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Started by Knightslayer, February 11, 2013, 10:44:46 AM


I noticed there are several CoHers already on the Defiance forums, anyone here plan to play it when it comes out?


Locked and loaded.  Been alphaing the last few weeks.


I'm undecided on Defiance - while I love MMO shooters (PlanetSide 2 is awesome) the graphics in Defiance are too.... grungy. All washed out and grey like the modern shooters I don't actually enjoy or have any time for.

That said... I may play a little just to enjoy the series tie ins.


I just learned about this combination TV show/MMO last week.  Honestly not really sure why I hadn't heard of it before.  ;)

The TV part of it is being developed by Rockne S. O'Bannon who was the main guy behind Farscape.  The overall Defiance universe looks like a mixture of Farscape (alien-wise) with some elements of Firefly and maybe even a little bit of the post-apocalyptic Fallout game series.  They say that events in the TV series (set in the St. Louis area) will affect and be affected by events that happen in the MMO (set in the San Francisco area) so as time goes on the game/show universe will evolve together.

It does all sound fairly interesting.  Not sure it'd be a full substitute for CoH but it might be worth checking out.
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012


It's an interesting concept, but A) I will not pay a monthly sub for a TV show tie-in until I know I like the show, and B) Nothing new from SciFi has interested me since Warehouse 13, and I still haven't forgiven them for flushing the Stargate franchise down the toilet.
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."


There have been open beta tests the last month, so if you get a chance you can download the client and try it out.  There have been a lot of tweaks and fixes and additions the last few patches, so it's gotten stronger each time.

One thing I hope they add to is the number of Ego abilities you can have available at one time.  I have a low level character, so it might get more later, but only 1 special power so far, plus the 3 attacks.  Needs more button mashing like CoX.


Quote from: dwturducken on February 11, 2013, 09:30:18 PM
It's an interesting concept, but A) I will not pay a monthly sub for a TV show tie-in until I know I like the show, and B) Nothing new from SciFi has interested me since Warehouse 13, and I still haven't forgiven them for flushing the Stargate franchise down the toilet.

You won't have to, the game is B2P like GW2 and TSW.
The game will be out roughly two weeks before the show though, unless I'm mistaken.


Quote from: dwturducken on February 11, 2013, 09:30:18 PM
It's an interesting concept, but A) I will not pay a monthly sub for a TV show tie-in until I know I like the show, and B) Nothing new from SciFi has interested me since Warehouse 13, and I still haven't forgiven them for flushing the Stargate franchise down the toilet.

Yeah to be totally honest I've been fairly biased against anything involving the "SyFy" channel for years.  Sadly most of what appears there is in fact D-grade crap and it's sort of the reason I didn't mention it by name in my last post. :(

But because this show is being made by the guys who worked on Farscape and BSG I'm at least going to give it a try.  At worst it'll probably try to be some kind of weak "Farscape 2.0" with some alien factional drama that might try to mimic the likes of DS9/B5.  Perhaps it'll be worthwhile -despite- being on SyFy.  :-\
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012

General Idiot

Quote from: dwturducken on February 11, 2013, 09:30:18 PM...and I still haven't forgiven them for flushing the Stargate franchise down the toilet.

You and me both. Stargate Universe was just getting properly interesting when they canned it.


Quote from: General Idiot on February 12, 2013, 03:37:37 PM
You and me both. Stargate Universe was just getting properly interesting when they canned it.
Ah, like my grudge against Fox over Firefly and Dark Angel - though I'll still watch their shows if they are promising =/


This, too. I haven't watched a live-action show on Fox since Dark Angel and Firefly.
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."


Then you missed Fringe.  That was a fun, weird show.  It's on Science channel, the "new" SciFi.
Tempus unum hominem manet

Twitter - AtomicSamuraiRobot@NukeSamuraiBot


Quote from: FatherXmas on February 12, 2013, 09:23:54 PM
It's on Science channel, the "new" SciFi.
It is sadly ironic that the "Science" channel generally handles "Sci-Fi" better than the channel that's supposed to be completely geared to Sci-Fi. ???
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012


Well I guess it's a little weird for me to be double-posting on this thread again (after my last post last week) but I just saw an interesting bit of Defiance trivia that's actually vaguely related to City of Heroes.

As many of you know the people who make the TV show "Big Bang Theory" have always been big fans of CoH.  They usually had posters and signs related to CoH and CoV hanging in the comic book shop featured in the show and they often had people wearing the Statesman's Star emblem on their t-shirts.  Well like us I'm sure they were upset to see the end of CoH but based on what I saw in last night's episode I think they may have decided to support a new game - Defiance.  Hanging on the wall of the comic book store was a huge poster with the bold word "DEFIANCE" printed on it and artwork that sort of looked like it was related to this new MMO.  Seems like the folks at Big Bang Theory may have decided to jump to Defiance as their new favorite MMO. ;)
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012


Quote from: Lothic on February 13, 2013, 02:13:00 PM
It is sadly ironic that the "Science" channel generally handles "Sci-Fi" better than the channel that's supposed to be completely geared to Sci-Fi. ???
It's too bad that the "science" channel doesn't do much "science". Just like it's too bad the "sci-fi" channel doesn't do much "sci-fi". :/
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...



I'll definitely take a look at this. I could care less about the SyFy connection: I don't watch TV much (don't own one, and pretty much just watch streaming stuff like soccer games...and Grimm.  ;)  ).  I do, however, have a lot of respect for Trion. I didn't take to Rift, but that's more a matter of not really being into high fantasy games. But Rift had a Beta that was a LOT smoother, less buggy, and generally more playable than some fully released games ever manage. They do a great job at Q/A and tend to release a solid game.

And I'm also a shooter player (or was...I pretty much only play MMOs now, so the only 'shooter' I'm currently playing is Fallen earth...). This is basically a big, open-world TPS, but if they have enough of a realized setting, some reasonably safe quiet areas, and other RP-friendly elements, I'll likely be all over this. Post-apoc-style settings are work well for me.


Quote from: Dollhouse on February 23, 2013, 02:45:19 AM
This is basically a big, open-world TPS, but if they have enough of a realized setting, some reasonably safe quiet areas, and other RP-friendly elements, I'll likely be all over this. Post-apoc-style settings are work well for me.
There should definitely be some of those.  ;D


Quote from: Aggelakis on February 22, 2013, 11:58:40 PM
It's too bad that the "science" channel doesn't do much "science". Just like it's too bad the "sci-fi" channel doesn't do much "sci-fi". :/
I wasn't trying to imply that the Science channel is absolutely perfect in what it does either.  Just pointing out that it tends to do better in an area that's diametrically opposed to what it stands for (fact versus fiction) than another channel that's supposed to be totally focused on the fiction side of things.  Thus the irony.

More to the point SyFy is such a -horrible- example of a channel not supporting its own supposed subject matter that I probably could have used practically ANY channel as a superior comparison to it in that regard.  SyFy's continued failures with Sci-Fi is akin to what it'd be like if PETA tried to run the Hunting channel or if the Vatican tried to run the Playboy channel. ???
CoH player from April 25, 2004 to November 30, 2012


Quote from: Lothic on February 25, 2013, 02:21:09 PM
I wasn't trying to imply that the Science channel is absolutely perfect in what it does either.  Just pointing out that it tends to do better in an area that's diametrically opposed to what it stands for (fact versus fiction) than another channel that's supposed to be totally focused on the fiction side of things.  Thus the irony.

More to the point SyFy is such a -horrible- example of a channel not supporting its own supposed subject matter that I probably could have used practically ANY channel as a superior comparison to it in that regard.  SyFy's continued failures with Sci-Fi is akin to what it'd be like if PETA tried to run the Hunting channel or if the Vatican tried to run the Playboy channel. ???

That's been the unfortunate evolution of cable networks who tried to carve out a specific viewer niche using preexisting programming with a touch of original. 

The History Channel use to be full of documentaries, a lot being WWII.  That's been spun off into the Military Channel now.  They use to have a quiz show dealing with history knowledge, now gone.  Science Fiction use to rely on decades of canceled SciFi programming from around the world with an original series every now and then and an interview/panel show.  The Learning Channel use to have shows dealing dealing with education and self improvement.  The Discovery Channel about science and technology.  MTV use to be 90% music videos.

The problem was that after the initial draw of their programming, viewership faded.  A 24/7 channel can blow though all the existing programming created in the last 30 years rather quickly.  Original programming costs significantly more money to make.  So they diversified.  They looked at what's popular and what's cheap to make and then try to mold it to their self proclaimed niche.  So History now has shows that look at old objects and discuss their "history" (American Pickers, Pawn Stars, American Restoration).  And just like bookstores that have lumped science fiction, fantasy and horror onto the same shelves, SyFy is now has ghost hunting, giant rock em' sock em' robots and a reality competition for prosthetic makeup artists.  Discovery is now about people with unusual occupations and their trials like crab fishermen, loggers, moonshiners and gold miners.

Science is a part of the TLC/Discovery network of channels.  It started as a channel to house repeats of series that were once on or still on TLC/Discovery that dealt with science and technology.  Their recent foray into fiction series like Firefly and Fringe by rapping them in a "lets talk about the science/technology subjects brought up in tonight's episode" is a bit of a stretch but again, it's to draw in a steady viewership.
Tempus unum hominem manet

Twitter - AtomicSamuraiRobot@NukeSamuraiBot


So anyway I'm really enjoying the updates to this game.  Reminds me a bit of Hitman II.