No chance at an Issue 24 Mids ??

Started by HEATSTROKE, June 10, 2014, 02:09:23 AM


just asking.. still making builds !!!


Since I24 never went live, I suspect it will wait until that happens.


I did a Wind Control, though I don't know how to make the set-unique rules such as setting up Pressure. But the basic stats aren't that hard to copy into a new set. The Blaster updates were also easy. But it's using the numbers that are still from test, rather than official live numbers, so who knows how accurate it would end up being.


I started last night you can add some of the changes to the set bonus through the gui editor for like crushing impact I have not figured out how to add a higher % for like s/l 3% resistance when the highest one is 2.52% and add in one just called mez I can see the ones that already exist and add them to get close. I be going off the patch note changes that still exist out there.

Anyone have a clue what to edit in the files to add something like Mez_1 5% to make it available to set bonuses in the files ?