Community > Forum Games

Forum Game: The stockings were hung by the [chimney] with [care].

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Paragon Avenger:
Uncle John, where do babies come from?
When a mommy and a daddy love each other very much, the daddy puts his xenon into the mommie's xlophone.

Paragon Avenger:
Uncle John, where do babies come from?
When a mommy and a daddy love each other very much, the daddy puts his yam into the mommie's yearnings.

Paragon Avenger:
Uncle John, where do babies come from?
When a mommy and a daddy love each other very much, the daddy puts his zebra into the mommie's zoo.

Paragon Avenger:
Uncle John, I don't think you know where babies come from.
Oh yeah, well go ask your mother.  Stupid brat.


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