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And the mask comes off.

Started by downix, September 01, 2014, 09:01:52 PM



Update March 4 2015: Check the first post in this thread for a timeline of events.

Update October 2 2014:

Original September 1 2014:

For those unaware, my name is Nate Downes. While I am the President of Missing Worlds Media, Inc, I am also a member of the City of Heroes community, and an advocate. A series of circumstances put me in to a unique position, to reach out to NCSoft, not as the company president, but as a member of a small group with the goal to acquire the older property in some form or another.

Early on, this group, which included a few people from MWM as well as other members of the community, made the intentional choice to not directly involve CoT in the negotiations. There are a few reasons for this. It prevented the discussions from negatively impacting the project should they go wrong. It also prevented them from distracting any development. And, most importantly, if this should work out, it would be incredibly unfair for only one segment of the community to benefit.

How it began.

In September of last year, I had lucked into a chance meeting with a few people who worked for NC Soft, including a manager. They advised me then to come back later on to talk with them. While I'd kept the dialog channel open, the general consensus was that no, the company would never sell City of Heroes complete and intact.

Then IronWolf posted the idea of buying up part of the game, but not the entire thing. This prompted me to ask my contact people, who through several discussions eventually advised me to talk to a single person, NC Soft's Business Manager Jae Soo Yoon. In addition, we had some other people who were ex-employees and ex-partners suggest the very same person.

For those who do not know Korean business methods, it is considered highly rude to directly email someone, but to instead get an introduction from a third party business associate. This meant we had to find someone who was not part of NC Soft to formally introduce us to Mr. Yoon. Fortunately, we had two people who could do just that, a former NC West employee and a former co-worker of mine who had started a media company which works with NC Soft on developing properties for the Asian market.

Introductions in place, we made the leap from US-bound people to members of the Korean firm. This was very carefully done, very slowly orchestrated. By July, we had gotten to the point that Mr. Yoon had passed us to Sangwon Chung from NC Soft's Strategic Partnership Development Team.

For those who are unfamiliar, this is the group which handles things such as partnering with an existing studio or the development of new partnerships. This is the group we have been working with since early July. It is a very slow process, and still will take a long time to conclude.

The proposal as it stands right now (this is not a final form, just the current proposal on the table) is this:

The CoH IP would be spun to its own company, to handle licensing. This company would itself license the existing engine from NCSoft for the creation of a maintenance mode, using a binary copy of the i23 server.

The existing user database and characters are not part of this arrangement at this time, nor is the source code.

An arrangement is to be made to license the trademarks to the various Plan Z projects, CoT, Valiance and H&V, to create a family connection, and to allow each to drop the "Spiritual" portion of successor. This means they can make references to the original game if desired, and to enable the expansion of partnerships. This could be expanded for any of them, should the desire be there.

An arrangement is also to be made for the Atlas Park Revival project. As part of the informal agreement we have with them, they would be given an official stamp of approval, and the CoT game build would be licensed to them, to create a kind of "CoH 1.5" and migrate people off of the classic game engine before it finally becomes unsuitable (we expect this to happen around when Windows 9 is released, due to binary compatibility). This can be done because both APR and CoT run on Unreal Engine 4.

By being its own firm, the licensing company can also pursue other avenues which were unavailable before.

Why this group?

Because we approached them like another Korean company. We respected their company culture. And most importantly, we were patient. We had periods where we heard nothing for weeks.
The group itself began as three people. It has grown, some people more connected to the inner workings than others. Some former Cryptic and Paragon employees have given us advise on things ranging from what is needed to run the old server binaries to how the Paragon Market worked.

So, why come forward now?

Back in March, we were advised to wait until after August as a show of good faith. It is now September, so here we are.

Since we could not give full details to anyone without jeopardizing the whole thing before now, a lot of misinformation, rumors, and flat out wrong ideas got out there. To correct them could have broken the request, and therefore the trust, built up. So we had to let them stir, and do minor nudges to fix when we could get away with it.

So where are we now?

Right now, still discussing terms, ideas, limits. The challenges we have been given we stepped up for and handled. Likely there will be discussions and adjustments right up until the moment the deal is signed. The whole thing may fall apart. For all we know, everything done so far has been nothing but a delaying tactic so they can say once again that they tried to work with the community to no avail. But until such time that becomes clear, we will continue forward in good faith.

They could have ignored us from day 1, but they did not. They may not operate at the pace we would like, but they are at the pace they are comfortable with. At this point, the ball is in their court.

Ultimately, it is not the dozen folk here who have been in talks with are important here, but all of you. Those who said what you wanted, what you'd hoped for, who did not give up. We're still not there, may never make it there, but we are not even close to giving up. And whatever happens, we can do it together.

Thanks to all of you.

Kaos Arcanna


I'm speechless.

You guys think big!

I'm hoping we can ask you some questions here (in terms of how this arrangement would work out), but I'll refrain until I see if it's okay.


Seems about what I'd hoped for, glad you guys are taking what you can get. Wish you all a bunch of luck and glad to hear that its familiar faces indeed that are doing this. I'm also really glad to hear that its going to be an umbrella to include all of the offspring projects.


Um... wow.

I... errrr... wow.

(10 minutes later)

Okay, next question - "licensing the IP"... does that mean if, say, someone wanted to start writing books for the CoH IP, that spinoff company would be the one we'd talk to? Or is it solely for GAMING purposes?

(Yes I realize that's contingent on said sale actually going through.)

The game may be gone, but the videos are still here...


*fangirling* Keep doing what you do!!!! thank you for update!!


Thank you very much for all of the efforts that you have undertaken in order to bring City of Heroes back from the grave.

I don't really know what else to say. It's a shame we couldn't get i24, but that's more of an "oh well" than anything else. You've all done an exceedingly excellent job, and we really appreciate it.

If there's anything we can do to help, please let us know, but I get the feeling just cheering you guys on and being decent is going to be our best move at this point.
Woo! - Argent Girl



Carpe Diem!                  .
Seize the Carp!   .


Thank you for your efforts.

Looking forward to future updates no matter the outcome.
The Original Suicidal Fire/Thermal Corruptor
Union Server


Just want to say thank you for your efforts. What ever outcome happens, you will always have my gratitude


Thank you for fighting the good fight.  We're all here hoping you'll succeed. 

Beware the mighty faceplant!


Quote from: downix on September 01, 2014, 09:01:52 PM
An arrangement is also to be made for the Atlas Park Revival project. As part of the informal agreement we have with them, they would be given an official stamp of approval, and the CoT game build would be licensed to them, to create a kind of "CoH 1.5" and migrate people off of the classic game engine before it finally becomes unsuitable (we expect this to happen around when Windows 9 is released, due to binary compatibility). This can be done because both APR and CoT run on Unreal Engine 4.

This is great information, and I very much appreciate the announcement. Can you provide a bit more details on this statement?


My thanks to those involved, and for today's revelation and progress report.  I mainly lurk here on the forums, but felt compelled to post today and extend my well wishes to this group who have been fighting to resurrect CoH.  Keep up the great work!


Thank you, Nathaniel. The clarification is appreciated and welcome, and you have all the luck an old, retired Controller can muster.

"Remember. You CHOSE this death." - Lucifer


This is pretty freaking impressive work. Kudos. No matter how it turns out, you guys rock.


Echoing the thoughts of many here, thank you so much for progressing this to this level. Fingers crossed everyone can get what they want!  ;D


Thank you and good luck! If there's anything we can do in the meantime please let us know. Even if you just need us to wait faster!


I will take issue 23. Ha, I would take issue 6. I would take issue 1! I will take anything!

[pssst, is there any chance we could work those I24 costume pieces in eventually... ?  8) ]


This is....intriguing!
So many questions...but ... I'll keep my trap shut for now.

Very interesting stuff!

But..with Windows 9 supposedly being released very soon...some estimates at April, 2015, others say even earlier because of the flop that Windows 8 is...that really limits the time of this migration, I'm thinking. Or maybe it doesn't. No rule says we have to get Windows 9 right away - at least, I hope not.

Still, I have a bunch of questions and comments, but I have to absorb this...I'm swimming in it right now. It was a refreshing big toe dunk at first, now I'm splashing in the deep end wondering I should call out "Marco" and listen for "Polo"...
Those who have no idea what they are doing genuinely have no idea that they don't know what they're doing. - John Cleese

Pearl Dragon

Still wanting, hoping, and not giving up.  Thank you!