City of Heroes: A Legacy of Sin (Freedom Phalanx shot)

Started by Torroes.Prime, May 16, 2013, 03:41:18 AM


So Waaaay back when I started work on a fan-story involving a third invasion by the Rikti only this time they effectively have taken control of the planet. Now the survivors form both paragon and the isles are fighting back. I won't go into much more detail then that as I've put a lot of effort into it and don't feel like doing a 100 page data dump here of all of it. but I was messing around with the costume editor, the one with the NPC parts available in it and I started thinking about my Legacy of Sin story line and what was different with the characters. For one thing, Statesman isn't dead. Manticore has left the Phalanx and joined Vanguard. but anyway I came up with variant costumes for Statesman, Manticore, Synapse, Positron, Mynx, and Luminary.

Obviously we've Manticore on the left. in the LoS time line he's become much more morose and grim in his outlook with the near death of Psyche and the invasion of the Rikti. Following a falling out with Statesman over Vanguard and the invasion itself, Manticore left the Phalanx and joined Vanguard hence why he's using vanguard style armor.

Positron is behind and above Manticore. Nothing mush story wise here, I just made his armor builkier and more reboust to help it look more combat capable and less "This is a prototype" type of thing.

Synapse is like wise simply modified. More tactical, carries gear such as a radio, first aid packs ect ect.

Statesman is like wise just a reworked costume with some more visual detail. Kind of like how batman was re-imagined for the new movies. It's just a skin-tight suit but it's padded and armored. Though for Statesman it's not armored, just padded.

Mynx is in front of Statesman. She's abandoned the entire 'cat girl' motif and has become a solder. Though she can't exactly loose the claws since... you know they're built in.

I made Luminary to look like she's been through the ringer a couple times and can't really make it to a body shop right now. Because of the war, Positron is forced to use whatever parts he can get his hands on to repair her. Sometimes parts don't match. Hence one eye being different then the other.

So, what do you all think? Any suggestions for other character to be re-done like this?

Strength and intelligence make no requirement of one another. Power demands both.

Lucretia MacEvil

I'd like to see some survivors from the Isles, if it's not too much trouble.


Quote from: Lucretia MacEvil on May 18, 2013, 11:40:53 PM
I'd like to see some survivors from the Isles, if it's not too much trouble.

I've been trying to come up with different character models for some of the big-baddies from the isles but I haven't been able to think of much that would change (and that I can do with the costume editor). Any thoughts?
Strength and intelligence make no requirement of one another. Power demands both.


Well, not much from the red side but I did re-design Doc Aeon. Thoughts on him? Also did Anti-matter. Got a bit more of a detail shot here. Thoughts? (click on image for larger version)
Strength and intelligence make no requirement of one another. Power demands both.

Lucretia MacEvil

Granted, I haven't read your fan story, but if a successful Rikti invasion occurred in the Isles... hmm...

Well, since Ghost Widow's existence is linked to Arachnos' existence, she would be either very very incorporeal or gone entirely.  As a result, Wretch has probably become much less tame (desperate to keep Widow there, but less able to hear her) or gone wild entirely (rage-driven revenge for her disappearance).  Mako would probably go all-out blood rage feeding frenzy ("Are the Rikti as tasty as other morsels?").  I don't know about Barracuda (I don't remember the character that well).  Scirocco was always more of a Rogue, so he may actually be trying to help protect people, hide them from the Rikti, etc. (so, more of a hero vibe for him?).  I imagine that Black Scorpion has been rather dinged and dented, and is probably trying to raid Rikti tech to beef up his suit.  Perhaps Silver Mantis would go with a battle suit as well?  Recluse (and Aeon?) would probably be helping them pimp out their tech, since he's done some Rikti ripoffs already (looking at you, Arachnos Drone).  Perhaps some stolen Rikti and Vanguard tech for the Crab Spiders? 

Since Rikti tend to have a weakness against Magic, I imagine that some of the lesser Magic-based villains have taken the opportunity to become heavy-hitters.

...I might have to mess with the character creator a bit, too...


Quote from: Lucretia MacEvil on May 25, 2013, 04:33:33 PM
Granted, I haven't read your fan story, but if a successful Rikti invasion occurred in the Isles... hmm...

Well, since Ghost Widow's existence is linked to Arachnos' existence, she would be either very very incorporeal or gone entirely.  As a result, Wretch has probably become much less tame (desperate to keep Widow there, but less able to hear her) or gone wild entirely (rage-driven revenge for her disappearance).  Mako would probably go all-out blood rage feeding frenzy ("Are the Rikti as tasty as other morsels?").  I don't know about Barracuda (I don't remember the character that well).  Scirocco was always more of a Rogue, so he may actually be trying to help protect people, hide them from the Rikti, etc. (so, more of a hero vibe for him?).  I imagine that Black Scorpion has been rather dinged and dented, and is probably trying to raid Rikti tech to beef up his suit.  Perhaps Silver Mantis would go with a battle suit as well?  Recluse (and Aeon?) would probably be helping them pimp out their tech, since he's done some Rikti ripoffs already (looking at you, Arachnos Drone).  Perhaps some stolen Rikti and Vanguard tech for the Crab Spiders? 

Since Rikti tend to have a weakness against Magic, I imagine that some of the lesser Magic-based villains have taken the opportunity to become heavy-hitters.

...I might have to mess with the character creator a bit, too...

If you're interested you can check out the couple comics I made in the story line here: City of Heroes: A Legacy of Sin and if you're into self-torture I'll be happy to send you a copy of the 'series bible' I've assembled. But short version: The Rikti learned from their prior efforts and erected a field that covers the planet that all but negates magics and makes psychic abilities extremly difficult and in most cases excruciatingly painful to use. So magic based characters at best are very heavily challenged to use their abilities, if they are even conscious. Also prior to the third invasion there was what I've named "The Longbow Wars" which saw Longbow badly beaten and forced to withdrawal entirely from the isles. Following that Recluse moved to consolidate the victor and entered Recluse's Victory only for the dimensional coordinates to basically vanish. So recluse is lost between dimensions. With Recluse gone, Scorpion and Mako went at it fracturing Arachnos. And the Rikti suddenly found a clairvoyance ability to inflict the absolute maximum amount of damage against Vanguard possible, to the point that Lady Grey shut down the Vanguard base to anyone who wasn't a member of Vanguard, kicked everyone else out, and tightened security to an extreme. So Circle of Thorns, and Banished Pantheon are both pretty much out of commission. Vanguard is trying to tend to it's wounds, Arachnos is broken and leaderless, Longbow is hurting from the wars. Basically: think post-appoc level stuff.
Strength and intelligence make no requirement of one another. Power demands both.


Had a creative spurt today and went to use Icon for deal with it. So came up with some screen shots for A Legacy of Sin.

"Last time it took everything they had. This time, it will take more."

I'll be making more as time permits so keep an eye posted to see what I come up with.
Strength and intelligence make no requirement of one another. Power demands both.