I miss controls and buffs that felt powerful ...

Started by Kaos Arcanna, May 01, 2013, 02:30:40 AM

Kaos Arcanna

I have played and enjoyed so far DC Online and Champions Online. Neverwinter does look promising and I've played in it a bit (though something in the settings seems to give me eye strain so I haven't played it too much), and even some Diablo 3 ...

But the thing I haven't found yet is a game that allows me to have buffs or controls that felt anywhere near as powerful as what was in COH.

Do the powers in Neverwinter eventually get that strong?

Is there another game where buffs can be more than just heals and controls last more than a few seconds at a time?

General Idiot

Long story short? No. There is no other game in which a support character with no heals whatsoever is just as useful if not more so than one with heals. There is no other game in which controls are more than a few seconds at best outside of the odd one with the 'this guy's out for 60 sec, hit him even once and the deal's off' style of control, what we would call sleep.

Additionally: There is no other game where even a squishy ranged character can take a few hits and where tanks can wade into whole rooms full of guys and come out without a scratch on them even with minimal support. There is no other game where the aforementioned squishy ranged character can kill that same entire room in seconds. There's no other game where a melee guy can do both at once, with a few more scratches than the tank and slightly slower than the ranged guy did it but he didn't need help.

TLDR: There is no game out there where characters feel as powerful as they did in CoH.


Quote from: General Idiot on May 01, 2013, 01:15:33 PMTLDR: There is no game out there where characters feel as powerful as they did in CoH.

And mostly I'm okay with that...because in most games, I'm not playing a superhero. I might be playing someone with beyond-human abilities, but they're not really intended to be as far beyond human norms as a comicbook superhero. The abilities of characters in CoH were over-the-top...as they should be, for the genre. It's a genre based on exaggerated caricatures of various human aspects. But in most games, I wouldn't want  my 'tanker' character to be able to essentially ignore a roomful of thugs or suchlike. It would cause a suspension-of-disbelief problem. In a superhero game, it doesn't.