Author Topic: DayZ zombie simulator revisited  (Read 2442 times)


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DayZ zombie simulator revisited
« on: December 03, 2013, 06:30:40 PM »
I have been playing DayZ more lately and I have to say it is without doubt the most realistic Zombie survial game on the market.

The game has many levels of depth from a pure shooter with PvP to an Apocalypse preview. Players can range from friendly and cooperative to cold blooded killers - who will say they are friendly and then pop a bullet in your head when you turn around and kill you for a can of sardines.

The game has many levels of progression from pure bandit (mad dog killer) to Hero and everything in between. You have a Humanity rating that starts at 2500 and can go up or down as you interact with other players. A hero is over 15,000 and they can then have access to a hero base with better stuff in it.

You can drive cars, trucks, SUVs or even fly a chopper or plane. There is weather, day and night and don't forget annoyingly persitant zombies. They have 2 zombie modes - slow shambler if you don't disturb them to full out fast running 28 days zombies if they see or hear you. All in all if you like zombie style movies or shows like Walking Dead - this is the game for you.

I am moving soon - December 16 - but sometime after that, I will be setting up a City of Heroes server. We can play any way we like but I was thinking that an entire group of people might like to have a second home for a short time.

If you decide to try the game (First Person Shooter) go to this site: and at the top choose Download DayZ alpha. It will then offer you 2 ways to run the game - choose DayZ Commander. It can help you with the setup, updates, server connections and basically everything about the game. I play on the Yackle server most of the time using vanilla Dayz. Soon a standalone game is coming out which promises to be even better.


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Re: DayZ zombie simulator revisited
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2013, 01:19:39 AM »
yeah a friend was telling about that game. Took a look at it and it was like "wow this is one cool game." Waiting for the stand alone version to get knee deep into it though. That is one of those types of games I rather have crazy fun without worrying about other people. A feeling of actual DayZ, which is hard to do when 90% of the time, ya trying to kill or avoid being killed by other players more so than the zombies. Which I found would be ok if it was here and there but found  hell might as well remove the zombies and with them missing would hardly be noticed in the multiplayer version.


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Re: DayZ zombie simulator revisited
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2013, 03:33:32 PM »
I personally wouldn't wait. The game is in Alpha release still as a stand-alone.

They are having some coding issues still and it may be a full year prior to the final release. Here is a video of where it is in development

The thing you can't explain but have to experience is the feel of the game. You are alone and can get a broken bone, get Sepsis and can bleed to death from wounds. You get hungry and thristy. You get cold if you are too long in the rain or swimming. Then you are in a post-apocalypse world in Russia. You can look for gear, food, shelter and transportation. All of this with a backdrop of zombies wanting to eat you and some humans wanting to kill you and take your stuff.

You choose your path - you can be a hero or a bandit or something in the middle. I am going the way of the hero and on the side is a little mask - a face. If you start to lose humanity your face is like Dorian Grey and reflects the taint on your soul. Heroes can kill bandits freely. It actually gives them credit. In the game you are not judged based on self-defense. If someone shoots you - you can return fire without damaging your humanity.

I will look further for the folks here - apparently there is a demo mode of the other 2 games you need as a free download that will enable you to run Dayz for free. I will get back with the details.


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Re: DayZ zombie simulator revisited
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2013, 12:44:06 AM »
I personally wouldn't wait. The game is in Alpha release still as a stand-alone.

They are having some coding issues still and it may be a full year prior to the final release. Here is a video of where it is in development

The thing you can't explain but have to experience is the feel of the game. You are alone and can get a broken bone, get Sepsis and can bleed to death from wounds. You get hungry and thristy. You get cold if you are too long in the rain or swimming. Then you are in a post-apocalypse world in Russia. You can look for gear, food, shelter and transportation. All of this with a backdrop of zombies wanting to eat you and some humans wanting to kill you and take your stuff.

You choose your path - you can be a hero or a bandit or something in the middle. I am going the way of the hero and on the side is a little mask - a face. If you start to lose humanity your face is like Dorian Grey and reflects the taint on your soul. Heroes can kill bandits freely. It actually gives them credit. In the game you are not judged based on self-defense. If someone shoots you - you can return fire without damaging your humanity.

I will look further for the folks here - apparently there is a demo mode of the other 2 games you need as a free download that will enable you to run Dayz for free. I will get back with the details.
Yup, I got a feel of it and those things like the hunger thirst and wound management part is what got me interested. The human to human part kind of dulled the interest as I kept ended up gihting off humans more often than I was fighting off zombies.

At first I got smashed, not knowing my way around and how it worked, but after a while got the hang of it and became proficient in killing other humans and taking my stuff, although there was times I wanted to shoot their corpse simply because I killed them and they had nothing useful hanging on them. Don't get me wrong, the human on human aspect can be fun, to me, but it overshadowed the zombie part. Seems like I was always under constant attack from other humans more so than zombies. Maybe killed some zombies on the side but majority of the time it was either killing another human player before they took the vehicle, defending from human attacks, killing a "sleeping" human before they became a problem later, Kind of felt like a COX pvp zone. There were enemy mobs in the area but they were basically a backdrop instead of the meat of the fighting.

One year only? well that is not long compared to already waiting 3 years or so for the spiritual successor to COX.

But yeah, I would tell anyone to go ahead and try it. They may like the human on human element a lot better than I did for the backdrop of the game and yeah don't wait to try it out first. Try it out now and go from there I would suggest too.

It's a badass game for real. But knowing a stand alone that fits my play style and goal more is coming, I'll wait. Because sometimes playing with other humans in that type of scenario becomes more of a chore more than enjoyment for me. But hell if one enjoy fighting other humans constantly, man, I don't think the fights can get more interesting and I say go give it a try for real.


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Re: DayZ zombie simulator revisited
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2013, 12:02:43 PM »
A lot of it is the server you are on. Yackle is very friendly, last night 5 of us all pitched in and helped each other for about 3 hours. Made the game a lot more fun!


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Re: DayZ zombie simulator revisited
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2013, 06:15:37 PM »
A lot of it is the server you are on. Yackle is very friendly, last night 5 of us all pitched in and helped each other for about 3 hours. Made the game a lot more fun!
That is what they said about virtue. :p

next time I'm at the friends house I may try out the Yackle server or ask if he been on it. But yeah seriously the depends on coming across the friendly element of that server.

Like virtue, people say "oh yeah people are friendly and people just want to RP. And came across some of the meanest dirtiest rudest people I ever seen in the entire game on that server. And most of it just observation and not necessarily directed at me. Don't play like someone wanted you to play, get called names and kicked from the team, don't have the powers they want you to have get cursed at and kicked off the team. I'm thinking, "Wow, yeah very friendly here."

So when some one say "oh yeah this server is friendly, come on over." I get a bit of flashbacks :p


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Re: DayZ zombie simulator revisited
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2013, 06:32:28 PM »
I usually sign on and say good evening/morning and that if you see me I am friendly - no need to defend yourself from me.

To become a hero takes 5000 humanity points - you know I would love to see this sort of thing in City of Heroes or successors. You get points by:

Healing others
■20 humanity points will be received for using a bandage to stop another player's bleeding.
■250 humanity points will be received for using a blood bag to give another player a blood transfusion.
■50 humanity points will be received for using morphine to heal another player's fractured or broken bones
■20 humanity points will be received for using painkillers to relieve another player's pain.

I should be up over 3000 tonight as I was at 2700 and transfused another player and gave him morphine. So a bit more work to do. I also act as a taxi driving folks all over and have a tent setup that contains food, medicine and drink that I let anyone use.


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Re: DayZ zombie simulator revisited
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2013, 06:39:12 PM »
I usually sign on and say good evening/morning and that if you see me I am friendly - no need to defend yourself from me.

To become a hero takes 5000 humanity points - you know I would love to see this sort of thing in City of Heroes or successors. You get points by:

Healing others
■20 humanity points will be received for using a bandage to stop another player's bleeding.
■250 humanity points will be received for using a blood bag to give another player a blood transfusion.
■50 humanity points will be received for using morphine to heal another player's fractured or broken bones
■20 humanity points will be received for using painkillers to relieve another player's pain.

I should be up over 3000 tonight as I was at 2700 and transfused another player and gave him morphine. So a bit more work to do. I also act as a taxi driving folks all over and have a tent setup that contains food, medicine and drink that I let anyone use.

say, it would make sense for a hero game to have a hero point system, like doing helpful tasks add to humanity points or something.

Maybe if there was reward, *sad there would have to be reward for it but hey*, for helping others out, then maybe there would be less incentive for people being butts just to be a butt.

Yeah never tried advertising my self like that though beyond good evening or good day. Probably another hangover from COX pvp. Usually doing that got people to simply swarm you and tell you stay out of the PVP zone carebear. Ironically on Freedom it wasn't that bad usually followed by a simple teleport and getting stuck somewhere and then death. No taunts no insults, just simple death.