Valiance Online Kickstarter Starts....TODAY!

Started by Chance-VO, October 29, 2014, 03:17:37 PM

Burnt Toast

Gotta get the word out to all the online gaming places so they can run articles etc... that should definitely help with the KS. Also remember that your facebook and twitter accounts are great places to keep pushing :) I'm very excited by what you have done so far and VERY excited for things to come! The more information you put out in those well as here... the more intrigued people will become towards VO.

Maybe you could discuss some of the powers here. How will your freeform work. Discuss how VO is like CoH and how it differs. Remind people that VO is VERY RP friendly. In other words... brag... explain things...give us info! :)


Quote from: Burnt Toast on November 06, 2014, 05:15:57 PM
Gotta get the word out to all the online gaming places so they can run articles etc... that should definitely help with the KS. Also remember that your facebook and twitter accounts are great places to keep pushing :) I'm very excited by what you have done so far and VERY excited for things to come! The more information you put out in those well as here... the more intrigued people will become towards VO.

Maybe you could discuss some of the powers here. How will your freeform work. Discuss how VO is like CoH and how it differs. Remind people that VO is VERY RP friendly. In other words... brag... explain things...give us info! :)

Haha, how's this work as a teaser here? It's a list of the power sets we currently have in game and are planning on adding in the near future. ;)

- Damage
- - - Street Brawling
- - - Super Strength
- - - Martial Arts
- - - Fire Melee
- - - Mimetic Weaponry
- - - Katana

- Defense
- - - Iron Resolve
- - - Evasive Arts
- - - Tough Skin
- - - Regeneration
- - - Beserker
- - - Radiation Shielding

- Team Support
- - - Shield Defense

- Damage Control
- - - Energy Melee


- Damage
- - - Ice Projection
- - - Fire Projection
- - - Radiation Projection
- - - Archery
- - - Energy Projection
- - - Electricity Projection

- Team Support
- - - Healing Energy
- - - Force Manipulation
- - - Nano Control
- - - Frost Enforcement
- - - Radiation Corruption

- Damage Control
- - - Shadow Manipulation
- - - Fire Control


- Leader
- - - Cyber Special Forces Commanding

- Commander
- - - Soldier Commanding

- Director
- - - Drone Operating


Coming down the pipeline for future releases:

- Dual Pistols
- Staff Melee
- Longsword
- Claws
- Sword & Shotgun


You may have just upped my donation from 5 to 20 just off the "sword and shotgun" line. Is that both weapons in one set?

I was hoping one of the Mmos would have a pistol and sword combo. You can kind of do it in co and secret world but there's no synergy.
Rejolt Industries LLC is now a thing. Woo!


Quote from: Rejolt on November 06, 2014, 05:28:44 PM
You may have just upped my donation from 5 to 20 just off the "sword and shotgun" line. Is that both weapons in one set?

I was hoping one of the Mmos would have a pistol and sword combo. You can kind of do it in co and secret world but there's no synergy.

Yes. Dual weapons, one power set. :D

Burnt Toast

I sense Rejolt is now at the KS page updating his contribution to $20 hehe.

I am a Heroic Corruptor at heart (Fire/Time, Ice/Storm, Water/Dark, Psi/Rad, Arch/TA)... So I was wondering... in VO can you combine; for example: Fire Blast with Nano Control?? And what is Nano control LOL! Force Manipulation?


Quote from: Burnt Toast on November 06, 2014, 05:49:46 PM
I sense Rejolt is now at the KS page updating his contribution to $20 hehe.

I am a Heroic Corruptor at heart (Fire/Time, Ice/Storm, Water/Dark, Psi/Rad, Arch/TA)... So I was wondering... in VO can you combine; for example: Fire Blast with Nano Control?? And what is Nano control LOL! Force Manipulation?

That would be our 'Sapper' AT (Ranged Damage/Team Support), where Fire Blast would be your Signature powers and Nano control your secondary. As for what it is, it's a team support set that focuses on buffing your teammates in combat, much like a corruptor.

Burnt Toast

Woot I am gonna be a Sapper!


Quote from: Burnt Toast on November 06, 2014, 06:16:22 PM
Woot I am gonna be a Sapper!

While you're at it, you may also enjoy:

The Enforcer (Team Support/Melee Damage or Melee Control)
The Harrier (Melee Control/Defense Control)
The Striker (Ranged Damage/Melee Control)



Are the $2500 and up Tiers the only ones with Lifetime Citizen Access?
Teams are the number one killers of Soloists.


Quote from: SerialBeggar on November 06, 2014, 10:02:40 PM
Are the $2500 and up Tiers the only ones with Lifetime Citizen Access?

For the time being, yes.

Mind, we're not saying that a Lifetime access costs $2500. We added it to those tiers and up because it seemed an appropriate thank you for someone who's willing to invest that heavily in the game.


All right, I finally was able to make a pledge tonight.

Been a fan of what I'm seeing / hearing from VO team for months, so this was a no-brainer for me to become a backer.


Quote from: Chance-VO on November 06, 2014, 06:53:38 PM
While you're at it, you may also enjoy:

The Enforcer (Team Support/Melee Damage or Melee Control)
The Harrier (Melee Control/Defense Control)
The Striker (Ranged Damage/Melee Control)


Dude, the thing that's got me more psyched than anything are those "stretch melee" animations you guys posted ... still, I realize that might be down the road a bit ... or QUITE a bit ... but it was awesome.  By all means just carry on

(and if you guys can get me my new BUILD email before tomorrow evening I'll up my donation!)

"Wow, a fat, sarcastic, Star Trek fan, you must be a devil with the ladies"


Quote from: Ohioknight on November 07, 2014, 01:56:30 AM
Dude, the thing that's got me more psyched than anything are those "stretch melee" animations you guys posted ... still, I realize that might be down the road a bit ... or QUITE a bit ... but it was awesome.  By all means just carry on

(and if you guys can get me my new BUILD email before tomorrow evening I'll up my donation!)


You, good sir, might also get a kick out of our "Mimetic melee" power...Think of it somewhat like Green Lantern's ring creating things to batter, bash, and throw enemies around ;)

(and, it will be in your inbox in the morning)

Burnt Toast

Will there be a "mids" program to help players plan out their builds?


Quote from: Burnt Toast on November 07, 2014, 09:00:40 AM
Will there be a "mids" program to help players plan out their builds?

Quite likely there will be, though it's up in the air if a fan gets to it before we do ;)


Payday came around and I gave what I could.  I really hope this gets off the ground because it looks so promising.


Hope it picks up a bit there.  I pledged $100, and might go to $200 or $250, but at $22k out of $150k a third of the way in, I confess I'm a touch concerned.


I hope it picks up too. I want to donate so bad. I'm going to give what I can on payday (hoping for $100) but with my dad missing work. A new month of bills and the holiday season, I'm not sure how much I'll be able to donate. :(

Does kickstarter decide when the end date is or the group? If it's the group can it be extended?


Quote from: Chance-VO on November 07, 2014, 06:22:10 AM
(and if you guys can get me my new BUILD email before tomorrow evening I'll up my donation!)


You, good sir, might also get a kick out of our "Mimetic melee" power...Think of it somewhat like Green Lantern's ring creating things to batter, bash, and throw enemies around ;)

(and, it will be in your inbox in the morning)

Well, we're past midnight and no build email...  :gonk:  So I guess it's no money for you...
"Wow, a fat, sarcastic, Star Trek fan, you must be a devil with the ladies"


Quote from: Drauger9 on November 08, 2014, 02:25:06 AM
I hope it picks up too. I want to donate so bad. I'm going to give what I can on payday (hoping for $100) but with my dad missing work. A new month of bills and the holiday season, I'm not sure how much I'll be able to donate. :(

Does kickstarter decide when the end date is or the group? If it's the group can it be extended?

Nah, you pick the end date when you launch the page and that's pretty much set in stone.

Though not to worry, if this doesn't go through (and that's what we're estimating right now), we have other things we can do that we're planning on.