Author Topic: And the mask comes off.  (Read 1794785 times)


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1060 on: September 05, 2014, 01:10:02 AM »
just saw the news clip regarding this on IGN.. hopefully the news will help negotiations..


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1061 on: September 05, 2014, 01:16:47 AM »
Heart surgery, not so much. Rebuild car engine? Done it once on a VW Bug, once on a Honda Civic. My Tech Director - Nate, you know? He's going to be doing it this weekendish, I believe, as his Beetle has taken a little nap.

Of course, he also was one of the founding Gentoo kernel guys, so... er. Well, I don't _know_ if he's done any heart surgery, but he's worked with NASA on some rocket engines.

Some guys _are_ just that damn good. Doctor Tyche is one of them.

That deserves a heartily said "Duuuuuude!".

Cogito, Ergo... eh?

Zombie Hustler

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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1062 on: September 05, 2014, 01:18:27 AM »
-facepalms- That's...special, and sadly...Unsurprising.

That is kind of funny.

Of course, the (tiny) conspiracy theorist in me wonders if whomever that programmer was did that deliberately for his/her own benefit?  ;D

I didn't know you were so knowledgeable about CoH's code base, Arcana.

I recall reading a lot of Arcana's posts towards the end there on the CoH forums, and realizing just how closely he knew the code. IIRC (and correct me if I'm wrong or if I'm spouting things "man was not meant to know," Arcana), he was actually working with the devs on several things behind the scenes, in either a freelance or unofficial way.

I actually thought Codewalker was him when I started posting here until I saw posts by Arcana himself, just because it was obvious CW had at least as much knowledge of the programming code as Arcana had expressed (and it seems perhaps more.)

In other news, I really enjoyed your "Last City of Heroes" story and event that you ran on the servers, Arcana, and am glad to have been able to participate in it. Thank you for that.

Drew/Zombie Hustler

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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1063 on: September 05, 2014, 01:20:13 AM »
Hrm... if only there was someone in this thread who might end up in a position of authority on such matters...

Should that state of affairs ever come to pass, you must- absolutely must!- allow me to be a part of it in some way, shape or form. You can have my first born.

(Mind you, I'd probably have to clear that in some way with whomever the mother in such a case would be...)


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1064 on: September 05, 2014, 01:22:27 AM »
Of course, he also was one of the founding Gentoo kernel guys, so... er.

Gentoo, huh? He neglected to mention that...

Well, I'll try not to hold it against him.



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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1065 on: September 05, 2014, 01:24:40 AM »
Gentoo, huh? He neglected to mention that...

Well, I'll try not to hold it against him.


Well ya know, what happens in Gentoo development...
Cogito, Ergo... eh?

Zombie Hustler

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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1066 on: September 05, 2014, 01:29:30 AM »
Personally, If people want to learn Unreal Engine 4...Go and buy it. Drop 20 bucks, then cancel your sub. I encourage people learning this stuff. It's a lot of fun, and you learn a lot about how/why certain things are they way they are in games.

I agree. While it would be fun to be able to learn and contribute to a (still up in the air) revival, I'm actually considering using that as an excuse to pick it up and learn it simply because I think learning it could benefit me in the long run.

I will warn you, however. Something nobody thought to tell me when I got into learning Game creation. Get into it far enough, and you'll never look at games the same way. You start to look at how you think things were built, and how you might build them better/differently. Seriously, I look at games and I like...see Wireframes and scripts, lol.

True. I think that happens with pretty much anything you start to delve into beyond its entertainment value, though. I know that when I worked in and around Hollywood, I started looking at film and tv more critically; same with writing, when I started looking into doing it professionally.

And even years after quitting being a cable installation tech, I still find it hard not to walk around the neighborhood noticing all the GO 95 violations and sloppy in-house wiring jobs by my local cable company. *shudder*

Zombie Hustler

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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1067 on: September 05, 2014, 01:31:53 AM »
I kind of like the whole "Volume 2, Issue 1" thing. I've wondered.. Would Revival's first issue be...Issue 1? or Issue 24?

I suggest doing what Priest and Bright did when Quantum and Woody was revived (after its first cancellation); start the numbering where at what would have been the current issue if it had never been cancelled.

Figure- what- two issues per year?

Issue 28?  :P


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1068 on: September 05, 2014, 01:35:20 AM »
Groups like you I admire in CoX, you are given lemons and instead of making lemonade like everyone else, you think outside the box and make Pledge cleaner xD After making this type of game, you will spring more people to emulate your ideas and springs up innovation. Hats off to you :D

Just a friendly reminder that while I often talk about technical details of game design, that's mostly from my history with City of Heroes; I'm not on the MWM team (or either of the others).  The people that most deserve thanks are the ones that are working to acquire the rights to CoH, and the ones working explicitly on successor games like MWM.  At best, I'm like you guys, doing the easy part of coming up with ideas.  They are the ones that have to do the hard part of turning them into reality.


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1069 on: September 05, 2014, 01:37:01 AM »
If you look at our Kickstarter, you will notice something very much like this in the PvP update. I call it Dungeon Keeper mode.

I'm afraid I'm a little behind on my Kickstarter emails.  But I am getting them.

Zombie Hustler

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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1070 on: September 05, 2014, 01:40:49 AM »
A couple weeks ago, I briefly considered nuking Skyway City from orbit and just making up some story as to why it didn't exist anymore. lol.

Well, a good chunk of it did get nuked in the iTrial days...

Zombie Hustler

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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1071 on: September 05, 2014, 01:43:03 AM »
I look at games, particularly MMOs, and I see ... a need to improve math programs in the US education system.

And grammar.

(I wish I'd kept logs of all the editing problems I sent off to the Paragon team to correct typos and grammar issues in the various missions over the years.)

Zombie Hustler

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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1072 on: September 05, 2014, 01:46:24 AM »
I'd have to dig out the novels but IIRC, their take on the zone was more interesting. Skyway was, at least by the mid 1980's, kind of failed Art-Deco-Jet-Age-Dream with elevated tube pedways (the titular Skyways) over snaking freeways.

That sounds really awesome, and parallels a thought I had after the earlier Skyway posts in this thread: when someone mentioned a revamp of it, I immediately thought of Neutropolis in Praetoria, and some of the architecture there, as well as just the "sleek, futuristic" colors and textures they used for it.

(Fitting, really, considering that both play home to the Steven Barry's of their respective worlds.)


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1073 on: September 05, 2014, 01:50:35 AM »
You  know, every time I sysadmins and power users talking about how stupid users I have to wonder how many of them would attempt open heart surgery or to rebuild a car engine.

Personally I want someone who is operating on me or fixing my car to know what the hell they are doing and not be an amateur who went to Tom's Heartware site to bone up on the latest techniques and tools.

Just like starting your car, which most of you probably have a vague idea of how it works, most computer users just want to boot and go to the internet. It is not their fault that you geniuses can't design OS's that work, or hardware that's compatible or come up with virus proof systems. Frankly heart surgeons and mechanics have a success rate that most of you only wish computer systems had.

The next time somebody starts slinging around medical terminology or the like and you haven't a clue, just remember they are doing to you what you do to everyone else who doesn't understand the minutia of your trade.

They aren't stupid just because they don't what goes on under the hood of the computer that they want to buy  any more than you are for not understanding how a petrochemical plant works when you want to buy a bag of fertilizer.

In my youth I used to think all users were idiots.  I've come to realize that while some are idiots, equal percentages of the technical people are also idiots.  The difference is that the technical people are paid to know this stuff, and are failing their responsibilities.  The users aren't explicitly paid to know this stuff, and most look like idiots because the people whose job is to educate them are idiots.

Its rare for me to find genuinely idiotic users that can't learn.  I have far more patience with users who want to learn, but simply do not have the context to pick things up quickly and need time to absorb it all, than I have for know-it-all techs that think they know everything, then blame the laws of physics for not generating the result they know is supposed to happen when they type the wrong command for the fifth time.

In fact, I would much rather work with users that know nothing, than technical types that know a lot, but more than half of which is wrong.  Many supposed tech people slinging stupid user jokes are actually themselves net negative in useful knowledge.

Not that I don't think its funny when users do weird or unexpected things: I'm only human (as far as anyone knows).  But while I will laugh at someone that slips on a banana peel and falls, I will also extend a hand and help them up and help them pick up their stuff.  I may laugh at "stupid users" but I will also spend hours teaching them, no matter how long it takes, as long as they are willing to learn.

If you can't teach it, you don't really know it.  The same was true for City of Heroes.  Easy to laugh at the newbees, but for every newbee that didn't know what we knew, there were other players laughing at all the things we didn't know or knew incorrectly.

By "we" not me specifically of course, but you know: other we.  And even I spent much of my first day playing trying to figure out why the train refused to take me anywhere when I walked through the door and onto the train.


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1074 on: September 05, 2014, 01:51:03 AM »
Gentoo, huh? He neglected to mention that...

Well, I'll try not to hold it against him.

Back then it was called Enoch, then Dan got the bright idea of renaming it. This was just before someone (looks innocent) showed him BSD /ports.... And the monster was born.


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1075 on: September 05, 2014, 02:06:19 AM »
I recall reading a lot of Arcana's posts towards the end there on the CoH forums, and realizing just how closely he knew the code. IIRC (and correct me if I'm wrong or if I'm spouting things "man was not meant to know," Arcana), he was actually working with the devs on several things behind the scenes, in either a freelance or unofficial way.

Most of what I worked on didn't specifically require knowledge of the code: even the game devs themselves rarely looked at or had any specific knowledge of the code (unless they were working with a programmer to debug something).  In fact, most of my knowledge of the code I acquired when the game was up was due to working with devs on odd problems that required *them* to reference the code in some way, and some of that knowledge they passed on to me.

I actually thought Codewalker was him when I started posting here until I saw posts by Arcana himself, just because it was obvious CW had at least as much knowledge of the programming code as Arcana had expressed (and it seems perhaps more.)

If you want a really good conspiracy theory, there was a brief moment when I thought Codewalker could have been an unauthorized handle for pohsyb (think: Codewalker -> CW -> CW Bennet -> pohsyb).  But I think pohsyb would have told me if he was doing that.  Then again, both pohsyb and Codewalker have an evil streak, so its not entirely impossible CW^2 has been punking me for years.

In fact, even if they are separate people just saying this publicly is probably going to cause them to start pretending to be the same person now.  The next version of Icon will probably look like an IOS8 app just to make me start acting like that Ancient Aliens guy.

In other news, I really enjoyed your "Last City of Heroes" story and event that you ran on the servers, Arcana, and am glad to have been able to participate in it. Thank you for that.

It was specifically the beta server, and I and I'm sure everyone who helped me stage that appreciate it.  It wasn't just me, but as we sort of hijacked a running server without permission and all, I will leave it up to the other participants if they want to out their specific involvement.


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1076 on: September 05, 2014, 02:06:58 AM »

Correct Without_pause, we HAVE used things from COH to create an air of familiarity because of the nature of it being a successor game, but as an art director I have worked for many hours upon hours to create unique costumes, designs, particle affects, animations, and character designs that are completely new for the Valiance Online world. Our goal was and still is to give the community what it wants and they originally said they wanted something close to City of Heroes. Most of the things as you so aptly put "lifted" from COH are in homage to the game we are sprouting from, but as time moves on, so will our development of powers, designs and lore. In my humble opinion we are the most "non-copy" of the COH brand as it stands. But thank you for your input.

Thanks for popping in, Ben. :)

Many of us certainly do look forward to your updates. Personally, I think your team's transparency on where you're currently at and what progress you're making is a standard by which most other companies should operate.
"What COH did was to show [developers of other] MMOs what they could be like if they gave up on controlling everything in the game, and just made it something great to play."  - Johnny Joy Bringer


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1077 on: September 05, 2014, 02:11:07 AM »
Back then it was called Enoch, then Dan got the bright idea of renaming it. This was just before someone (looks innocent) showed him BSD /ports.... And the monster was born.


I'm a big BSD fan (and sometimes developer), so I can't fault you for showing him ports.

It's just the mess of mutually incompatible bleeding-edge dependency hell that Gentoo ended up turning the ports tree INTO that made me swear to never install it again. Maybe it's changed since then, but these days if I have no other choice but Linux I'll usually go with Debian. Closest to the BSD minimalist and conservative design philosophy I've been able to find in the Linux world.

Zombie Hustler

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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1078 on: September 05, 2014, 02:14:14 AM »
It was specifically the beta server, and I and I'm sure everyone who helped me stage that appreciate it.  It wasn't just me, but as we sort of hijacked a running server without permission and all, I will leave it up to the other participants if they want to out their specific involvement.

I think I know at least one of them (and knew him in person a long, long time ago, in a galaxy called Arizona, though I didn't realize he'd joined the CoH team until the very end), but to you and them, it was a really nice sendoff.

Which also reminds me, I need to go back and reread your Immortal Game story and a couple of posts you've made about Rularuu (I think here on the forums) to see how well they mesh with a recent theory I came up with regarding the alternate Earths of the Paragon universe and how they might tie in with Prometheus and the Well of Humanity.


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1079 on: September 05, 2014, 02:20:14 AM »
Why, why, WHY?  Who knows.  But they did, and it was totally broken, and under certain circumstances could generate "random" results so bad they essentially made certain mission rewards predictable.  Which, in an MMO played by dozens or hundreds of people at a time, is a *really* bad rand.

I laughed hard. Very very hard.