Author Topic: with the way things are going..  (Read 19422 times)


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with the way things are going..
« on: January 30, 2013, 07:26:16 AM »
I know this is a conspiracy theory, but.. when you have dreams about turing on your computer and trying to see if you can log-in to CoH and suddenly realise the VIP only server is still up and running.. well when you have dreams like that you like the game enough to discuss the conspiracy theories.

ok obvious #1: it's all a nemesis plot

now for the things that have been bugging my mind lately about allt he sudden changes in the world, and yes CoH was linked to it.

you see, theres a organization called the New World Order.. and thier goal is to create a world under complete and utter control and dependence on government with a smile and a facade of remarks about all the things they're going to change and make better (but they do the opposite) and especially lieing to the public's face and then ignoring thier responses and then controlling the media to tell us what we should think.

yeah the NWO is a nasty nasty thing, and it's decided that it's on 3rd base and it will only take 1 more run to win and instead of slowly trying to get to home one last time and win the game, they decide to cheat and try to steal the base.

so whats CoH got to do with it?

well if you hadn't noticed the NWO is trying to ban guns so civilians can't fight back. you see they are abotu to break the world into submission and they don;t want any heroics from citizens trying to rally and stop them.

CoH and CoV both encourage this form of unwanted instigation of feelings of being tough enough to rise against challengers with a team.

the setting being specifically oriented towards Super Heroes and Villains was obviously a concern to the NWO.

They worked with thier korean ally and got NCSoft to shut down city of heroes cause it was a 'a bad influence on too many peoples minds about how to deal with villains and takeovers and totalitarianism'

in short they shut it down cause it was the one modern age concepted superhero MMO that actually had a decent sized (large) fan base. and that is simply just not good for us civilians to be thinking about.

ok conspiracy theory over, comments?
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Re: with the way things are going..
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2013, 08:17:01 AM »

Wait, wait, wait wait wait.


The Koreans and the NWO are doing a team-up?


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Re: with the way things are going..
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2013, 08:31:46 AM »
The only way I could see a the shutdown of CoH being part of a conspiracy to alter social behavior, is if there is a being much higher up than any government behind it. And considering the numbers, I don't think the CoH community is much of a concern. And if anyone in power is worried about that, they'd be better off spending their time getting rid of any video game, ranging from Arkham Asylum, to Quake, to Rainbow 6... anything that can teach tactics and strategy to civilians.


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Re: with the way things are going..
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2013, 03:27:46 PM »
The only way I could see a the shutdown of CoH being part of a conspiracy to alter social behavior, is if there is a being much higher up than any government behind it. And considering the numbers, I don't think the CoH community is much of a concern. And if anyone in power is worried about that, they'd be better off spending their time getting rid of any video game, ranging from Arkham Asylum, to Quake, to Rainbow 6... anything that can teach tactics and strategy to civilians.

they are already trying to do so, it's in talks now, such is included in the topic of violent videogames, they link the violence and strategy to the recent shootings. the way the NWO sees it, any numbers over 10000 are an issue to be stopped. cause 10000 is a decent sized army.


Wait, wait, wait wait wait.


The Koreans and the NWO are doing a team-up?

it is a World Order

the USA has been friends with south korea for a long time now.
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Re: with the way things are going..
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2013, 04:51:51 PM »

Victoria Victrix

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Re: with the way things are going..
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2013, 02:49:36 AM »
I will go down with this ship.  I won't put my hands up in surrender.  There will be no white flag above my door.  I'm in love, and always will be.  Dido


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Re: with the way things are going..
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2013, 06:00:48 AM »

Yes, I am a bit wonkers at times but we must concern about the possibility that our game was taken down strategically for the purpose of a political agenda to ban violent/strategic games with out having a massive player base mad at them at the same time.

or it could be my previous political agenda mention above this one.

obviously NCSoft wont tell us the real reasons why they took it down, could it have been as simple as; child played CoH, Child killed fellow student, child told parents he got the idea for the move from CoH, parents sue NCSoft, NCSoft shuts down game?

or is it much more malicious than we think!?

maybe we should have a little youtube ad segment "Hi, I play City of heroes and Villains and in real life I [enter heroic deed] )

like "I donate to charities", or "I'm a police officer", or "I'm a soldier", or "I'm a doctor and save lives every day", or "I volunteer as a national guard, fireman ETC." or "I'm a lawyer and keep the innocent out of jail" ETC.

we definitely need to counteract the push for the ban of violent/strategic games, otherwise even if we do get NCSoft to sell to a prospective publisher it will be a severely uphill battle to get any laws reversed so it can be launched.

regardless why NCSoft took it down, regardless why they wont sell it, we can defend videogames in general and in the process advertise what kind of heroes CoH has spawned, everyday heroes. not vicious vigilantees like the videogame ban people would like people to think.
There is always another way. But it might not work exactly like you may desire.

A wise old rabbit once told me "Never give-up!, Trust your instincts!" granted the advice at the time led me on a tripped-out voyage out of an asteroid belt, but hey it was more impressive than a bunch of rocks and space monkies.


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Re: with the way things are going..
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2013, 04:27:29 AM »
NCSoft took it out for a whole lot of reasons.  None of which has been sufficiently allowed to see the light of day.  You may be, in some part, right, but I would get the majority of it is nothing of what you speak.  It was a business decision... and it could also have been a personal vengeance vendetta against someone(s)... and we certainly dislike their choice of what studio to kill (as to me, this is the crux of it... not the *game*, but the *studio* was the target of all this, for bean-counter reasons) and a part of that, shutting the game down, but...

Yeah, not so much on your conspiracy theory, sorry.

However, I agree, the defense of video games, especially ones like the Mortal Kombat series, Quake series, Halo series, TF series... one where wanton destruction, mayhem, and killing is so much fun it just can't be helped, the maniacal giggle fits that always comes to me when I play them and see a ridiculous death happen...

Wait, I don't think I'm helping that defense...  uh... sorry y'all.

/Well, actually, yes I am.  Because, having played those games... I have *absolutely not one tendency to go out and reinact them*.  I.e., the game didn't make me go all stabby and shooty and such. 
//But the problem is, if even .000000001% of the populace who plays these games goes out and does get all stabby/shooty/such, that's not a low enough percentage... even if the game itself wasn't the cause.
///And even *especially if* the games weren't a factor... like maybe they didn't play them at all, but instead it was the insanty of "Barney meets the Teletubbies and ride My Little Ponies to see Sesame Street" that sent them over the edge.
////You know you all want to see that.  Heck, *I* wanna see that...


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Re: with the way things are going..
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2013, 05:11:44 AM »
NCSoft took it out for a whole lot of reasons.  None of which has been sufficiently allowed to see the light of day.  You may be, in some part, right, but I would get the majority of it is nothing of what you speak.  It was a business decision... and it could also have been a personal vengeance vendetta against someone(s)... and we certainly dislike their choice of what studio to kill (as to me, this is the crux of it... not the *game*, but the *studio* was the target of all this, for bean-counter reasons) and a part of that, shutting the game down, but...

Yeah, not so much on your conspiracy theory, sorry.

However, I agree, the defense of video games, especially ones like the Mortal Kombat series, Quake series, Halo series, TF series... one where wanton destruction, mayhem, and killing is so much fun it just can't be helped, the maniacal giggle fits that always comes to me when I play them and see a ridiculous death happen...

Wait, I don't think I'm helping that defense...  uh... sorry y'all.

/Well, actually, yes I am.  Because, having played those games... I have *absolutely not one tendency to go out and reinact them*.  I.e., the game didn't make me go all stabby and shooty and such. 
//But the problem is, if even .000000001% of the populace who plays these games goes out and does get all stabby/shooty/such, that's not a low enough percentage... even if the game itself wasn't the cause.
///And even *especially if* the games weren't a factor... like maybe they didn't play them at all, but instead it was the insanty of "Barney meets the Teletubbies and ride My Little Ponies to see Sesame Street" that sent them over the edge.
////You know you all want to see that.  Heck, *I* wanna see that...

you see thats why suspected nitwits and mentally challenged people should be kept on a watch by parents/guardians/nieghbors at all times otherwise such suspected mentally unstable people should be in insane asylums where they belong. for example, my nighbor has two sons, one doesn;t speak at all and the other one speaks but it's pure gibberish, they are in middle and highschool (how the %$#@ are they passing the grades?) and still think like little kids, they are highly convincable, if they saw a violent game I know it would influence them to try and enact some of it... but you see they havn't done it yet but we know they are capable of it.

for that reason asylums were created and yet, they are not used until a crime actually happens...

this is something that needs to be discussed in our sane peoples rights to play violent games. ok so yeah I'm the one who says he's wonkers, but as a psychologist once said "people who are intelligent enough to claim to be insane are usually not"
There is always another way. But it might not work exactly like you may desire.

A wise old rabbit once told me "Never give-up!, Trust your instincts!" granted the advice at the time led me on a tripped-out voyage out of an asteroid belt, but hey it was more impressive than a bunch of rocks and space monkies.


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Re: with the way things are going..
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2013, 05:26:16 AM »
With recent changes in MMO policies in China and i think S Korea, I expect MMO income worldwide will be affected. NCsoft is expecting large profits from B&S when it hits China, but i expect MMO's in general will lose popularity in China because of them all being watered down there. Whether or not that was part of a NWO/Builderberg plan is questionable, although only 1 MMO may not mean much but all of them from China and SKorea might. If US policies about MMO's changes as well...

Excuse me... I need to change my tinfoil hat.


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Re: with the way things are going..
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2013, 05:33:38 AM »
(Re: the thread title):

... They're gonna crucify me!!

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Re: with the way things are going..
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2013, 05:47:17 AM »
they are already trying to do so, it's in talks now, such is included in the topic of violent videogames, they link the violence and strategy to the recent shootings. the way the NWO sees it, any numbers over 10000 are an issue to be stopped. cause 10000 is a decent sized army.

1 decent sized army who at best can only get access to shot guns and semi-auto rifles... vs. the most technologically-advanced military in the world. They probably wouldn't even need to use troops, just a couple drones.

As for the violence, if there was ever a violence ban on video games, we'd still have the FPS. Only the object of the game would be to throw rainbows around and make the opponents change to interesting new shades of sparkle.


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Re: with the way things are going..
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2013, 06:33:42 AM »

Rotten Luck

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Re: with the way things are going..
« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2013, 11:33:28 AM »
Video games are just the latest target.  Before that it was Movies, Comics, T.V. all of witch shook off the chains that been bound to them.  I don't see this as being part of a NWO scheme other then Distraction method.  While we are up at arms over games we ignoring more "Speed and Red light" cameras being put up.  Ignoring Police on schools (yeah they say it's to protect the children... How soon till tracking bracelets are on those kids?  Or tracking micro chips in the skin?  Kidnappers would have a harder time with that!).   Safety always comes with the cost of Freedom.

Any world order that spent generations studying human behavior would want us to be lost in a game.  By having us Log in we are automatically saying "We are here."  With each data transfer we are tracked.  On top of that if we are escaping reality in a game.  We aren't paying attention to reality.

Then again I might be giving them to much credit.  I'm a very calculating manipulative evil mastermind.  Good thing for the world i'm also lazy.
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Re: with the way things are going..
« Reply #14 on: February 02, 2013, 03:01:55 AM »
you see thats why suspected nitwits and mentally challenged people should be kept on a watch by parents/guardians/nieghbors at all times otherwise such suspected mentally unstable people should be in insane asylums where they belong. for example, my nighbor has two sons, one doesn;t speak at all and the other one speaks but it's pure gibberish, they are in middle and highschool (how the %$#@ are they passing the grades?) and still think like little kids, they are highly convincable, if they saw a violent game I know it would influence them to try and enact some of it... but you see they havn't done it yet but we know they are capable of it.

for that reason asylums were created and yet, they are not used until a crime actually happens...

this is something that needs to be discussed in our sane peoples rights to play violent games. ok so yeah I'm the one who says he's wonkers, but as a psychologist once said "people who are intelligent enough to claim to be insane are usually not"

Minority Report.  Go watch it.  It tells you pretty much why you can't pre-concieve who is and isn't insane right off the bat, although that's more a movie about pre-determination.  Same idea.  Actions speak louder than words/thoughts.

Oh, the things I have rattling about in my head... way to kill people with my bare hands, a pen, a string, poisons... etc... ad nauseum.  Stephen King, Tom Clancy, and many many other people have thoughts and knowledge too of such things.

We never act on it.  But the thoughts are there.  The knowlege is there.  We just don't do it.  That's the only, slim difference between sane and insane, when you get down to it... DID you do it.  Not would you.  Not could you.   Because that's what you're talkin' about... predetermination of who's really honestly going to be insane enough to go on a killing spree, without having any shred of actual proof they'd go through with it beforehand.

Yep.  No thought police.  I need no Seers network 'round here.  And we had that in our history... and still do... in other parts of the world.  It's... really not good to have it be a thing.

Now, if there was an absolute, fool proof way to say "Yeah, that one there.  Bad stuff.  Gotta deal with him/her before they shoot 40 people" then by all means... Get it done.  But tell me this (and this goes for the lot o' yas..)
You are not insane and going to shoot 40 people because...?
/Oh, sure.  Yeah, I believe you... well, no, not really.  I have no basis for believing you.  So you'll have to try harder.
//Yeah... still not believing.  I'm really not interested in you proving it to me, I think you'll be doin' it, so I'm gonna have to ensure you are not going to hurt anyone, especially yourself, THX1138...
///By the way... who watches the watchers?  Hm?
////The only winning move is... not to play... and unfortunately, wait until something really happens to get them committed.

« Last Edit: February 02, 2013, 03:11:45 AM by houtex »


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Re: with the way things are going..
« Reply #15 on: February 02, 2013, 03:51:57 AM »
Thank you for posting that, Reiraku. If you hadn't, I was going to.

But I will add this.


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Re: with the way things are going..
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2013, 10:35:08 PM »
I think I've figured out who Joshex really is!




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Re: with the way things are going..
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2013, 11:47:27 PM »
... ^o^CORVUS^o^
"...if nothing we do matters, than all that matters is what we do."


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Re: with the way things are going..
« Reply #18 on: February 04, 2013, 12:05:39 AM »
Video games are just the latest target.  Before that it was Movies, Comics, T.V. all of witch shook off the chains that been bound to them.  I don't see this as being part of a NWO scheme other then Distraction method.  While we are up at arms over games we ignoring more "Speed and Red light" cameras being put up.  Ignoring Police on schools (yeah they say it's to protect the children... How soon till tracking bracelets are on those kids?  Or tracking micro chips in the skin?  Kidnappers would have a harder time with that!).   Safety always comes with the cost of Freedom.

Any world order that spent generations studying human behavior would want us to be lost in a game.  By having us Log in we are automatically saying "We are here."  With each data transfer we are tracked.  On top of that if we are escaping reality in a game.  We aren't paying attention to reality.

Then again I might be giving them to much credit.  I'm a very calculating manipulative evil mastermind.  Good thing for the world i'm also lazy.

Sounds like a friend of mine. On the forum they said she went bat shit with the tin foil hat when she made a statement like that.

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Re: with the way things are going..
« Reply #19 on: February 07, 2013, 04:49:13 AM »
Less tin foil hat and more pointing out the double standard.

"Don't take my guns!  I need them to fight if the government goes bad."

I see talk of Armed guards for schools and I think "Government schools need to be fortresses with Government funded guards with guns guarding the children."  So the question goes if the Government goes bad what would you do to get all those innocent hostages out of school?
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