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Titan Network Upgrade

Started by TonyV, April 30, 2014, 05:39:53 AM


Hey all,

So it turns out our hosting provider, Linode, just bumped up all of their tiers, which will give us more memory and faster storage.  I need to do some work on the server anyway upgrading software and rolling out patches, so I'm going to set aside a maintenance window this Saturday morning to do some work.  The site might be intermittently unavailable during that time.  I'll probably work on it from around 10:00am until 1:00pm Eastern (7:00am - 10:00am Pacific), so if you can't reach something during that time, don't panic.

As a side note, I make a habit of not pitching non-CoH-related products or services, especially for monetary gain.  Still, I did want to say that Linode has been an extremely good hosting provider to the Titan Network for many years.  I bounced around between several providers with the Paragon Wiki before coming to Linode, and the other Titan Network sites were on a different VPS hosting provider.  Since I've moved everything over to Linode, though, we have had practically no unexpected downtime that wasn't our own durn fault, their technicians have been extraordinarily helpful in resolving any issues we've had, and I just don't know of any other service provider that gives more bang for the buck.

If you host web sites on Linux servers, you really should consider giving Linode a look, as they've just upgraded all of their tiers, doubling the resources available for each, for the second time in just a few years.  And now, they're offering SSD storage, which is lightning fast.  If you decide to go with them, you can use our referral link to send a little kickback our way.  :)


Okay, it took a little longer than I had planned, but we're up and running on the latest and greatest OS and software, and we have more RAM and storage on our system.  Plus, our storage is now SSD, so the sites should be pretty blazing fast.  (Not that they were slow before...)

If you have any problems, post a message or ping me in Skype (tonyv.paragonwiki) or drop me an email (  Thanks for the patience!