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Original CoH Teaser

Started by Nealix, January 23, 2013, 06:04:16 AM


I started playing CoH during Beta and continued on until the lights went out.  The thing impacted me the most about CoH was the original teaser trailer Cryptic put out.  Does anyone remember it?  It had that original CoH launcher music and showed the lightning themed hero jump up on the building then fly away?  The first time I saw that hero fly I was in love with CoH.  I had been playing Everquest almost exclusively at the time and I could see its days were numbered the second I saw that teaser.  Wish I could find a link to it for those of you who have never seen it.  I have it on my hard drive but don't know a way to upload it.  When the end was announced I downloaded all the videos CoH had on their website and it was the first one at the bottom.


On my drive it's called coh_720x405, it's an early trailer of the game since it has no ATs.
Tempus unum hominem manet

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