Author Topic: Everquest Next  (Read 2770 times)


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Everquest Next
« on: August 03, 2013, 10:49:41 AM »
I couldn't believe no one here was talking about it yet! Did anyone else watch the big Everquest Next reveal yesterday? I personally cannot wait to get my hands on it!


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Re: Everquest Next
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2013, 04:31:10 PM »
I watched it.  It seems intriguing but implementation will be the key.  So many devs from the past have offered up crazy ideas only to fall back to earth when the game launches due to technological limitations.  We'll see.

All I know is, when I saw that lion character destroy the environment, I only thought about how it could be used in a superhero game.  Imagine fighting an archvillain in Steel Canyon and your collateral damage ends up damaging a skyscraper so much, it begins to topple.  A new mission unfolds.  You have to save bystanders while tackling the villain before the building falls...or, even find a way to prevent the building from collapsing.  So much potential...

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Re: Everquest Next
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2013, 06:55:39 PM »
The only way for this to work in an MMO environment is for it to either:

A - only affect the player's view via phasing

B - only be available in limited areas of the world

V - only be temporary followed quickly by a reset
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Re: Everquest Next
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2013, 07:39:58 PM »
The only way for this to work in an MMO environment is for it to either:

A - only affect the player's view via phasing

B - only be available in limited areas of the world

V - only be temporary followed quickly by a reset

They did say it would be temporary, though I'm not entirely sure how temporary we're talking.

What makes me really sad is that SOE won't be handling it in the EU and the company that will be doing it hasn't had the best history with the other SOE games to date.


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Re: Everquest Next
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2013, 09:04:26 PM »
It's two new games.  Everquest Next and Everquest Next Landmark.  The first is the new Everquest MMO and the second is Everquest: Minecraft edition.
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Re: Everquest Next
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2013, 09:59:11 PM »
The only way for this to work in an MMO environment is for it to either:

A - only affect the player's view via phasing

B - only be available in limited areas of the world

V - only be temporary followed quickly by a reset

As stated earlier, devs said it would be temporary but the reset is determined by the population and activity in the area.  I'm just guessing here but if a bridge was destroyed and very few people wandered over to the bridge, it would stay destroyed longer than if there was a lot of traffic in the area.  That's how I interpreted the comment.

It would also be limited.  Devs acknowledged if they let players have free reign on Qeynos or Freeport, they would raze the cities within minutes.  Some parts are indestructible.

But such innovation would be wonderful to see in a superhero game.  It would be nice to see actual collateral damage from out powers and could even be used as a game mechanic if players destroyed too much stuff in order to catch bad guys.


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Re: Everquest Next
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2013, 06:14:27 AM »
It does have my interest.  some art decisions I am not loving, i hate those giant pauldrons/gloves on the kerran/va-shir, and if that is indicative of the look for heavy armor, it is going to be something that keeps me away. And i still have yet to find a "free to play" game that has content delivery on par with coh.  the only reason i tolerate mmos is because of their content updating, and if the free to play wave means temp events and lock-boxes, I'll just stay on my 3ds, thanks. 
 but beyond that it has promise, it looks like it is taking the better ideas from guild wars 2 and adding from there, so if it gives em the good of gw2 with a more varied selection of weapons, races and..well, you know what other thing it will have as an advantage over gw2,  then i will no doubt give it a shot.  maybe a coh guild will spring up and i can see some old regulars.


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Re: Everquest Next
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2013, 08:04:39 AM »
Looks interesting but seemed to be way over the top with the special effects during combat, I prefer to be able to see shat's going on. EQ2 is possibly one of the worst F2P models out there (along with SWTOR) they'll need to improve that. Also if EU players are forced to use ProSiebenSat I will be avoiding it like the plague.


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Re: Everquest Next
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2013, 08:48:05 AM »
Curse has video of some of the panel discussions from SOE Live up on their EQN fan site with an interview or two I believe.

Original EQ beta was my first MMO experience so I'm interested in EQN, but they seem to have set the bar pretty high for themselves so I think I won't get too excited until I see more. Being able to play with Landmark before the end of the year will be fun if nothing else.

Beta signups are already available, btw.


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Re: Everquest Next
« Reply #9 on: November 13, 2013, 10:33:43 AM »
The Landmark half of EverQuest Next is due to be in testing soon. Landmark is the building social half of the two games and while they hope people will build lots of cool things for the EverQuest setting, the devs are leaving it open for the players to build whatever they want. SOE announced buy-in packages with lots of perks that also grant various testing privileges, but the game will be F2P when launched. The EverQuest games are the only games that have rivaled CoH for me in the decade and a half I've been playing MMOs and I enjoy building things so I'm personally looking forward to it. I'm planning on building some small homage to the City in there somewhere.

Here are some links if people are interested:
Time Lapsed Buildout:
Buy-in Packages:
Recent Promo Video:
Recent Interview:

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Re: Everquest Next
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2013, 08:15:43 AM »
Im pretty exicted about this.  Loved the first EQ.  One of my favorite MMO's of all time.  Enjoyed the second one still.  I love how the are giving us the option to vote on things we like and don't like.  If EQ next has a touch of the hardcore gameplay EQ one had I will go freaking NUTS .....But ya can't wait to see how this turns out.