Some thought about the project

Started by olliande, March 05, 2013, 10:13:01 AM


Hello, after a few month, reading some update and random thread ( not all)  in the various forum , i decide to write this thread.

- NO POLL : we have a community of player ( and the costumer target ) and i see no poll about the desire of this community ( gameplay , lore,...) i read thread about this things with personnal opinion and the supposed desire of the community but no poll. How can you be sure that you will meet the wish of your customer if you don't ask them. More important, by making poll, you will make the average joe participating the build of the gameand a more enticed customer.
As the men who will make the job, i can understand that you don't want to be told what to to by people who only respond to a poll but do you want a succesfull game or a game that please only you. Remember that COH was the best Superhero MMO and it close.

- Multi-universe : COH had a multi-universe setting with the portal and time-travel; when i see the steampunk costume, i ask myself why did they not do a steampunk universe. NO Customer? Too much work? i don't know but technically they could have done it with the steampunk community as the target customer.
I take the steampunk as an exemple...

- Webcomic: I read a few Webcomic and some about Super. I think that the engine of MMO can propose special adventure with the heroes of a webcomic : publicity for the game and publicity for the webcomic...

If this point have already been discuted  then sorry.


Actually all three of your points are being worked on right now at the Phoenix Project. Webcomic is being made, multiverse being discussed and polling being planned. Remember that there are some portions of the boards (presumably on all the projects)  that are hidden to keep spoilers secret and most discussion goes on in other media.
Hopefully we will be able to tell you about some of these ideas real soon. (There is a livestream event this Sunday for just such Q&A, I  believe.)
Virtue: Moonsun, Dynamo Jr., Crimson Fury, Sabre Kat, Double Sixxes, Quantum Stranger, Mystic Kirin, Pink.Eye Champion: Blackjak, Redwing Blackbird Justice: Shield Marshal Guardian: White Talon Triumph: Gosuto Union: Stellar Girl


I didn't talk about your own webcommic , i talked about contacting existing author of webcommic to cooperate for the build of 1 mission with their heroes : publicity fot them, creation of a adventure with a new media for them; for you , publicity and new custommer wih their fan comming tolook at your mmo.

I think strange to not make poll public.


There were actually a fairly large number of polls early on in the Plan Z cycle. Their results were used to establish much of the foundation of the Phoenix Project's assumptions. We're listening to the community, but there's not much to poll on at the moment. (Forum polls are also only so useful; it gets us a particular slice of our audience, but it has a danger of being seen as comprehensive when it is not. We're working on plans to expand our research to reach a broader audience with larger questions.)

Unfortunately, it will actually be quite some time before missions will be playable, let alone something on which we could collaborate with webcomic artists. However, we're designing our map-building and world development tool to be the core of our mission builder and our base builder, which means that webcomic writers (just like everybody else) will have the ability to make their own missions if they wish. (Webcomic producers obviously have intellectual property involved, which means they and we will need to work a little harder to protect all IP involved on both sides, which is an additional sticking point for them building missions involving their characters, but it should be possible on a technical level.)