RE: Mid's Hero Designer

Started by Kyriani, March 05, 2013, 05:42:39 PM


I've taken it upon myself to try and update the Mid's database to include power sets and enhancements that were forthcoming in i24. So far I've met with some success and have Martial Combat and Sorcery relatively functional and accurate. I have however hit a few snags and was wondering if anyone here who has more knowledge than myself could help me figure them out.

First and foremost, I'm having trouble assigning basic enhancements allowed to powers. I can add IO sets allowed just fine but my selections for the basic categories of enhancements just don't "take" after I save the power. Can anyone explain why that is happening and how I can fix this?

Next, AT scaling seems a bit wonky and I am wondering if it's mid's or me. An example I can give is Rune of Protection from the Sorcery set grants resistance to damage. I set the base number for defenders at 25% (which is what city of data says it is) and when I select the power on a blaster the base number becomes 17.5% but city of data says it should be 16.25% so I am wondering what I did wrong.

Finally I am adding in the power set icons and while I've manage to get the files exactly (as far as I can tell) like the ones that come with Mid's and they DO show up and I can select them, in the planner they appear slightly larger than the other icons. I have seen this before when a new set was added to mids and a patch usually fixes that but I am unsure exactly what * I * can do to fix it. If I am saving the file wrong or something and someone has insight on how to fix it I'd be ever so grateful.

I'm hoping to have a shareable DB people can DL and add to their Mid's to play with i24 builds. If you want to see that happen and have the insight to steer me in the right direction please do share! I have the time to work on this tedious project... I just need a little advice from anyone who knows the ins and outs of the program better than I do! Thanks!


So it seems that unless I copy/paste a similar power's stats into the new power and then edit it to match the new power's actual stats. the "resort" that occurs when you save your changes undoes any changes to enhancement classes accepted section. It will always retain the enhancement classes accepted of a pasted power but not a clean fresh one and I can't change the enhancements once pasted. My changes are undone as mentioned before when I save.

If anyone can tell me why this is happening and how to fix it please post or pm me.