Sentai Kickstarter by the makers of Knights of Pen & Paper

Started by Kistulot, July 23, 2013, 06:33:15 PM


I'm sure I'm not the only one who grew up with Super Sentai in one form or another, be it the English reconstruction of Zyuranger, some version or another of Kamen Rider, or one of the million animes with a very similar format. While there is a difference between these people and western super heroes, at their core they have a lot of similarities, and I know I played with more than one kamen rider or 'ranger' of some variety on CoH.

So, apologies if this was posted somewhere else, but check this out if you're into sentai. It looks pretty neat! :) I can't really afford to back this and the phoenix project's coming kickstarter, but I'd be really disappointed if it didn't get funded.

Chroma Squad
Woo! - Argent Girl


I commented about this on Joystiq the other day. This seems very very interesting~