Author Topic: New efforts!  (Read 7400397 times)

Angel Phoenix77

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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #300 on: April 07, 2014, 11:57:14 AM »
I thought Cryptic owned the engine and only let Nc use it.
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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #301 on: April 07, 2014, 12:05:58 PM »
Do things like graphical and audio assets count as part of the engine?

Nope. The game engine could still run as the same engine with completely different graphical and audio assets.

Graphic skins for digital meshes are images wrapped onto a frame and exist independently from the engine itself. However, the protocols used to map such images to meshes vary from program to program, so translating/importing CoH graphical assets to another engine might not be totally straightforward.

So while the bitmaps for CoH meshes do exist independently of the game engine, they were originally created as input fodder for that specific engine.

It's a bit like tailoring, where the component parts of a suit are plotted on a single flat piece of fabric and then cut and sewn together to produce a wearable suit. Different engines are like different tailors using different methods to draw their patterns to fit the cloth. Another tailor could relatively easily take such a pattern and rework it to fit into their own way of suit-making, but it would take a while.


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #302 on: April 07, 2014, 12:41:50 PM »
Except that there's no difference between the two. The code is the engine is the engine is the code.

COH is not like most games these days where they buy a prebuilt engine and add their own logic on top of it, often managed code like C# and Java, or even JavaScript.

When it was developed, MMOs were in their infancy. No suitable engine for such a game existed. The engine that was created for COH has no separation from the game itself. All of the logic is hardcoded into the engine, since it's not an off the shelf product -- it's something that was developed exclusively for COH.

It later went on to become the Cryptic engine and power CO, Star Trek: Online, and Neverwinter, but only after Cryptic spent a large amount of effort (likely several developer-years) to remove most of the COH-specific aspects of it and make it useable for other things.

Long story short, you won't find any code that can be purchased or transferred that isn't part of the engine. You might get some data files like Excel spreadsheets with powers numbers, but nothing that can be dropped into a game engine. You're going to be reimplementing everything from scratch.

That said, if someone wants to acquire the IP, I still think it's a good idea. I'll say "Good luck with that" to the idea of transplanting it to a different engine, but even if that fails, all is not lost. Getting the rights out of NCSoft's hands and into someone's who may be less likely to cause legal trouble for certain projects could be a good thing.

Aye.  Just getting it out of NC Soft's hands and into the 'right' hands would be a massive start.  It opens up new horizons for the game as was and the IP/game as it could be going forwards.

Unlike other MMOs, CoH and Cryptic were pioneers for the modern MMO in many ways..?

Codewalker applies his laser like precision here.

i.e. the engine and it's IP assets are inextricably woven rather than perhaps something like modern games where you have an Unreal engine and everything 'sitting on top?'

I'm not a coder. ;)  But I get the basic idea of what Codewalker is saying here.

Ie it was probably a large effort for Cryptic to decouple the 'engine' from the CoH specific IP/Code/Art/Design/Assets/Game logic/Animations/Combat etc.  There would be 'tendrils' (APIs?) that would plug into or more...'hard wired' into the engine as it was back then.  But clearly, for Cryptic to have used that engine as the basis for Star Trek (no offence, I can't believe that game lives...or Champions...while CoH is out of commission...), Champions and even Neverwinter (to my amazement...) they must have decoupled the CoH specific assets and sure, they'd know how.  But porting CoH to a new engine wouldn't be straight forward given it's 'hybrid' nature?

So, given that it's 'only' code and all you need it 'time.'  (People's trade, their time is always a premium.  But it's something we can give freely if we love something...)  It's not inconceivable that the code base could be acquired and the CoH specific aspects and assets could be ported to a new engine.  However, it would first have to be de-coupled as Cryptic surely must have done...and those tendrils re-written from the ground up to fit into another engine.  It doesn't sound like minor work given the scenario that Codewalker outlined.  Hmm.

But if the IP was decoupled from NC Soft, it's the 1st stage of the community getting back what was lost.  And getting new owners should be the first part of taking the game back permanently for the fans.  And there in lays the rub.  Are the new owners going to 'give' the game to the community?  Open source the code?  Allow modding and patching etc?  Allow them to contribute to future patches?  Or are they in it purely to make money?  Maybe they can do both.  It sounds like they want the game back for the community and it will have to cover costs at least. 

As Codewalker hints.  With new ownership allows potential new thought to 'certain' projects having the kind of relationship 'old' games (supported by the community) have with other gaming studios.  As retroware.  As a loved game.  City of Heroes should rightfully take it's place along with those other elder statesmen (pun not intended until I thought about it...) of the MMO and gaming scene.

So, you could, in theory, have City of Heroes assets, in time, ported to a new engine.  But that may include rewriting the intimate coupling to allow such a conversion.  And then, when you do that?  You have a game that may not quite feel(!) the same.  Act the same.  Look quite the same.  The temptation may be to update the graphics and even its hallowed gameplay (which for me, makes the game...)  A case in point, Unreal Tourney was pitch perfect.  Unreal Tourney 2003 (was it?) looked pretty but played lead footed by comparison...  And you have the City of Heroes was great...but lets make it even better because we have some cool new ideas i.e. City of Heroes '2' aka Champions by Cryptic themselves using the same CORE engine?  (and similar/identical sound effects here and there... :P )  But it was a disaster.

0. CoH - Leased engine.

We get our game back.  Yay.  Twinkie cakes!!! :P 

*(Hope the 'new group' are open to leasing it.  Well, hopefully NC Soft are open to leasing the engine as well...  But as Codewalker says, the Code and engine are more or less fused together.  So we may be back to a studio/publisher relationship?  Unless it can be bought outright.)

1.  Coh 1.0.  Conversion.

So, the option would allow a City of Heroes conversion to a new engine.  With all the assets (design, interface, animation, textures, sounds, gameplay, combat, AI, chat window, maps, war walls etc) converted as purely, faithfully and meticulously as can be done with conversion APIs re-written (emulated?) to plug into eg. Unreal 3/4 or open source friendly engine.

*(with maybe the option of updated texture assets on this new engine?  Ie like Ultra Mode 2.)*((See Marathon by Bungie which was take back by the community...see far below...)) I'd say, for the most part, this could be pretty close.  It would allow the graphics to be given a thorough update in terms of textures 1st (and presumably) the bigger job of updating the geometry later..?

Could take years says Codewarrior.  A bit like the effort to decouple the 'hard wired' colour graphics of the powers to customisation of colours for the fx (once described as impossible and with more'wasn't.' 

However, there's the danger when you 'convert' something you lose a bit of it's soul.  (Having said that, the C64 emulators are like playing the original console...  So given enough community backing CoH could be restored.  What we don't want is new owners that are going to treat the IP worse.  Of course, I'm optimistic that the people concerned have the best concerns for the IP and the community.)

2.  Coh 1.5.  New Graphics.

You'd then own the rights for a City of Heroes 1.5...with updated graphics assets (i.e. think Ultra Mode 3...).  i.e. the new owners may feel it's time to update the geometry and textures i.e. 'may as well' (type thinking) as 'we're moving to a new engine anyway...'  (...and there's the temptation to tinker with it's fabled game play etc.)

3.  City of Heroes 2?  New game.

New game/gameplay?  New sound.  Gameplay 'weaknesses' addressed for a 'non-static' game play mode (*shudders - *thinks of Champions and it's jerky and skittish animation...and 'ice skating' gameplay...)  Probably based around a popular games engine like Unreal 4?  :P

You see a bit of the avalanche of people who played CoH but have an avalanche of criticism for it's combat.  Which makes me wonder why they played it...  Take away how it played and it's no longer CoH.  I hear this kind of thinking in Valiance and City of Titans where they're discussing 'dynamic' vs Static ('rooted') play and, heaven forbid, the idea of Champions style energy builders... *Looks skyward.  'We liked it but...' approach.  And there's the 'as close as we legally can...' approach of Heroes and Villains.  We'll see Re: the spiritual successors.  At least they're doing something about it.  But me?  I just want the original game back. :P

4.  Original Game.  (Emulation?)

Also, this could allow any 'certain' projects to break cover with a quiet 'blessing' from the new owners?

So, we'd maybe get the original game back with the old engine, another version converted to a new engine...which would lay the ground for the 3rd version.  City of Heroes 2.

Those are potential scenarios.

Me.  I'd take the game back as is.  Cryptic must own the engine or the right to use their own engine.  NC Soft must have bought the right to use the engine or bought it outright and permanently leased it back to Cryptic. or Vise versa.  Similarly, NC might be open to leasing the engine which means it would be just a matter of putting the right staffing in place to get an MMO to market.  And I'd like to think that Chris Chung and/or the new group are open to the idea of leasing with, I guess, royalties going back to NC Soft for their engine tech'.

I remember when Mac fans were worried about their game, 'Marathon' when Bungie got acquired by Micro Soft.  In fact, it was Halo (a kind of spiritual successor..?) that was previewed at a Steve Jobs keynote...and then appeared on X- Box first because of the acquisition.  But work was under taken by the community (I think with Bungie's blessing...) to 'take back' Marathon Trilogy for the community.  And it has bit maps etc...that were updated with Open Gl shading etc.  Not exactly the 'same' situation.  But it adds credence to the motto that it's only time...and...code...

But any move forwards is a positive thing.  A new home.  New ideas.  New thinking.  The iron grip of sitting on an IP gathering dust is loosened.  The game deserves to live.  Perhaps in many forms.

Keep holding that torch aloft, Ironwolf.



If you're a Mac fan and never played this?  You've missed out.  Worth it for one of the pioneering 1st person shooters.  Good atmosphere and gameplay.  Makes you think...too! :P

It proves the adage that good old games never die?

Hope for City of Heroes, then...
« Last Edit: April 07, 2014, 01:19:09 PM by Azrael »


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #303 on: April 07, 2014, 02:01:16 PM »
Do things like graphical and audio assets count as part of the engine? While the combat systems would have to be reimplemented in a new engine, i'm hoping that the IP would include everything that isn't actual computer code, including the rulesets that were implemented in the original software. (Tohit formulas, resistance and defense mechanics, etcetera.) It would still be a mountain of work, but it could recreate the CoH "feel" that made it so distinct.
Ah. Yes. Well there is that as well.

Right, 3D models, textures, sounds, and such are separate data that's not part of the engine.

Sounds could probably be used as-is. Models and textures would need some work. The way COH handles materials is unusual and quite engine-specific, so doing a direct import probably isn't feasible. You'd probably be better off taking the source models used to create the geos (IIRC a couple of the devs mentioned they used 3D Studio Max to create the assets) and re-export to a different engine; though that would likely mean redoing the skeleton rigging to work with whatever animation system your target engine used.

One additional wrinkle is that because so much is hardcoded, the engine that was running the game as of Issue 23 is not the same as the engine that NCSoft acquired a perpetual license from Cryptic to use. It's derived from it, no doubt, but the engine that Cryptic has (if they even have a copy that old) is no more capable of running the game than anything else at this point. It's a lot closer, so if you managed to get Cyptic on board you'd have a starting point, but it would still be quite a large amount of work to re-create all those additions and fixes to the point where it could even load the modern data.

That does mean that Cryptic probably couldn't simply license you to use the COH engine, since they don't have rights to all of those extra changes that happened after they relinquished control. There's always the chance of a contract provision covering ownership of alterations, but odds are low any sane company lawyer would agree to that.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2014, 02:28:05 PM by Codewalker »


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #304 on: April 07, 2014, 02:30:45 PM »
I find both amazing and sad that there are people who, before anything has been done yet and despite the efforts of otehrs trying to bring the game back, are already demanding how they want the game back. When the spiritual successor games launch, I bet those will be the ones endlessly moaning "this is not like CoH" and such.

I honestly thank Ironwolf for his efforts and admire his patience,.

Ah wait a minute now!

I'm usually the first one saying that CoT won't be CoH and to not expect CoH! I am often saying that people will get disappointed by that because they expect CoH in CoT which they shouldn't.

However, the talk is about bringing CoH back, not another game. If someone tells me "the goal is to bring CoH back", then the goal is to bring CoH back, not to bring a part of CoH back and then another part being totally something that won't look like CoH.

CoT never claimed to be CoH and I don't expect it to be CoH. "Bringing CoH" is about bringing CoH like CoH was. Huge difference to me!

And as far as it goes, I still hope that IronWolf will succeed (I said it many times already in that topic). I wished him luck in his attempts, if it is not only simply for the reasons CodeWalker suggested.

So I'm sorry if I looked negative to you but having some expectations doesn't mean that we don't approve or that we don't appreciate or that we don't support.

I know CoT won't be CoH
I hope bringing back CoH will make CoH be like CoH was.
I'm not bringing down any attempts and I'm supporting every one of them.

Is there an issue about that?


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #305 on: April 07, 2014, 04:18:34 PM »


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #306 on: April 07, 2014, 04:50:46 PM »
yes, it is, then rampant speculation started about the engine followed by more rampant speculation whether we're getting CoH back or something different, then followed by posts (yes, including your I'm afraid) about not wanting something that it's not CoH based on a speculation originated by another speculation.

Now please, you tell me, is there an issue about that?

Actually Nightmarer, I see a lot of support for Ironwolf who said in the beginning (to paraphrase) it is a long shot but trying something is better than doing nothing...and I have seen nothing but support for that....(and a lot of people waiting anxiously for the next bit of news lol)

During the wait, however, part of the topic turned to speculation about what such an outcome could be and what it might mean.  No issues about that...just people asking questions, speculating, and wishing...

If some one has said "well, if we can't have it exactly as it was...then this is all a waste of my time!"  I must have missed it. (Or, more likely, ignored it)   

Through this "speculation" I have actually learned a few things (thank you Codewalker and others) about what all is involved.

If people were putting Ironwolf down griping about wasting time...I would be in agreement with you.....but speculating about possible outcomes....not negative...just harmless speculation.
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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #307 on: April 07, 2014, 06:43:32 PM »
That said, if someone wants to acquire the IP, I still think it's a good idea. I'll say "Good luck with that" to the idea of transplanting it to a different engine, but even if that fails, all is not lost. Getting the rights out of NCSoft's hands and into someone's who may be less likely to cause legal trouble for certain projects could be a good thing.

I agree.  But, securing these rights sounds more like a foundation for building a successor rather than bringing back the game.  If this happens, City of Heroes as we know it is dead without the engine.

It's disappointing to me that the engine's going to stay buried.  I think that was one of the biggest strengths of CoH.  The nuts and bolts combat of CoH was definitely the best MMO I've ever played.

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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #308 on: April 07, 2014, 07:08:53 PM »
Actually Nightmarer, I see a lot of support for Ironwolf who said in the beginning (to paraphrase) it is a long shot but trying something is better than doing nothing...and I have seen nothing but support for that....(and a lot of people waiting anxiously for the next bit of news lol)

During the wait, however, part of the topic turned to speculation about what such an outcome could be and what it might mean.  No issues about that...just people asking questions, speculating, and wishing...

If some one has said "well, if we can't have it exactly as it was...then this is all a waste of my time!"  I must have missed it. (Or, more likely, ignored it)   

Through this "speculation" I have actually learned a few things (thank you Codewalker and others) about what all is involved.

If people were putting Ironwolf down griping about wasting time...I would be in agreement with you.....but speculating about possible outcomes....not negative...just harmless speculation.
As I've been partly guilty of appearing like this, yeah, in the beginning the (necessary) shadyness was off-putting, but whatever, if's bound to stay in the shadows anyway, so I retracted. If this works, it would be wonderful.

I agree.  But, securing these rights sounds more like a foundation for building a successor rather than bringing back the game.  If this happens, City of Heroes as we know it is dead without the engine.

It's disappointing to me that the engine's going to stay buried.  I think that was one of the biggest strengths of CoH.  The nuts and bolts combat of CoH was definitely the best MMO I've ever played.
We can recreate something as precisely near the old mechanics as necessary with a different engine. It'll just take more time than if we had the original code. Maybe we won't have really the same quirks, bugs or exploits, but it's very easy to reproduce something similar.

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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #309 on: April 07, 2014, 08:32:53 PM »
Yeah...I can imagine handling transfer of the engine would be a lawyers nightmare.

I can also comment on what Codewalker's said about moving assets to a new engine, and that it's not as nightmareish as one might think.
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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #310 on: April 07, 2014, 08:34:36 PM »
I agree.  But, securing these rights sounds more like a foundation for building a successor rather than bringing back the game.  If this happens, City of Heroes as we know it is dead without the engine.

It's disappointing to me that the engine's going to stay buried.  I think that was one of the biggest strengths of CoH.  The nuts and bolts combat of CoH was definitely the best MMO I've ever played.

^This. On top of the enhancements and character building, both aesthetically and mechanically. I've never seen a game be able to balance super casual and super hardcore in one game.

Me.  I'd take the game back as is.  Cryptic must own the engine or the right to use their own engine.  NC Soft must have bought the right to use the engine or bought it outright and permanently leased it back to Cryptic. or Vise versa.  Similarly, NC might be open to leasing the engine which means it would be just a matter of putting the right staffing in place to get an MMO to market.  And I'd like to think that Chris Chung and/or the new group are open to the idea of leasing with, I guess, royalties going back to NC Soft for their engine tech'.

If you're talking about NCsoft buying City of Heroes and then the launch of things such as Champions Online, CO and the other newer cryptic games do not use the same specific engine as CoH. As Codewalker said, the engine is tied in with CoH itself. Literally no other game uses it. So as far as I know, NCsoft owns the "engine" because they own the game.

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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #311 on: April 08, 2014, 11:13:50 AM »
And that's another wrinkle - IANAL, but if NCSoft retained control of the engine, that may mean they could claim copyright violation if a new CoH's "look and feel" is too close to the original.  The IP wouldn't include elements like that.

If so, then getting just the IP but not the engine would mean having to deliberately make the graphics and mechanics different from the original.  Which, again, is also not "bringing the game back".


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #312 on: April 08, 2014, 11:26:22 AM »
And that's another wrinkle - IANAL, but if NCSoft retained control of the engine, that may mean they could claim copyright violation if a new CoH's "look and feel" is too close to the original.  The IP wouldn't include elements like that.

If so, then getting just the IP but not the engine would mean having to deliberately make the graphics and mechanics different from the original.  Which, again, is also not "bringing the game back".

I seriously doubt it,  selling the IP also means selling the graphics, character models, and all content. 

Sincerely hope this 2nd effort works, assuming it's not yet another thread of someone claiming they have insider info, when they dont.
And there have been a few.

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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #313 on: April 08, 2014, 11:46:46 AM »
And that's another wrinkle - IANAL, but if NCSoft retained control of the engine, that may mean they could claim copyright violation if a new CoH's "look and feel" is too close to the original.
Negative. The engine does nothing to do with "look and feel", and you cannot claim copyright violation of a defunct property you sold intellectual property rights for.
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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #314 on: April 08, 2014, 03:19:16 PM »
I seriously doubt it,  selling the IP also means selling the graphics, character models, and all content. 

Sincerely hope this 2nd effort works, assuming it's not yet another thread of someone claiming they have insider info, when they dont.
And there have been a few.

I agree, i really do hope this effort works! However I don't understand what ironwolf or anyone would get from pretending to have inside information......
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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #315 on: April 08, 2014, 03:24:13 PM »
I agree, i really do hope this effort works! However I don't understand what ironwolf or anyone would get from pretending to have inside information......

Ok, before I answer this, I just want to say that I'm not aiming this to Ironwolf or anyone in particular!!! I'm just taking it in a general context...

Now to answer...

Because some people prefer to look like heroes instead of being one. You get your moment of glory without much efforts and then, you can simply disappear. That's why we see lies like that.


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #316 on: April 08, 2014, 04:07:18 PM »
Sincerely hope this 2nd effort works, assuming it's not yet another thread of someone claiming they have insider info, when they dont.
And there have been a few.

Okay.  NOW we are getting into the negativity that Nightmarer was talking about.   (I said in my last post that if I saw it I would agree with I do.)

I do not know if it was the intent of your post, Silver1, but it all but says "if this does not work, then Ironwolf is a liar."

Again....From the beginning, Ironwolf has stated that this is a long shot  and PROBABLY won't work.   But trying better than doing nothing.....which is exactly what was happening...nothing.

Our first stringers...VV and others...seem to have disappeared (most likely everyday life got in the way - I can't see Mercedes Lackey walking away from this without a damned good reason) And NO ONE was, to the best of my knowledge (and that of most others, probably), was doing ANYTHING.

If nothing else, Ironwolf has set an example of what SHOULD happen.   If the ball gets dropped, then some one else with the knowledge, position, and possible connections will have to pick it up.  Most of us wouldn't have a clue where to begin.  So it falls to those like Ironwolf...or others who might...just able to push that ball just a little closer to the goal line.

If...for some off the wall reason...we were to discover that Ironwolf was stringing us along all the time (I do not see that happening)....THEN would be the time to say something negative.  And just to clarify...a failed attempt would not NOT equate to wrong doing or "stringing along".

It is a good thing not to get TOO optimistic...or get our hopes up. (Ironwolf actually warned against that in the beginning) But being realistic does not mean we have to be negative or cast doubts on the person for no good reason.
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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #317 on: April 08, 2014, 05:49:24 PM »
I don't think he's calling Ironwolf a liar as much as people, not Ironwolf, in the past have claimed things with VERY wide exaggerations on the real situation, giving people a lot of false hope.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2014, 07:21:10 PM by ShadowMokadara »

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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #318 on: April 08, 2014, 08:01:17 PM »
I've been away for a few days so I'm just catching up on developments.

I'll put up my hands and say that I'm still wary of all that Ironwood is claiming to be happening - but I'm ever hopeful.

Can I clarify on a point raised earlier.....?

Is there a defined distinction between the game IP and the game engine for CoH?


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Re: New efforts!
« Reply #319 on: April 08, 2014, 09:14:49 PM »
I have been reading this thread, gaining hope with each page I work my way through listening to each persons own hopes and concerns, I have come to the conclusion that any hope is better than no hope, so fingers crossed something does come of the work people have been putting in to getting the game back online.

I played for near on 7 years, gaining friends online who became friends offline also, lots of memories which will stay with me for the rest of my life.

So I'd like to say thank you to Ironwolf for trying and keeping us informed  ;)