Author Topic: And the mask comes off.  (Read 1784045 times)


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1760 on: September 09, 2014, 10:47:21 PM »
I'm using SQL Server 2012 here at work.  It's mostly an improvement over our previous version - at least as far as my work goes.

I'm really liking the new BI and Integration tools in 2012, even if we're just barely utilizing them. The BIDS studio is buggy and borked, though.
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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1761 on: September 09, 2014, 11:33:04 PM »
We're almost there!  ;D

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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1762 on: September 09, 2014, 11:36:11 PM »
The main thing is we have hope and now you know it isn't a false message - it is a real possibility and if all else fails we have a notion of how to approach NCSoft and the fact that they ARE approachable. I have said in the past once you find out some of what happened and put all the pieces together - NCSoft wasn't the ogre people thought they were.

If you still harbor resentment towards NCSoft look at the type of deal they are willing to make - have you ever heard of something like this? They are willing to set up a holding company - yes in partnership with NCSoft and allow people to License the City of Heroes brand to be official games based off the original.

They are even willing to set up a company to run the Legacy CoH and let it be self sustaining. I can't help but think that NCSoft has realized they do minimal work, they get money back in licensing and likely a cut of the Legacy server profits little. It is a perfect deal with no risk - because they can just close the game again if needed.

Whoa there fella.  We heard from Nate that they were just introduced to the Partnership Person in July, that they're just beginning with mentioning things they want as the initial offer on the table and there is a long way to go.  So please don't put lots of words into NCSoft's mouths either, okay? 

You say "They are willing to set up a holding company - yes in partnership with NCSoft and allow people to License the City of Heroes brand to be official games based off the original.  They are even willing to set up a company to run the Legacy CoH and let it be self sustaining."

Um, so they have approved all this and the deal is signed?  Because according to Nate, NCSoft is only looking at the deal that Nate put forth and nothing more right now.  Don't make it like things are signed, sealed and delivered when they're far from it please.  And also, you said:

"It is a perfect deal with no risk - because they can just close the game again if needed."  Uh, this is far from perfect, in fact it is terrible.  So it can be "Goodbye CoX once again" at any time on the whim of NCSoft once again?  Yeesh.

For one, I don't think this deal is anywhere near finalized in any way shape or form, or NCSoft and whomever is trying to get i23 would be announcing it from the mountaintops.

Also, I'm going to mention here that just because there may be a deal that has been put forth by Nate & Crew for NCSoft to begin deliberating on, that does not make NCSoft so great nor does it make Paragon Studios bad or in the wrong for not getting a deal signed at CoX's shuttering.  Maybe NCSoft was going way overboard in the Greed Department originally; maybe the bar was set so high to keep CoX open that no one could possibly reach that bar.  ...  And maybe it still is or will be.   ;)  Let's hope whomever is trying to scrounge up the money to do all this can ascertain this as well as pro studios like Paragon Studios could, too, for their sakes as well as ours.

And if you had time I would tell you the laundry list of NCSoft's underhanded behavior in many other of its MMORPGs over the years, but you'd need about five hours, dude.  You might want to ask Richard Garriott and the $28 million he won in a lawsuit from your Wonder Heroes NCSoft over Tabula Rasa, and the way they forged his signatures and shut his game down in its infancy behind his back after telling him to his face that everything was fine before he went on a vacation.  Or try playing Aion sometime-- they make major game changes like making it take twice as long and cost twice as much in-game gold to level and craft, then they put insanely priced XP pots in the shop.  Not to mention that the game has been completely overrun with gold farmers and lag for five 1/2 years since beta.  Lineage 2 has been similarly completely overrun with gold farmers and botters --  and both since way before F2P was even a twinkle in NCSoft's eye.  I put it down to payola to NC to look the other way about a decade ago to be honest.

I could go on and on, but it kind of makes me ill the way you gush about NCSoft, when they are in fact nothing of the sort.  And I absolutely do not like how in previous statements you have made negative comments about Paragon Studios, without whom you would have never had a game at all.

We'll see about this deal, someday, if it doesn't get blown to the wind with all the rest.  But it's nowhere a done deal so please take the rose colored glasses off.


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1763 on: September 10, 2014, 12:01:53 AM »
Misunderstanding at least one element badly, it would not be MWM buying anything. It would be a small group, independent of any current company, buying the IP and setting up the holding company.

Right. Sorry, I actually did know that part, I just forgot since I know You are involved in some way between the two. Still, can you clarify the rest of my question?  Will NCSoft somehow still be a co-holder of the IP, at least as far as negotiations at this point are going? Is that what they're asking for, or are they talking about selling the IP entirely to the new company?


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1764 on: September 10, 2014, 12:06:36 AM »
I didn't read all the comments. So I just wanted to Thank everyone who had anything to do with this.

It's not a done deal yet but atleasts it's something.

One question I saw asked was what's everyone going to do. When all these games are out?

For me personally I plan to support all of them in one form or another. I've keeped two subs going to the games I play. Depending on how I play them. When I played COH I had three subs going at one time. After COH closed I had a sub with StarWars KOTOR and another one with WOW at the sametime. I was also playing various F2P games that I'd put money into when I had some extra to spend. That's what I plan to do with these games. If COH comes back, I'll sub to it, then sub to which ever of the other games I'm playing the most. Then depending on the payment options (cash shops ect) of the one's that I play when I need breaks from my mains. I'll spend money on them when I have extra.

I like the way this deal is sounding, hopefully all will go well and we'll be back home soon.



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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1765 on: September 10, 2014, 12:08:26 AM »
Right. Sorry, I actually did know that part, I just forgot since I know You are involved in some way between the two. Still, can you clarify the rest of my question?  Will NCSoft somehow still be a co-holder of the IP, at least as far as negotiations at this point are going? Is that what they're asking for, or are they talking about selling the IP entirely to the new company?
You literally quoted him saying the new company would be buying the IP. Buying means the seller retains no ties.
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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1766 on: September 10, 2014, 12:10:01 AM »
I suspect you will be disappointed.  The Sentinel files don't contain your story history, and I really wouldn't bet on being able to upload them to a static copy of i23.

See here:,10284.msg160734.html#msg160734

It would be nice to get our characters back, but at this point, it doesn't look like that will happen.  But half a loaf is still better than none.  If I have to work up my characters again from scratch, I can live with that.

Can we get a program to convert Sentinel xml files into .costume files?

This way we can download the costume images of our characters into the character designer module.
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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1767 on: September 10, 2014, 12:17:56 AM »
Can we get a program to convert Sentinel xml files into .costume files?

This way we can download the costume images of our characters into the character designer module.


It requires a lot of fiddly stuff I don't/don't want to understand.
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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1768 on: September 10, 2014, 12:18:07 AM »
It is a perfect deal with no risk - because they can just close the game again if needed.
How does this happen if they are selling the IP to a separate holding company? Are you assuming some kind of clause in the deal that says the IP reverts back to them if the holding company has to close within "x" years?


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1769 on: September 10, 2014, 12:18:12 AM »
Can we get a program to convert Sentinel xml files into .costume files?

This way we can download the costume images of our characters into the character designer module.
I just made sure to save all my costume files - all 600 of them.  I was amazed the number had really gotten that large.  But then, there were evenings where I spent hours just hanging out at Icon, trying on new outfits.


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1770 on: September 10, 2014, 12:20:49 AM »


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1771 on: September 10, 2014, 12:29:59 AM »
I have a lot of spare time on my hands lately, so I've been able to more or less keep up with the discussion here in this thread and in the New Efforts thread. That doesn't at all guarantee that my understanding of Things As They Stand is accurate on any or all points; I've been taking a new medication for a few months that I'm beginning to suspect is interfering with my concentration and memory. I'm posting now because I see a lot of speculation evolving through imperfect repetition into fact(s)(for some), as well as imprecise language here or there from inside parties sparking more speculation to go off in the wrong directions. Since I myself have come to doubt (some of) what I know, I'll just leave this dump truck full of salt here for any and all to use as they see fit, and ask that the parties truly in the know please correct me if you feel it's necessary.

At this point, Downix and a group of unknowns is in negotiations with NCSoft to try to obtain some part of City of Heroes. These negotiations have been ongoing for several months, and are likely to continue for several more before an agreement is reached. What that agreement will consist of is unknown and at this time cannot be known. While Downix & Co. are asking for certain things, such as the outright purchase of the City of Heroes intellectual property, there is no guarantee whatsoever that a period of negotiations measured in years will conclude with NCSoft agreeing to anything. If this worst case scenario comes to pass, it will be because NCSoft is acting from a business standpoint, not because they have any negative emotions towards fans of the game.

While Downix is a part of the negotiating team, AND he is a member of staff of Missing Worlds Media, it is untrue that Missing Worlds Media is in negotiations with NCSoft in any way, shape, form or manner.

Missing Worlds Media is of course forging ahead with their City of Titans game, which they are planning to be a spiritual successor to City of Heroes. How long it will be before that game is ready for release is also probably a period of time measured in years still.

Heroes and Villains is another game in development, which also has as part of its vision that it will be a spiritual successor to City of Heroes. I'm not aware of their progress to date, but I would be unsurprised if they too will not have their game ready for launch after a period of time measured in years.

Valiance Online is another game under development, in the superhero genre, and I am also unsure of their progress to date. I have read one or two things that make me think they may be ready before launch before the other two games-in-development, but I could well be wrong, and things happen to all of our best-laid plans anyway.

There is (what I understand to be) a rumor that Downix & Co went to NCSoft asking to purchase the City of Heroes IP, and that in the negotiations, NCSoft offered to also sell an image of City of Heroes as it was when it shut down. Such an image could supposedly be set up and run, but without the ability to make any changes whatsoever. This is because NCSoft is not selling the underlying code for the game. Speculation, wild and informed and a hybrid perhaps of both, has centered on the existence of  proprietary code that NCSoft may have used in some of their other games, or that the underlying code may be entangled with players' financial data. It also seems very unlikely that characters and other player possessions will be available for sale, for likely the same reasons. It seems very unlikely, given such speculation, that the underlying code will ever be sold, but nothing is set in stone until the signatures dry on the purchase agreement.

I am using the word 'likely' (and its variant, 'unlikely') far too much.

At this point in my post, we see that there are four things happening: three games are under development by three different studios, and a fourth entity, acting on its own behalf (although if they are successful, no matter the degree of success, their efforts will benefit us all) is in negotiations with NCSoft.

That's not all! A fifth entity, currently known as Atlas Park Revival (hi, Irish_Girl!), is and has been for a very long time (early 2013? earlier?) working to recreate City of Heroes in Unreal Engine 4 (which Missing Worlds Media is also using for City of Titans). If I understand correctly, it was originally named the Atlas Park Revival because that's what they first intended to do: recreate Atlas Park in UE4. Also, to the best of my knowledge and at the present moment in time, there are a total of 2 people undertaking this monumental task, in their spare time and without pay.

I don't know if this next is a rumor, or an actual secret group, or something else entirely. All I do know is that some people have called them SCORE. What they're trying to do, if they actually exist, I have no real knowledge of. So I'll just leave this out there.

Downix & Co went into the negotiations with NCSoft hoping to outright purchase the City of Heroes IP, as far as I understand it. For the moment, let's leave all of the rest of what else might be being discussed to the side. Should NCSoft actually agree to sell that IP, a completely separate entity, as yet unnamed and with no details as to its makeup, would become the legal owners of that IP. Who would actually be employed by that company is unknown, but I believe it will not be any of the studios currently developing their own games, nor will it be Atlas Park Revival. This new company will outright own the IP, so NCSoft will not be able to dictate what is done with it. This would seemingly include the inability to shut any game down that is affiliated with the City of Heroes IP. Again, I point out that nothing is set in stone.

This COH IP-holding company would then be free to license said IP to whomever it wished, to be used in just about any manner imaginable. Games, clothing, toys, books, candy bars--as I said, anything. A significant benefit, and the one most likely to be used first, is that any game is free to ask for a license of the IP, to use it as much or as little as is agreed upon. The best example I've read is that, once they purchase such a license, any of the games that are intending to be a spiritual successor to City of Heroes can then legally advertise themselves as a just plain successor, no matter how much or how little of the IP they choose to use.

While no further real news has been forthcoming, other than the initial announcement on September 1st that, yes, negotiations are underway with NCSoft, I believe that Missing Worlds Media has already expressed their desire to license the City of Heroes IP, although it will likely (there's that word again!) not affect their lore or other aspects of their game to a great degree. I also have heard (second- or third-hand) that Valiance Online and Heroes and Villains have stated their intention of not licensing the IP. Understandably, such a license would be a minor matter anyway to any studio developing their own game, even if said studio was trying to look and feel much like City of Heroes.

It's been rumored, and it may well not be a rumor, that NCSoft is willing to sell the Issue 23 image of City of Heroes so that it may be stood up and we can play our beloved game just as we did those last few months. I think this undertaking is more and more being referred to as Legacy CoH. I don't know if this project would need to obtain a license from the holding company, or if NCSoft would have any kind of attachment to it. Even if NCSoft was still attached in some manner to this Legacy CoH, it would not in any way affect the IP holding company or any of the current game projects under development. In my opinion, and as I understand the nature of the image that's supposedly being offered, we would be able to play the game, just as it was. Except not.

THE FOLLOWING IS MY OPINION ONLY. Any programming experts or those actually in negotiations, PLEASE chime in and correct or clarify my next statements.

No access to the underlying code means those running Legacy COH would be UNABLE to make any changes whatsoever. It goes much farther than not being able to fix any bugs. No player account data (from the code) means nothing any of us had in-game will be there: no characters, no bases, no INF, no IOs, no Vet Rewards, nothing. Since the underlying code can't be accessed, there's no way to just give everybody everything (or anything). No access to financial data MAY mean no store; if so, costumes or powersets or other things available for purchase through that store MAY not be available at all, and we couldn't change that--no access to the code. Any special events (Halloween, Christmas, Rikti invasions, etc.) may not happen because even if it's just flipping a switch to turn it on, that switch is most probably located in the code that we won't have access to. I'd go on, but I think my point is made. Understand, I **WANT** to be wrong in this regard, but until someone with actual knowledge of the connections between image and code steps in to say otherwise, I don't think I am.

I'm not even sure programmers could work to fix the above things, even if they wanted to--again, no access to any code. I don't think new code could just be attached to the image, as the image is not code. Imagine a music CD you've purchased, or a CD that's not rewriteable and that you've already filled. Even if half of your music or data is garbled in some manner, you can't fix it. Return it to the store or start over from scratch--those are your options. And I really, REALLY want to be wrong here. I have some small knowledge of computers and programming, nothing that would rise to the level of employment, but enough to make me feel discouraged in this manner.

But enough. I was trying to stick to facts as I understood them, so let's finish up this massive tome.

If a City of Heroes IP-holding company is formed after NCSoft sells the IP outright, I think the Atlas Park Revival intends to license the IP. Further, I think Missing Worlds Media may loan some of their underlying code in Unreal Engine 4 to the APR folks. I think the Atlas Park Revival folks, who are currently trying to recreate Atlas Park in UE4, will then move towards recreating (with some improvements here and there) all of City of Heroes. This undertaking has come to be commonly known as City of Heroes 1.5. The APR folks will NOT be running Legacy CoH. Just like the CoH IP-holding company, Legacy CoH will be an entirely new company. When (not if; being optimistic here) CoH 1.5 is launched, THEN the APR folks (or whatever they'll be calling themselves by then) will start working on new content/issues/updates for CoH 1.5.

CoH 1.5 has sometimes been referred to as CoH 2, but it really won't be. It'll be a continuation of the old game, with improvements and new content. There is probably never going to be a game that outright calls itself City of Heroes 2.

So, to sum up:

Downix and a party of unknowns are negotiating with NCSoft to purchase the COH IP (and possibly more).
Downix IS part of Missing Worlds Media, but MWM is NOT in negotiations with NCSoft.
IF the CoH IP is sold, it will be owned by a new, yet-to-be-formed company, unaffiliated with NCSoft in any way, which can choose to license the IP to whomever they wish.
MWM is developing City of Titans, and will likely license the CoH IP, but not change their game significantly.
Valiance Online is developing their game, but will likely not license the CoH IP.
Heroes and Villains is developing their game, but will likely not license the CoH IP.
Atlas Park Revival is currently working to reproduce Atlas Park in Unreal Engine 4.
If the image of Issue 23 is also sold, yet another company will be formed to get it up and running. This may be known as Legacy CoH.
Not having access to the underlying code for the Issue 23 image MAY cause significant problems with SOME aspects of the game.
Atlas Park Revival will also license the CoH IP and keep working to reproduce City of Heroes in UE4.
Once APR has done that, they will begin work on new content for their game, currently labeled City of Heroes 1.5.
If absolutely everything goes as planned/desired, the City of Heroes IP will be free of NCSoft involvement, we will be able to play the game as it was before it shut down, and there will be FOUR studios that can be considered as continuations of the City of Heroes dream working to bring us the future.

Not too shabby.

I apologize for the monster post. I do believe I got most of the facts straight, and I hope I clearly labeled my opinion, where applicable, as just that. I'll say it again: those in the know or with actual programming or game-construction experience, PLEASE step in and put things right where I may have put them wrong.


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1772 on: September 10, 2014, 12:32:35 AM »
You literally quoted him saying the new company would be buying the IP. Buying means the seller retains no ties.

Right. But when Ironwolf stated this:

If you still harbor resentment towards NCSoft look at the type of deal they are willing to make - have you ever heard of something like this? They are willing to set up a holding company - yes in partnership with NCSoft and allow people to License the City of Heroes brand to be official games based off the original.

They are even willing to set up a company to run the Legacy CoH and let it be self sustaining. I can't help but think that NCSoft has realized they do minimal work, they get money back in licensing and likely a cut of the Legacy server profits little. It is a perfect deal with no risk - because they can just close the game again if needed.

it seems a slightly different path: what they are selling is the ability to license the IP to the new company, in partnership with NCSoft.  I'm fully aware that Ironwolf may have mistyped, or misunderstood since he's not a direct insider, either, but I have no doubt he knows more than I do.  So all I'm asking for is a bit of clarification to see if the way Ironwolf stated it is what's being discussed (NCSoft partnering with the new holding company which is buying rights to license the IP but with NCSoft retaining royalties and some control of the licensing) or if it's an outright sale as Downix's posts seem to suggest.
Just curious, since one excites me much more than the other, is all.


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1773 on: September 10, 2014, 12:34:41 AM »

Right. But when Ironwolf stated this:

it seems a slightly different path: what they are selling is the ability to license the IP to the new company, in partnership with NCSoft.  I'm fully aware that Ironwolf may have mistyped, or misunderstood since he's not a direct insider, either, but I have no doubt he knows more than I do.  So all I'm asking for is a bit of clarification to see if the way Ironwolf stated it is what's being discussed (NCSoft partnering with the new holding company which is buying rights to license the IP but with NCSoft retaining royalties and some control of the licensing) or if it's an outright sale as Downix's posts seem to suggest.
Just curious, since one excites me much more than the other, is all.

Downix is the one (one of the ones) doing the negotiating. What he says trumps literally anyone else, even Tony, Codewalker, etc.
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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1774 on: September 10, 2014, 12:36:51 AM »
*Golf Clap for Ahmad*

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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1775 on: September 10, 2014, 12:50:29 AM »
THE FOLLOWING IS MY OPINION ONLY. Any programming experts or those actually in negotiations, PLEASE chime in and correct or clarify my next statements.

No access to the underlying code means those running Legacy COH would be UNABLE to make any changes whatsoever. It goes much farther than not being able to fix any bugs. No player account data (from the code) means nothing any of us had in-game will be there: no characters, no bases, no INF, no IOs, no Vet Rewards, nothing. Since the underlying code can't be accessed, there's no way to just give everybody everything (or anything). No access to financial data MAY mean no store; if so, costumes or powersets or other things available for purchase through that store MAY not be available at all, and we couldn't change that--no access to the code. Any special events (Halloween, Christmas, Rikti invasions, etc.) may not happen because even if it's just flipping a switch to turn it on, that switch is most probably located in the code that we won't have access to. I'd go on, but I think my point is made. Understand, I **WANT** to be wrong in this regard, but until someone with actual knowledge of the connections between image and code steps in to say otherwise, I don't think I am.
If the i23 image can't host a working cash shop, or an in-game market (Wentworth's / Black Market), and doesn't even allow seasonal events to be turned on or off, then it's basically sunk before even being installed on a server.  Even I might not bother to come back in that case, as I all could do would be to just run around with characters full of empty slotted powers, and with limited costume selection, to boot.  Not sure there's much of a point there - if all I want to do is just fly around the city, I've already got Titan Icon.


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1776 on: September 10, 2014, 12:54:41 AM »
If the i23 image can't host a working cash shop, or an in-game market (Wentworth's / Black Market), and doesn't even allow seasonal events to be turned on or off, then it's basically sunk before even being installed on a server.  Even I might not bother to come back in that case, as I all could do would be to just run around with characters full of empty slotted powers, and with limited costume selection, to boot.  Not sure there's much of a point there - if all I want to do is just fly around the city, I've already got Titan Icon.

Really, Janessa?  If you think about it, the game was out for most of its life before the cash shop was active, and a good chunk of its life before WW and the BM, and the seasonal events made up a very small portion of the year's gameplay, overall.  Honestly, you could still buy any IO sets you really needed through merits earned. A ton of the costume pieces could be unlocked as well.  It wouldn't be as fast or as "fun" as the old days, but do you really think it wouldn't even be worth coming back?
I think about 80% of the game would still be functioning just fine, albeit much more slowly.  And considering at that point we'd be even more assured it was just a temporary situation until the game is truly reborn in the new iterations...
All of this being hypothetical until we know a)its happening, and b)how, exactly, it's going to work.  :)


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1777 on: September 10, 2014, 12:54:50 AM »
If the i23 image can't host a working cash shop, or an in-game market (Wentworth's / Black Market), and doesn't even allow seasonal events to be turned on or off, then it's basically sunk before even being installed on a server.  Even I might not bother to come back in that case, as I all could do would be to just run around with characters full of empty slotted powers, and with limited costume selection, to boot.  Not sure there's much of a point there - if all I want to do is just fly around the city, I've already got Titan Icon.

I would be all over it so that I can make toons to jump onto CoH 1.5/2 as soon as it launches. I23 was fun to play, it would still be fun to play even if it was frozen. ANYTHING to get back into bashing bad guys and flying the skies of CoX.

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We're almost there!  ;D

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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1778 on: September 10, 2014, 01:06:50 AM »
If the i23 image can't host a working cash shop, or an in-game market (Wentworth's / Black Market), and doesn't even allow seasonal events to be turned on or off, then it's basically sunk before even being installed on a server.  Even I might not bother to come back in that case, as I all could do would be to just run around with characters full of empty slotted powers, and with limited costume selection, to boot.  Not sure there's much of a point there - if all I want to do is just fly around the city, I've already got Titan Icon.

Even if they can't get the marketplace working, I see no reason why they couldn't just grant all accounts access to all of the purchasable items.

As for Wentworths/Black Market, I was never terribly fond of it anyway.  ;) I actually preferred the way the game played before it was added. If they can't get it going, then I'm sure this crowd will find some way around it. Heck, it might just mean Super Groups become more important again, just as a means of sharing salvage.  :D That could be a fun twist in and of itself.


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Re: And the mask comes off.
« Reply #1779 on: September 10, 2014, 01:08:53 AM »
If the i23 image can't host a working cash shop, or an in-game market (Wentworth's / Black Market), and doesn't even allow seasonal events to be turned on or off, then it's basically sunk before even being installed on a server.  Even I might not bother to come back in that case, as I all could do would be to just run around with characters full of empty slotted powers, and with limited costume selection, to boot.  Not sure there's much of a point there - if all I want to do is just fly around the city, I've already got Titan Icon.

chances are the cash shop just sent a "this is unlocked message" for slots/costume stuff etc. it was applied to character data (wild guess here) ww/bm was on the game, as were holiday events. they could switch on events without patching, most likely from the server console. they wont be able to add stuff, but they systems are already in the image. they should be able to run a batch turning all characters "on" for costume options etc.