Author Topic: The Shot Heard Around Paragon City - SCORE Public Release  (Read 281222 times)


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Re: The Shot Heard Around Paragon City - SCORE Public Release
« Reply #200 on: April 17, 2019, 02:58:58 PM »
My only comment on this whole situation is.... yikes
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Re: The Shot Heard Around Paragon City - SCORE Public Release
« Reply #201 on: April 17, 2019, 03:22:12 PM »
Ultimately, this brings us back around full circle.  We're back to waiting to see what NCSoft will do.


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Re: The Shot Heard Around Paragon City - SCORE Public Release
« Reply #202 on: April 17, 2019, 03:37:25 PM »
Ultimately, this brings us back around full circle.  We're back to waiting to see what NCSoft will do.

I think this situation is slightly different. Now, they know that they're not the only ones who have the capability of bringing the game back both from a legal AND logistical standpoint. Now, logistically speaking, they are faced with knowing that they're not the only ones who have that capability.

And, frankly, I'm perfectly tickled by that fact :)
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Re: The Shot Heard Around Paragon City - SCORE Public Release
« Reply #203 on: April 17, 2019, 03:41:09 PM »
lol at the post following mine - it's the same as mine minus all tact  :P

whoops, it was rightfully taken down


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Re: The Shot Heard Around Paragon City - SCORE Public Release
« Reply #204 on: April 17, 2019, 03:42:11 PM »
And let that be a lesson.
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Re: The Shot Heard Around Paragon City - SCORE Public Release
« Reply #205 on: April 17, 2019, 03:46:42 PM »
I think this situation is slightly different. Now, they know that they're not the only ones who have the capability of bringing the game back both from a legal AND logistical standpoint. Now, logistically speaking, they are faced with knowing that they're not the only ones who have that capability.

And, frankly, I'm perfectly tickled by that fact :)

Who else besides NCsoft has a legal right to bring the game back...?  Nothing has changed... / ' :
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Re: The Shot Heard Around Paragon City - SCORE Public Release
« Reply #206 on: April 17, 2019, 03:53:39 PM »
Certainly, and speaking of the drama though, I find a lot of things start to make a large amount of sense in the community as I've observed. As I've been looking in on it maybe every year for the last 4 years and every 6 months since SEGS started to be a realized thing with 0.3? I think... There was always a slight sort of lethargy about the community, and an almost lack of eagerness in it's movers and shakers, at least that I saw on places like this and the subreddit, whenever the possibility of emulation and server recovery were mentioned. A kind of short period of "Oh well that's nice, carry on."

For me, I never got enthusiastic about SEGS for 2 reasons: 1. I was of the understanding it was an issue 1 (ish) code, and even when I started playing in issue 4-5, going back to what I heard issue 1 was like is not something I wanted. Better than nothing, sure, but I didn't care much about an effort to get issue 1 working. I would have been happy when it was finished, and played it, but it didn't capture my interest; 2. SEGS has been around for *years* and nothing came of it, and until its recent activity in the last half year or so, my impression of it was always "it's that emulator that one person tried to do solo while the game was running."

Obviously I've been more positive about it in the last half year, even joining their discord last November. But that's only a recent development.

I also think that because there were efforts to literally buy the game from NCsoft, people put their hopes on that, instead of an emulator... especially given that the only emulator CoH had was, as noted above, not much of anything. And then SCoRE happened, and it was assumed they'd work for years and years and years and give us something - the idea that a effectively functioning private server existed was even *possible* before maybe at least a decade of work was deemed extremely unlikely.

I like to believe this was all for the good of the community, but how many more years was this going to be a secret for? 5? 10?  What's even the point after 17 years of the game being shut down.  I get why they kept it a secret.  Because they wanted to keep playing and not have it taken away from them.  But I don't believe at all that keeping it a secret was for the good of the community, I think it was for the good of themselves.  I'll happily be proven wrong if this somehow leads to me being able to play the game again.  But currently, it feels like NCSoft and SCORE are both not allowing me to play a game I love.

I honestly don't know any of the people involved with SCORE.  And I am sure they are nice people and this wasn't intended to be malicious.  But it doesn't make me feel any better knowing this game we all love has been around for years in secret.

Indeed, at least up until yesterday if you had heard of SCORE like myself you could sit around thinking a team is still putting in work behind the scenes to make an emulator but instead we find out a fully playable server exists and is super secret.

I'm not entirely sure I believe Leandro when he says he had intentions of going live with it, or converting it to a more 'public' status server sometime in the future. I also think he was kiiiiiinda using the "Well everyone knew about SCORE!" as his scapegoat, and I don't think most people are buying that (or, rather, allowing him to get away with this on those grounds). I don't know who he is, and I'm not sure what I believe.

This is kind of how I feel. And the statements that "oh it was going to be released for the 15th anniversary, but now we're not so we can make the code "better"" seems disingenuous to me. The cat's out of the bag, there's no harm in going through with the initial release schedule. But I honestly (and I would be happy to be proven wrong) don't believe that there was any set timeframe, in SCoRE's internal conversations, for a release.

Yeah, everyone on Titan Network had heard of SCoRE, but I was under the impression that they were working in secret to build something *to release* - and right now, I tend to lean towards believing that what they had was releasable, which is where the betrayal comes in. Again, if I see some sort of internal documentation from SCoRE that they actually had some release plan or schedule, I will be happy to know that I was not betrayed, but I'm currently skeptical.

Lots of mixed feelings, been part of this "Titan Network" (hell I'm user #38) community before it was even Titan, if I recall correctly CIT had its own boards that I use to frequent at the time, or maybe it was MIDs? either way there was something before this... I don't know where I was going with that...

Check my sig - CIT *did* have its own forums! (I was super disappointed the post counts didn't migrate, because somehow I was one of the top posters there when it did :p )

I think the one fairly laaaaarge silver lining that I have with all of this is just simply knowing that the server, disc image, and data is ALIVE.

I don't think we know that - the only thing that appears to be actually true is that SCoRE was anonymously given character data. The 2013 post from Leandro indicates that they may have actually been reverse engineering or trying to build something that didn't rely on original code.

(That post is also really sad to see, because shows all the initial hope and promise for the project, which somehow got turned into something where secrecy and trying to make the code "perfect" was more important than releasing it.)

Whatever Leandro has/had, if he had "just released it", most people would not have been in a position to do anything useful with it.

The same is true of the original code from the real servers. But releasing the code allows two things to happen: 1. It prevents NCsoft from actually managing to finally destroy the game, because it should be patently obvious that having multiple copies of digital information you want to preserve is the only way to ensure it doesn't get deleted, either maliciously or through something happening to the single physical databse; 2. It allows the people who don't fall under your "most people" umbrella, the ones who have the sort of knowledge to make things work, to try their own hand at working on CoH code. And that's a good thing. Regardless of anything else, I do believe that SCoRE has some really great programmers, but that doesn't mean they'll necessarily see the best way to do x y or z. Outside eyes might be able to help get the code into a better state faster than a few people working in secret. Crowdsourcing is a tried-and-true way to solve problems.

Money that was donated to Titan Network for PC Chat development?  What?

Did you give money to Titan Network thinking they were involved in PC Chat development?  I thought it was made clear many multiple times that there was no direct connection between Titan Network and PC Chat.  Who did you give money to?

Bold of you to assume I've had enough money to donate to anything in the timeframe since Paragon Chat was released  ;D . I was just trying to note that, while claims of the successors being money fronts *is* ridiculous, Titan Network does have a donation button (I don't know about Paragon Chat), and it is *understandable* that people will now be suspicious about where that money goes, given the close nature of Titan Network and Paragon Chat.

I get your cynicism, I really, really do. But this isn't a place to take that cynicism and project it as far and wide as possible, hoping it takes hold and infects everyone else. If that were the case, we never would have survived the shutdown because believe you me, there was a LOT of cynicism back then, too. This a place where we come together to get over our cynicism, where we pull together--and yes, that means even the people who have been on the private server--as a community. Hell, we're talking about THREE THOUSAND people, undoubtedly many of whom have been on here frequently continuing to prop up the community as SCoRE has been working on a working server, carrying everyone through some bad times until hopefully we can all enjoy the fruits of their labors.


They could have simply gone away to live in their "gated community" and chose not to. Why? Because as I said in my "On 'private servers'" thread above, there IS NO gated community here. There is no caste system. There are no "haves" and "have-nots," there's just us. ALL of us.

If anyone can't abide by that, then they're choosing to isolate themselves from the community, not us. And I think that's a shame, but again, we're not going to allow anyone to use these forums to try to make this whole "caste system" foolishness a self-fulfilling prophesy.

That's fine. We disagree on how upset people should be about it, and we probably disagree on the level of egregiousness of various people's sins. And I've always said, in this context and in others, that no one gets to tell you his you must feel about any given situation. You have the absolute right to feel however you feel.

But there is a huge difference between feeling angry and taking actions to make everyone else feel angry. There's a huge difference between feeling betrayed and trying to incite others to act on your feeling of betrayal.

One, we allow leeway in discussing here on the Titan forums. The latter, the part where people get destructive to the community, we don't.

TonyV, you've been a staunch pillar of the CoH community for a long time, and you built the Titan Network into the best CoH community there is. I do believe that you didn't know about the server, and that the reasons for censoring private server talk were to prevent these forums from devolving into what other places have become the last few days.

But I honestly think that many of your comments, especially on the MassivelyOP article, come across as tone deaf.

I get that you're upset. I get that you're mad. But other people are getting hurt, people who have nothing to do with any private server, people who have busted their butts trying to provide a community where EVERYONE feels welcome.

I don't think you truly grok why people are feeling hurt, and betrayed. You say yourself that you're relatively sanguine about the revelation:

This holds true today just as much as it did then. The only difference is that now we know there's a private server. Well, bully for them. I'm not jealous of the people who have been playing on it, because I personally am no worse off than I was this time last week.

On these very forums, you can search for SCoRE or Secret Cabal of Reverse Engineers, and see posts of people who put their faith in SCoRE to provide a working game to the community. As of right now, the evidence points to SCoRE *having the game that they promised to deliver* .... and not doing so. Yes, maybe the code wasn't "good enough" for SCoRE's standards... but surely you can understand why people who see video of a working game, that was built by people they trusted to release said game, are upset that it was kept secret?

Edit: Due to the migration of posts from "New Efforts" to this thread, the quotes above no longer link properly. But they are unmodified, and the originals can be found in this thread (I don't want to put the effort in right now).
« Last Edit: April 19, 2019, 05:09:25 PM by Felderburg »
I used CIT before they even joined the Titan network! But then I left for a long ol' time, and came back. Now I edit the wiki.

I'm working on sorting the Lore AMAs so that questions are easily found and linked: Tell me what you think!

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Re: The Shot Heard Around Paragon City - SCORE Public Release
« Reply #207 on: April 17, 2019, 03:55:44 PM »

Who else besides NCsoft has a legal right to bring the game back...?  Nothing has changed... / ' :

That's what I'm saying. They're the only ones who can legally bring it back, but now that it's been uncovered that a private server/emulator has been running for 6 years, they now KNOW that they're not the only ones who have the logistical capability to bring it back - should whomever has a copy of the game a.) want to, and b.) deem any/all potential ramifications of bringing said game back to be 'worth it', they have the ability (technically speaking) to do so. Now, NCSoft could just go on a suing spree and go after any/all parties whom might continually revive it over and over again... but c'mon.

Before, they had both the 'legal' and 'logistical' elements on their side. But the chess game just got a whole lot more 'level' with the public knowledge of the existence of this private server.
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Re: The Shot Heard Around Paragon City - SCORE Public Release
« Reply #208 on: April 17, 2019, 03:57:06 PM »
Thank you for that, Tony, I completely agree.  I've been feeling bursts of rage on this subject but not for people involved in the SCoRE work... for the people who are gibbering insanely with rage for not being told about the Secret work. 

At the very least you should understand where the rage is coming from. I'll use my own experience as it's the best i've got to explain.

I was staring at the clock waiting patiently for the new Anno game to release in hopes of it filling some of the void City of Heroes left when only an hour was left, someone linked me to the article. For years I was told by a lot of people i trusted to be the ones to keep everyone updated that Paragon Chat was the best we were gonna get outside of SEGS, and while i love SEGS and the people who work hard on it, It was extremely far off from being the City of Heroes i desired. This article not only showed that to be incorrect it accused people I put complete faith into of lying. Not everything in the article was concrete but at this point, i was very hurt on a personal level.

For years my supergroup and i have played around in mids, paragon chat, and discussed daily general CoH stuff. We've tried moving on and have tried many times to not let it get us down. We all grew up together, most of us only 13 when CoH released, some of us even dated and moved in together. City of Heroes was a lot of things to us more than "A game about super heroes" which is why Champions, DC, or the successors didn't bring any comfort knowing that mechanically it wouldn't be the same game. Now you have this new information that at face value told us City of Heroes never left for some people, those people decided we weren't good enough to play the game and were actively lying and toying with us by giving us things like Paragon Chat. Was this true? I can't tell you that, i can take Titan Network at their word it isn't but not everyone else will. Some people feel too betrayed to even consider the idea and the to be honest with you it's hard to fault for them.

I see no concrete evidence to suggest any of it is true but i see a lot of concrete evidence that makes me want to ask questions that just can't be answered due to trying to protect what was worked on from being ruined. Not everyone is going to just be okay with trying to have faith, for a lot of people they did their best to have faith and feel betrayed. Only time will correct this by actions proving the claims to be false. If the day comes when we all have City of Heores back, even the most hurt of people will forgive and apologize but that time isn't right now. I'm not asking anyone to just let people be attacked or allow false information to be spread. All I'm asking is for some understanding, and i feel a lot of people here have done so already.


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Re: The Shot Heard Around Paragon City - SCORE Public Release
« Reply #209 on: April 17, 2019, 04:08:00 PM »
Where's the apology, TonyV?

You quoted your "on private servers" post earlier, but that post is full of, at best, misinformation.  The fact that you were apparently misled as to the truth doesn't excuse the fact that you put a very public face on those lies.  You called people who knew the truth "trolls".  You told everyone that SCORE was at a "very early stage".

You were wrong.  You were lied to.  If you don't want to be angry about that, that's fine.  Being chill is not a bad thing.

But you used your clout here at CoHTitan to mislead everyone away from the truth.

I think that now that it's clear that has happened, you should own up to your mistake.

A.  I'm sure Tony will respond.
B.  Are you really feeling so paranoid that you had to create a new account (if so,  I hope you're using a VPN...)
C.  I feel like at times only a few people (mis-)read some source material,  then make these wild leaps of logic that then others who haven't read the material simply react to and echo.   
 D.  I'm having a very hard time finding where in Tony's message you could attribute to him being a liar.  He has disclaimers galore (no one told him, "proof" was not substantial then, he addresses the possibility of a private server and what building it would entail,  and again declaring he doesn't know if it exists but if course there it's active work on one )
E. His "troll" comment was specifically directed at those bringing nothing constructive to the conversation,  directing them to other forums like Facebook.
F. Was Tony wrong?  I doubt think he was wrong in how he wrote that message.
G.  Was Tony lied to?  First of all, who cares and second,  if he wasnt told,  he wasn't lied to.

I think a lot of this inflated angst is self- created and unnecessarily perpetuated,  in large part reading into official statements these nefarious ideas,  or else justifying continuing to be angsty by doing such.

Edit: how is this post not intended to incite a reaction from Tony, which was Tony's entire point about trolls being unconstructive...?
« Last Edit: April 17, 2019, 04:29:30 PM by therain93 »
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Re: The Shot Heard Around Paragon City - SCORE Public Release
« Reply #210 on: April 17, 2019, 04:28:46 PM »
Thank you for that, Tony, I completely agree.  I've been feeling bursts of rage on this subject but not for people involved in the SCoRE work... for the people who are gibbering insanely with rage for not being told about the Secret work. 

I haven't dived into this "up and running for 6 years!" stuff, so I'm not sure what has been running, or in what condition, or with what capacity.  I feel absolutely certain that nobody "in the community" has any "right" to anything from anybody -- especially from people who have put work into learning, running, and improving the software involved with CoH -- if you've sat down and worked and taught yourself enough about the client to add rooms to Pargon chat maps -- for example, IMHO you've got some basis to weigh in on development efforts.  And if not, you're waiting for somebody to give you something.

Years ago I jokingly warned somebody in a recovery effort that the reward for anybody learning that they were making progress would be piles of abuse for them not doing enough or not going faster or not doing whatever the specific person wanted them to do.  Yeah.

I'm thrilled that anybody has been able to play the game, more thrilled that the game exists in a form that can be played, even more thrilled that all those people who said "If I can't have my characters with my stuff then I don't ever want to play again" actually have at least a possibility of getting that (personally I'd just rebuild).

It seems perfectly reasonable to me that Leandro (and Xs) have needed a playing population on their server in order to develop and test.  I sincerely hope that they've distributed copies to multiple people and sources to protect against loss, but I don't believe that anybody has any right to tell them how to deal with this.  And the idea that they've somehow been villainous in this strikes me as flat-out nuts.

Word for word?

Rational and sound.

Well said, Ohioknight.



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Re: The Shot Heard Around Paragon City - SCORE Public Release
« Reply #211 on: April 17, 2019, 04:45:28 PM »
I made a new account because I have never needed to post anything here before?  But great start at conversation by painting me as paranoid!

As for points C-F, Tony took a stance and posted about the rumors of private servers and the progress of SCORE 4 years ago.  He quoted that post in this thread.  Tony's assertions in that post turned out to be wrong.  It's okay to be wrong, but you can't just bring up your own history with this particular rumor and not acknowledge that you were wrong.  Of course you say you don't think he was wrong in "how he wrote that message", which is a very vague way to put that, but suffice to say I disagree.

As far as who cares about Tony being lied to -  I would hope Tony would care.  I know I care, because Tony came here and spread those lies.  And if Tony wasn't lied to by virtue of never being told... then why is he making posts about things he apparently knew nothing about?  Note that Tony didn't advance that argument, that was just you, so there's nothing really but speculation.

And for "inflated angst", both "self-created" and "unnecessarily perpetuated"

1) You don't get to judge my amount of angst here.  You don't know my story or why this matters to me.  You can kindly back off
2) Angst is sure a fun word to use when invalidating others' feelings.  Labeling it self-created and unnecessary is a great tri-fecta of being an absolute jerk here.  Why does it matter to you if other people are feeling feelings you aren't?  Do you often deride others for not seeing things your way?

3) Perpetuated?  It's been two days.  If you can't handle two days of people asking questions, buddy maybe you're experiencing some self-created and unnecessarily inflated angst

All feelings are valid,  even my angst.   The problem is when people allow their feelings to color over and misrepresent other people's statements and use those feelings to make unfounded accusations.
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Re: The Shot Heard Around Paragon City - SCORE Public Release
« Reply #212 on: April 17, 2019, 04:48:21 PM »
Just to punctuate what @Olivar noted - The point was not that it was bad for the original server to be designed as a bunch of services, or that a current server would not be designed that way; it was that there was a whole bunch of moving wheels and any one of them failing to move correctly could stop the whole vehicle.

Take the store as an example. The store was not a part of the server at all. It was an outside e-commerce site that the client and server communicated with to learn what premium/loyalty-rewards content the player was entitled to use. All of that vaporized the day the servers closed. Even if you had an otherwise working client/server for the game, you would NOT have any of the code related to the store aside from possibly the communication protocols used to send queries and purchases requests to it.

That's just one of the most obvious problems with trying to take a snapshot of the server and get it running.

Whatever Leandro has/had, if he had "just released it", most people would not have been in a position to do anything useful with it.

As for what he has - There's precious little hard evidence about what exactly that is. Despite what so many people are assuming, we don't know that he has source code. From what we've been told, NCSoft themselves were unable to come up with source code for the server. Leandro might well be in the same boat as NCSoft, in that someone gave him a working executable server installation, copied from an actual server (as opposed to a development machine with source files) but no actual source code. The only way to create an emulator would be to run the original server and duplicate its functionality.

If he does have source code, we don't know which version of the server it is. Cryptic themselves once accidentally published the source code of the game. The story is that they discovered the error and got rid of all but one copy and they bribed that person who got it to delete it by giving him a lifetime sub or some such. If THAT source code was in someone's hands, it would help that person understand generally how the server worked, but it would not allow him to compile an I-24 server or even contain any newer content at all.

In short - there are still too many questions to pull out the pitchforks. If its true that they were going to announce their emulator in just a couple of weeks, then it's REALLY unfortunate that Mr. Destroyer Stroyer decided that now was the time to become a freedom fighter seeking to free /r/CityofHeroes from its tyrannical oppressors.

Thank you for adding some technical colour to the debate.  Appreciated.

Yes.  The 'irony' of the 'Destroyer Stroyer' opening his trap and 'stroying' the possible chances of an 'emulator' mere weeks from launch.

The controversy alone would seem to cool any such plans.

But we'll have to wait and see.

I think Leandro, Codewalker, Score et al have their philosophy.

Given the 'nuke' that NC Soft legaled the Tab Rasa efforts with.  A lesson to be drawn there.

We know Score was working on reverse engineering.  It came out a few years ago that they'd reverse engineered the server protocol.

We've seen the 'derived' fruits of those efforts in the innovative Paragon Chat.

But it's clear to anyone that the real work was going on an ACTUAL emulated server between the pauses of Paragon Chat updates (welcome they are.)

They may well have 'leaked code' but it isn't 'legal code.'  Paragon Chat points to the philosophy that they want to reverse engineer this 'working leaked code' to side-step a legal nuke.

That's going to take time.  Maybe for legislation to catch up and help us renting MMOs only to find them, our time and our investment 'yanked' or to 'get the code right.'

I think it's fair to say, from watching Leandro's very entertaining videos on the 're-engineered' maps of Rikti Warzone, Wharf (good job on that...beautiful...) and such forth that he would probably 'get it out there' in a a less polished state whilst the likes of Codewalker is more the code perfectionist (and you can see this in Paragon Chat.) where what he does is done well and done in the spirit of the game where the 'casual' can 'just pick up and play.'  I err on the latter approach.

That's probably what is taking the time before they drop the 'hydrogen bomb' of a private server.  Perhaps they're trying to find a way to make it 'distributed' like Paragon Chat.  It would make sense in that anyone could run a private server, peer to peer, LAN or reasonably populated server with tools to make maps and a mission creator.  To prevent a 'take down' possible.  Because people could just run it in private.  P2P.

These are not modest ambitions.  But you can see with the SG bases implantation, that Codewalker is a perfectionist.  A top job done on that.

A labour of love.

It's personal.

I'm confident, as I have been all along....that they will do what is right for the community.

Throwing out a half-assed server with 'stolen code' would suffer predictable results.  Legal stomp which could jeopardise the reverse engineering works.

And their philosophy was well versed in their interview with Massively re: the launch of Paragon Chat.

They want to take the legality out of it. 

That may leave some feeling 'betrayed' but  I don't feel that way.  I can understand the need for secrecy.  And that was never that secret.  The possibility of a 'leak' was always possible in my mind.  More over, likely.  Given the nature of the last few months of Paragon Chat.  It must have left many of the employees very frustrated as much as we were in the community.

It probably got personal (wasn't it?) for the developers, for the community and the publishers.  Ergo?  'The leak.'

They were working to get a server up.  They don't want to get sued.  So they're reverse engineering it.

I thought that a.  Secrecy and b.  Reverse engineering they'd been pretty clear about for years and years.

As for having a 'leaked' copy.  Well.  That falls under NDA or 'classified' need to know status.  The ball is in their hands.  I'd trust them more than NC Soft.  What have NC given us in the last 'x' years since shut down?  Score have given us Icon and Paragon Chat and I have no doubt that the '3rd column' was being prioritised for launch.  Not if.  But when.

If that is the price for 'freedom' then I'm ok to pay that price.

It's an unholy war between Consumer and the Corporation. 

Put me on the side of the Rebel Alliance.

Clearly, the original leaker trusted them to do the right thing. 

I feel they have.  Not that they need my approval.

« Last Edit: April 17, 2019, 04:55:09 PM by Azrael »


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Re: The Shot Heard Around Paragon City - SCORE Public Release
« Reply #213 on: April 17, 2019, 04:48:39 PM »

All feelings are valid,  even my angst.   The problem is when people allow their feelings to color over and misrepresent other people's statements and use those feelings to make unfounded accusations.

Edit:  it takes time to build things and only moments to destroy.
Notre Dame took 200 years to build and burned in minutes.
This community was built over the past decade+  and the conduct these past few days had been terribly damaging.
Everyone should re- holster their fingers and let the keyboards cool.
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Re: The Shot Heard Around Paragon City - SCORE Public Release
« Reply #214 on: April 17, 2019, 04:53:35 PM »
Everyone should re- holster their fingers and let the keyboards cool.

I agree. 

Some don't.  For some people, this is where they get off the Merry-Go-Round. 

Eliot LeFebvre posted a opinion piece earlier.
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Re: The Shot Heard Around Paragon City - SCORE Public Release
« Reply #215 on: April 17, 2019, 04:54:04 PM »

All feelings are valid,  even my angst.   The problem is when people allow their feelings to color over and misrepresent other people's statements and use those feelings to make unfounded accusations.

Well gee, if I had just called a person I've never interacted with paranoid (unfounded accusation) and asked them why they claim Tony is a liar (misrepresentation - I asked for an apology) my face would sure be red!

Anyway, I answered your points to the best of my ability and don't have much to say beyond that, except that you could use some chill of your own.

If TonyV decides to respond to my post - great!  It was directed at him, not at anyone else.


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Re: The Shot Heard Around Paragon City - SCORE Public Release
« Reply #216 on: April 17, 2019, 05:00:02 PM »
There is no caste system. There are no "haves" and "have-nots," there's just us. ALL of us.
Then why do you get to delete people's posts and ban them from the forums and I do not?

Of course there's a hierarchy. The only system without a hierarchy is anarchy, and it's clear you're not running an anarchy here (no one runs an anarchy.)

It's all well and nice to pretend we're all alike but that's not so. I'm no more equal to Arcane than I am to Tiger Woods. And there were some people who got to play a private server while others did not. It's likely we'll never know who was included in that list, and it's not really worth the effort to find out, but the fact nevertheless remains so: there were "haves", and thus "have-nots".

Whether that includes any member of this forum community is unknown, and according to the rules of these forums, unknowable.

But you urged people to put their faith in SCoRE, and it turns out that faith was misguided. If SCoRE was our best chance to get our game back, the news this week has buried that hope.


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Re: The Shot Heard Around Paragon City - SCORE Public Release
« Reply #217 on: April 17, 2019, 05:00:45 PM »

Clearly, the original leaker trusted them to do the right thing. 

I feel they have.  Not that they need my approval.


Thank you in turn, Azrael.  It is very nice to hear a sensible perspective in a sea of ... well, all this.
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Re: The Shot Heard Around Paragon City - SCORE Public Release
« Reply #218 on: April 17, 2019, 05:06:02 PM »
Different thoughts:  This question pulling from Ohioknight and Azrael's discussion

"It seems perfectly reasonable to me that Leandro (and Xs) have needed a playing population on their server in order to develop and test.  I sincerely hope that they've distributed copies to multiple people and sources to protect against loss, but I don't believe that anybody has any right to tell them how to deal with this.  And the idea that they've somehow been villainous in this strikes me as flat-out nuts."

If the SCORE server population really has been play-testing and working towards a better future for the entire City of Heroes community... where are they?  Why the silence?

Why is no one coming forward as a SCORE playtester or dev and backing up Leandro's statement?  (to be fair, it's only been two days)


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Re: The Shot Heard Around Paragon City - SCORE Public Release
« Reply #219 on: April 17, 2019, 05:11:47 PM »
It has been a LONG time since I posted in here...and I am a bit ashamed that it took something like this to bring me back!

Okay.....I can understand how people could get upset when they first learned of the only word I have right now.  The fecal matter hit the rotary blades and it splattered far and wide!   

What I DO not understand is how ANYONE could think it is okay to issue threats of any kind to the people involved.

I understand that trust is strained a bit...but let's be realistic.   Were some bad decisions made?  In MY opinion....yeah.  But I do not for the life of me believe any of those decisions were made in malice.

In other places....people calling for calmness are being told "You have to let people vent!"   No...really we don't.   Not when that "venting" just turns into an endless cycle of butt hurt whining.

Now it is just a case of "let's see what happens now!"   The cat is out of the bag and I don't think anyone is going to let it be put back in the bag!

Something good may come of this or it may not.   But right now....with all this uproar....who is it helping?  <crickets>   or on the other side...who could it hurt?   That question can be answered easily: SEGS, City of Titans, Heroes and Villains, Ship of Heroes, etc etc etc.

So let's take a deep breath, keep our eyes open, and see what comes of it!

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