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Game-Building Tool

Started by Cinnder, March 31, 2014, 06:58:02 PM


Those of you following the City of Titans development will know that they recently announced the game will be built with the new Unreal 4 Engine.  Someone posted the following demo of the UE4 tool application:

Does anyone know whether the tools used to build CoX were anything like this?  Obviously not this advanced, but were there any similarities?


I don't think that they were even remotely similar, and for two reasons.

First, the Devs once said that the AE was much more advanced and user friendly than even their own mission building tools.

Second, the engine CoX was built in was designed as an in-house engine, and all of its tools and development tasks were put together primarily with CoX in mind, where as UE4 and for that matter UE3/UDK were more designed to be used by other studios for third party development of a wide variety of different types of games, so a lot of the functions were designed to be much more customizable and flexible than CoX's engine and tools were.