Author Topic: Amazon reviews for GW2.... bear with me here  (Read 38128 times)


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Re: Amazon reviews for GW2.... bear with me here
« Reply #160 on: December 21, 2012, 07:24:41 PM »
cfor: And I'm not saying you should get that word out, I'm just asking that people be tactful about it.

I think what I'm not getting here is, what part of what I have said is not tactful?

IMO I've been downright restrained, and asking for action in the name of logic, not screaming "burn the witch!" I haven't seen anyone screaming, to be honest.

Its sortof offputting that no matter how tactful and logical one is, the idea of getting the word out to the unsuspecting is seen as something NOT to be done. We had a bunch of people on the official website, and even several here, who brand any such attempt as "childish" - or whatever today's putdown du jour is.

An honest question: What has being nice gotten us so far? I will solve that statement for $1000: N-O-T-H-I-N-G.

I'm not advocating NOT being nice, really, just seeing an excess of timidity.

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Re: Amazon reviews for GW2.... bear with me here
« Reply #161 on: December 21, 2012, 08:01:53 PM »
If your bloodlust demands it, go for the kill. If you think you can bring the game back by losing yourself in a frenzy, spitting vitriol and hate on unsuspecting bystanders, being obnoxious about your pain and sense of loss, don't ask anyone for permission and just do it. Bring our game back.

I could try to repeat the mantra that by attempting this you would only hurt us - that is if you even get noticed at all and not dismissed immediately as an, um, crazy person - but apparently some things can't be explained and need to be lived through. So, good luck. This is a genuine wish. If you prove me and other more civil people wrong, all the better. I sure won't complain if it would mean I'll be able to play my favorite MMO again.


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Re: Amazon reviews for GW2.... bear with me here
« Reply #163 on: December 21, 2012, 10:36:22 PM »
Just as an FYI.

NCSoft has been reported to the FBI  for suspicion of money laundering through its in-store games.  Said suspicion was verified on the Korean side by the reporter from the Korean Times.

Will anything come of this?  I don't know.

I do know that suddenly deleting customer accounts for CoH as soon as the game was officially shut down, and suddenly announcing the creation of a holding company for western interests, doesn't do anything to alleviate suspicion.

Somehow I missed the boat on this one, but right before shutdown my NCSoft login still showed CoH along with both Aion accounts, couple GW1s and my Lineage 2 account, and now that I've just seen this thread info I fought my way back in (boy, that's not easy now, huh?!) and indeed my CoH account is gone now too.

I suppose they can easily say they just don't need to leave this info around anymore what with the game dead and gone now, and indeed, what *would* they need CoH account info at this point for (unless they were seriously considering selling off the game and account info)?  But there's no real reason I can see to delete it, either.   :P 

Would 2013's impending "fiscal cliff" affect their American holdings if they didn't make this new holding company?  I don't know, I'm just trying to make sense of this.


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Re: Amazon reviews for GW2.... bear with me here
« Reply #164 on: December 21, 2012, 11:31:54 PM »
I think it is an absolutely massively unsupported assumption to say they deleted anything, much less permanently. There are a million and one different ways they could make your COH account disappear from your game account list, and only one of those is deleting accounts and going through all of their tape backups and cleaning those out as well.

I think what I'm not getting here is, what part of what I have said is not tactful?

It wasn't just you, we had several people in a row complain at the beginning of this thread basically about how bad a game Guild Wars 2 is. You're welcome to hold that opinion, but responding to people concerned about manipulating the Amazon reviews for GW2 by saying that's it a crappy game and doesn't deserve good reviews anyway, which is the gist I got from the several comments overall, isn't helpful.

An honest question: What has being nice gotten us so far? I will solve that statement for $1000: N-O-T-H-I-N-G.

That's a fair question. I'd argue that potential benefit was just in altering probabilities of success, and we're at least closer than we would have been if we went quietly into the night, even if it never amounts to anything.

As long as we're asking that question, what does talking negatively about the gameplay of Guild Wars 2 get us? NCSoft corporate sure isn't going to care; they know perfectly well that there are lots of people in the world that don't want to play Guild Wars 2. Is there some other third party we're going to impress by saying mean things about Guild Wars 2 that I don't know about? Maybe Disney will come in and see how much you don't like Guild Wars 2 and that will be what convinces them to make a bid on CoH? It certainly isn't going to bring Guild Wars 2 players to our side, so I'd like to know who we are getting in exchange for alienating them.


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Re: Amazon reviews for GW2.... bear with me here
« Reply #165 on: December 22, 2012, 05:57:07 AM »
If your bloodlust demands it, go for the kill. If you think you can bring the game back by losing yourself in a frenzy, spitting vitriol and hate on unsuspecting bystanders, being obnoxious about your pain and sense of loss, don't ask anyone for permission and just do it. Bring our game back.

I could try to repeat the mantra that by attempting this you would only hurt us - that is if you even get noticed at all and not dismissed immediately as an, um, crazy person - but apparently some things can't be explained and need to be lived through. So, good luck. This is a genuine wish. If you prove me and other more civil people wrong, all the better. I sure won't complain if it would mean I'll be able to play my favorite MMO again.

A finer example of hyperbole, one would go far to find.

Its cool to know that opinions not in alignment with yours automatically become "spitting vitriol and hate," though. By those lights, I could say that you are "spitting vitriol and hate" at me for disagreeing with you. See how that works? Hyperbole begets hyperbole. But I view such conversational acrobatics as not really worth bothering with.

I'll close by requesting that you not aim hostility at me, especially unwarranted hostility. I don't know you, and although I disagree strongly with you, I have not stooped to outright silliness and hyperbole and telling you to "go for the kill!" Pray return the favor. Thanks.


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Re: Amazon reviews for GW2.... bear with me here
« Reply #166 on: December 22, 2012, 06:03:21 AM »
cfor: As long as we're asking that question, what does talking negatively about the gameplay of Guild Wars 2 get us?

No one, that I have seen at least, has called for "talking negatively about gameplay" or even the posting of negative reviews of the game on Amazon. What was actually suggested was the upvoting of reviews mentioning the treatment by NCSoft of its respective playerbases, which is absolutely a relevant issue that the unsuspecting need to know about.

You're welcome to hold that opinion, but responding to people concerned about manipulating the Amazon reviews for GW2 by saying that's it a crappy game and doesn't deserve good reviews anyway

That was ABSOLUTELY NOT WHAT THE ORIGINAL POST OF THIS THREAD SAID. I feel this is very important to clear up, as my original message seems to be getting warped out of true. I have never one single time requested that people post negative reviews of the game.

However if other owners feel this is warranted, well.... it is what it is. Those are valid opinions as well. But I didnt specifically ask for them.

Maybe Disney will come in and see how much you don't like Guild Wars 2 and that will be what convinces them to make a bid on CoH?

Jeebus! Do I wield that kind of power?! Evidently you and Frog over there think that I do, all by myself!! Awesome! I am going to go get a Viking horned helmet and take my place at the head of the head of the screaming legions, waving them onward with a sword! And here I had no idea, thinking that I was just one of the faceless masses disgruntled with NCSoftheaded. You may address me as Brynhildr! (excuse spelling) lol.....  8)
« Last Edit: December 22, 2012, 06:10:03 AM by Illusionss »


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Re: Amazon reviews for GW2.... bear with me here
« Reply #167 on: December 22, 2012, 09:26:07 PM »

mod hat

OK.  Civility seems to have packed its bags and left this thread on vacation some time ago.  I can't see that we're doing anything but rehashing the same arguments here, so I'm going to go ahead and lock the thread.

As usual, if you think there's something useful that really, really needs to be added (on-topic), you can PM me and try to convince me to open the thread back up.
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