Valiance Online Kickstarter Starts....TODAY!

Started by Chance-VO, October 29, 2014, 03:17:37 PM


Hey all you Titans out there! Just dropping by with a friendly little note to let you know that Valiance Online is officially launching it's Kickstarter here in..ohh..About 2 hours :) We've got lots of great stuff lined up and lots more information coming your way here soon so stay tuned to our website and Facebook pages to get all the juicy details. You may want to swing by the Facebook page and take a look at some of our recent work on something completely new as well: Elastic Melee :)

Also wanted to let you know that starting Friday we're going to be starting up our larger wave invites to come help us test out the new game (bearing in mind that we're still technically in Pre-Alpha ;) ) and it's going to be open season on those. Yep, you our friends are going to be receiving email invites to come run around our city and break stuff :D Now, these aren't going to be all at once, we don't want to melt our poor servers down on the first day, but they will be coming so stay tuned.

As always, if you have any questions, I'll be hanging around to watch this thread and answer any questions you may have.


You don't ever leave someone FOR dead.  You leave them DEAD.

Kaos Arcanna

Was hoping you guys would post here. :D

I will be making a donation as soon as I figure out what the budget will allow. :D


And as soon as next payday comes around, I will be donating too.  The work that has been done so far is very promising.


Teams are the number one killers of Soloists.


Thanks to all of you for your support! We appreciate it sincerely. We cannot wait until we're able to get the whole of the city built and ready to open the doors for you all :D


There you go -- Happy to kick you guys another donation -- recognizing the limits of a "sketch" environment -- the game play has been worth it.  Very nice
"Wow, a fat, sarcastic, Star Trek fan, you must be a devil with the ladies"

Burnt Toast

Can't wait to see some of the updates etc as it progresses :) Great ks page btw.


Quote from: Burnt Toast on October 30, 2014, 01:15:12 AM
Can't wait to see some of the updates etc as it progresses :) Great ks page btw.

Thanks :D We put about a month's work into that alone lol And there are still a few mistakes in the wording despite us looking it over 100's of times >.<


I might not be able to give much but payday. I'll give what I can, I wasn't able to give to City of Titan. I wont miss my chance to give to one of the projects this time. :)

Burnt Toast

I sent this question via KS, but maybe I will get a faster response here:

I noticed the $35 donation allows you "Access to all phases of game testing going forward." But...the more expensive donations all state they grant you "access to one of the beta waves." So... if I wanted access to all beta waves I should just donate $35? Reason I ask this is because I do want access to all beta, but I also want the perks of a more higher donation ($65 Forging Ahead or $100 All the Toys)....

Quote from: Chance-VO on October 30, 2014, 01:20:12 AM
Thanks :D We put about a month's work into that alone lol And there are still a few mistakes in the wording despite us looking it over 100's of times >.<


Quote from: Burnt Toast on October 30, 2014, 02:01:17 PM
I sent this question via KS, but maybe I will get a faster response here:

I noticed the $35 donation allows you "Access to all phases of game testing going forward." But...the more expensive donations all state they grant you "access to one of the beta waves." So... if I wanted access to all beta waves I should just donate $35? Reason I ask this is because I do want access to all beta, but I also want the perks of a more higher donation ($65 Forging Ahead or $100 All the Toys)....

Yeah that was one of the mistakes that we all happened to miss. So official answer: Everything above $35 that mentions 'beta waves' is identical to the $35 donation (all access).


That's what I was hoping the answer would be.

You don't ever leave someone FOR dead.  You leave them DEAD.

Burnt Toast

Woot!! That makes me so happy to know :)

Quote from: Chance-VO on October 30, 2014, 03:37:58 PM
Yeah that was one of the mistakes that we all happened to miss. So official answer: Everything above $35 that mentions 'beta waves' is identical to the $35 donation (all access).


QuoteYeah that was one of the mistakes that we all happened to miss. So official answer: Everything above $35 that mentions 'beta waves' is identical to the $35 donation (all access).

Alright minimum amount I'm donating is $35 then. Hopefully it'll be more than that on payday though. :)


Hey folks.

Alright, so there's been a lot of confusion about reward levels etc on the KS page and admittedly looking at them we could have worded them a lot better. So! Since our ability to wordsmith seems to have gone out the window on those, we're putting together a visual chart to show what exactly one gets for their backing, which is going to be quite a bit actually :)

Sorry for the rocky bits, but this is what happens when you don't have a marketing department :P


I'll be donating once I see the 'final' rewards chart.


Quote from: DarkCurrent on October 31, 2014, 10:44:31 PM
I'll be donating once I see the 'final' rewards chart.

Ask and you shall receive :)