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Started by ShenDragon, January 18, 2013, 12:55:25 AM


Hello I'm Shen-Dragon city of heroes was my favorite game but i come here bringing good news i soon will have the funds too make a mmorpg!  I plan on makeing a hero one and even better then coh was a friend of mine and myself after a certain point would be able to put 2million each so total 4million into building such a mmo. Please contact me if interested.


Quote from: ShenDragon on January 18, 2013, 12:55:25 AM
Hello I'm Shen-Dragon city of heroes was my favorite game but i come here bringing good news i soon will have the funds too make a mmorpg!  I plan on makeing a hero one and even better then coh was a friend of mine and myself after a certain point would be able to put 2million each so total 4million into building such a mmo. Please contact me if interested.

I hear this is exactly how City of Heroes got started.  An anonymous 1-post wonder showed up on a forum with 4 million dollars and, lo, a legend was born...  8)  :o  :P


Hi mcreed I know its alot of work I know there will be lots of art, codeing ,servers, game engine,  its alot of work but ill have the funds and the will to do what I can't to make it happen you have my word ill do my best to make a successor and make it even better I hope Titan will give my game I help get put there a chance!


Take this with a grain of salt. Remember Mercedes Lackey's warning: "beware 'my rich friend'" -- also beware "I'm rich too".
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...


Rotten Luck

Work is being done on two new Superhero MMOs by the CoH community.  If you got the funds then go check them out and send the check... better yet cash and put it in my PO box.

Well joke aside a Crowd funding operation for both of the games are planed and so when that goes active donate.  Till then save your money grow interest and so when the time comes you have more to give to the cause. 
One way or another... Heroes will fly again!


Well ill have my money with in a few months I will then start my company and begin higher programers and artist and much more will announced name of game and stuff after I have the baseics done nd copyrighted.

Rotten Luck

Again I say don't.  Operation are already underway, tried to get in on the MMO reconstruction and from the lack of activity on the forum it fizzled.

Help by funding either Heroes and Villains or Missing Worlds Media.  Both groups are working on new Superhero MMO and can use all the funding they can get.  Why start again when you can fill a needed void?  No I doubt even if you start your company and all that you get backing form here.

Why we already doing it and another late comer will not get the attention of the community.

Here's an idea instead of a Studio, why not start a Publishing company. 

Me I'm putting this in the I "believe when I see it" File.
One way or another... Heroes will fly again!


Well I am and I'm sure ill get tons of support since iv already got one of the developers from paragon onbored and many great artist so Yah you, an doubt me all you want but you won't discourage me by being a negative Nancy and acting rude. So Yah mine I'm sure will have tons of Supp:).!

Rotten Luck

Sorry for sounding rude.  Wasn't my intention. 

Just your not the first person who posted "I got the money and starting my own game company."  at the same time we are seeing the hard work being done by Missing worlds media and Plan Z virtual Studios.  All of that being done for free by volunteers.  It just seems to be more logical if I had the money to help turn one of those volunteer operations into a proper funded studio. 

Plus on your side.  You get a already establish work force.  A community driven project.

Where starting up another project you be competing against what so many already support. 

I do hope you do make good on your company and I do look forward to what comes out of it.  Just Games is a tough business studios open and close rapidly and I don't want you to put all the time and effort into it and end up like Paragon Studios being shut down in a short time.
One way or another... Heroes will fly again!


Hey Shen this is (Globle Handle) Grimhope I don't know if you remember me but I used to run around with you a bit. I have a friend who is a very talented Artist and a computer graphics artist. I would love to get you 2 together. I also know a few good writers that may be able to help. I would like a way to make this a personal conversation because I don't want to put my friends contact data out there. Please contact me here or possibly on Facebook Riggs Wild thank you


May 21 -july 25th should be having a better idea of out total budget all's i know so far it will be some where between 2,500,000 up to 5mill for the start up. More info soon: )!


Hmmm sounds like a person with a vision there. Well looks like we might have three choices. Sure could probably dump a couple of million into one of the projects but what does that gets him? Someone else vision and view of a successor game. You think if the million dollar guy don't like the engine or rather  hire professional ridding of the volunteers that did the work thus far i dont think would fly and will end up with three anyways except in that case more animosity. Why not skip all of that and have three with good terms. If a person have their own cash why not create their own? We need more super hero games anyways and a couple of top of the line ones.

Maybe this is all crap maybe not but I'm sure people of all incomes including some well off people, even I added a half dozen to that count although alas they wasn't as enthused and one was long time player. And assuming that I didn't know all the people that had a couple of million laying around that played or heard, there is probably many more. And some may be enthused about it but contrary to popular belief many don't seem to throw money at anything just for the hell of it. Most of the ones I know at least invest. If they come out of pocket beyond relative chump change, they want to make their money work and many times these people are doers and create their own star up instead of bothering with someone else startup or else would just go after the big stuff with good potential returns. Then again of those that I know are mostly self made business people, one investor, one "saved, and two born into it.


Okay, IF I had a million dollars, I would toss it at the ongoing projects that this Forum is following.

But I don't have the money, nor am I computer literate enough to be one of the programming volunteers.

The White Rager

Well it's been a few months. Where's all the cash? The Kickstarter for TPP is starting very soon, it would be good timing.

Of course, I personally would be less surprised to find out it was all a scam...but hey, you never know.


Quote from: The White Rager on May 30, 2013, 06:54:09 PM
Well it's been a few months. Where's all the cash? The Kickstarter for TPP is starting very soon, it would be good timing.

Of course, I personally would be less surprised to find out it was all a scam...but hey, you never know.

He might be building the MMO. Remember until recently even TPP and H&V didnt have much to show.

Or since not many people believed him anyways he just moved on. No point in saying "well looks like no support, I'm moving on to somewhere else." because that probably would cause more problems and skeptics.

Might been someone just talking.

Might not been.

Also even if one person had millions, without a crew, it takes awhile to build a game especially if one dont have that background. That is why most game producer CEOs have no idea how to play, or even the importance of a game or probably never play their own products. They just know business and that it's another product to bring in money and have no idea the inner working or what goes into creating a game.

Golden Girl

Quote from: JaguarX on May 30, 2013, 11:01:41 PM
Might been someone just talking.

Might not been.

Take a guess.
"Heroes and Villains" website -
"Heroes and Villains" on Facebook -
"Heroes and Villains" on Twitter -
"Heroes and Villains" teaser trailer -
Artwork -


Quote from: Golden Girl on May 31, 2013, 12:01:30 AM
Take a guess.

I already did.

But then, I would have to take a guess for 90% of the stuff on this forum and it would be guessed the same.