Author Topic: And the mask comes off.  (Read 1781973 times)


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #5180 on: March 05, 2015, 04:56:31 PM »
What would happen to the team when they passed the NDA?


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #5181 on: March 05, 2015, 05:29:52 PM »
What would happen to the team when they passed the NDA?

You mean breach the NDA? In that case, NC Soft can terminate negotiations.


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #5182 on: March 05, 2015, 05:52:42 PM »
You mean breach the NDA? In that case, NC Soft can terminate negotiations.

Probably more than that.  NDA's usually include language along the lines of, "If any party screws up the deal, you'll owe the other some amount of cash to make up for the lost opportunity." 

I would imagine that NCSoft would be in this for at least as much as whatever money is being discussed... so if the current offer is (I'm making this up, as I have ZERO knowledge about this particular case) $5 Million, then if Nate breaks the NDA, the deal could fall through AND NCSoft then comes after Nate for the lost revenue of that $5 Million.

So it's not only "No COH," probably, at stake.  There's probably a big chunk o' change at stake, too, if anyone blabs.
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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #5183 on: March 05, 2015, 06:48:45 PM »
Probably more than that.  NDA's usually include language along the lines of, "If any party screws up the deal, you'll owe the other some amount of cash to make up for the lost opportunity." 

I would imagine that NCSoft would be in this for at least as much as whatever money is being discussed... so if the current offer is (I'm making this up, as I have ZERO knowledge about this particular case) $5 Million, then if Nate breaks the NDA, the deal could fall through AND NCSoft then comes after Nate for the lost revenue of that $5 Million.

So it's not only "No COH," probably, at stake.  There's probably a big chunk o' change at stake, too, if anyone blabs.

And possibly salting the earth for anyone wanting to talk coh for a long time.

 It sucks to wait, but it will suck more to be told no deal ever, because something "teeny" came out. 


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #5184 on: March 05, 2015, 06:53:35 PM »
Doh, i'd repressed purple cloud Galactus.

I thought they'd decided AOA would be the last x-movie before another reboot. i know jackman is out after that one and the next wolverine. i wish they'd make "Magneto: Nazi Hunter!" instead because i know they're going to screw up apocalypse. of course they couldn't do anything worse to him than marvel's writers after the early 90s have.
I'm slightly more hopeful since Days of Future Past.   That was still "Wolverine and friends" but I at least liked it.

Jackman might explode from steroids if he keeps doing these movies, so it might be best for him to do something else.   :o

I don't think I could ever root for a creative effort to be a failure just so someone else can have another shot at it. It also assumes that Fox would be willing to lease it out ala Sony instead of just sitting on it, which certainly hasn't been demonstrated.

So much work goes into a movie and, even it's not to my taste, someone worked pretty hard to make it.

I would also add that Marvel leasing out their big characters was not done at gun point. They may regret the deal now, but they didn't when they got paid. In light of the way things turned out, I am sure they have regrets, but who doesn't?
Oh I know they weren't forced to make those deals that are framed in a way which is detrimental to the characters.  (The studios have to make movies to keep the rights whether the public demand is there or not)  That doesn't make the deals any better.

I'm just hoping Marvel can get the rights back before too much damage is done.   With may be too late already.

Technically speaking, Marvel did it to Galactus first - in the Ultimate Galactus series by Warren Ellis.  I'm pretty certain Fox pulled from that story line and did not invent the "purple cloud" idea on their own.
The Ultimate stuff is pretty dicey.   I'm not giving Fox a pass because they decided to use a bad idea someone else thought up.    That might just be worse since you can see a bad idea in action first.   I can at least understand the artistic blindness that sometimes happens when a person comes up with an idea.

Actually, I'm happy just to receive that "negotiations continue" mini-sort-of-update today.  Even one of those once per month is very welcome.  No backstage pass needed.
Same.   That's plenty.   I just passed that on to my brother as a matter of fact.


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #5185 on: March 05, 2015, 07:26:15 PM »
I'm slightly more hopeful since Days of Future Past.   That was still "Wolverine and friends" but I at least liked it.

The Ultimate stuff is pretty dicey.   I'm not giving Fox a pass because they decided to use a bad idea someone else thought up.   

I thought future past was awful. not X3 awful, but awful. if tyrion + pornstache can't save a movie for me i don't know what will.

The thing with the galactus cloud in the movie is that's all there was - no suggestion of it being a robotic swarm or any attempt to make it cool. also warren ellis has a lot of great stuff in the bank so we can let him slide on the idea. fox notsomuch, especially as that was before first class.


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #5186 on: March 05, 2015, 07:36:25 PM »
having been under NDA's with companies ( in a different industries) some companies take them VERY seriously.. If they have asked Nate to say NOTHING during negotiations.. then him saying even a LITTLE something is a violation of trust.. which can definitely short circuit a deal..

can he use descriptive pantomime?     

just joking


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #5187 on: March 05, 2015, 09:29:06 PM »
can he use descriptive pantomime?     

just joking
And now I'm having a flashback to The Silence of the Hams.  The agents will exchange secret information using the FBI's new technique - interpretive dance!  ;D


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #5188 on: March 05, 2015, 10:35:09 PM »
And now I'm having a flashback to The Silence of the Hams.  The agents will exchange secret information using the FBI's new technique - interpretive dance!  ;D

As Knee Jerk as NCSoft is.... that'd probably break the NDA too. :(

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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #5189 on: March 05, 2015, 11:24:10 PM »
The National Dairy Association won't even let you play serades.


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #5190 on: March 06, 2015, 05:00:30 PM »

Sorry but that didn't seem the intention of your original post.

I also don't understand how this thread is a train wreck. When it's been stated OVER and OVER that if there was an update. It'd appear, exactly where this current update has appeared.

I believe comments like this is exactly what others where talking about. Let's let Nate and crew decide what NCSoft is comfortable with them saying. Their the one's dealing with them, so they are the one that would know how "teensy" an update should be.

I don't know you so I don't know what kind of experience you have. But I do know what's been stated here. One dealing with a Korean corporation is a slow process, Two I do know that currently NCSoft is having a power struggle so yeah, I'd think that'd slow things down some. Three, everyone envolved I'm sure has other things their doing/envolved with. So I'd also assume that they may go a week or two without talking. Four, it's March we just got finished with the Holiday season and the Tax season. Those things for me personally take up a lot of my personal time. That would take away from a personal project (Even if it's trying to get the best game in the world back) that I'm working on.

So no I don't feel like it's a:
I know waiting is hard especially when there's a lot of silence (as I've said before) but it's something we'll have to deal with.

I hate the 'break apart each word of a post to break it down into it's fundamental atoms' thing... you lose the flavor of the overall post that way.  But in order ('cause I'm just not feeling like doing all the formatting crud...)
1) Your perception is unfortunately flawed by the fact you don't have my mindset.  So while your observation is yours, my fact is mine, what I said is face value, take it or not.
2) Both of them wander about on various and sundry topics for no reason except to just... be there.  Then a post comes along that's relevant to the original first post to bring it back into order, like has apparently been done here.  700 pages of "are we there yet?" isn't possible.  700 pages of "Are we there yet, ooh, shiny, I saw this movie, you know the thing about trains is..." and such is exactly what's been happening here.  I mean, look between your post and mine here... There's X-Men discussion *already*.  Why?  Loosely related at best.
3) Nate and the rest can certainly do that.  And be lost.  For without interest, what else besides WAY too much money to say no to (which I'm sure isn't the case) would give NCSoft pressure or incentive to do anything at all?  Be cheaper to sit on a product that nobody wants than even pay the lawyers to do the contracts.  That is what is at stake here, I believe.  Again, referencing Tony's thoughts on what to do about the place, the waning interest, to me, is a problem and one that I would like to see addressed by Nate and the crew.  And all it takes is, WITHOUT violating the NDA, is a simple little message here and there, sprinkled among the masses of Attention Deficited posts, of "guys, honest, it's still going.  Your patience is appreciated, and that's all I can say."  It would poke the fire, keep things going.  At least, that was the thought behind my post.  Whether I'm correct or not would be an interesting debate, I'm sure.  But as been said in the world... even negative publicity is publicity.  If there's interest, beyond these negotiations... we have a better chance, I'm sure of it.
4) I get that.  Doesn't mean someone can't poke the fire rather than let it die here.
5) And that's your opinion.  Mine is that it's a placeholder that as time wears on, it become exactly what I said.  To others, it's a leaf on the wind, dropped to the ground, and then forgotten as there's other stuff to do or distract.  Point is, while no news may indeed be good news in a certain respect, it also becomes neglected to be bothered with news.. and then worse, forgotten.  I feel that while the imagery might have been brutal, the point is indeed valid.
Now.  I've done my bit to be the 'wounded animal' and respond on this critique, for good or bad, and I'll be done with it now, thanks.  Re-critique all you want, if that's your thing, but I'll be stepping aside until I blow up again at some other percieved injustice to the cause. :)


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #5191 on: March 06, 2015, 08:17:11 PM »
The Ultimate stuff is pretty dicey.   I'm not giving Fox a pass because they decided to use a bad idea someone else thought up.    That might just be worse since you can see a bad idea in action first.   I can at least understand the artistic blindness that sometimes happens when a person comes up with an idea.

I'm not convinced myself its a bad idea: I think most will agree it was poorly executed in the Rise of the Silver Surfer, but that's not the same thing.  Seems to be a matter of taste.  Some (like Vee above, for example) disliked Days of Future Past whereas I thought it was an extremely good X-Men movie.  I can excuse the minor "since when does Kitty Pryde have time travel powers" thing because the overall execution was good, and I like that the focus was on the Xavier/Magneto relationship that seems to be the best part of the current X-stories.  But of course YMMV.

I saw DoFP the week of release and it was a pretty rowdy theater.  When Quicksilver's scene started, the theater actually went almost *silent*.  That happens exactly never.  Focused cinematic genius on display.


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #5192 on: March 06, 2015, 10:04:06 PM »
i did love what they did with quicksilver. he couldn't quite make up for blink, bishop and sunspot for me though.


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #5193 on: March 07, 2015, 12:54:40 AM »
Let's stop talking about the NDA, how about? Absolutely nothing good can come from bringing it up.

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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #5194 on: March 07, 2015, 01:01:36 AM »
I saw DoFP the week of release and it was a pretty rowdy theater.  When Quicksilver's scene started, the theater actually went almost *silent*.  That happens exactly never.  Focused cinematic genius on display.

I haven't seen DoFP yet. I've lagging in movie watching lately.  :(

I would point out another cinematic genius moment on display that had the opposite effect in the Avengers. Hulk meets Loki. Loki Monolgues. Hulk SMASH! Audience goes wild. I saw the movie twice in the theaters and never did get to hear what Hulk said after flailing Loki around a bit until after we got the Blue Ray and watched it at home. The writers for a lot of the Marvel movies seem to have the knack for that type of thing.
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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #5195 on: March 07, 2015, 01:14:01 AM »
I haven't seen DoFP yet. I've lagging in movie watching lately.  :(

I would point out another cinematic genius moment on display that had the opposite effect in the Avengers. Hulk meets Loki. Loki Monolgues. Hulk SMASH! Audience goes wild. I saw the movie twice in the theaters and never did get to hear what Hulk said after flailing Loki around a bit until after we got the Blue Ray and watched it at home. The writers for a lot of the Marvel movies seem to have the knack for that type of thing.

Loki still wins the award for most hilarious super-villain take down ever.
You do NOT talk smack to the HULK!

Though one must wonder, Heimdall and Odin are both basically "all-seeing", so one must wonder what their reactions were to what Hulk did to Loki.

I suspect it was probably something along the lines of...."Whoa!"
In fearful COH-less days
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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #5196 on: March 07, 2015, 02:10:16 AM »
I haven't seen DoFP yet. I've lagging in movie watching lately.  :(

I would point out another cinematic genius moment on display that had the opposite effect in the Avengers. Hulk meets Loki. Loki Monolgues. Hulk SMASH! Audience goes wild. I saw the movie twice in the theaters and never did get to hear what Hulk said after flailing Loki around a bit until after we got the Blue Ray and watched it at home. The writers for a lot of the Marvel movies seem to have the knack for that type of thing.

I had the same problem: I didn't even really hear all the concrete crunching until the second viewing.

Although for me the Hulk moment that resonated with me the most was when Banner utters his "I'm always angry" line and changes into the Hulk.  It evoked Peter David's last issue of his run on Incredible Hulk where Rick Jones mentions the last time he sees Banner:


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #5197 on: March 07, 2015, 06:34:52 AM »
Does he have... googly eyes... on his forehead? o.o
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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #5198 on: March 07, 2015, 07:52:05 AM »
Does he have... googly eyes... on his forehead? o.o

Why not? Everything's more fun with googly eyes  :D


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #5199 on: March 07, 2015, 08:31:09 AM »

Why not? Everything's more fun with googly eyes  :D
Well, yeah, but in this case Banner is fitted with sensors.  At this point in the story Banner is being held by the military and they are monitoring him so they can bring him down if they detect any sign he's about to change into the Hulk.  That's part of what makes that transformation so dramatic: Banner is actually *trying* to contain the Hulk up to this point, cooperating with the military in having himself imprisoned, but its in this moment that Banner basically gives up his fight with the Hulk, and just becomes the Hulk.  That's the penultimate time Rick sees Banner, but the absolute last time he sees Banner it suggests the war between Banner and the Hulk is over:

Incredible Hulk 467 is something I consider required reading whether you are a fan of the Hulk or not.  If for no other reason than this:

This, too, I believe ended up in the Avengers movie by way of reference: when Ruffalo (as Banner) says that at one point he got low and tried to end it, that was a small call back to this story.