Author Topic: Nothing to fill the void.  (Read 4909 times)


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Nothing to fill the void.
« on: April 18, 2013, 10:27:34 PM »
You guys already know I don't post often, but I've got to share this.

It's my birthday today, I'm old enough to not need any kind of acknowledgement of my encroaching decrepit eventuality, however this year I've noticed something very different. It's both personal and emotional. I never used to notice another year in my life had past. This year is somewhat odd, I feel it. For the first time in a very long time, I actually feel it.

In past years I'd simply log on, go on an epic killing spree, and no one(even me) would think anything different about the day. The way I generally like my birthdays to go.

Since the closure I've hunted high and low for a time sink with at least some of the qualities that made CoH what it was (I'm not going to attempt to list them, you already know). I've been a bloody gamer since I was a teeny 8yr old and I'm an old f**ker now.

I've tried nearly everything, I really have, even retro gaming. Months on and there is still this big void in my life, a void that is starting to make me feel old!

Pfft! I blame all of you!

Ghostchase :P
@Ghostchase - M15F1T fire/trapper


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Re: Nothing to fill the void.
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2013, 11:37:34 PM »
Try other hobbies outside of gaming, possibly?

We're never going to replace CoH - I've come to accept that. Even assuming CoH was scooped up by another Developer and tomorrow we could all log back wouldn't be the same game. The community we had was unique and had 8 years to develop.

The best we can do is maintain contact and connections (As sites like this have), and look towards the future.

Also never forget - In Comics, Heroes (and Villains) never stay dead.
All that I'm after is a life filled with laughter


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Re: Nothing to fill the void.
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2013, 12:52:29 AM »
I kind of feel a 'void' myself. However, I am keeping active in other outlets.
I didn't play CoH to 'Hunt,Kill Skuls'.  :roll:

I was a Defender /Healer on Teams I joined and never Battled, just stayed back watched the fur & feathers fly.
Kind of like being the designated driver.

......think I broke a nail once.


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Re: Nothing to fill the void.
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2013, 01:50:34 AM »
In past years I'd simply log on, go on an epic killing spree

Defeating spree. We called it a defeating spree. (Arresting spree is also acceptable.) :P

When a good old fashioned splatterfest is what I'm after, I hit up Torchlight or Torchlight 2. The enemies just have this extremely satisfying way of scrunching and smulching and splatching and general explodificating. It doesn't just hit the spot, it plays bongos on it. But for any other aspect City did right... *checks again, and sighs* Nope. Still a void. I've even taken to reading comics again, something I haven't done in a good 20 years. It's low on the suck scale, but not too high on the void-filling scale.

There is, however, this:

......think I broke a nail once.



Go. Hunt. Break Nailz.

Aww, yeah. Terrible jokes and borderline-evil puns... now that hits the spot. 8)


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Re: Nothing to fill the void.
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2013, 01:53:12 AM »
I was mostly Dominators and Blasters.

I liked the taste of sweet, delicious floor.
All that I'm after is a life filled with laughter


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Re: Nothing to fill the void.
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2013, 02:39:55 AM »
The "void" cannot be filled - there is out there nothing which fits.

I have settled for running in CO for a while:
  1- I get to be "super"
  2- I get to pound/blast thugs
  3- I get to fly  (all these are good because it's like a partial fix)
  4- I despise their devs' lack of involvement and their abyssmal customer service (this is good - it keeps my desire for a CoX successor alive.
  5- Outside the CoX channel, the Community is NOTHING like the close community of our city (still good for the same reason)
  6- Their Teamng paradigm sux (still ok for the same reason)

again - these is nothing that will fill the void, face it & hold out for a Project X or Emu launch.


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Re: Nothing to fill the void.
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2013, 01:48:19 PM »
Even assuming CoH was scooped up by another Developer and tomorrow we could all log back wouldn't be the same game. The community we had was unique and had 8 years to develop.

The best we can do is maintain contact and connections (As sites like this have), and look towards the future.
Never underestimate the importance of this. If we want to successfully develop a successor, this community's togetherness will be absolutely essential. I'd go so far as to say that it should be reaching out and attempting to expand, even now. Get people interested in "what they missed" with CoH, but more importantly, find a few foci to gather around and discuss. The successor projects, obviously, are options, but also comic books and sci fi in general. Gaming in general. MMOs in general. Self-organize groups that get together periodically in real life, and plan activities around things ancillary to what CoH was and what you hope for in a successor.

Talk to your friends, not about how sad you are to have lost CoH, but how awesome super-heroes are. How you look forward to the movies this summer. Plan gatherings or even costume parties with visiting a movie en masse as part of the festivities. With the horrible tragedies in the news these days, organize your friends into efforts to provide help in whatever form you can. (Costumed everyday-heroics optional.)

Find positive things around which to gather and over which to hold excited conversation. Make gathering with this community a positive, rather than mournful, experience. And use the positives, the reasons TO gather rather than the void around which you orbit, to bring others in. Make it fun, rather than depressing, and grow this community. Forget hating NCSoft; get excited about ways to alter the prevailing business model in the industry, and be a positive force.

It's a hard thing to do. But it's how we'll preserve and grow this community. And heroes do the hard things; that's what makes them super.


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Re: Nothing to fill the void.
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2013, 02:01:20 PM »
I was mostly Dominators and Blasters.

I liked the taste of sweet, delicious floor.

oH NOW that brings back memories LOL.

I liked Emp-Defs and Brutes, for the most part. (I think I only got two blasters to level 50 in my entire time playing: Nebularian and Suzi Uzi)

I have to admit...playing an Emp-Def kept me busy.  It was an absolute blast trying to keep the rest of the team alive :)
(@Nebularian)(AKA Dylan Clearbrook) Champion/Virtue - Nebularian/Sgt. Raines/Nurse Darklight/Cosmicana-Cosmicella/Mercy Vengeance/Angel Sprite/Suzy Uzi/Blue Arc/Dark Carolyne 
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Re: Nothing to fill the void.
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2013, 05:35:23 PM »
I was big into controllers and defenders with tankers becoming a "late love" as well. I never actually managed to get a Blaster very high because most of the secondaries made me feel like I was playing with only a primary set since I didn't want to melee. Devices and later Mental were the only exceptions but both of them were thematically difficult for me to work with. I was finally psyched to make a Blaster when I tested out Martial Manip on the I24 beta. THAT would have been a blaster I could take to 50.


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Re: Nothing to fill the void.
« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2013, 07:10:42 PM »
Nothing has filled the void for me yet, either.

Yesterday I was looking at screen shots of some of my CoH characters.  My 3 year old son walked in and saw what I was looking at.  This is the conversation that ensued:

Son: Are those guys from a game?
Me: Yes
Son: Let's play that game!
Me: Sorry, we can't.
Son: Why?
Me: Because some bad people took the game away.
Son: Oh....let's go kill those bad people!

I should really teach my son not to talk about killing people.  But in this case I just let it go....


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Re: Nothing to fill the void.
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2013, 08:00:27 PM »
Nothing has filled the void for me yet, either.
Me: Because some bad people took the game away.
Son: Oh....let's go kill those bad people!

I should really teach my son not to talk about killing people.  But in this case I just let it go.... what I do....Play the Old Unreal Tournament game and rename one of the bots is great to hunt him down...again and again and again  >:(
(@Nebularian)(AKA Dylan Clearbrook) Champion/Virtue - Nebularian/Sgt. Raines/Nurse Darklight/Cosmicana-Cosmicella/Mercy Vengeance/Angel Sprite/Suzy Uzi/Blue Arc/Dark Carolyne 
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Re: Nothing to fill the void.
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2013, 08:26:37 PM »
I have been playing Left for Dead 2 lately, it is really the only game that I have found fun. I tried Secret World and it was painful. You can maybe on a good day defeat 3 minions - barely.


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Re: Nothing to fill the void.
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2013, 09:03:18 PM »
Never underestimate the importance of this. If we want to successfully develop a successor, this community's togetherness will be absolutely essential. I'd go so far as to say that it should be reaching out and attempting to expand, even now. Get people interested in "what they missed" with CoH, but more importantly, find a few foci to gather around and discuss. The successor projects, obviously, are options, but also comic books and sci fi in general. Gaming in general. MMOs in general. Self-organize groups that get together periodically in real life, and plan activities around things ancillary to what CoH was and what you hope for in a successor.

Talk to your friends, not about how sad you are to have lost CoH, but how awesome super-heroes are. How you look forward to the movies this summer. Plan gatherings or even costume parties with visiting a movie en masse as part of the festivities. With the horrible tragedies in the news these days, organize your friends into efforts to provide help in whatever form you can. (Costumed everyday-heroics optional.)

Find positive things around which to gather and over which to hold excited conversation. Make gathering with this community a positive, rather than mournful, experience. And use the positives, the reasons TO gather rather than the void around which you orbit, to bring others in. Make it fun, rather than depressing, and grow this community. Forget hating NCSoft; get excited about ways to alter the prevailing business model in the industry, and be a positive force.

It's a hard thing to do. But it's how we'll preserve and grow this community. And heroes do the hard things; that's what makes them super.

I love this whole post. Togetherness and positivity are exactly what we need right now. I bolded the part I find particularly inspiring... nothing says positivity like doing good deeds. Those are tangible things we can all get excited about and take hope from. It doesn't matter if you run solo, if your friends are all online, or if your group gets together RL. Once in a while, do something that's not just for entertainment. You might discover you enjoy playing a hero outside of games as well.

For example, save up that subcription fee you're not giving anybody else right now, buy a box of groceries with it, and bring it to a local food bank. Go in and donate blood. Spend an evening reading to the blind, or organize a games night at a seniors' centre. Gather up those old comics and board games you're not using anymore and bring them in to the kids ward in the local hospital. Hold a garage sale and use the proceeds to buy equipment for a neighbourhood rec centre. Give a weekend to Habitat for Humanity. Go to a site like and get a bunch of old time radio shows like The Shadow, and host a few "listening parties" (costumes not required but highly encouraged!). Hand out flyers for a small shop owner just starting out. Know an artist or a singer who works their craft on the sidewalk for donations? Hang out and be their "crowd", so other people start coming over to see what the fuss is about.

Go out, look for something that everyday people can do, and do it. It's rewarding like you wouldn't believe. And not everything takes money; you can always pitch in with time or effort instead. Often that's what's needed most. Supporting someone who's doing good things is excellent; doing good things with your own hands is even better. And if you take it on as a group it becomes faster, easier, much more fun, and it's a bonding experience like none other. Heck, go ahead and call them Task Forces... I know I would!

When you're done come back here and tell us about it. Not to brag, but to inspire others to do the same. We could make "City of Heroes" synonymous with doing good deeds, kind of like the term "pay it forward." Even if it didn't gain our cause any sympathy from the general public, at the very least Paragon City would have inspired something bigger than itself, and left a legacy to be proud of.

I doubt we'd even need to think up ways to mention our story, or the new projects that are being worked on. When people saw what we were doing they'd be asking us why we were doing it. And that's when we'd tell them the situation, starting with "We're just acting the way City of Heroes taught us to act."


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Re: Nothing to fill the void.
« Reply #13 on: April 19, 2013, 09:11:56 PM »
Regarding saving up the subscription fees to spend on these activities, if you can get several of your friends together, you could even formalize a club with that as dues, and use the combined funds for both charity and entertainment (and charity entertainment brought to the old folks or the like) activities.


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Re: Nothing to fill the void.
« Reply #14 on: April 19, 2013, 11:05:36 PM »
Regarding saving up the subscription fees to spend on these activities, if you can get several of your friends together, you could even formalize a club with that as dues, and use the combined funds for both charity and entertainment (and charity entertainment brought to the old folks or the like) activities.

Yes! I like it.

*re-reads his last post, after a nice little nap* Hmmm. I kinda got a bit... pie-in-the-sky there towards the end, huh? hehe. I do tend to stray towards the corny side of the force.  :roll:   Still though, solid basic idea. Good deeds here and there will give us some things to talk about with each other. And maybe even some good things for others to say about us. How can it hurt, right?


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Re: Nothing to fill the void.
« Reply #15 on: April 20, 2013, 07:22:42 PM »
I would wager many of us already do things for the public good, quietly and selflessly.  It's just this game offered us a haven to work out our frustrations on a bad day and to joyfully share teaming with a great community.  I miss it.  Like your birthday celebration, parts of the game became annual celebrations of one kind or another.  Remember the first time we had Halloween in game and went "trick or treating?"  The first time we "got to open presents" at Christmas?  Yelling "gratz!" when someone dinged, because it used to be so difficult to level?  I looked forward to those events.  Now, as we've said, there's nothing to fill the void. 

Still, we remain hopeful for some kind of resurrection of our game home and to one another, the orphans of CoX.

Ice Trix

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Re: Nothing to fill the void.
« Reply #16 on: April 21, 2013, 08:26:48 AM »
Yeah, I haven't found a game to replace it either.


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Re: Nothing to fill the void.
« Reply #17 on: April 21, 2013, 01:42:12 PM »
I definitely agree that there's nothing out there that can really fill the void. Unfortunately, what we're looking for in other SH-MMOs is CoH, not CO or DCUO or anything other. We don't want to be running the streets of Millenium City, or scaling the walls of Metropolis. We want to be in Paragon City. For me, I think these games COULD be good, but since I'm looking for Steel Canyon (and the CoH music), I just can't stand 'em right now.

I'm also ALL for the positivity aspect of things. While we can't be the costumed bad****s we were in CoH, flying around with our capes in the wind (NO CAPES), there are so many GREAT works that we can provide for our fellow man! Let CoH teach us to be the heroes we always were in game (or as close to them as possible).

And then, when and if CoH returns, we can come back to Paragon with an even greater sense of purpose and accomplishment, knowing that we saved not just this game, but helped other real live people too!
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Re: Nothing to fill the void.
« Reply #18 on: April 21, 2013, 06:28:32 PM »
Sadly, "looking for Steel Canyon" is one of the few things that no spiritual successor project can deliver. It is IP, belonging to NCSoft, and not something that anything they didn't own or license could use.

I do hope that the feel, the community, the sense of heroism that CoH had can be achieved for you without the specific locations and characters. If so, then not only will a spiritual successor help, but there's a lot we can do as a community to try to come together, maybe form nuclei of groups that meet semi-regularly just to talk in person, and have eventual community-wide gatherings at major conventions.

Something to keep our spirits up, and to focus on exciting things to do, rather than on what we've lost.


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Re: Nothing to fill the void.
« Reply #19 on: April 21, 2013, 06:42:13 PM »
I 100% agree. I am currently following one of the proposed successors, Phoenix Project, closely. I haven't looked into Heroes and Villains yet, but I've been meaning too. And community gatherings at cons and the like sound genuinely and thoroughly awesome.
Name: Safehouse     Origin: Magic
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Last Seen: Wandering the empty streets of the evacuated Paragon City.