Author Topic: Stupid things players have said to you.  (Read 33405 times)


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #140 on: July 14, 2013, 11:59:02 PM »
A One word tell and no clarification when I asked for it and most of the time they wouldn't even use a freaking question mark.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #141 on: July 15, 2013, 12:23:01 AM »
So I don't know if this compares with some of the other stuff that has gone up there, but I think one of the dumbest things people said to me in CoH was "Team" .  I'd occasionally get a random /tell from random complete strangers, and that's all they would say. "Team".  Not "Would you like to join our team?"  or "Can I join your team" Or "Would you team with me?"  Or "care to team up?"  just "Team"  And a couple times I would ask in response.  "Are you asking me to join my team? Or are you asking if I want to join yours?" and I'd get no reply most of the time.  Though once or twice I got the reply.  "Team". 

Anywho, I always felt like that was one of the dumbest and\or laziest damn things people ever said to me, because it makes no sense. A One word tell and no clarification when I asked for it and most of the time they wouldn't even use a freaking question mark. 

Anytime I got one of those "team" tells I would just reply "nty" and go back to whatever I was doing.  I hated pausing in pvp to ask what, why, where, when, or how.  You know they never checked to see where you were or if you were already on a team when they pulled the list of players in any zone for that "team" invite  :o


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #142 on: July 15, 2013, 07:36:03 AM »

I see what you did there. 

Pinnacle Blue

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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #143 on: July 15, 2013, 07:05:37 PM »
Anytime I got one of those "team" tells I would just reply "nty" and go back to whatever I was doing.  I hated pausing in pvp to ask what, why, where, when, or how.  You know they never checked to see where you were or if you were already on a team when they pulled the list of players in any zone for that "team" invite  :o

I would respond, "Sorry, I don't speak PUG," to some of the more offensively ungrammatical tells I got on my fire/fire blaster.  Then I wondered what the hell I was doing on Freedom anyway and transferred that character to Pinnacle.
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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #144 on: July 15, 2013, 09:18:00 PM »
I always *HATED* those "team" tells..or worse yet, blind invites.  Had my message for the find team window say "Blind Invite=go play in traffic".  I always used complete sentences in my requests.."Hey, I'm trying to get a team together, want an invite? Missions mainly, *insert level +/- 3*,"


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #145 on: July 15, 2013, 09:36:35 PM »
I always *HATED* those "team" tells..or worse yet, blind invites.

All of my characters had the search window comment "Declining blind invites since beta." -- and with the inevitability of stupid, I still got blind invites.

Von Krieger

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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #146 on: July 16, 2013, 01:02:24 AM »
I had something in my status along the lines of "Blindly inviting me to your team will result in me arriving, informing the rest of the team that you are illiterate, incompetent, and incontinent, and then leaving."

Which is exactly what I did, several times.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #147 on: July 16, 2013, 01:15:38 AM »
As a BS/Reg Scrapper I had something like "Blind invite = global ignore after my sword has finished it's job on your head".
Also still got blind invites, wich I sucessful ignored :).
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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #148 on: July 16, 2013, 12:59:03 PM »
I would play as a Defender my search messsage read:
"If you want me for healing, it's your funeral."
As long as somebody keeps making up stories for it, the City isn't gone.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #149 on: July 28, 2013, 06:13:09 PM »
On one of my toons my search comment once she reached 50 was "Dual-boxing. This toon will NOT respond to tells or team invites."

I think I got one each and every time I had that toon logged in. Usually something along the lines of "r u a healr?"

Yeah, I'm dual-boxing a Rad/Psi defender at level 50 because it makes a good "healr". Of course I am.

Same character, earlier in her career, got asked several times by the same player "we need a healer, are you one?" This was over the course of several weeks. He must have asked me at least ten times. And every time my answer was the same: "Sorry, not an Empath. Feel free to invite me if you'd prefer to avoid taking damage, though, which would mean you won't need healing."

Not one invite from that guy.
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Lucretia MacEvil

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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #150 on: July 28, 2013, 08:53:49 PM »
Haha! Reminds me of the time we teamed with someone who insisted we stand on the heads of defeated Freakshow so they wouldn't rez....  ;D

... I actually believed this for quite a while. 

Then a Freak Tank rezzed right underneath my blaster.  It was quite a learning experience.


I don't really remember any specific incidences of stupidity at the moment.  I got my fair share of blind invites and PL demands, but to be perfectly honest, I think I dealt with more rudeness in real life than on CoX.  *sigh*  Good times, good times.... 
« Last Edit: July 28, 2013, 09:00:14 PM by Lucretia MacEvil »


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #151 on: July 28, 2013, 09:59:57 PM »
COX was great. If you got static at all it was right there. You could ignore that person right away. In CO it's the opposite. You queue for a mission, missions starts, higher levels look at you and you are suddenly alone. After failing the "group" mission you see them cursing about noobs messing up the missions all the time and how much they suck. Ironic really.
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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #152 on: July 28, 2013, 11:08:16 PM »
COX was great. If you got static at all it was right there. You could ignore that person right away. In CO it's the opposite. You queue for a mission, missions starts, higher levels look at you and you are suddenly alone. After failing the "group" mission you see them cursing about noobs messing up the missions all the time and how much they suck. Ironic really.

Seen that in COX quite often actually especially on teams. People, usually the team leader and usually on TFs berating someone else because they are tanking/scrapping/blasting/controlling/healing to what they think is the standard. Seen many people get kicked for the most simple mistakes, even sometimes that was done by the person doing the kicking. I seen people get kicked for not having the "right" powers. Usually it happened to defenders or tanks that didn't take taunt like they are "Supposed" to with out even allowing them to show them they could play. Join team, "hey do you have taunt?" "no." *kick* usually followed by a rant about how they are tired of noobs not taking taunt and messing it up for everyone else. I even seen more than a few blasters get kicked because either they didn't have or wasn't using aoes as often as some people thought they should.

Then of course there was those that refused to team with anyone lower than their level or certain levels because they said even though they are side kicked to proper level, they still lack the power and slots to be of much help. Say, kind of like what people say about lowbie in alerts.
What happens in CO with alerts is nothing I haven't seen in COX often or other games for that matter.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #153 on: August 03, 2013, 02:52:45 PM »
On one of my toons my search comment once she reached 50 was "Dual-boxing. This toon will NOT respond to tells or team invites."

I think I got one each and every time I had that toon logged in. Usually something along the lines of "r u a healr?"

Yeah, I'm dual-boxing a Rad/Psi defender at level 50 because it makes a good "healr". Of course I am.

Same character, earlier in her career, got asked several times by the same player "we need a healer, are you one?" This was over the course of several weeks. He must have asked me at least ten times. And every time my answer was the same: "Sorry, not an Empath. Feel free to invite me if you'd prefer to avoid taking damage, though, which would mean you won't need healing."

Not one invite from that guy.

This is exactly why I named my one and only empath:  "Doc Heal" back in 2004 - to avoid this.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #154 on: August 04, 2013, 02:28:47 PM »
This is exactly why I named my one and only empath:  "Doc Heal" back in 2004 - to avoid this.

I named my dark/dark defender "Doc Midnite".

I was invited to a team once .... "What, you're not a healer?  You have Doc in your name!"


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #155 on: August 05, 2013, 09:28:42 AM »
I jumped aboard RIGHT after ED.  I got 3 healers (pure emp) up to 50 before I made a death dealer.  I heard from a few emps that ED nerfed their aura heal from 600 down to 250.   :o  I ran the old numbers and I am sorry...there was no way to hit that number on aura heal.  Hell, I was happy the IO sets got me to 280+ on my aura heal.

I will finish with being a kin troller.  I thought emps were bashed, but if you did not hit someone with speedboost the SECOND it was down, they went off on ya  >:(
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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #156 on: August 05, 2013, 03:31:04 PM »
I think I got one each and every time I had that toon logged in. Usually something along the lines of "r u a healr?"

Yeah, I'm dual-boxing a Rad/Psi defender at level 50 because it makes a good "healr". Of course I am.

I grew resigned to the 'r u healer?' tells I got when I was playing Baldr, my TA/Arch Defender... despite having "TA/Arch -- NOT a healer" in his search comment. Made me wonder how people managed to get characters to the level cap without being able to read.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #157 on: August 05, 2013, 05:49:14 PM »
I grew resigned to the 'r u healer?' tells I got when I was playing Baldr, my TA/Arch Defender... despite having "TA/Arch -- NOT a healer" in his search comment. Made me wonder how people managed to get characters to the level cap without being able to read.

I suspected for a long time that most people don't read the search  comments.

In around 2010 time period with various toons I had various messages there from, "No SPeed runs." to "No Speed Boost" to "Buffer/Debuffer No heals."and still got invites for speed runs, got request for speed boost, and questions about not having heals.

I don't think people even paid attention to see if the person have the not looking for team or looking for team icon before sending blind invites.

I remember this one guy joined the team and then immediately quit. The team leader was livid and went on a team chat tirade about how people accept the team invite and then quit and etc. Apparently he also sent a nasty tell to the person that quit as the person replied, accidentally to me somehow, saying that "Don't get pissy with me because you cant read. It specifically says, DO NOT SEND INVITE IF THERE IS NO TANK ON THE TEAM, you illiterate son of a bitch."  immediately followed by  "ooops. Sorry about that. That was meant for the dumb ass team leader." Only reason I remembered is that I came across this on so me old files I had about a week ago before my computer had to be reset. This convo just made me re-remember it. But it wasn't the first nor the last time I seen where people totally disregarded the search comments. I teamed with one guy who search comment was "Anyone who invites me to the team is a retarded noob that cant read and likes to suck my "cod piece"" Probably someone else testing to see if people bothered to pay attention to the team search comments. Apparently at least the team leader of this team I came across him on either didn't read it or the description fit. Not sure how many others still invited him to team and forgot to ask. I should of.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #158 on: August 05, 2013, 08:11:55 PM »
I was in a PUG with my defender superheroine...

...and one of the party members starts to say extremely vulgar sexual things. How he was going to do this and that. Things I won't repeat. Needless to say I left group ASAP.


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Re: Stupid things players have said to you.
« Reply #159 on: August 12, 2013, 10:40:01 AM »
....a pixel pedo...
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