Author Topic: Cox-Why I miss it so.....  (Read 1466 times)


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Cox-Why I miss it so.....
« on: June 01, 2014, 06:51:08 AM »
I have been here since the shut down. I never post much , but I read all the posts and long for a return to the game we all love.
I started playing Cox right after it came out. My brother told me about this great game where you could be a super hero. I got the game made my first  super hero a tank although I didn't have a clue what a tank did back then lol "I wanted to be like Superman". So started my love affair with Cox. I made some great friends over the years even "Fell in Love" once , but the thing about Cox was it was more then a game. It provided a place where you could relax and laugh with good people who got you and understood why you loved being a hero. Cox and all of you were there during some very dark times in my life. I got hurt on the job and couldn't walk for 3 years. The pain was so strong I felt like I would pass out at times. I could log into our game and get my mind off the pain and for just awhile be normal again. My Father became a crack addict and turn life into a living hell and once again Cox was there for me. Cox help me to stay sane during all the turmoil life threw at me. I miss the game and the fun but most of all I miss you. The laughs..The fun...The family that was Cox. No other game even comes close :( I loved City of Heroes and will be one of the first in line if and when it returns but the truth is why I miss it so much  is because I miss you my family........


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Re: Cox-Why I miss it so.....
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2014, 09:27:41 AM »
I also miss it very much. I have not had such a hard time as you have when reading your post but still i genuinly mis the game.

I want to stand under the highway in Skyway city and just soak up the incredible atmoshphere listening to the ambient sounds of the city. Oh boy, these where the days.


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Re: Cox-Why I miss it so.....
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2014, 10:11:12 AM »
No truer words are spoken (or typed).  I too, share our loss. However, I am hopeful for the return of our beloved City ! 

In one form or another...   ;D

Thankies Ironwolf and Aaron

Mistress Urd

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Re: Cox-Why I miss it so.....
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2014, 09:39:53 AM »
I can think of a few reasons.

1. Great teaming and soloing. Choice to team or not to team.
2. Lots of variety of places to go and characters to play.
3. Good community. CoH had one of the most casual environments around.
4. Very good costume creator. It wasn't perfect, but how many games let you look really cool at level 1?
5. Has good meta-gaming for those who like to push to that last 1%


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Re: Cox-Why I miss it so.....
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2014, 12:34:47 AM »
I was playing the original Everquest back in the day and I had been checking out other games like DAoC, AC, AO and probably a few others.  I was visiting Betawatcher and regularly looking for something new when I came across that original Cryptic video for CoH.  You know the one where they have that hero that jumps from a lower level building to a higher one then just flies off the camera at you at an angle, and I was completely hooked from then on.

I got into the beta, I pre-purchased the game, I played it all through its life, barring a couple of breaks for real life, and its last year I thought it was the best it ever was.  There was so much total content and so much new content released when Freedom launched I was in heaven.  I have honestly never had as good a time in an online game as I did with CoH and the only game I played for a longer period of time was EQ but only because CoH was cancelled or would have taken the top spot on that as well.

One of my favorite things about CoH was that while it had tremendous depth, it never seemed overly complicated to play, at least, not like games like EQ (though that game is still around 15 years after launch).  What am I playing today.  EQII actually.  That and some Champions on the side.


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Re: Cox-Why I miss it so.....
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2014, 02:11:15 PM »
I was playing the original Everquest back in the day and I had been checking out other games like DAoC, AC, AO and probably a few others.  I was visiting Betawatcher and regularly looking for something new when I came across that original Cryptic video for CoH.  You know the one where they have that hero that jumps from a lower level building to a higher one then just flies off the camera at you at an angle, and I was completely hooked from then on.

I got into the beta, I pre-purchased the game, I played it all through its life, barring a couple of breaks for real life, and its last year I thought it was the best it ever was.  There was so much total content and so much new content released when Freedom launched I was in heaven.  I have honestly never had as good a time in an online game as I did with CoH and the only game I played for a longer period of time was EQ but only because CoH was cancelled or would have taken the top spot on that as well.

One of my favorite things about CoH was that while it had tremendous depth, it never seemed overly complicated to play, at least, not like games like EQ (though that game is still around 15 years after launch).  What am I playing today.  EQII actually.  That and some Champions on the side.

I played eq2 for a while, enjoyed it!  Community was lacking, maybe it's the server I am on Permafrost?  What is Champions like?


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Re: Cox-Why I miss it so.....
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2014, 07:51:43 PM »
In EQII I am playing on the Unrest server.  I got into a pretty cool guild of very nice people called The Dragon Lords.  I enjoy mostly puttering around in that game much like I did in CoH.  Champions Online is probably the closest I have seen to CoH but its a bit of a pale imitation.  I like it better than DCUO though.  Champions feels like its approaching the sunset of its life though as they aren't releasing much in the way of new content except for lockboxes and costume pieces.  No new powers in a long time.  Still if I want to make a superhero, that is my go to game.  The costume creator is great and if you subscribe you can go freeform and choose your powers instead of their premade archetypes.  I purchased the lifetime membership awhile ago so its a nice game to peek into once in awhile.  Playing it makes me miss CoH though.


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Re: Cox-Why I miss it so.....
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2014, 01:22:21 PM »
In EQII I am playing on the Unrest server.  I got into a pretty cool guild of very nice people called The Dragon Lords.  I enjoy mostly puttering around in that game much like I did in CoH.  Champions Online is probably the closest I have seen to CoH but its a bit of a pale imitation.  I like it better than DCUO though.  Champions feels like its approaching the sunset of its life though as they aren't releasing much in the way of new content except for lockboxes and costume pieces.  No new powers in a long time.  Still if I want to make a superhero, that is my go to game.  The costume creator is great and if you subscribe you can go freeform and choose your powers instead of their premade archetypes.  I purchased the lifetime membership awhile ago so its a nice game to peek into once in awhile.  Playing it makes me miss CoH though.

I did like eq2, but I think I've left that game to long to be able to get back into it again, glad you are enjoying it. :) I didn't care for DCUO at all, I wanted to like it but didn't enjoy it at all tried it all of 15 mins and logged.   I may take a look at Champions tho, especially if they have a nice costume maker!!  Hoping they have something similar to a blaster. :)