Author Topic: What sorely needed powersets should debut in CoH2?  (Read 2580 times)


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What sorely needed powersets should debut in CoH2?
« on: September 20, 2013, 05:39:10 PM »
Whenever we are able to finally enter Paragon City again in some way, shape or form, what Powersets which we've always wanted but never gotten should make their debut?  I'll start with what I feel is one of the most obvious...

Clownage (Mastermind Primary powerset)

Tier 1--Fling (available at level 1)--Ranged attack, Minor Lethal damage, -DMG debuff.  Weapon models could include bowling pins, rubber chickens, energy rings (like the Carnies throw), knives, pies, water balloons, etc.

Tier 2--Summon Mimes (level 1)--Summons up to three Mime minions. They would just appear from behind the MM when summoned, ideally doing little "trapped in the box" miming.   All Mimes will be capable of attacking with energy rings doing lethal damage, and the first two will also have various acid powers doing toxic DoT damage as well as -RES debuffs.  The third Mime will be an Artiste capable of using Confuse and Placate who does PBAoE psionic damage with -RECH effect.

Tier 3--Toss (level 2)--Ranged attack, High Lethal damage, -ToHit debuff and chance for minor Hold.  Same weapon models as Fling, but with an extra little animation around the target's head when hit (spinning stars or flashing lights would be awesome, but so would a BONK or DOINK spelled out over the target's head).

Tier 4--Advanced Training (level 6)--would empower all Clown pets, add a new attack and/or buff/debuff for each.  Honestly, I hadn't come up with each of these of all tiers of pets, but adding fire breath, AoE stun/holds, even giant hammer melee attacks would all be great.

Tier 5--Hugs (level 8 )--Ranged attack, High damage (smashing, lethal, fire)--throws a diminutive clown at an opponent, initially doing High smashing DoT for 3 seconds, then exploding and doing PBAoE lethal/fire damage to nearby targets.  (Think of the Red Cap Fiends' attacks where they throw the little Caps at you who then sit on your back and hit you in the head.  The animation would require very little tweaking!)

Tier 6--Summon Party Clowns (level 12)--Summons up to two Party Clown minions (the Lieutenant-class pets).  They would arrive in a teeny tiny clown car.  These would be meaner, tougher and possess Lethal, Toxic and Fire damage attacks.  Flaming torches and acid-filled water balloons would be the mainstays of attacks, but they would also have exploding balloon animals capable of AoE damage and Knockdown.

Tier 7--Happy Face (level 18)--This would create a giant Clown Face pet, working like a Devouring Earth emitter but mobile and capable of following the caster around.  It would generate a PBAoE field providing +DMG, +Def for the caster and allies, +Heal for the allies (but not the MM) and +Recovery for the MM (but not the allies).  When its duration expired, it would explode for Very High PBAoE damage to all enemies and have a chance for stun/knockdown.  For a visual, think about the giant head on Sweet Tooth's ice cream van from Twisted Metal, or even the Green Goblin face on the truck from "Maximum Overdrive".  A glowing red nose would be nice but not a necessity.

Tier 8--Summon Rodeo Clown (level 26)--Summon the Boss-level pet.  He would ride in on an angry bull when summoned and dust himself off.  Most definitely a Brute in terms of playstyle, with a bit less damage-dealing but more survivability than the Demon Prince or Assault Bot.  Would have probably the most effective Taunt of the MM pets (hiding in a large orange barrel which suddenly appears, obviously).  Attacks would be straight-up Street Fighting, maybe throwing in a Dynamite toss like the Scrapyarders have. 

Tier 9--Pennywise's Blessing (level 32)--the big pet upgrade.  I'd say large +ToHit, large +Dmg, minor +RES buffs in terms of overall boosts, with some new attacks doing a mix of Negative and Lethal damage.  Would also give all Clown pets the quality that when defeated, it would explode in a burst of blood and negative energy, doing High or Superior Toxic/Negative damage immediately and lesser Toxic/negative DoT for a few seconds afterward as well as a -ToHit debuff for 6 to 8 seconds.

Please understand that I cannot claim credit on the Mime/Party Clown/Rodeo Clown pecking order.  That was first, eloquently established in the movie "Shakes the Clown."  I cannot, however, ignore a brilliant idea where I see it, so I incorporated it into this powerset idea.  Not that I've thought about this for a long time or anything.


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Re: What sorely needed powersets should debut in CoH2?
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2013, 06:05:35 PM »
Well, I suggested one back in the day. No-one really took it seriously though. Can't say why. :-\

Meme Control

LOLcat: Ranged, Foe Immobilize, Minor DoT (Lethal)
Summons an adorable little cat at the feet of your enemy, which claws lightly at their toes while immobilizing them with sheer cuteness.

Leeroy Jenkins: Ranged, Foe Confuse, -ToHit
Your enemy develops an unjustified and extremely overblown sense of confidence. They end up running around the battlefield like an idiot and doing more damage to their own allies than to you.

Rickroll: Ranged, Foe Hold, Minor DoT (Smash/Energy)
You capture your enemy in an unshakeable force field and raise them high into the air. You are never going to give them up, you are never going to let them down.

This Is Striga: Melee, Moderate Dmg (Smash), Foe Knockdown
Raising one foot high, you kick your target backward into... well, into the ground. What else would be there, a giant bottomless hole? You watch too many movies.

Not Sure If Serious: Ranged, Foe -Speed, -Rech, -Dmg
You question your opponent's dedication so thoroughly that they start to question it themselves, slowing them down and weakening their attacks temporarily.

12 Get Off My Lawn: Ranged (Cone), Moderate Dmg (Smash/Fire), Foe Knockback
Those freaking kids are messing up the grass again. Let off some steam, and show them what you think of trespassers.

18 It's A Trap: Ranged (Targeted AOE), Foe Immobilize, -Speed, Confuse
Your opponents stop in their tracks, bewildered. The ones who can still move are reacting very slowly, unsure what just happened or who their real enemy is.

26 Over 9000: PBAOE, Foe Fear, -Regen, -Recov
This power inspires terror and awe in your opponents, crippling their ability to recover from other attacks.

32 Nyan Cat: Summon Nyan Cat: Taunt (PBAOE), Intangible, Special
Calls forth a mutant hybrid pastry-feline creature that assaults your enemies in the worst way possible... with relentless overly-cute singing. It has no attacks, rather it emits a strong taunt aura, then turns itself intangible. Foes will gather around it, unable to look away and unable to make it stop, until eventually their heads explode.


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Re: What sorely needed powersets should debut in CoH2?
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2013, 06:23:22 PM »
You forgot Grumpy Cat's non-blessing. Now grumpy cat hates everything and is neutral on all things, so all you get out of it is a very minor ToHit debuff on foes who stare in wonder at yet another internet cat. Animation  would be a silhouette of GC's face appearing behind the targets, who turn and look for a moment and then resume whatever they were doing.
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Re: What sorely needed powersets should debut in CoH2?
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2013, 06:40:13 PM »
While it was always going to be implausible due to tech requirements, I always felt like an elasticity powerset should have been in there somewhere, perhaps as a control set.

1 Long Jab - Ranged ST Dmg -Fly - A straight punch to the jaw... from 60 ft away. This also pulls airborne foes to the ground.

2 Snag - Ranged ST Hold - Give your foe a big ol' hug. The enemy is wrapped up by an elastic arm.

3 Thick Skin - Self +Res(Smashing/Lethal) - Trying to beat on you is like trying to beat up modeling clay.

4 Snapback - PBAoE Disorient - Foes that get too close find themselves battered by your slinging limbs, often becoming dazed from the beating.

5 Watch Your Step - Patch Slow -Rech - Your spread some of yourself along the ground, forming a springy substance that is difficult for enemies to operate in. Make sure your teammates know it's not an Oil Slick. Getting set on fire hurts.

6 Got You Covered - Team +Defense - Your incredibly extendable limbs weave their way through the fight, knocking aside blows aimed for your companions' blind side. The size of this buff decreases as the team size increases from solo to 8, as the user's concentration is more and more divided.

7 Human Slingshot - Teleport/AoE Attack - You grab an enemy at range then leap, using your own elasticity to smash into the enemy, doing damage to all nearby foes.

8 All Wrapped Up - AoE Hold - You blanket and wrap up a group of foes, though you can't sustain such tension for long.

9 Army of One - Summon Pets - You stretch yourself to your limits, shaping yourself into several clones that rush to attack. You can only spend so much time focusing on them, though, so their behavior can be a little erratic.


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Re: What sorely needed powersets should debut in CoH2?
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2013, 06:40:37 PM »
Female and elder pets (moreo f customization option than powerset). Yeah yeah there may be a few odd balls that would make some crazy "Offensive type of person", but really, seen many female MM with male pets RPed as baby daddy's which can also be viewed as offensive. Just enforce the rules and those types wont be a problem without punishing/limiting the rest of the reasonable folks.

Powerset- Something along the lines of melee grappling/wrestling moves.

But I like the Clown MM pet idea. LOL. I want to see that one.


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Re: What sorely needed powersets should debut in CoH2?
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2013, 07:42:27 PM »
    Not available to Stalkers as you can't be this silly and go unnoticed... pretty much a Dom/Con power
    • Ministry of Silly Walks
AOE- ToHit Debuff, ACC Debuff, 5% confuse chance You begin to prance around in a profoundly silly manner. Any enemy with LoS is confused and less able to keep tabs on you.
  • Fish Slapping
Melee- Smashing, Lethal, Toxic, Knockback You pull out any of a number of aquatic creatures and strike your opponent with it. the slimy coating and strike of a cold dead fish deals toxic and smashing damage. Above level fifteen there is a 20% knockback chance.
  • Spam spam spam spam
AOE- ToHit debuff, ACC debuff, Range debuff, 5% chance of fear or confuse You begin to chant an ancient dirge. Your opponents in the area are driven to distraction by the earworming and hypnotic lyrics, and may be confused or paralyzed by them.
  • Swallow
Cone Ranged- Smashing, Lethal, Tox, Tox DoT you summon one or two African or European Swallows. They bombard anyone in front of you with coconuts and droppings. Coconuts do smashing and lethal damage, droppings do Tox and DoT Tox damage. Chances of larger African swallows and greater numbers increase with level.
  • I Fart in your general direction
Cone Ranged- Tox, Tox DoT, 5% chance Disorient you turn around and break wind at your targets. those silly english k-niggits!
  • Mr. Creosote's Curse
Summon Pet- Tox, Tox DoT, Lethal, 5% chance fear You summon your old friend Mister Creosote to dinner. if any enemy makes contact with the rotund man he will rupture and burst, doing spraying all enemies in the area with a disgusting mix of effluvia and half-digested meals. Care for an after dinner mint?
  • Lumberjack
AoE- ToHit buff, ACC buff, Range Buff, Rec Buff, 10% chance of fear, 15% chance of confuse You begin to chant an ancient dirge and dawn a flannel pattern. Your Canadian Cross Dressing Pride encourages yourself and any male party members to greater feats, just like your dear mama! Your enemies may even quake in fear or become confused about their identities in the face of your chant.
  • Grail Shaped Beacon
AoE- ToHit buff, ACC buff, Range Buff, Recov, Res, Self/party ACC debuff, Self/Party ToHit debuff, Self/Party Rec debuff You envisage a powerful grail-like object. You and your party and engorged and invigorated by it to fantastic feats, including spontaneously springing up form the, erm, dead. But careful, this is a false beacon! after 90 seconds the penalties kick in and you may have to bravely run away!
  • Spamalot!
Summon pets- Smashing, lethal, DoT, 5% Fear, 15% Confuse You most powerful ability! you summon forth one to six powerful English K-niggits who deal smashing amounts of damage until defeated! Their rallying battle cries as they charge boldly onto the field of battle (with a small chance of bravly running away thereafter) may even frighten and confuse your targets. Above level 40 chance running away and of police interference drops dramatically.

« Last Edit: September 20, 2013, 08:22:51 PM by Eoraptor »
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Re: What sorely needed powersets should debut in CoH2?
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2013, 08:28:53 PM »
Eoraptor, any character using that set would desperately need a travel power where you kick your knees up when you walk and bang two coconuts together.

And a vanity pet, a Rikti Pylon named Monty.

That has its own pet, a Clockwork with Flight. You know... Monty Pylon's Flying Circuits.


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Re: What sorely needed powersets should debut in CoH2?
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2013, 08:34:15 PM »
all of those would be great, as would be Dynamite, a mysterious white bunny pet who does massive lethal damage on contact and possibly chain attacks; and Summon Tim, calling in an egotistical grav blaster pet who has a chance to knockback/push enemies depending on their answers to questions. sadly, I ran out of slots

::edit:: though I suppose those could be temp powers
« Last Edit: September 20, 2013, 08:52:48 PM by Eoraptor »
"Some people can read War and Peace and come away thinking it's a simple adventure story, while others can read the back of a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe!"
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Re: What sorely needed powersets should debut in CoH2?
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2013, 10:10:49 PM »
yeah, double posting with a more serious response. I always though there should have been a sort of velociraptor-claw kick addition to the claws power set (ala X-23) because after all, if you can put caws on your gloves, why not on your boots too?
"Some people can read War and Peace and come away thinking it's a simple adventure story, while others can read the back of a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe!"
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Re: What sorely needed powersets should debut in CoH2?
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2013, 07:27:11 AM »
Tier 2--Summon Mimes (level 1)--Summons up to three Mime minions. They would just appear from behind the MM when summoned, ideally doing little "trapped in the box" miming.

Maybe have them descend from the ceiling, similar to the Spec Ops  (T2 Mercs, may have misremembered what they are), but miming climbing a rope.
/em raises a glass. "Next year in the Ski Chalet!"
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Re: What sorely needed powersets should debut in CoH2?
« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2013, 05:48:34 PM »
I am laughing so hard right now I can barely typppppppppp........
Listen to the 'mustn'ts'. Listen to the 'don'ts'. Listen to the 'shouldn'ts', the 'impossibles', the 'won'ts'. Listen to the 'you'll never haves', then listen close to me... Anything can happen . Anything can be.

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Re: What sorely needed powersets should debut in CoH2?
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2013, 08:00:00 PM »
Nerf Arms: you use a variety of weapons from the Nerf toyline to attack your foes, doing little damage, but each hit severely debuffs all of your enemies' stats while ignoring debuff resistance.


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Re: What sorely needed powersets should debut in CoH2?
« Reply #12 on: September 29, 2013, 11:38:23 PM »
I want a choice of double WentWorth coupons instead of 2XP.

I want ANY character to be able to have a pet that is custom color-able. Not just Vet pet.

Like Johnny Rottens famous stare- I want LEER, a power that has a %5 chance of intimidating a villain.

I want my character to be able to slap citizens who shove my character to the side....maybe cars,too..

I want Bug spray for insect swarms.....

I want the ability of hiring a hero (like Statesman) if I can't get enough people to join a Team.

More hair style choices....As well as keeping them with Hats.

...I suppose something to do with fighting crime,too. :roll: