Go Big, Plan Z Games. Go Big!

Started by Kaos Arcanna, February 06, 2013, 03:19:58 AM

Kaos Arcanna

By that, I am hoping that you're looking at not just making a game as a spiritual successor to COH, but also a game that has the potential to be epic in of itself.

I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I think the greatest satisfaction I'd have would be if NCSoft's cancelling of COH led to the creation of two or more games that succeed so spectacularly that NCSoft kicks themselves for cancelling COH.


Quote from: Kaos Arcanna on February 06, 2013, 03:19:58 AM
By that, I am hoping that you're looking at not just making a game as a spiritual successor to COH, but also a game that has the potential to be epic in of itself.

I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I think the greatest satisfaction I'd have would be if NCSoft's cancelling of COH led to the creation of two or more games that succeed so spectacularly that NCSoft kicks themselves for cancelling COH.

It happens.

I'm not sure how many wrestling fans in here but for those that are or was rather (dont watch it anymore due to decline in quality for sports entertainment wrestling.), might remember Steve Austin. Prior to him blowing up and basically becoming a star, he was fired in a rather stiff manner from WCW. Then he went to WWF (WWE now) and blew up. WCW was kicking themselves ever since until they went belly up.

What we have here is great opportunity to make something great from something that a company found wasnt worth the effort to even give a cent to market. The goal is pretty low. If we manage to get 200,000 subs, we would already surpassed what NCSoft did with COX.


Thanks; that is out hope, of course, and we're doing out best to make the Phoenix Project a truly magnificent experience all around.