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Got sad yesterday...

Started by Arnabas, December 26, 2012, 06:58:33 AM


... when I was flipping through a copy of the Guinness Book of Records: Gamer edition. They mentioned City of Heroes and commented that it was "still goin strong".


know the feeling. im always been playing coh on christmas eve til whenever and now that tradition is gone.
i really missed it on the 24th.
@Eternal Twilight
Now in Paragon

Ice Trix

Yeah ): I keep finding myself at loose end and wanting to play very badly.


Same. Did finish working on a demo record of all my characters from all servers standing in a line, all 167 of them in front of city hall but it's not the same as playing them. *sighs*


ive missed coh with a passion.
wow,rift,swtor,sto are fun, but it is just not the same as playing coh.
imo, nothing will ever replace coh
@Eternal Twilight
Now in Paragon


I really miss the Baby New Year map on snow days.
-Phrendon Largo
founder of A.G.O.N.Y. on Victory Server


I think we all miss this homely little baby...:(
Listen to the 'mustn'ts'. Listen to the 'don'ts'. Listen to the 'shouldn'ts', the 'impossibles', the 'won'ts'. Listen to the 'you'll never haves', then listen close to me... Anything can happen . Anything can be.


Sometimes I would just go in there by myself to throw snowballs at the Tuatha. And skate around on the ice with my stalker, while the snow minions were oblivious of my presence.
-Phrendon Largo
founder of A.G.O.N.Y. on Victory Server

Clave Dark 5

Quote from: SKEWLINES on December 27, 2012, 05:25:35 PM
Sometimes I would just go in there by myself to throw snowballs at the Tuatha. And skate around on the ice with my stalker, while the snow minions were oblivious of my presence.

I did that a lot with my stalker too, and took a lot of screen shots.  I usually put one of them up as my desktop afterward, sigh.

I also enjoyed soloing Snappy with my Illusion/Radiation 'troller.
"What you say is rather profound, and probably erroneous." - Joseph Conrad


Haven't bothered trying to play any game after Coh was cancelled by NCsoft.


Quote from: beveri8469 on December 26, 2012, 12:13:06 PMive missed coh with a passion.
wow,rift,swtor,sto are fun, but it is just not the same as playing coh.
imo, nothing will ever replace coh

SWTOR is slowly accumulating a critical mass of cognitive dissonance that's making it less and less enjoyable to play. The "You can't do this, but you could if you subscribed -- why don't you subscribe now?" messages that are all over the game UI -- yes, I know I'm not getting the 'full' SWTOR experience; stop dunning me about it, and I might be more receptive to subscribing. The fact that NPC minion/lieutenant/boss rank seems to be hugely disproportionate to relative level, so that a -4 level 'elite' mob seems to have no trouble hitting you for about the same damage they'd do at even level, making outleveling a mission not an option for the 'heroic' missions, not quite forcing you (since you don't have to do the Heroic missions), but strongly shoving you into teaming. The way that you're sent out on missions where the mission goals, because most of the missions are open-world PVE, can have several individuals or teams stacked up waiting for a mission goal to respawn so they can complete the mission. The datacrons hidden off at the end of jumping puzzles, where my Jedi/Sith character who can leap a hundred feet into battle can't jump on top of a ten-foot-high crate, and has trouble jumping across a four-foot gap. And while it is in-character for Sith to do so, it feels wrong for Jedi -- with their philosophy of peace and harmony -- to advance in level by wandering the game 'zones' attacking and killing random people without warning, no matter how criminal or tyrannical they are.

Oh, yes -- and the fact that mouse left+right button is "run forward", and there's no way to unmap this (there's a support thread where one of the SWTOR support people suggested that they 'post about it in the Suggestions forum' if they wanted it changed), as there was in CoH.

Thunder Glove

Last night I briefly dreamed about City of Heroes for the first time since the shutdown.  In the dream, the game had still shut down, but now it was back (though I had the impression it was only temporary - a belated stay of execution, not a revival) and all our characters were still in place.  I'd been playing on my namesake Brute on Protector, and I was just switching over to my Thugs/Traps Mastermind on Virtue when I woke up. :(

I was very sad when I woke up.

And I still keep typing "" out of habit every day.


Quote from: healix on December 27, 2012, 05:11:10 PM
I think we all miss this homely little baby...:(
The fact that I may never again get to ask, "Who has creepy-baby aggro?" is sadder than it has any right to be.


I've been sitting here trying to decide what to do for New Year's. Every year since I started playing I've been somewhere in the 'D' wishing people a Happy New Year, but I can't this time. Doing it in FFXI...Just won't be the same.
/em raises a glass. "Next year in the Ski Chalet!"
"Scrappers might not exist any more, but scrapperlock is forever."   -Kaiser Tarantula

Victoria Victrix

So sad, every day, when I realize I haven't "seen," nor talked to, my father in law in 30 days.  That's the longest we have been out of contact in 7 years.
I will go down with this ship.  I won't put my hands up in surrender.  There will be no white flag above my door.  I'm in love, and always will be.  Dido


Quote from: Victoria Victrix on December 30, 2012, 11:20:40 AM
So sad, every day, when I realize I haven't "seen," nor talked to, my father in law in 30 days.  That's the longest we have been out of contact in 7 years.

This, perhaps more than anything directly about the game, makes me so very sad.  Hugs to the three of you...

Lily Barclay

Quote from: srmalloy on December 28, 2012, 04:18:03 AM
SWTOR is slowly accumulating a critical mass of cognitive dissonance that's making it less and less enjoyable to play. The "You can't do this, but you could if you subscribed -- why don't you subscribe now?" messages that are all over the game UI -- yes, I know I'm not getting the 'full' SWTOR experience; stop dunning me about it, and I might be more receptive to subscribing. The fact that NPC minion/lieutenant/boss rank seems to be hugely disproportionate to relative level, so that a -4 level 'elite' mob seems to have no trouble hitting you for about the same damage they'd do at even level, making outleveling a mission not an option for the 'heroic' missions, not quite forcing you (since you don't have to do the Heroic missions), but strongly shoving you into teaming. The way that you're sent out on missions where the mission goals, because most of the missions are open-world PVE, can have several individuals or teams stacked up waiting for a mission goal to respawn so they can complete the mission. The datacrons hidden off at the end of jumping puzzles, where my Jedi/Sith character who can leap a hundred feet into battle can't jump on top of a ten-foot-high crate, and has trouble jumping across a four-foot gap. And while it is in-character for Sith to do so, it feels wrong for Jedi -- with their philosophy of peace and harmony -- to advance in level by wandering the game 'zones' attacking and killing random people without warning, no matter how criminal or tyrannical they are.

Oh, yes -- and the fact that mouse left+right button is "run forward", and there's no way to unmap this (there's a support thread where one of the SWTOR support people suggested that they 'post about it in the Suggestions forum' if they wanted it changed), as there was in CoH.

The very distasteful way they handled f2p is a large part of why I canceled my sub to SWtOR. There are ways to encourage a subscription without bullying the player. LotRO does it, CO does it. SWtOR makes it a pain in the ass to play as a free player to the point where it's a pain for subscribers to team with free players. This does nothing to help the game IMO, and just makes the people at SWtOR out to be money grubbing jerks


Quote from: Lily Barclay on December 30, 2012, 04:44:54 PM
The very distasteful way they handled f2p is a large part of why I canceled my sub to SWtOR. There are ways to encourage a subscription without bullying the player. LotRO does it, CO does it. SWtOR makes it a pain in the ass to play as a free player to the point where it's a pain for subscribers to team with free players. This does nothing to help the game IMO, and just makes the people at SWtOR out to be money grubbing jerks

I suspect SWTOR confused "free to play" and "trial account".


I miss CoH every day....   It was always so much fun!
"We must be the change we wish to see in the world." -- Mahatma Gandhi         "In every generation there has to be some fool who will speak the truth as he sees it." -- Boris Pasternak
"Where They Have Burned Books They Will End In Burning Human Beings" -- Heinrich Heine


Quote from: TheManga on December 30, 2012, 06:53:11 PMI suspect SWTOR confused "free to play" and "trial account".

No, from all appearances there's no confusion -- they just took the server status of trial accounts and removed the time limit on them, leaving in all of the places where they set up kilowatt speakers to blare "You are experiencing [disadvantage relative to subscribers] because you're not a subscriber. Why not become a subscriber today? Here's a link to take you to the subscriber sign-up page!" in your ears virtually every time you open a window in the UI.