What is your favorite memory from CoX?

Started by A Cyclops named Steve, December 19, 2012, 10:41:47 AM

Ashen Fury

Honestly...theres so many.
Solo herding oranbega maps way back in issue 2 with an invul scrapper so my lower level blaster friends could catch up in level,
soloing Monster island on said scrapper from level 44-50. All the AVs I soloed back in the day before IOs/incarnate powers,
all of the first instances of the holiday events,
those first hami raids that were practically no more strategically sound than just hoping we had enough bodies to zerg him,
those first few months after CoV came out where the pvp zones were bustling with activity(the only game i really liked pvp at all in, btw)
Justice Radio parties in Paragon Dance Party took up most of my late nights.

And really...the nigh-thousands of time that I thought that I couldnt win a fight, decided "HELL NO. IM A SCRAPPER. I MAY DIE FIRST BUT YOU WILL DIE LAST, SIR!" and popped a full tray of inspirations to take them down.
Permanently Scrapperlocked.

Love CoH music? Want EVERY SINGLE FILE?


My number one favorite memory is stepping into Atlas Park the first time, right after the tutorial in Outbreak. I joined between issues 8 and 9 and when I heard that music, playing just for me, the new hero, I was just awed. Finally, I found a game I could actually play and it was as a Superhero!

The first Halloween Event is also a fond memory. Trick or treating (and occasionally getting the stuffing knocked out of me.)

And, finally, near the end, the SSAs. Those, THOSE, made me feel like a real hero. I was getting recognized by the legendary heroes and treated as one of their own. I had made it!

Ashen Fury

Quote from: WolfSoul on December 25, 2012, 04:40:52 PM
My number one favorite memory is stepping into Atlas Park the first time, right after the tutorial in Outbreak. I joined between issues 8 and 9 and when I heard that music, playing just for me, the new hero, I was just awed. Finally, I found a game I could actually play and it was as a Superhero!

The first Halloween Event is also a fond memory. Trick or treating (and occasionally getting the stuffing knocked out of me.)

And, finally, near the end, the SSAs. Those, THOSE, made me feel like a real hero. I was getting recognized by the legendary heroes and treated as one of their own. I had made it!

YES. I loved the SSAs so much. No game has ever made me feel more a part of its story, nevermind being seen as one of the most powerful beings on the planet.
Permanently Scrapperlocked.

Love CoH music? Want EVERY SINGLE FILE?


Quote from: Zekiran on December 20, 2012, 01:50:54 AM
I have a bunch, but some things stand out to me.

Walking into the Hollows the first time, back before aggro caps and before they put police drones in. There were dozens of lowbie heroes like myself just standing in awe at the massive fight going on just outside the gates.

Someone was herding the unicorns (not unicorns, the green kind of men with broken English and a bad drug habit) past the entrance in a big long train, and letting the lowbies hit them to our hearts content. A higher level emp def was spamming her healing aura, keeping us all alive. It was absolutely magical.

All the great Hami raids on Protector, before they "improved" Hami and prevented us from just spamming chat with bad fish puns and hilarity. We still did raids, but it wasn't quite the same.

Seeing the Chantry for the first time, and the Storm Palace. Wow.

Seeing Ultra Mode for the first time, equally wow - when the zones began to be upgraded. Making my Praetorians primarily to see how pretty the zones were :D

Having to call in a GM to assist me in a map that had a glitched glowie. It was on a tech lab map, the kind with that one room with the cores in the middle of it and sometimes a couple small rooms to the sides. Well it turned out one of the glowies had lodged itself behind one of those extra room walls, and I could hear it, focus on it, but I couldn't actually SEE it.

Called on a GM and when they discovered the issue, they used their GIGANTIC HAND OF GOD to move the glowie into the room with me. It was hilarious, I'd never seen anything like that happening live. Finished the mission and was quite happy.
Writer of Fantasy and Fantasy Romance


Quote from: Zekiran on December 20, 2012, 01:50:54 AM
(the green kind of men with broken English and a bad drug habit)

And who but us understands that?!  T R O L L S in the streets!

Writer of Fantasy and Fantasy Romance


Activating the flight power for the first time. I had never seen another game that gives you totally unrestricted flight like that. It was awesome.


My favorite memory is the first time I did the Praetoria - Blueside portal mish at level 20.  The toon had soloed all the way through the Prae arcs, so I had met a lot of contacts.  Having them recognize me as I headed for the portal to decide if I wanted to go blueside or redside with that majestic music playing was very moving.  I got a litttle misty-eyed as I left Praetoria.


I have to say the most fun I've had is the introduction of Widow and Soldier.  I don't know why I LOVE these two ATs so much.  I had the most fun leveling these two ATs. 

The introduction of creating your own story arc was a huge hit too...  power leveling all day, every day.  I got on, went to Cap and you could find a team under 5mins!  lol  But it did get old after a while. 

Clave Dark 5

I certainly have more than one, but two that strike me right now are....

1)  Taking flight on my first character.  I'd already been playing the game for a couple of years and had been sticking with concept travel powers, on Red Side to boot.  I finally had a hero character that got flight and the first thing I did was go take a look at the blimp in AP.  I quickly realized I should have listened to the boards and taken it sooner.

2)  Finding out my name-sake SR stalker, with five attacks slotted with Kinetic Combat plus Shadow Meld, could tank for a team of squishies.  Sure, their healing helped some, but I often didn't need it (plus found myself healing them with my Heal Other from the Medecine Pool).

Dang, now you guys have me really missing playing him...  :(
"What you say is rather profound, and probably erroneous." - Joseph Conrad


I remember when me, Cherry Bomb, and a few others did the first All-Stalker LRSF on test. This was before i8 and before them lowering the difficulty of the Phalanx a bit. Also, the Scientist would bug on occasion and run through walls like crazy. At the time, stalkers were considered a "pity spot" and the idea of an all-stalker run was kinda crazy.

But we pulled it off. And all I got was a Centriole.  :-\

Von Krieger

MY first "Wow" moment would be getting my very first level 50, Spines/Regen Scrapper. I hit 50 in the last room of the Lady Grey Task force JUST before the Nemesis cut scene triggered.

Firing off the Electric Judgement power in the middle of three spawns before they fixed it twice over. When it went live the damned thing could actually hit enemies several times if it jumped around long enough. Secondly somebody forgot to remove the damage buffing code from the psuedopet. As on Infernal Infested, my SS/Fire/Mu Brute, with her three stacks of rage and continuous burn of reds, that was pretty ridiculous pretty quickly.

Also with Infernal, another fond memory was the first few weeks/months of AE, when you could fill a mission full of bosses. Being able to fight a churning sea of Freakshow Tanks and not merely survive, but THRIVE was totally awesome.

Taking down giant monsters with a low number of players was also amusing. My group had run a TF that ends in Dark Astoria, and after it was done we had four players left and Adamastor was up, so we figured "Why not?" Then later one I remember trio-ing ToT Eochai when me and a few others were taking advantage of Halloween's never ending night to farm BP Masks.

And then once Incarnates hit, I loaded up my inspiration tray and prepped using the auction house "use anywhere" command in order to take on a few GM's on my own. I managed to take out the Kraken, Adamastor, and Scrapyard with Infernal. :D

When running Incarnate trials it would always make me smile when I used Knock-Out Blow (again with Infernal), and could tell when the blow landed, because I'd see the UI show the health bar dipping by a good 2 percent.


Ok, so here's probably the best one I have from the game:

It's around January 2008, and I'm playing one of my oldest and most beloved blasters in her bid to get to 50. She finishes off one of the Praetorian missions and BAM! gets to 50. About that time, my wife enters the room.

"Hey honey! I just hit 50 on Sky-One!"

"That's great dear! I'm pregnant!"


Followed by lots of hooting, shouting, and celebrating. Fast forward a few months and little Stefan Richter was born!


I have so many wonderful memories.  However, as this is my favorite, I'll go with...

The final night of COH.

Know that it is certainly not because I am glad that the game has come to an end, it is just, on that night, everything was so alive, so intense, everything was so full of meaning.

Every action, every word, knowing that the end had finally come.  I've clung to and treasured those moments and I know that I ever shall. 

That evening's finale...the "grand finale"...

What better way than to go out on an ITF with a couple of my closest friends?


I can think of no other...

If this game is resurrected, my hope is that it endures forever. 

For I am confident that that night, the final night, shall never be surpassed.


Lucretia MacEvil

My favorite memory:

Was on my elec/wp/mu brute.  Someone was asking for help taking down an EB at the end of one of the Patron arcs.  I joined the team, and it was just us two.  They asked "do you think we need more?" I promptly replied, "No, I think we'll be fine."

We then proceeded to smack the s#!7 out of the EB by ourselves (honestly, I think I did most of the work, but that may just be because this is from my perspective).

He thanked me, then said something like "I wish I'd run into you with *his alt's name*"

I said, "well, if *his alt* has an EB to take down, I'll help right now if you have time"

We went through a couple more of his alts and several more EBs.

I just felt like pure AWESOME after that!!!  Made my day (and his)!!!


Quote from: Lucretia MacEvil on January 05, 2013, 05:39:53 PM
I joined the team, and it was just us two.  They asked "do you think we need more?" I promptly replied, "No, I think we'll be fine."
I had that happen so many times over the years.  :)
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Paragon Wiki admin
I was once being interviewed by Barbara Walters...In between two of the segments she asked me..."But what would you do if the doctor gave you only six months to live?" I said, "Type faster." - Isaac Asimov


I have 3 if you don't mind since I played from the first day it went live:

1. It was the second week of the game and I was on my emp def Que. We were in Perez Park killing Hydras and a first day player a tank who in real life was only a 12 years old girl and myself were the last ones alive versus a Boss Hydra. The rest of the team was face down in the lake and I kept attacking and spamming heals all of us were cheering for the little girl to beat the monster! I was slowly dying and gave my last green inspiration to the tank as I died. She had about 2 health left when that Boss died and it was at least 10 minutes before we stopped cheering for her.

2. It was the second day of the Reactor trial. It was massively buggy with random spawn levels in the reactor. We were fighting Freakshow and it was the last wave we were barely surviving each wave and the last one did it - we started to drop. It was a only 2 fire tanks left alive. We literally went back to back at the core and fought in a circle picking up drops from our team. One bass was left and he shredded the other tank and then sliced me. I was badly hurt but so was the boss. I dropped one last Burn patch and then died - the Dot from the burn patch killed the last Boss! The team was again so full of screaming in chat it was incredible!

3. I was on my Ice/Storm controller Mab Queen of Winter at about 2am EST. I was finally heading to bed when I passed an odd sight - a player at level 45 named Harry Dresden. There was no way he made it this far into the game on that name I was thinking. A thought formed in my head - /t Harry Dresden, Mortal dost thou need a favor from the fae? He spun around in a circle and saw me - he almost literally jumped in the air. He said uh, maybe - what's the catch? You help me with a mission and I will help you - I explained.

In the first mission fighting Council, I had a bunch packed in a corner (fighting at +2x8) I dropped Ice slick, Hurricaned them into the wall and proceeded to slaughter them with complete safety. He words were - That is sooo freaking cool - let me know he was indeed Jim Butcher and we played for a couple more hours until at 4 am - I called it a night.


Quote from: sl701 on December 19, 2012, 05:15:46 PM2) That was a TF blueside on Union. I can't remember which one, though. We started out as a full team, me on Helvetic Knight and my friend Pistol (if you're here, write me a PM!!!) and some others, most notably a Tank from Spain. We started off well, but as the TF went along, more and more people dropped until we were only three to start the final map. Pistol, the Tank and me. Halfway through that mission the tank dropped, too.
Well, Pistol and me pressed onwards to the final room (a cave with a freaking huge thing in it - I really can't remember the TF)... Well, the two of has didn't have much a chance, but we tried nontheless and after about twenty minutes and several wipes (and good fun) the tank logged back in, excused himself in broken English for a crappy ISP and joined the party. I don't know how much it took, but we finally clobbered the final boss down and won the day  ;D
Good times!
I had something similar on a Dfb. We started with a full team, but by the time we reached the Hydra twins we were down to a DP Blaster (me) and a Peace Bringer.
Don't know how long it took, but each of us two called Statesman for help like 3 or 4 times.

And then there was this one Frostfire mish; me playing on a Stone Tanker "Trollbane". Quite at the end there is a rather small room where you got swarmed with enemies. Well long story short, my whole team wiped...repeatedly and when they returned from hospital they found me standing right in front of Frosty, having cleared the whole map and keeping him busy. I had to use Rest like 5 times to not run out of Endu, but with all my toggles running my HP never got below 80% 8)
I'm bad and that's good.
I'll never be good and that's not bad.
There's no one I'd rather be than me.

...unless I could be Batman, of course. Everybody wants to be Batman.


I started on release day way back when, and although I had followed its development and knew it was a superhero-themed MMO, I had no idea the scope of what it would look like until I logged in, having only played Freedom Force a little in that genre.

1. Seeing someone (in sort of an Iron Man robotic-theme) fly left to right over Atlas' globe. I thought it was just a scripted NPC much like the citizens, until they landed nearby and started talking. I went over and said "Was that you flying?" and they replied "Yes, we can all fly here!".

2. Fighting under the tree canopy in Perez Park, and our group getting lost. We didn't know cc very well and those 10-packs of mobs would scatter like the wind, pulling yet another nearby pack in sometimes. We died, we ran, we won ... mostly we laughed and bonded for what seemed like all day. Maybe it was all day, it was so much fun time flew.

3. The first time I saw a Tsoo Sorceror with his Big Trouble In Little China straw hat, and he threw a storm cyclone around himself, then teleported away. I said in my group "I wish we could do that" and someone replied "Controllers can; that was the Hurricane power". So I rolled one later that night named Banelord, and who 8 years later I was logged on with when the game ended Nov 30.


Quote from: redgian on January 07, 2013, 08:50:02 AM
Seeing someone (in sort of an Iron Man robotic-theme) fly left to right over Atlas' globe. I thought it was just a scripted NPC much like the citizens, until they landed nearby and started talking. I went over and said "Was that you flying?" and they replied "Yes, we can all fly here!".
I'm bad and that's good.
I'll never be good and that's not bad.
There's no one I'd rather be than me.

...unless I could be Batman, of course. Everybody wants to be Batman.


Ahh, so many memories collected in 7.5 yrs...  I'm reading through this thread and I just keep repeating "yep, that's my favorite memory" and then I read the next post, "oh right, THAT's my favorite memory". 

But if I have to narrow it down to the most fundamental memory, it was the first time I logged into Atlas (this being my first MMO), heard the music that I never get tired of, and saw several heroes flying by Atlas' statue.  The city was ALIVE!  We could FLY!  I was shaking from excitement and nervous energy.  I couldn't wait to fly.  I reached level 6 and picked up hover.  I crawled all over the Atlas skies at a whopping 2mph!  It was the greatest thing ever.

There were countless moments of "Think we need more?", "No, we should be fine", and proceeded to wipe the floor. 

I made many new friends this way.

I miss this game...

Quote from: Reiraku on January 05, 2013, 08:53:09 AM
Ok, so here's probably the best one I have from the game:

It's around January 2008, and I'm playing one of my oldest and most beloved blasters in her bid to get to 50. She finishes off one of the Praetorian missions and BAM! gets to 50. About that time, my wife enters the room.

"Hey honey! I just hit 50 on Sky-One!"

"That's great dear! I'm pregnant!"


Followed by lots of hooting, shouting, and celebrating. Fast forward a few months and little Stefan Richter was born!

It's hard to compete with this memory though.   ;D