make accounts and characters, but if Map is working, the attempt crashes it.  Hope this is a clue. :o


Random complete crashes to desktop.
A small issue and one that's been happening shortly before the update. Just occasionally Paragon Chat will up and decide to close down entirely without warning or anything seeming wrong about the program running. I'm just plopped back out into desktop.


Quoting here so I don't forget about it and it would otherwise be buried in discussion.

Quote from: JadeFalcon on April 02, 2016, 05:18:16 AM
Everything seems to be working fine, except the front end music doesn't play at all anymore.

Pretty sure I just forgot to add the right calls to play the music when rebuilding the login screen.


Quote from: crashpositron on March 31, 2016, 08:50:19 PM
I went into 1.0, picked a toon and went into CoX, no problem.  Exited back to login, typed in a new account name: 'crashtest2'.  Character list was of course empty. Named character, picked origin, blaster, fire blaster, 2nd set fire manipulation, clicked NEXT
PChat crashed completely - no error, no warning. CoX is closed. No PChat tray item. Rebooted PC, went in, did same thing, same result.

I believe I have this tracked down. While skipping the server select screen doesn't cause any problems when moving forward through the pages, it seems that the 'back' button on that screen resets some internal state that is used by the character select / creation page.

If any characters exist on the account, it doesn't matter because the state gets initialized in order to display the preview. However if you first log into an account with characters on it, then back out to the login screen, then go to an account with no characters and try to create one, it ends up using a player structure that has no costumes allocated. That causes a client crash upon trying to use the body or costume tab.

Should be fixed in the next patch.



My Paragon Chat was working fine last night, right?  WELL, more than frustratingly enough, look what happened here:
WHERE is this "issue 24" & where can I download it?  Did I have it before?  How did it disappear?


That's the new user experience. Did you proceed past that page by either having PC search or by manually browsing, as stated on the screen?
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...



Randomly, people will become unable to see a specific persons local text no matter what is done.  Restarting the program or even the entire computer does not work as it generally just re-applies itself immedietly after the person restarts.

It doesn't stop once it happens in pocket D, I had noticed.

This bug seriously needs fixed as it's the single most disruptive I've ever seen.

Edit: It's still happening to me in Pocket D, it seems to start happening to someone in a zone and then never stops re-occuring in the zone for that player for some reason.
Currently; Not doing any streaming, found myself with less time available recently.  Still playing starbound periodically, though I am thinking of trying other games.  Don't tell me to play mmohtg's though please :).  Getting back into participating in VO and the successors again to.


On occasion, I log in and there's two of me.

I'll upload a pic the next time it happens.  Usually logging off and logging back on resolves it.
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


I want Tahquitz's bug, please


Heh heh heh... it doesn't propagate past me.  Users in PChat don't see the double, only I do. (Hmm, this must be what A Beautiful Mind is like... that, or seeing Cthulhu.)
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


And proof I'm not on crack.  Here's a photo.

I verified again, other players do not see my doppelganger, nor can see the dual chat messages when I talk.  ( shows one tell per message on the web, too.) 

Anything I can capture on my end to help with this, let me know.
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Do you happen to also log into the server using a standard XMPP client at the same time, and connect to the Paragon Chat channel using the same room nickname (invoking room JID sharing)?

There's a semi-known issue with that where Paragon Chat can get confused if you log in multiple times using the same name. XMPP rooms echo your own messages back to you, so Paragon Chat normally ignores those when they come in on the meta channel. But if you're in the room twice, the XMPP server will sometimes send the same JID more than once in the member list, and that can cause PC to lose track of which one is "self". It ends up thinking the echo messages are from someone else in the room and creating a proxy player for them.

Once created, the proxy will follow all of your movements with some time lag, since it's run by the position and animation data that is making a round trip to the server and back.

I have some general ideas about how to fix it, but it's rare enough that it's a low-priority issue.


That hit the nail on the head.  I used the web client to log into XMPP and I logged in and out of Paragon Chat.  On the fourth try, It happened again.
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Is anyone else having issues with costume parts not allowed?I can use them in Icon and I had no problems
loading into Paragon Chat with the same costume before.Sorry if this has been posted already.


There are still some costume parts we can't use.  I'd love to have the Cimeroran Ghost Widow 'skirt' (for example), but it won't pass the costume editor in PChat right now. Most of these are NPC or Signature character pieces, I think.


Quote from: crashpositron on April 29, 2016, 05:51:25 PM
There are still some costume parts we can't use.  I'd love to have the Cimeroran Ghost Widow 'skirt' (for example), but it won't pass the costume editor in PChat right now. Most of these are NPC or Signature character pieces, I think.

That's not a bug, we're not allowed to use those pieces unless you db edit.


I use to have a 4th option, to see total number of people online...How do I reset this? :o


New update on the Local chat not responsive bug.  If you and the people who cannot see your local chat move to a different location the local chat will work for you again.
Currently; Not doing any streaming, found myself with less time available recently.  Still playing starbound periodically, though I am thinking of trying other games.  Don't tell me to play mmohtg's though please :).  Getting back into participating in VO and the successors again to.


Quote from: Codewalker on April 05, 2016, 03:43:13 PM
I believe I have this tracked down. While skipping the server select screen doesn't cause any problems when moving forward through the pages, it seems that the 'back' button on that screen resets some internal state that is used by the character select / creation page.
If any characters exist on the account, it doesn't matter because the state gets initialized in order to display the preview. However if you first log into an account with characters on it, then back out to the login screen, then go to an account with no characters and try to create one, it ends up using a player structure that has no costumes allocated. That causes a client crash upon trying to use the body or costume tab.
Should be fixed in the next patch.

Looks like it was fixed in Patch 5.  I can now back out of the character page and COH account, type in a new COH account name, and get an empty character list.  I have created two toons, used them in PChat/COH and deleted them with no errors.


My mouse will be in once spot and ill attempt to click a power but it always register my mouse being in a spot that it actually isnt! help how can i fix this


Honestly, I'd try a different mouse.  I'm sure PChat uses the standard Windows mouse methods


Don't know if anything can be done about this, but . . if you attempt to start PChat or zone to another zone, but XMPP doesn't 'catch' - I mean XMPP doesn't make the XMPP connection - the whole PC locks up with a black screen and moveable mouse cursor. (If player is running, the music continues uninterrupted.)   

Ctl-Alt-Del, Windows-D, Alt-Tab, Windows-Tab - none of those do anything until XMPP times out (a minute or more) and gives a 'No Map Server Connection, Try Again' (or words to that effect) message.  If I do click the 'Log In' button again, it always 'makes' the second time.

This is not very common, maybe once a day for a while, then no occurrences for several days.  If we could reduce the TIMEOUT for XMPP, I don't mind clicking the 'Log In' button a second time near as much as having my whole PC lock up while waiting.


Quote from: jimmyj71 on June 09, 2016, 11:38:54 PM
My mouse will be in once spot and ill attempt to click a power but it always register my mouse being in a spot that it actually isnt! help how can i fix this

Press Alt+Enter to switch to windowed mode. You are probably set to a fullscreen resolution that your monitor doesn't natively support, or your graphics driver is set to an unusual scaling factor.


When you create a toon in PC, "Log Chat" and "Log Private Messages" show as Disabled by default in the Options/Windows/Chat area, but in fact both chat and PMs ARE being logged by default.  (And I'm really glad that they are, as I have full PC chatlogs right from the beginning.  If you "fix" this so that "Disabled" truly is disabled, then would you please also make "Enabled" the default setting for new toons?)  Thx! 
Liberty and a plethora of others.  Altaholic.  SG Starfire.
"...and it's never too late to stop being afraid..." 
"...have you ever been caught in a sea of despair?
"And your Moment of Truth is the day that you say, "I'm not scared!"
"Unity" - - Shinedown


Paragon Chat 1.0.5

After "Loading Sequencers..." the progress bar turns red and says "Error".
Every version of PC has run fine for me up until this version.


Can anyone load costume files in version 1.0.5?


I moved the entire install from /user/[etc] to my games directory, now it runs fine.


Quote from: Kawless on August 30, 2016, 03:40:10 AM
Paragon Chat 1.0.5

After "Loading Sequencers..." the progress bar turns red and says "Error".
Every version of PC has run fine for me up until this version.

That sounds a lot like it's trying to update the ParagonChat.pigg file and failing. I just checked and there is a small bug in that it doesn't show the error message it's supposed to if that happens, but just goes to 'Error' at the end of the loading process like you're describing.

First thing to try would be to make sure you don't have any extra copies of Paragon Chat or the client running. A reboot is a good way to make sure everything is cleared out.

If that doesn't work, you can try manually deleting the file - click on the folder button from the main window, go into Piggs, and delete the file that is there. Then close and restart Paragon Chat.

EDIT: Nevermind, sounds like you got it working.


Quote from: saipaman on August 30, 2016, 03:43:54 AM
Can anyone load costume files in version 1.0.5?
Yes, in the tailor and the creation screen. They have to be in %APPDATA%\Roaming\ParagonChat\Costumes\ assuming your installation is in the standard place.



Quote from: Pengy on August 30, 2016, 12:42:24 PM
Yes, in the tailor and the creation screen. They have to be in %APPDATA%\Roaming\ParagonChat\Costumes\ assuming your installation is in the standard place.

That was the problem.

With 3 copies of regular PC and 3 copies of Dev PC, I've sometimes forgotten what I've done and what I haven't.


So, not sure if this would constitute as a bug, as I have no idea whether other people are having the same problem I'm currently having.

The problem I'm having is that I currently can't see any of the chat from the Paragon Chat channel, that includes whatever I may send.

I've no idea whether this is because of my end, or if it's because of the server or what.

The weird part is that I'm connected to the server and the Paragon Chat channel, I just can't see anything within the channel.


Paragon Avenger

Did you try typing C.
If so, I haven't a clue.


I seem to be having an issue with running the repair utility for Paragon Chat. It tells me that there was a problem repairing Paragon Chat and to make sure I am completely exited from Paragon Chat before attempting to repair it. If I do that, the Repair utility is unavailable to repair the program.


Already told Codewalker about this, but just logging it here in case anyone else runs into it.

When I was on a team and teleported to a new map, my game crashes, including ParagonChat and the Client. I was able to mapmove when not on a team but once on a team, it crashed when I did it. This was the first time I had used teaming, so I am unsure if any other specifics are relevant as I'd never be in a position to have discovered this bug before.


Not sure if this is the kind of bug to report here, but I've been hunting for exploration badges and noticed that some of the ones in Underground Imperial are inaccessible due to a door that should move out of the way to let you pass to different sections of the zone acting like a mission door instead. Six doors, actually; the ones on either side of the City Access points. This also happens with the same doors in the other two Underground zones, but in those cases you can go around the doors in question, while in Underground Imperial they are the only path through to a section of the map.

Edit: After double-checking, door problems make some badges impossible to get in Underground Nova as well, including different doors than the others blocking access to the Trainspotter and Secret Prisoner badges.

Edit 2: Some additional badge issues. The two progress-based ones in Praetoria don't award, which I'm not too surprised about because I figure they take more work. However, Going Rouge in Imperial City doesn't award either. Maybe that one's another weird typo in the files?


Quote from: patteroast on January 02, 2017, 08:37:33 AM
Not sure if this is the kind of bug to report here, but I've been hunting for exploration badges and noticed that some of the ones in Underground Imperial are inaccessible due to a door that should move out of the way to let you pass to different sections of the zone acting like a mission door instead. Six doors, actually; the ones on either side of the City Access points. This also happens with the same doors in the other two Underground zones, but in those cases you can go around the doors in question, while in Underground Imperial they are the only path through to a section of the map.

Not really a bug so much as something that hasn't been implemented yet. Those doors probably have a special property on the generator or something that Paragon Chat needs to learn how to understand in order to make them open.


Quote from: patteroast on January 02, 2017, 08:37:33 AM
Edit 2: Some additional badge issues. The two progress-based ones in Praetoria don't award, which I'm not too surprised about because I figure they take more work. However, Going Rouge in Imperial City doesn't award either. Maybe that one's another weird typo in the files?

Yeah, I mentioned in chat that River Rat definitely won't work. Neither will the train one since progress for those locations isn't tracked.

Going Rouge isn't a misspelling, just a nonstandard one (ImperialCityTailor) that wasn't near the others in the badge list, so it got missed when I added special-case handlers for those.


PC keeps closing whenever I go to Pocket D. Especially to the Ski Chalet.

I can seem to hang out in any zone for any length of time. But when I got to Pocket D, Paragon Chat suddenly quits and when I log in again, my character is back in the zone that it was in before I mapped to Pocket D.

On a side now, the new "Map" power only appears on some of my characters's power trays.


Two things: one, my favorite badge was "Bright Star" at the University in Steel doesn't seem to be working. 

Two: woohoo! for Teleport!  However, you can now activate all four travel powers at the same time...activating one doesn't turn off any other active one.  Screenshot to show you...and yes, if I click, I do teleport, and the other three travel powers *still* remain "on".  (They do seem to be on, not just the button animation, as you can hear the sound files playing for more than one at a time, and you do remain suspended due to "Fly" being on.) 

Ninja Run and Beast Run do still turn other travel powers off.  Sprint, Flying Carpet, Void Skiff, and Rocket Board do not.  Flying Carpet, Void Skiff, and Rocket Board turn each other off, as well as Fly, but not Super Speed and Super Jump. 

Oh, and Teleport works just fine, despite the fact that the button in the tray is grayed out when it is not selected.

Oh...but if you hold off fixing it until the end of the Christmas event (CoHmas event? lol)'s a really great way to collect high over a zone, teleport directly to the gift, and flight doesn't cut off... :-D the Teleport button isn't grayed out.  Odd.  Wonder what changed.  If I figure it out, I'll add it here. 

Okay, here's one more: Mapmove just appeared as a button on the tray of a newly created toon, along with all the other main travel powers, but I don't see it on the list of Powers, and it did *not* appear in the tray of an existing toon.
Liberty and a plethora of others.  Altaholic.  SG Starfire.
"...and it's never too late to stop being afraid..." 
"...have you ever been caught in a sea of despair?
"And your Moment of Truth is the day that you say, "I'm not scared!"
"Unity" - - Shinedown


Quote from: Linuial on January 09, 2017, 10:43:38 AM
Two things: one, my favorite badge was "Bright Star" at the University in Steel doesn't seem to be working.

I just ran and grabbed it to check, and was awarded the badge. If you're sure that you're in the right spot, things to check are to make sure you're running the latest version (, and that you don't already have the badge.

I'm pretty sure there are people who have collected all of the zone accolades now, so AFAIK all of the regular exploration badges should be working.

Quote from: Linuial on January 09, 2017, 10:43:38 AM
However, you can now activate all four travel powers at the same time...activating one doesn't turn off any other active one.  Screenshot to show you...and yes, if I click, I do teleport, and the other three travel powers *still* remain "on".  (They do seem to be on, not just the button animation, as you can hear the sound files playing for more than one at a time, and you do remain suspended due to "Fly" being on.)

Ninja Run and Beast Run do still turn other travel powers off.  Sprint, Flying Carpet, Void Skiff, and Rocket Board do not.  Flying Carpet, Void Skiff, and Rocket Board turn each other off, as well as Fly, but not Super Speed and Super Jump.

That sounds WAI. The new powers system has better support for toggle exclusivity groups (similar to what the live game had). Jump powers are exclusive with other jump powers, but not flight powers or running powers. You should be able to run Super Speed, Super Jump, and Fly simultaneously if you want, just like you could on retail if you spent the power picks to take all three.

Ninja Run and Beast Run count as both running and jumping powers since they affect both.

Quote from: Linuial on January 09, 2017, 10:43:38 AM
Oh, and Teleport works just fine, despite the fact that the button in the tray is grayed out when it is not selected.

Oh...but if you hold off fixing it until the end of the Christmas event (CoHmas event? lol)'s a really great way to collect high over a zone, teleport directly to the gift, and flight doesn't cut off... :-D

That also sounds probably WAI. The three special travel modes (Rocket Board, Magic Carpet, Void Skiff) intentionally lock out click powers as they completely break all animations, but other travel powers don't. Fly and Teleport should definitely work together. Super Speed and Teleport also now have some nice synergy due to the added tech to break out of the hover early (or immediately if you're holding down the movement key).

What would be a bug is if you have one of those 3 flight-with-a-prop powers toggled and are still able to activate Teleport. I was unable to reproduce that -- I got the targeting reticle as expected, but the power refused to activate when clicking a location.

Quote from: Linuial on January 09, 2017, 10:43:38 AM
Okay, here's one more: Mapmove just appeared as a button on the tray of a newly created toon, along with all the other main travel powers, but I don't see it on the list of Powers, and it did *not* appear in the tray of an existing toon.

Yes, as mentioned in the patch note, only new characters get the mapmenu macro added.

If you really want it on an older character, there is one way to get it. You have to completely empty out your power trays (the /cleartray command is helpful here), including deleting any macros, then log out and back in. If you log in with completely empty trays, you'll get the default powers added again, as well as the mapmove macro.


lol  Long list of...nothing.  :-)  I just picked up the Bright Star badge, no soon as I approached the very same marker that I was walking back and forth over repeatedly and *not* getting it before.  (sigh)  Thanks for the info, anyway. 
Liberty and a plethora of others.  Altaholic.  SG Starfire.
"...and it's never too late to stop being afraid..." 
"...have you ever been caught in a sea of despair?
"And your Moment of Truth is the day that you say, "I'm not scared!"
"Unity" - - Shinedown


I went afk, was idling in the new part of Pocket D, and came back to this:

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:   APPCRASH
  Application Name:   ParagonChat.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:   5880204e
  Fault Module Name:   ParagonChat.exe
  Fault Module Version:
  Fault Module Timestamp:   5880204e
  Exception Code:   c0000005
  Exception Offset:   00084d70
  OS Version:   6.1.7601.
  Locale ID:   4105
  Additional Information 1:   0a9e
  Additional Information 2:   0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
  Additional Information 3:   0a9e
  Additional Information 4:   0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789


So, now that the holiday event is over, a couple of us have noticed that sometimes when you try to open Mystery Gifts, you get booted.  If I had to guess, I'd say it happens when you would normally get the "odd thing to be giftwrapped" message, as it seems to be rewarding candy canes and powers without issue.  Not sure what other info is helpful, but it was happening regardless of zone and player population.  Thanks, hon.


Yep, looks like it has to do with the new way that some of the fx modifications are loaded.

Found and fixed, thanks!


Recurring event:
I can change zones on any character 1-2 times, whereafter the next zone change progress gets to 30-35%, and stalls until it times out to the login screen.
This has only been happening recently, since about 1.0.12
Paragon chat has not ever done this to me before.

It happens whether online or offline.
Restarting the computer has not helped.
Nothing new has been added, nothing changed, running on Windows 7 x64, Nvidia GTX 770, windowed 4K.

I switched to fullscreen 4K and the problem has gone away for now.


Apologies in advance if the answer to this question is buried somewhere in PC's vast forum archive. While resurrecting my hero back from Issue #12 using old screenshots I discovered at least two costume pieces that were are unavailable only under certain conditions that don't seem to make sense (and therefor I believe are bugged).

The problem only manifests when using an Armored chest:
Chest Detail : Stealth
Shoulder : Tech 1
are both [erroneously?] unavailable. I can hack them onto my hero, and there doesn't seem to be any clipping issues, so I'm at a loss why they would be filtered.

Thank you for making such an incredible... ehrm... chat client. lol  :roll:
"I have dreamed a dream... but now that dream is gone from me."


All of the tailor options are client side, DrFortune, if I'm not mistaken.  They made a lot of changes to the costume creator over the years, so it's possible that things that used to work didn't anymore by the end.  Unfortunately, it's not a Paragon Chat bug.  Possibly an oversight by the devs before the game shut down, or possibly intentional for whatever reason.  In any case (and forgive me if I'm speaking out of turn) it's probably not something that our beloved Titan team can address.


Thank you Korbian for the explanation. I wasn't sure if the costume rules were strictly client-side or not. But it sounds like they are. This is however such a tiny detractor from the absolutely monumental success that Code Walker et al have brought us. I almost didn't want to bring it up.
"I have dreamed a dream... but now that dream is gone from me."


Quote from: DrFortune on February 05, 2017, 06:27:37 AM
Apologies in advance if the answer to this question is buried somewhere in PC's vast forum archive. While resurrecting my hero back from Issue #12 using old screenshots I discovered at least two costume pieces that were are unavailable only under certain conditions that don't seem to make sense (and therefor I believe are bugged).

The problem only manifests when using an Armored chest:
Chest Detail : Stealth
Shoulder : Tech 1
are both [erroneously?] unavailable. I can hack them onto my hero, and there doesn't seem to be any clipping issues, so I'm at a loss why they would be filtered.

Thank you for making such an incredible... ehrm... chat client. lol  :roll:
In Icon, Armored>Chest Detail:Stealth seems to have severe clipping issues. I would think Shoulders:Tech1 would, as well.
aka Majadi | Sugar Cane | Absinthe | Killer Antz | Bogatyra | ...
Best Video Game of 2016 -- Paragon Chat!!!
Codewalker for Mayor of Paragon!


MyriVerse, going back and checking for clipping I discovered I was NOT using the Armored Techbot, but rather the Tight version... of course, testing the garments with the armored versions confirms you are correct. Sorry for the false bug report.
"I have dreamed a dream... but now that dream is gone from me."


Rename token doesn't work.  I click the character I want to rename, click the rename button...and nothing happens.


If you use a DB Editor, renaming is easy.  Just change the "name" field in the Character table.

If not, if you have a toon you care about the badge progress and items with, not much of an easy answer on that one.

For one you don't, just save the .costume of outfits you want to keep (if their costumes are valid, of course... if DB Edited, you might need to dump the character into a CSV so you can remake it again), then delete and remake the toon with the correct name.
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran

Revolution Calling

So, I've JUST NOW gotten PChat and, once I log in the titan network XMPP, it works fine and dandy, but when it opens CoH, the screen resolution is HUGE. I can only see the top left corner of the screen, so I can't log in from there. Is there any way I can get into the settings to adjust screen resolution to allow me to see everything so I won't have that problem? Thanks in Advance guys.


Try pressing Alt+Enter to get the game into windowed mode. If the window is larger than the screen press Win+up.

Revolution Calling

I'll definitely give this a shot when I get home tonight. I'm crossing my fingers that it works! Thanks for the advice.

UPDATE: All is well. I got some good advice and it all worked out. Thanks guys.


Unusual bug. In skyway city as a villain. On the map, Atlas Park is shown as "Mercy Island" King's Row is shown as "Port Oakes" and Talos is shown as Sharkhead.
Virtue native

Main characters:
Diz the Goblin
Projekt Redstorm

Revolution Calling

Quote from: Revolution Calling on August 03, 2017, 02:09:01 PM
I'll definitely give this a shot when I get home tonight. I'm crossing my fingers that it works! Thanks for the advice.

UPDATE: All is well. I got some good advice and it all worked out. Thanks guys.
Alt+Enter worked for me, thanks!


Got a fun one here for you, Codewalker. Debug log excerpt below:

conn DEBUG SENT: <iq id="00000035-0aebfeb6" to="" type="get"><description xmlns="pc:description"/></iq>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <iq id="00000035-0aebfeb6" to="" type="result" from=""><description xmlns="pc:description">Hi, there! I am a bot based on ErrBot, a XMPP chatbot coded in Python!</description></iq>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <iq id="00000035-0aebfeb6" to="" type="result" from=""><description xmlns="pc:description">Hi, there! I am a bot based on ErrBot, a XMPP chatbot coded in Python!</description></iq>
conn DEBUG SENT: <iq id="00000035-0aebfeb6" to="" type="result"><description xmlns="pc:description"></description></iq>

Synopsis: PChat sends a IQ Get for the bot's description. The bot replies twice instead of once. (This is a bug in the bot.) PChat then replies with its own description. At no time did the bot send a IQ Get of its own.

It may be relevant that the bot is speaking protocol version 5, since version 7 speaks a new protocol for player descriptions that I've yet to see documented.

Background irrelevant to the bug - I lost my hard drive around this time last year and rather than start over on the bot project, moved on to other interests. Recently, I got interested in Paragon Chat again and I dug up some old broken code that I was able to put into some kind of working order. I discovered this bug in Paragon Chat when I checked the info on the bot and DDOS'ed my XMPP server.

It turned out that the bot had two bugs. One being that the IQ code was written when I was clueless and relying on boilerplate and bad documentation to learn from. The bot was assuming that any IQ it received was a "get" IQ and treated it accordingly. (If you never send a "get", why would you receive a "result"?) The second was that the bot is dynamically reloadable, and upon reloading to test new code, it created a new IQ event handler, even though the the old one was still in place. That's why there are two IQ Results from the bot.

So, the bot replied twice, activated this bug in Paragon Chat, causing PChat to reply with a "result" of its own, and triggering the bot to send two more results to PChat's "query". Bam! Feedback loop.

The odds of anyone causing this to happen in normal operations is probably close to nil. The only reason I'd suggest looking into it at all is that if a bot/client DOES hit it then it's misbehaving by definition and that feedback loop is one example of what it can lead to. It's a pretty easy shortcut for a bot writer to make to think "I don't need to check for a result if I didn't send a get in the first place."

Anyway - something to mull over with your morning coffee. ;)



I noticed this oddity recently.

Pasted below is a Paragon Chat debug log where I connect to my own personal server using Paragon Chat and move the avatar a few steps. No other user sessions are present on this Openfire server. The entire log is included for completeness, but you can skip to the last entry to see the entry of interest. It's this:

xmpp DEBUG RECV: <presence type="error" to="" from=""><error code="404" type="cancel"><remote-server-not-found xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"/></error></presence>

Paragon Chat is attempting periodically to assert presence at the XMPP server. If you look through that debug log, you'll see two, maybe three times that Paragon Chat sends presence to and receives a 'server-not-found' error in return.

I can't see how it's harming anything but if it's an indication of some other thing needing to be looked it, I figured I'd let you know about it.

xmpp DEBUG SRV lookup failed.
xmpp DEBUG Using alternate domain <NULL>, port 0
xmpp DEBUG sock_connect to returned 1660
xmpp DEBUG attempting to connect to
xmpp DEBUG connection successful
conn DEBUG SENT: <?xml version="1.0"?><stream:stream to="" xml:lang="en" version="1.0" xmlns="jabber:client" xmlns:stream="">
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <stream:stream from='' id='egsyh6k57' lang='en' version='1.0'>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <features xmlns=""><starttls xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls"/><mechanisms xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"><mechanism>PLAIN</mechanism><mechanism>SCRAM-SHA-1</mechanism><mechanism>CRAM-MD5</mechanism><mechanism>DIGEST-MD5</mechanism></mechanisms><compression xmlns=""><method>zlib</method></compression><register xmlns=""/></features>
conn DEBUG SENT: <starttls xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls"/>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <proceed xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls"/>
xmpp DEBUG handle proceedtls called for proceed
xmpp DEBUG proceeding with TLS
conn DEBUG SENT: <?xml version="1.0"?><stream:stream to="" xml:lang="en" version="1.0" xmlns="jabber:client" xmlns:stream="">
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <stream:stream from='' id='egsyh6k57' lang='en' version='1.0'>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <features xmlns=""><mechanisms xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"><mechanism>PLAIN</mechanism><mechanism>SCRAM-SHA-1</mechanism><mechanism>CRAM-MD5</mechanism><mechanism>DIGEST-MD5</mechanism></mechanisms><compression xmlns=""><method>zlib</method></compression><register xmlns=""/></features>
conn DEBUG SENT: <auth mechanism="SCRAM-SHA-1" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">biwsbj1zbGlja3JpcHRpZGUscj1jck1BQUorNHkxa0FBQUFB</auth>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <challenge xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">cj1jck1BQUorNHkxa0FBQUFBNGE4YmNiMWYtZjQyYS00ZTA3LTlkZTYtYzRmMmE1NWI1N2EzLHM9Z3FCOVhveFNxTFY3eThjb0prb2RIZEFnK3JsWElrVVQsaT00MDk2</challenge>
xmpp DEBUG handle SCRAM-SHA-1 (challenge) called for challenge
conn DEBUG SENT: <response xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">Yz1iaXdzLHI9Y3JNQUFKKzR5MWtBQUFBQTRhOGJjYjFmLWY0MmEtNGUwNy05ZGU2LWM0ZjJhNTViNTdhMyxwPU5MeHpCTHRDeWtyaFRqL2pydnRsM01uNG1hUT0=</response>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <success xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl">dj1HSFpia3VlcmRNSTI1eXJNRFIxZy9ELzNQRDg9</success>
xmpp DEBUG handle SCRAM-SHA-1 (challenge) called for success
xmpp DEBUG SASL SCRAM-SHA-1 auth successful
conn DEBUG SENT: <?xml version="1.0"?><stream:stream to="" xml:lang="en" version="1.0" xmlns="jabber:client" xmlns:stream="">
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <stream:stream from='' id='egsyh6k57' lang='en' version='1.0'>
xmpp DEBUG Reopened stream successfully.
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <features xmlns=""><compression xmlns=""><method>zlib</method></compression><bind xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind"/><session xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session"><optional/></session><sm xmlns="urn:xmpp:sm:2"/><sm xmlns="urn:xmpp:sm:3"/></features>
conn DEBUG SENT: <iq id="_xmpp_bind1" type="set"><bind xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind"><resource>Artiste</resource></bind></iq>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <iq id="_xmpp_bind1" to="" type="result"><bind xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind"><jid></jid></bind></iq>
xmpp DEBUG Bind successful.
conn DEBUG SENT: <iq id="_xmpp_session1" type="set"><session xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session"/></iq>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <iq id="_xmpp_session1" to="" type="result"/>
xmpp DEBUG Session establishment successful.
INFO:  XMPP Connected
conn DEBUG SENT: <presence><pc jid="" xmlns="pc:presence" version="Release-" protocol="7"/><character class="Class_Controller" badgetitle="AtlasParkTour3" xmlns="pc:character" oldcostume="p33cj2+wrhaDUq/K5Jw0xXivmow=" map="maps/City_Zones/City_01_01/City_01_01.txt" costume="p33cj2+wrhaDUq/K5Jw0xXivmow=" origin="Science" name="Artiste"/></presence>
conn DEBUG SENT: <iq id="00000002-3c052e73" to="" type="get"><query xmlns=""/></iq>
conn DEBUG SENT: <iq id="00000003-3c052e73" to="" type="get"><query xmlns=""/></iq>
conn DEBUG SENT: <iq id="roster_req1" type="get"><query xmlns="jabber:iq:roster"/></iq>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <iq id="00000002-3c052e73" to="" type="result" from=""><query xmlns=""><identity type="registered" category="account"/><identity type="pep" category="pubsub"/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var="vcard-temp"/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var="msgoffline"/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var="urn:xmpp:ping"/><feature var="jabber:iq:register"/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var="jabber:iq:roster"/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var="jabber:iq:version"/><feature var=""/><feature var="urn:xmpp:time"/><feature var=""/><feature var="jabber:iq:privacy"/><feature var="jabber:iq:last"/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var="urn:xmpp:carbons:2"/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var="jabber:iq:private"/><feature var=""/></query></iq>
conn DEBUG SENT: <iq id="00000004-3c052e73" type="get"><time xmlns="urn:xmpp:time"/></iq>
conn DEBUG SENT: <iq id="00000005-3c052e73" type="get"><query xmlns="jabber:iq:privacy"/></iq>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <iq id="00000003-3c052e73" to="" type="result" from=""><query xmlns=""><item jid="" name="Publish-Subscribe service"/><item jid="" name="Public Chatrooms"/><item jid="" name="User Search"/><item jid="" name="Socks 5 Bytestreams Proxy"/></query></iq>
conn DEBUG SENT: <iq id="00000006-3c052e73" to="" type="get"><query xmlns=""/></iq>
conn DEBUG SENT: <iq id="00000007-3c052e73" to="" type="get"><query xmlns=""/></iq>
conn DEBUG SENT: <iq id="00000008-3c052e73" to="" type="get"><query xmlns=""/></iq>
conn DEBUG SENT: <iq id="00000009-3c052e73" to="" type="get"><query xmlns=""/></iq>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <iq id="roster_req1" to="" type="result"><query xmlns="jabber:iq:roster"/></iq>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <iq id="00000004-3c052e73" to="" type="result"><time xmlns="urn:xmpp:time"><tzo>-07:00</tzo><utc>2017-09-27T14:41:36.237Z</utc></time></iq>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <iq id="00000005-3c052e73" to="" type="result"><query xmlns="jabber:iq:privacy"/></iq>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <iq id="00000006-3c052e73" to="" type="result" from=""><query xmlns=""><identity type="service" category="pubsub" name="Publish-Subscribe service"/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/></query></iq>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <iq id="00000007-3c052e73" to="" type="result" from=""><query xmlns=""><identity type="text" category="conference" name="Public Chatrooms"/><identity type="chatroom" category="directory" name="Public Chatroom Search"/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/><feature var="jabber:iq:search"/><feature var=""/></query></iq>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <iq id="00000008-3c052e73" to="" type="result" from=""><query xmlns=""><identity type="user" category="directory" name="User Search"/><feature var="jabber:iq:search"/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/></query></iq>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <iq id="00000009-3c052e73" to="" type="result" from=""><query xmlns=""><identity type="bytestreams" category="proxy" name="SOCKS5 Bytestreams Service"/><feature var=""/><feature var=""/></query></iq>
conn DEBUG SENT: <presence to=""><pc jid="" xmlns="pc:presence" version="Release-" protocol="7"/><x xmlns=""><history seconds="30"/></x></presence>
conn DEBUG SENT: <presence to=""><pc jid="" xmlns="pc:presence" version="Release-" protocol="7"/><character class="Class_Controller" badgetitle="AtlasParkTour3" xmlns="pc:character" oldcostume="p33cj2+wrhaDUq/K5Jw0xXivmow=" map="maps/City_Zones/City_01_01/City_01_01.txt" costume="p33cj2+wrhaDUq/K5Jw0xXivmow=" origin="Science" name="Artiste"/><x xmlns=""><history maxchars="0"/></x></presence>
conn DEBUG SENT: <presence to=""><pc jid="" xmlns="pc:presence" version="Release-" protocol="7"/><x xmlns=""><history seconds="300"/></x></presence>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <presence to="" from=""><pc jid="" xmlns="pc:presence" protocol="7" version="Release-"/><x xmlns=""><item role="participant" jid="" affiliation="none"/><status code="110"/><status code="100"/></x></presence>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <message to="" type="groupchat" from=""><subject/><delay xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay" stamp="2017-09-19T18:59:12.025Z"/></message>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <presence to="" from=""><pc jid="" xmlns="pc:presence" protocol="7" version="Release-"/><character class="Class_Controller" xmlns="pc:character" badgetitle="AtlasParkTour3" map="maps/City_Zones/City_01_01/City_01_01.txt" oldcostume="p33cj2+wrhaDUq/K5Jw0xXivmow=" name="Artiste" origin="Science" costume="p33cj2+wrhaDUq/K5Jw0xXivmow="/><x xmlns=""><item role="participant" jid="" affiliation="none"/><status code="110"/><status code="100"/></x></presence>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <message to="" type="groupchat" from=""><subject/><delay xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay" stamp="2017-09-19T18:59:49.436Z"/></message>
conn DEBUG SENT: <message to="" type="groupchat"><u pi="1" p="129.9 28.6 -285.3" xmlns="pc:u" t="n" m="READY2" o="0 0.35 0"/></message>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <message type="groupchat" to="" from=""><u p="129.9 28.6 -285.3" pi="1" xmlns="pc:u" t="n" m="READY2" o="0 0.35 0"/></message>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <presence type="error" to="" from=""><error code="404" type="cancel"><remote-server-not-found xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"/></error></presence>
DEBUG: Unhandled cmd_num 97
conn DEBUG SENT: <message to="" type="groupchat"><u xmlns="pc:u" o="0 0.58 0"/></message>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <message type="groupchat" to="" from=""><u xmlns="pc:u" o="0 0.58 0"/></message>
conn DEBUG SENT: <message to="" type="groupchat"><u xmlns="pc:u" o="0 2.61 0"/></message>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <message type="groupchat" to="" from=""><u xmlns="pc:u" o="0 2.61 0"/></message>
conn DEBUG SENT: <message to="" type="groupchat"><u p="129.9 28.6 -285.4" xmlns="pc:u" m="RUNPRE" v="0.04 0 -0.14"/></message>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <message type="groupchat" to="" from=""><u p="129.9 28.6 -285.4" xmlns="pc:u" m="RUNPRE" v="0.04 0 -0.14"/></message>
conn DEBUG SENT: <message to="" type="groupchat"><u xmlns="pc:u" o="0 2.96 0"/></message>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <message type="groupchat" to="" from=""><u xmlns="pc:u" o="0 2.96 0"/></message>
conn DEBUG SENT: <message to="" type="groupchat"><u p="136.8 28.6 -315" xmlns="pc:u" v="0.13 0 -0.69"/></message>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <message type="groupchat" to="" from=""><u p="136.8 28.6 -315" xmlns="pc:u" v="0.13 0 -0.69"/></message>
conn DEBUG SENT: <message to="" type="groupchat"><u xmlns="pc:u" m="RUNPOST"/></message>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <message type="groupchat" to="" from=""><u xmlns="pc:u" m="RUNPOST"/></message>
conn DEBUG SENT: <message to="" type="groupchat"><u p="137.3 28.6 -317.5" xmlns="pc:u" m="READY" v="0 0 0"/></message>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <message type="groupchat" to="" from=""><u p="137.3 28.6 -317.5" xmlns="pc:u" m="READY" v="0 0 0"/></message>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <iq id="967-892" to="" type="get" from=""><ping xmlns="urn:xmpp:ping"/></iq>
conn DEBUG SENT: <iq id="967-892" to="" type="result"/>
conn DEBUG SENT: <message to="" type="groupchat"><u xmlns="pc:u" t="n"/></message>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <message type="groupchat" to="" from=""><u xmlns="pc:u" t="n"/></message>
conn DEBUG SENT: <message to="" type="groupchat"><u p="137.3 28.6 -317.5" xmlns="pc:u" t="n" o="0 2.96 0"/></message>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <message type="groupchat" to="" from=""><u p="137.3 28.6 -317.5" xmlns="pc:u" t="n" o="0 2.96 0"/></message>
conn DEBUG SENT: <presence><pc jid="" xmlns="pc:presence" version="Release-" protocol="7"/><show>away</show><character class="Class_Controller" badgetitle="AtlasParkTour3" xmlns="pc:character" oldcostume="p33cj2+wrhaDUq/K5Jw0xXivmow=" map="maps/City_Zones/City_01_01/City_01_01.txt" costume="p33cj2+wrhaDUq/K5Jw0xXivmow=" origin="Science" name="Artiste"/></presence>
conn DEBUG SENT: <presence to=""><pc jid="" xmlns="pc:presence" version="Release-" protocol="7"/><show>away</show><character class="Class_Controller" badgetitle="AtlasParkTour3" xmlns="pc:character" oldcostume="p33cj2+wrhaDUq/K5Jw0xXivmow=" map="maps/City_Zones/City_01_01/City_01_01.txt" costume="p33cj2+wrhaDUq/K5Jw0xXivmow=" origin="Science" name="Artiste"/></presence>
conn DEBUG SENT: <presence to=""><pc jid="" xmlns="pc:presence" version="Release-" protocol="7"/><show>away</show></presence>
conn DEBUG SENT: <presence to=""><pc jid="" xmlns="pc:presence" version="Release-" protocol="7"/><show>away</show></presence>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <presence to="" from=""><pc jid="" xmlns="pc:presence" protocol="7" version="Release-"/><show>away</show><character class="Class_Controller" xmlns="pc:character" badgetitle="AtlasParkTour3" map="maps/City_Zones/City_01_01/City_01_01.txt" oldcostume="p33cj2+wrhaDUq/K5Jw0xXivmow=" name="Artiste" origin="Science" costume="p33cj2+wrhaDUq/K5Jw0xXivmow="/></presence>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <presence to="" from=""><pc jid="" xmlns="pc:presence" protocol="7" version="Release-"/><show>away</show><character class="Class_Controller" xmlns="pc:character" badgetitle="AtlasParkTour3" map="maps/City_Zones/City_01_01/City_01_01.txt" oldcostume="p33cj2+wrhaDUq/K5Jw0xXivmow=" name="Artiste" origin="Science" costume="p33cj2+wrhaDUq/K5Jw0xXivmow="/><x xmlns=""><item role="participant" jid="" affiliation="none"/></x></presence>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <presence to="" from=""><pc jid="" xmlns="pc:presence" protocol="7" version="Release-"/><show>away</show><x xmlns=""><item role="participant" jid="" affiliation="none"/></x></presence>
xmpp DEBUG RECV: <presence type="error" to="" from=""><error code="404" type="cancel"><remote-server-not-found xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"/></error></presence>


I am trying to install Paragon chat on my new desktop. I tried the bootstrap installation as well as the Tequila file directly. It wants to install Microsoft Frame work. I select to install, and before it does anything, it wants to reboot. I reboot. Reload windows, and nothing. Try reinstalling, and the same damn thing. I even tried installing Framework directly from Microsoft, same thing. Can someone PLEASE help me?


The fastest way to get NET 3.5 installed (IMO) is using the Command Prompt:

DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /All

You'll need to open an elevated command prompt first: open the Start menu, type "cmd" and press Ctrl-Shift-Enter instead of Enter.  Answer Yes to the box (or your password) and you should have a command prompt that says "Administrator: Command Prompt".

If your bandwidth isn't great (like mine) and you keep an installer of Windows on a USB or DVD, you can use it as the source:

DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /All /LimitAccess /Source:d:\sources\sxs

Replace "d:" above with the letter drive your DVD or USB Drive uses.

Of course, this isn't the only way: there's also PowerShell.  But that involves ExecutionPolicy, and a little more geekiness.

TL;DR: If you like command prompts, you have other options.  Otherwise, Control Panel is the easiest method: Programs and Features, Turn Windows Features On and Off.
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


I'm not sure if this qualifies as a "bug" so much as a "don't do that" situation, hence the air quotes.

Scenario: An avatar (Artiste) is logged in to Paragon Chat and standing in Atlas Park. A Pidgin account under the same username but a different resource is also logged in and has connected to paragonchat chatroom but currently has no chat windows open. Pidgin is NOT connected to atlaspark and is never connected to it at any time.

Step 1) Login a new avatar (Errbot) under a different user account and move near Artiste. (Note: this is two "multi-boxed" Paragon Chat instances. Ignore the implied "bot" in the second instance's username.)
Step 2) Click on Artiste and "Invite to Team".

Result: Artiste sees a "Errbot has invited you to a team" popup. Simultaneously, Pidgin receives a "You have been invited to a chatroom" popup. Screenshot below: (apologies for the click-thru, dropbox changed their image viewing policies a while back to prevent being treated as an image server.)

If Artiste accepts his team invite first, followed by Pidgin accepting its chat room invitiation, all is well.
Alternatively, if Pidgin accepts its invitation before Artiste accepts his invitation, then things go wrong as shown below:

The screenshot shows these relevant bits:

  • Errbot (on the left) has "@slickriptide" as its team member, which is the Pidgin account.
  • Artiste (on the right) is not on a team.
  • Pidgin's chat box (at the top center) shows all three entities as members of the team chat room.

Because "@slickriptide" is not a real Paragon Chat client, the team slot taken up by it cannot be managed in any way. It cannot be kicked or promoted to leader, and its location and profile information is unknown. The only way to get it off of the team is for the Pidgin account to logout of the server, or for everyone else on the team to leave the team.

However, the presence of @slickriptide on the team does not prevent Errbot from issuing a new invitation to Artiste, which Artiste is able to accept and then successfully join the team. Pidgin IS able to chat to the team via its chatroom presence just like a "real" team member.


In a previous version on PC, I had enabled "Show debug console".
Today I tried to disable "Show debug console" but alas, the option is now greyed out.
How can I turn it off?

Edit: Nevermind, didn't realize it was a command-line option.
Problem solved.

Paragon Avenger

Quote from: Kawless on August 18, 2018, 02:58:38 AM
In a previous version on PC, I had enabled "Show debug console".
Today I tried to disable "Show debug console" but alas, the option is now greyed out.
How can I turn it off?

Edit: Nevermind, didn't realize it was a command-line option.
Problem solved.

All day long at work, all I do is debug.
I can see why you would want to turn that off.  ;D


I MAY HAVE BEEN CORRECT ABOUT THE WINDOWS 10 UPDATES.  THE NEW nVIDIA Driver was expressly designed to be compatible with the OCT WINDOWS VERSION.

I, and others are getting crashes when we move too soon after loading a Zone.  I figured it was my connection, but today, every time I loaded, I was ok when talking in a channel or just idle, but when I moved my toon, I would get 'mapserver disconnected'.  This time, I opened Administrative tools and looked in the Events and got one of these every time the disconnect happened: (all are similar, with the Exception Code (0xc0000005)  and Fault Offset (0x000641cf) the same, but the Faulting Process ID varies:

Faulting application name: ParagonChat.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x5b611c7e
Faulting module name: ParagonChat.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x5b611c7e
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x000641cf
Faulting process id: 0x788
Faulting application start time: 0x01d47c7282620b78
Faulting application path: C:\Users\RLH\AppData\Roaming\ParagonChat\Bin\ParagonChat.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Users\RLH\AppData\Roaming\ParagonChat\Bin\ParagonChat.exe
Report Id: bed0c4af-dfe8-4aa8-9a75-fc8730dfedf2
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:

The differences are:

Fault offset: 0x000641cf
Faulting process id: 0x1e04
Faulting application start time: 0x01d47c6f67eb6bcd

Fault offset: 0x000641cf
Faulting process id: 0x29c4
Faulting application start time: 0x01d47c5bc9488734

Fault offset: 0x000641cf
Faulting process id: 0x24a0
Faulting application start time: 0x01d47c5afc08afa5

Fault offset: 0x000641cf
Faulting process id: 0x2088
Faulting application start time: 0x01d477b4407e6ed6

Fault offset: 0x000641cf
Faulting process id: 0x21d8
Faulting application start time: 0x01d474c12bc61767

Fault offset: 0x000641cf
Faulting process id: 0x29f0
Faulting application start time: 0x01d474c12c7e4ffa

Fault offset: 0x000641cf
Faulting process id: 0x2df0
Faulting application start time: 0x01d4748462794467

All in November - looking back in time in the Event log, I see:

In October:

Fault offset: 0x000641cf
Faulting process id: 0xdc4
Faulting application start time: 0x01d462576c3f38a4

Fault offset: 0x000641cf
Faulting process id: 0x2204
Faulting application start time: 0x01d460e4d652f209

Fault offset: 0x000641cf
Faulting process id: 0x660
Faulting application start time: 0x01d45ffd0bcd6ad9

etc.  Any ideas? Personally, I blame it on the incessant Windows 10 Updates, but what do you think ?


That's... odd.

That particular fault offset puts it in the middle of calculating the interpolation offsets (part of character movement). The only problem is that everything involved in that is either static or on the stack, so an access violation shouldn't be possible there.

There is one reference to the entity, but in order to crash there the entity would have to be NULL, and if that were the case it should have crashed far earlier...

Probably not much we can do about it until I finish the crash reporting module. Once that's done I'll be able to get a memory dump which should provide more information.


I'm trying to load in for the Costume Contest in AP, and getting the same thing - I can post in the channels, but when I move I mapserve...


I tried to log into Paragon  Chat. However, on the login, I can never get anywhere because i get a message saying "waiting for client startup" and nothing ever happens.  It starts out I first put in my password. Then the green bar starts to fill. Then immediately, that message appears in that bar... and just sits there..... and sits there.. and..etc... and nothing else happens. I've checked for upgrades, but it says I'm on the latest one. ( If there is something else ...PLEASE HELP!!! Thank you.


Quote from: pogoman on November 17, 2018, 12:57:37 AM
I tried to log into Paragon  Chat. However, on the login, I can never get anywhere because i get a message saying "waiting for client startup" and nothing ever happens.  It starts out I first put in my password. Then the green bar starts to fill. Then immediately, that message appears in that bar... and just sits there..... and sits there.. and..etc... and nothing else happens. I've checked for upgrades, but it says I'm on the latest one. ( If there is something else ...PLEASE HELP!!! Thank you.

Nine days and NO response?... seriously?...


Quote from: pogoman on November 25, 2018, 03:41:16 PM
Nine days and NO response?... seriously?...

Client has since been updated to so double check you have that update.  Only had this issue once after it crashed once, all I did to fix it was just reboot machine.
Could always try running a repair on the files or a clean install.

On side note, the reason no one might have replied is that no one else has had an issue like this...


Apologies, Pogoman, I've been on vacation.  Sounds like a program is interfering with Paragon Chat being able to invoke the City of Heroes Launcher.  Do you have an anti-virus or malware protection app by any chance?
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


It updated to, I have it set to auto-update, and I do have anti-virus running... sorry had migraines all week. first time I've been able to get on the computer to respond. I don't know what to do. :'( and tomorrow is the big Nov. 30th show.

I've also run repair several times...nada. Also, rebooted the computer numerous times, to no avail.. I'm as stumped, and mystified as everyone else on this one. If I can't get into P.C. for tomorrow night then I will do the show from Champions Online. Sadly, i will miss out on the anniversary of the shutdown. :'( but, there will be a show starting at 10pm est instead of 9pm. link will be posted later.


At a guess, I'd say it sounds like your anti-virus interfering. If it does get in the way without telling you, remember that you have to add both ParagonChat.exe and ParagonChatClient.exe as exceptions. Or just make it ignore the whole ParagonChat folder, if that's possible.
lunawisp was my Peacebringer in City of Heroes, she lives on in memory as my gaming id.

Doc Artz

Still unable to download paragon Chat, developer. Created issue whatever :gonk:
Doc Artz


where do i go to launch the "game"?


If you do not have the Issue 24 client, you need to obtain that from  Either Tequila (for Windows) or Island Rum (for Mac) would download it for you.  Find them here.

Once you download it, Paragon Chat will be in the Tequila/Island Rum startup menu.  Or you can run ParagonChat.exe in the folder you downloaded Issue 24 into.  (You set this when you run Tequila/Island Rum for the first time.)  Make sure that Paragon Chat uses the same place for Issue 24 files as well.
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran

Doc Artz

Guess I'm on the deaf, blind, and dumb  :o side and really miss cruising and modifying my SG base. I've tried well over 20 times using all published combinations and still haven't been able to download squat.  Help would be appreciated from those who know my email address. Have a City of Heroes Happy New year! 8)
Doc Artz


We'd need a bit more than "Nothing works" and "I've tried everything".  Tell us specifically what errors or messages you see on Paragon Chat and we can start from there.
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran

Doc Artz

With lots of patience and help from others, I am not able to play cohtitan. I erased or renamed (added .old as their extension) and created new files C:\User\my name\City of Heroes - Issue 24 Beta; downloaded and recreated most of my characters. I'll believe that COH will return and I'll be able to have most if not all of my powers back. It won't matter if I don't. I earned my way to have powerful and undefeatable tunes before and will gladly do it again. Unfortunately my titan extractors of my best toons were lost during crash.  Thanks to all who helped me. 8)
Doc Artz


Tonight I was getting weird choppy sound when flying. Only when holding W to fly forward. The flying forward sound was choppy, no other sound sounded choppy.
I used CIT before they even joined the Titan network! But then I left for a long ol' time, and came back. Now I edit the wiki.

I'm working on sorting the Lore AMAs so that questions are easily found and linked: Tell me what you think!

Pinnacle: The only server that faceplants before a fight! Member of the Pinnacle RP Congress (People's Elf of the CCCP); formerly @The Holy Flame

Paragon Avenger

Quote from: Felderburg on April 16, 2019, 02:30:22 AM
Tonight I was getting weird choppy sound when flying. Only when holding W to fly forward. The flying forward sound was choppy, no other sound sounded choppy.

Two solutions:
1.  Don't do that.
2.  Turn the speakers off.
Problem solved.


I am trying to install Paragon Chat using Tequila but it just won't finish downloading. Just stuck on one long name program.