Author Topic: New efforts!  (Read 7469260 times)

Paragon Avenger

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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27160 on: April 02, 2017, 10:38:25 PM »
I don't wanna point fingers or anything's 100% your fault.  This is what happens when you wear pants Paragon Avenger.  When will you learn of the dire consequences your actions have?!  ARE WE JUST YOUR PLAYTHINGS?!

Way to not point fingers.
Ok, ok, I admit that I may have worn pants at some point during my recent absence from this forum.  However, I refuse to accept the charge that ALL of you are my playthings.  Well, maybe.


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27161 on: April 02, 2017, 11:09:50 PM »
But, that's not the right way to make a pizza!



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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27162 on: April 03, 2017, 06:37:06 AM »
This hurts less, since I kinda wrote this off years ago, but the fact it went this far only to have this garbage MOBA force our eyes open stings.

Needless to say, my boycott wont be ending anytime soon

;sigh, guess I'm stuck with WoW. Hopefully the incompetant design team doesn't muck it up further.


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27163 on: April 03, 2017, 01:47:58 PM »


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27164 on: April 03, 2017, 03:33:30 PM »
Pancakes.  They never had any intention of negotiating in good faith.  I sure would like to have played again.

I've been saving two of my favorite names/characters and not mentioning their names with an eye toward reclaiming them.  It hardly seems I need to anymore.  Maybe I'll start posting pics and profiles.  I guess that's the only way they'll ever see use again.


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27165 on: April 03, 2017, 05:37:36 PM »
By the nature of some of the comments, it sounds as though there has been a definitive statement that the negotiations have ended.

Can someone clarify that for me?  I almost don't want to know, but I do.


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27166 on: April 03, 2017, 05:56:00 PM »
By the nature of some of the comments, it sounds as though there has been a definitive statement that the negotiations have ended.

Can someone clarify that for me?  I almost don't want to know, but I do.


Not definitive, extrapolated from strong assumptions.
It takes a village to raise a child. And it takes a villain to explain the value of lunch money.

-Random CoHer: "Why does the sky turn green during Rikti invasions?"
-Me:"Rikti Monkey farts"
-Random CoHer: "I'm going to you for all my questions from now on!"


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27167 on: April 03, 2017, 11:05:21 PM »
Goddangit - at least you can make them in PChat and get pictures and whatnot.


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27168 on: April 04, 2017, 12:25:39 AM »
I haven't read or commented here in months, but I figured I would take one last stab at it. I've been through several different games since CoX, and although there will never be another to fill that place in my heart, I did enjoy playing what was playable since CoX wasn't. Here are my own personal broad strokes in case it helps (or informs) anyone else:

I need to start by saying that I tried Champions Online, Wildstar (twice), Star Trek online (briefly) and Rift (for about 1 day), Ryzome and Mighty Quest for Epic Loot. All of those seemed okay initially but had no staying power whatsoever.

Secret World was the first after CoX that had any staying power with me. It was complex, forced you to think, and had really good stories and setup. I only got bored with it because the end game is "nightmare dungeons" repeated ad nauseum for rare gear. Imagine hami-raids and 5 other things equally as formulaic and tedious, and your only reward after a tough hour or two is almost always the same-old crap. TSW leans way too heavily on the only challenge of elite dungeons being one's ability to dodge floor projections. There is no complex strategy. It's always 1 tank, 1 healer, 3 dps, knowing when to fire buffs and debuffs, and (way too much of) everybody being able to dodge exploding puke on the floor. If only one person of the 5 wasn't an expert puke-dodger, then TEAM FAIL. My idea of a fun game is something other than repeated puke-dodging, so I bailed. But they are re-booting, so stay tuned...

Black Desert was a non-PvPers dream until level 45 and during the first 6 months of the North America servers. Eventually those who did PvP and played at least 16 hours per day out-leveled everybody else and were then free to terrorize everyone else. I blame the game architects for catering solely to antisocial unemployed juvenile males, intentionally or not.

Tera is also a nice game, with a really twitchy, engaging combat style, but it does take getting used to. I played 3 different mystics up to level 65 (the cap) just so each could specialize in a different crafting specialty (of the 4 available). I came to the game too late, and the community had congealed into elitist end-game dungeon gear-grinders who would not waste their time with anyone not already experienced and geared up. The glass ceiling (even within the guild I joined that advertised itself as noob-friendly) led me to quit in frustration.

Yeah, I'm venting and babbling, so I apologize! The bottom line for me is that I doubt I will be back to Titan Network Forums. Probably ever. It's pretty obvious this horse is dead and no amount of beating on it is going to revive it. Even if somebody did turn on a issue 23 server it wouldn't appeal to me now. I'm more hopeful about "Secret World Legends" at this point than I am about CoX or any of the spin-offs. I'm encouraged that they realize their combat mechanics and character animations were crap, but their stories and quests were good. I'm hopeful that they can create a new game that keeps the good of what they had in the original while abandoning the bad.

All that being said, I want to wish all my old SGmates (BOSS on Champion and Pistol-Packing Grannies elsewhere), fellow pointy-eared and/or blue-skinned and/or 7-foot aliens, and all my fellow 4-foot-2 grannies the best of luck. I hope to see you in some other game, or in real life, or in a ape-mind hangout in the singularity, or wherever. If by chance we never meet again, just stay super!

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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27169 on: April 04, 2017, 01:15:16 AM »
I haven't read or commented here in months, but I figured I would take one last stab at it. I've been through several different games since CoX, and although there will never be another to fill that place in my heart, I did enjoy playing what was playable since CoX wasn't. Here are my own personal broad strokes in case it helps (or informs) anyone else:

I need to start by saying that I tried Champions Online, Wildstar (twice), Star Trek online (briefly) and Rift (for about 1 day), Ryzome and Mighty Quest for Epic Loot. All of those seemed okay initially but had no staying power whatsoever.

Secret World was the first after CoX that had any staying power with me. It was complex, forced you to think, and had really good stories and setup. I only got bored with it because the end game is "nightmare dungeons" repeated ad nauseum for rare gear. Imagine hami-raids and 5 other things equally as formulaic and tedious, and your only reward after a tough hour or two is almost always the same-old crap. TSW leans way too heavily on the only challenge of elite dungeons being one's ability to dodge floor projections. There is no complex strategy. It's always 1 tank, 1 healer, 3 dps, knowing when to fire buffs and debuffs, and (way too much of) everybody being able to dodge exploding puke on the floor. If only one person of the 5 wasn't an expert puke-dodger, then TEAM FAIL. My idea of a fun game is something other than repeated puke-dodging, so I bailed. But they are re-booting, so stay tuned...

Black Desert was a non-PvPers dream until level 45 and during the first 6 months of the North America servers. Eventually those who did PvP and played at least 16 hours per day out-leveled everybody else and were then free to terrorize everyone else. I blame the game architects for catering solely to antisocial unemployed juvenile males, intentionally or not.

Tera is also a nice game, with a really twitchy, engaging combat style, but it does take getting used to. I played 3 different mystics up to level 65 (the cap) just so each could specialize in a different crafting specialty (of the 4 available). I came to the game too late, and the community had congealed into elitist end-game dungeon gear-grinders who would not waste their time with anyone not already experienced and geared up. The glass ceiling (even within the guild I joined that advertised itself as noob-friendly) led me to quit in frustration.

Yeah, I'm venting and babbling, so I apologize! The bottom line for me is that I doubt I will be back to Titan Network Forums. Probably ever. It's pretty obvious this horse is dead and no amount of beating on it is going to revive it. Even if somebody did turn on a issue 23 server it wouldn't appeal to me now. I'm more hopeful about "Secret World Legends" at this point than I am about CoX or any of the spin-offs. I'm encouraged that they realize their combat mechanics and character animations were crap, but their stories and quests were good. I'm hopeful that they can create a new game that keeps the good of what they had in the original while abandoning the bad.

All that being said, I want to wish all my old SGmates (BOSS on Champion and Pistol-Packing Grannies elsewhere), fellow pointy-eared and/or blue-skinned and/or 7-foot aliens, and all my fellow 4-foot-2 grannies the best of luck. I hope to see you in some other game, or in real life, or in a ape-mind hangout in the singularity, or wherever. If by chance we never meet again, just stay super!

And so the sun-setting continues...
It takes a village to raise a child. And it takes a villain to explain the value of lunch money.

-Random CoHer: "Why does the sky turn green during Rikti invasions?"
-Me:"Rikti Monkey farts"
-Random CoHer: "I'm going to you for all my questions from now on!"


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27170 on: April 04, 2017, 01:33:39 AM »
I haven't read or commented here in months, but I figured I would take one last stab at it. I've been through several different games since CoX, and although there will never be another to fill that place in my heart, I did enjoy playing what was playable since CoX wasn't. Here are my own personal broad strokes in case it helps (or informs) anyone else:

I need to start by saying that I tried Champions Online, Wildstar (twice), Star Trek online (briefly) and Rift (for about 1 day), Ryzome and Mighty Quest for Epic Loot. All of those seemed okay initially but had no staying power whatsoever.

Secret World was the first after CoX that had any staying power with me. It was complex, forced you to think, and had really good stories and setup. I only got bored with it because the end game is "nightmare dungeons" repeated ad nauseum for rare gear. Imagine hami-raids and 5 other things equally as formulaic and tedious, and your only reward after a tough hour or two is almost always the same-old crap. TSW leans way too heavily on the only challenge of elite dungeons being one's ability to dodge floor projections. There is no complex strategy. It's always 1 tank, 1 healer, 3 dps, knowing when to fire buffs and debuffs, and (way too much of) everybody being able to dodge exploding puke on the floor. If only one person of the 5 wasn't an expert puke-dodger, then TEAM FAIL. My idea of a fun game is something other than repeated puke-dodging, so I bailed. But they are re-booting, so stay tuned...

Black Desert was a non-PvPers dream until level 45 and during the first 6 months of the North America servers. Eventually those who did PvP and played at least 16 hours per day out-leveled everybody else and were then free to terrorize everyone else. I blame the game architects for catering solely to antisocial unemployed juvenile males, intentionally or not.

Tera is also a nice game, with a really twitchy, engaging combat style, but it does take getting used to. I played 3 different mystics up to level 65 (the cap) just so each could specialize in a different crafting specialty (of the 4 available). I came to the game too late, and the community had congealed into elitist end-game dungeon gear-grinders who would not waste their time with anyone not already experienced and geared up. The glass ceiling (even within the guild I joined that advertised itself as noob-friendly) led me to quit in frustration.

Yeah, I'm venting and babbling, so I apologize! The bottom line for me is that I doubt I will be back to Titan Network Forums. Probably ever. It's pretty obvious this horse is dead and no amount of beating on it is going to revive it. Even if somebody did turn on a issue 23 server it wouldn't appeal to me now. I'm more hopeful about "Secret World Legends" at this point than I am about CoX or any of the spin-offs. I'm encouraged that they realize their combat mechanics and character animations were crap, but their stories and quests were good. I'm hopeful that they can create a new game that keeps the good of what they had in the original while abandoning the bad.

All that being said, I want to wish all my old SGmates (BOSS on Champion and Pistol-Packing Grannies elsewhere), fellow pointy-eared and/or blue-skinned and/or 7-foot aliens, and all my fellow 4-foot-2 grannies the best of luck. I hope to see you in some other game, or in real life, or in a ape-mind hangout in the singularity, or wherever. If by chance we never meet again, just stay super!

If you haven't checked out ship of heroes you may want to.   I wish all the spiritual successors luck, but so far they seem to be making the most progress.  No offense to CoT, VO, or H and V.
In fearful COH-less days
In Raging COH-less nights
With Strong Hearts Full, we shall UNITE!
When all seems lost in the effort to bring CoH back to life,
Look to Cyberspace, where HOPE burns bright!


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27171 on: April 04, 2017, 02:42:17 AM »
I haven't read or commented here in months, but I figured I would take one last stab at it. I've been through several different games since CoX, and although there will never be another to fill that place in my heart, I did enjoy playing what was playable since CoX wasn't. Here are my own personal broad strokes in case it helps (or informs) anyone else:

I need to start by saying that I tried Champions Online, Wildstar (twice), Star Trek online (briefly) and Rift (for about 1 day), Ryzome and Mighty Quest for Epic Loot. All of those seemed okay initially but had no staying power whatsoever.

Secret World was the first after CoX that had any staying power with me. It was complex, forced you to think, and had really good stories and setup. I only got bored with it because the end game is "nightmare dungeons" repeated ad nauseum for rare gear. Imagine hami-raids and 5 other things equally as formulaic and tedious, and your only reward after a tough hour or two is almost always the same-old crap. TSW leans way too heavily on the only challenge of elite dungeons being one's ability to dodge floor projections. There is no complex strategy. It's always 1 tank, 1 healer, 3 dps, knowing when to fire buffs and debuffs, and (way too much of) everybody being able to dodge exploding puke on the floor. If only one person of the 5 wasn't an expert puke-dodger, then TEAM FAIL. My idea of a fun game is something other than repeated puke-dodging, so I bailed. But they are re-booting, so stay tuned...

Black Desert was a non-PvPers dream until level 45 and during the first 6 months of the North America servers. Eventually those who did PvP and played at least 16 hours per day out-leveled everybody else and were then free to terrorize everyone else. I blame the game architects for catering solely to antisocial unemployed juvenile males, intentionally or not.

Tera is also a nice game, with a really twitchy, engaging combat style, but it does take getting used to. I played 3 different mystics up to level 65 (the cap) just so each could specialize in a different crafting specialty (of the 4 available). I came to the game too late, and the community had congealed into elitist end-game dungeon gear-grinders who would not waste their time with anyone not already experienced and geared up. The glass ceiling (even within the guild I joined that advertised itself as noob-friendly) led me to quit in frustration.

Yeah, I'm venting and babbling, so I apologize! The bottom line for me is that I doubt I will be back to Titan Network Forums. Probably ever. It's pretty obvious this horse is dead and no amount of beating on it is going to revive it. Even if somebody did turn on a issue 23 server it wouldn't appeal to me now. I'm more hopeful about "Secret World Legends" at this point than I am about CoX or any of the spin-offs. I'm encouraged that they realize their combat mechanics and character animations were crap, but their stories and quests were good. I'm hopeful that they can create a new game that keeps the good of what they had in the original while abandoning the bad.

All that being said, I want to wish all my old SGmates (BOSS on Champion and Pistol-Packing Grannies elsewhere), fellow pointy-eared and/or blue-skinned and/or 7-foot aliens, and all my fellow 4-foot-2 grannies the best of luck. I hope to see you in some other game, or in real life, or in a ape-mind hangout in the singularity, or wherever. If by chance we never meet again, just stay super!

If the game ever came back, you'd be back. Don't kid yourself.


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27172 on: April 04, 2017, 07:55:44 AM »
Goddangit - at least you can make them in PChat and get pictures and whatnot.

I took pictures of my favorites in all their costumes before the shutdown.  But I did download their costume files and have rebuilt a few on PChat.

I have a few vids I'd forgotten about. One is of one of my lesser guys (Inspector Bloor, a two-fisted Scotland Yard Inspector) slugging it out with Doctor Vahzilok. Maybe I should upload that to youtube for nostalgia sake.


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27173 on: April 04, 2017, 02:48:13 PM »
My idea of a fun game is something other than repeated puke-dodging, so I bailed.
Completely agreed. And too many endgames are like this.


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27174 on: April 04, 2017, 04:08:46 PM »
In other news...

Thought i'd post it here, i'll see if it has it's own thread yet.
Currently; Not doing any streaming, found myself with less time available recently.  Still playing starbound periodically, though I am thinking of trying other games.  Don't tell me to play mmohtg's though please :).  Getting back into participating in VO and the successors again to.


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27175 on: April 04, 2017, 05:28:27 PM »
In other news...

Thought i'd post it here, i'll see if it has it's own thread yet.

Has anyone else had the weird thought that the SoH folks seem noticeably farther ahead than the other spiritual successors, and yet they're the newest? I can't help but wonder if their entry could be the result of a somewhat successful negotiation with... that company... that no one's allowed to talk about. Yet. Am I crazy, or does that make an odd kind of sense?


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27176 on: April 04, 2017, 06:26:11 PM »
Has anyone else had the weird thought that the SoH folks seem noticeably farther ahead than the other spiritual successors, and yet they're the newest? I can't help but wonder if their entry could be the result of a somewhat successful negotiation with... that company... that no one's allowed to talk about. Yet. Am I crazy, or does that make an odd kind of sense?

On their kickstarter page, they list other games that they had worked on.   So, they have a fair amount of experience in producing games.  Just as I have donated to both COT and VO, I will be pledging to SOH... Just have to figure out how much.


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27177 on: April 04, 2017, 07:05:42 PM »
For me, the $50 level looks like the sweet spot. 


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27178 on: April 04, 2017, 07:25:55 PM »
I'm waiting until SoH and CoT come out, and I will decide once the reviews or demos hit whether I want to buy them or not.  I'm really appreciative that all these fan-based successors are coming, though, just like I'm happy to have Paragon Chat. 

Some gamers ousted from their fav online games have nothing at all afterward.


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #27179 on: April 04, 2017, 07:40:26 PM »
Has anyone else had the weird thought that the SoH folks seem noticeably farther ahead than the other spiritual successors, and yet they're the newest? I can't help but wonder if their entry could be the result of a somewhat successful negotiation with... that company... that no one's allowed to talk about. Yet. Am I crazy, or does that make an odd kind of sense?

No they're leveraging a fully professional development line (or lines) using agile-iterative development with an experienced management team.

 They're taking good advantage of the power of UE4 development tools and they're buying and customizing chunks of available assets to speed up development to delivery.  A lot of people don't appreciate just how fast you can advance a project taking full advantage of those kinds-of processes. 

That said, they still have a long way to go to get something in our hands.  I kicked them in a bit more than 100$.  That's about double what I'd kicked to CoT because I was concerned at the CoT KS that I didn't see a clear single decision structure in that project (which in my personal opinion is the single most important feature of a project, somebody who can say "yes" or "no") -- I do see that here.
"Wow, a fat, sarcastic, Star Trek fan, you must be a devil with the ladies"