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Player99's idea depot

Started by Player99, December 18, 2012, 01:51:31 AM



Since before the tragic end to CoH, I have been developing a Pen and Paper RPG to emulate the coolest part about it: the ability to truly make anybody you wanted, in a superhero format! Under the name of "MarvelD20" due to the game being between my friends for the moment + being in that setting, I have compiled what I'd like to think is a decent list of aspects from both CoH and CO that I found to be fun and put a bit of a twist here and there to not only fit the PnP mechanics but bring up what I feel the archetypes/powers always should have been and then some.

Seeing the Plan Z forums and all the discussion, I figure I could at least share a summary of what I've come up with to try and get discussion and ideas for the project(s) brewing. :)

Spoiler for "General/Character Creation":


Like standard DnD, MARVEL D20 has 6 stats, although their use is a bit different with the replacement of the Charisma stat in favor of the new Power stat. Players should instead try to focus on their character's actions and personality they have created to try and win over potential allies or intimidate foes. After all, half the fun of the D20 setting is interaction!

STRENGTH: Used for acts of strength and normal Melee Attacks. Examples of powers that rely on the STR stat are Super Strength and Melee Weapons.
CONSTITUTION: Used for defensive rolls (such as fortitude saves) and health. Examples of powers that rely on the CON stat are Regeneration and Darkness.
DEXTERITY: Used for acts of agility and accuracy. Examples of powers that rely on the DEX stat are Super Reflexes and Ranged Weapons.
INTELLIGENCE: Used for knowledge based rolls. Examples of powers that rely on the INT stat are creation-based abilities like making weapons, or hacking/making spells.
WISDOM: Used for intuition based rolls. Examples of powers that rely on the WIS stat are Elemental Manipulation and Shape-Changing.
POWER: Used for use of super powers and powered ranged attacks. Examples of powers that rely on the POW stat are Energy Blasts and Gravity Manipulation.

At creation a player will roll 4 D6's per stat, take out the lowest number and add the remaining 3 together to determine each stat's score, with standard modifier tables (8-9 = -1, 10-11 = 0, 12-13 = +1, and so on).
As their hero levels up, they will gain additional Stat Points to put into their scores to make them stronger over time, as well as possibly get powers that add an additional modifier to the stat indicated by the "Misc." column on the character sheet.


CREATION: Creating a character takes more than just rolling up your stats and choosing your Archetype, you should also think about the type of character they are. Will they be Heroic or Villainous? What kinds of powers will they have? What do they look like? How do they act? The choices are endless, but thinking about these now can certainly help in creating your character down the line!

PROGRESSION: At the DM's discretion, your characters will advance in level from a lowly street-level, to a world-renowned force to be reckoned with (usually after a certain amount of encounters or accomplishments will the DM award levels). The chart below will explain just what you get at each level:

1 +1 6 Class0: Choose Archetype and first Style Power.
2 +1
3 +1 +2
4 +1
5 +1 AT Enhancement: You can enhance your AT Perk or Style Power. (See ARCHETYPES for more info)
6 +1 +2 Class1: Next AT Perk, Choose 2nd Style Power.
7 +1
8 +1
9 +1 +3
10 +1 AT Enhancement: You can enhance one of your AT Perks or Style Powers.
11 +1 Class2: AT Perk, Style Power, +Damage Die on all attacks (D6>D8, etc), Unlock Tier3 Powers.
12 +1 +3
13 +1
14 +1
15      +1 +4 AT Enhancement: You can enhance one of your AT Perks or Style Powers.
16 +1 Class3: AT Perk, Style Power, chance to either Cross-AT (choose a Class0 perk from another AT to stack with your powers.
17 +1
18 +1 +4
19 +1
20 +1 AT Enhancement: You can enhance one of your AT Perks or Style Powers.
21 +1 +5 Class4: AT Perk, Style Power, +Damage Die on all attacks (D8>D10, etc), Unlock Tier4 Powers.
22 +1
23 +1
24 +1 +5
25 +1 AT Enhancement: You can enhance one of your AT Perks or Style Powers.
26 +1 Class5: AT Perk, Style Power, Chance to Cross-AT (Another Class0 Perk, or the Class1 Perk of the AT you've already Cross-AT'ed into).
27 +1 +6
28 +1
29 +1
30 +1 +6 AT Enhancement: You can enhance one of your AT Perks or Style Powers.
TOTAL: 30 46 6 Perks, 6 Style Powers, +2 Damage Die, Up to 2 Bonus Perks, 6 Enhanced Perks/Powers, and a truly Unique and Powerful character!


HP = Con Stat + 12 at 1st lvl, then +5 per every level after. Any time your Con stat changes, add the change to your max HP. Once a character's HP reaches 0 or below, they are considered "down". At -10 hp or lower, the character will have to make 3 Death Saving Checks, if they roll below 10 on 2 out of the 3 (with HP below -10 having harder checks), they are goners.

DAMAGE: The attack's DC + the mod associated (usually STR for melee attacks, and POW for "powered" (ranged) attacks, weapons usually don't get Mods added to the damage, but have other bonuses associated with having the weapon).
Damage also has various types associated with it:

Physical: The most common type, often seen in punches/bludgeoning attacks. Physical attacks often have a variety of effects based on the attack, but are often non-lethal on their own.
Lethal: Damage that can penetrate the body like blades and bullets are fairly common, and have the nasty effect of being able to swiftly end a fight. However, this is also the damage type most common to find defenses against.
Energy: The most common "elemental" damage, found in the likes of Magic and Lasers. Like with Physical, Energy has a variety of effects based on the attack, but often is associated with Daze.
Electric: Electrical damage often travels in a current, and as such can sometimes ignore Evasion bonuses and can chain from target to target.
Fire: Fire damage's primary secondary effect is simply more damage in the form of Damage over Time as the target is burned.
Cold: Cold damage usually has the side effect of slowing down its targets, reducing the amount they can move and potentially even the amount of actions they can take!
Darkness: Coming from the netherworld, Darkness damage often has a chance to terrorize weaker foes, and lower their accuracy.
Psionic: It is exceptionally rare to find a foe with defenses against Psychic attack, but those that do are often heavily guarded.
Toxic: A rare form of damage, Toxic comes from biological attacks such as poisons, etc, and will almost always have some sort of nasty de-buff associated with it.

DAMAGE TABLES: Use this as a reference for a Power/Weapon's damage rolls. Some attacks may have set damage however, as opposed to the rolls most powers need to make, or a mixture of both set damage and a damage roll.
Damage Die/Min Damage/Max Damage/Average Damage
1 1 1 1
D2 1 2 2
D4 1 4 3
D6 1 6 4
D8 1 8 5
D10 1 10 6
2d6 2 12 7
2d8 2 16 9
2d10 2 20 11
3d8 3 24 14
3d10 3 30 17
3d12 3 36 20
3d12+1d8 4 44 25
4d12+1d4 5 52 29
3d20+1d4 4 64 35
3d20+1d12 4 72 38
4d20+1d8 5 88 47
5d20+1d8 6 108 58
6d20+1d8 7 128 68
7d20+1d8 8 148 79
8d20+1d10 9 170 90
9d20+1d10 10 200 105
+d20, +d10 - - -

SECONDARY/STATUS EFFECTS: Many Powers come with Secondary Effects beyond damage that can alter a target's stats and effectiveness, or Status Effects that can alter the way they behave. Powers that have these as well as damage either have the Effect/Status as an afterthought, 50/50 share, or are purely for the Effect/Status.

(DE)BUFFS: Effects related to a character's stats directly, without effecting how they play in a major way are referred to as Buffs when positive, and Debuffs when negative.
Common (de)buffs include:
•   +/- Evasion, Attack Bonus, or Perception (accuracy)
•   +/- Damage, or Resistance to Damage (usually to all types for both)
•   +/- Movement, or Attack Rate (either in amount of actions, or frequency)

Uncommon (de)buffs:
•   +/- Healing, Regeneration, or Damage Negation (direct (de)buffs to those aspects)
•   +/- Absorption, or Max HP (Take less hits to go down)
•   +/- Powers, or "Special" (Can lower the effectiveness of Superpowers, or even (de)buffs)

STATUS: Effects that alter how a target behaves, usually by altering their options for actions.
•   Knockback/Prone: The target is flung X squares away, and often must use an action to get on their feet again. While prone, the target has no combat advantage.
•   Immobilize: The target cannot make move actions until freed.
•   Cage: The target is restricted to an area, and cannot affect anything outside of the area.
•   Phase: The target cannot interact with anything on the normal plane of existence, but can otherwise move about. Can affect things that are also phased.
•   Hold: The target cannot make –any- actions until freed.
•   Repel: Pushes targets away from an area or for X squares.
•   Stun: The target can only make 1 action until save ends.
•   Sleep: The target is "Held", as well as oblivious in most cases to those around it, until it is the target of something that either damages or moves them.
•   Confuse/Control: The Target cannot distinguish friend from foe, or is being controlled directly by a separate entity.
•   Poison: Target takes X damage at the end every turn, often with X increasing each turn until save ends.
•   DoT: Target takes X damage at the end of each turn for Y turns.
•   Anchor: The target is the "anchor" for specific effects, such as (de)buffing those around it, or becoming more susceptible to further effects.
•   Disable: Target temporarily loses an ability, such as their ability to fly.

DEFENSES: Unlike traditional D20 games, the world of Marvel has a wide variety of ways to defend yourself beyond getting out of the way or wearing armor.  While not all powers will grant every type of defense in their respective "set", everyone has the most important form naturally with their Reflex save. It is a good idea to get some sort of defense however, as even the most powerful of heroes take a hit some times.

AC(or Evasion): The ability to make yourself harder to hit either through classic AC/Armor, or being able to simply get out of the way of incoming damage. As mentioned, every character uses Evasion through their reflex save, with armor or certain powers (Super Reflexes) adding onto it. Mechanically, this raises the check needed in order to actually hit your character, so if you have +2 to evasion, the enemy would have to roll 2 higher than normal in order to land a hit. In combat, this is your first line of protection as not getting hit at all is certainly better than simply taking less.

Negation: A slightly rarer form of defense than the others, but next in order is Negation, which acts sort of like AC/Evasion only directly applied to Damage. Assuming you are hit by an attack, you can still avoid the damage if your Negation is high enough, as the total damage needs to exceed the amount just like the hit check needs to surpass Evasion. An example of a set that gives Negation would be transforming one's skin to steel. Most weapons may simply bounce off harmlessly, but stronger attacks could still puncture through and harm the character for the full damage.

Resistance: The ability to take less damage (usually limited to certain types at once), often seen in portions such as "resist 1/5th of incoming energy damage", etc. This means that if you were attacked for 10 points worth of Energy damage, you would subtract 1/5th, leaving you with only 8 points to subtract from your HP. Resistance is great as it isn't a roll of the dice like Evasion, and much more common than Negation, but is often limited by type and amount resisted.

Absorption: Damage Absorption works much like a separate "layer" of HP over a character's normal HP, and does not affect their Regeneration or Healing powers that rely on the Max HP value. Coming after all the other layers, Absorption's benefit is that it allows a character to still take "damage" with little consequence, except for that it will run out once depleted and usually takes a while or certain requirement in order to be replenished.

Regeneration/Healing: The ability to heal one's self either a set amount, or a % or their maximum HP value, many powers have a healing option to them. Regeneration works similarly to standard healing except it occurs like DoT effects, healing for usually a % of their Max HP over a flat number at the end of each turn. Coming after all the other defenses, Healing is generally a last resort, as it only works after a character has been damaged. That's not to say it isn't bad however, as it's certainly better than staying at low HP!


At creation and as a character levels, they gain POWER POINTS which are used to purchase powers. Power Selection follows a basic framework of Tiers and Power Types onto which you can attribute your Power pool of choice.

TIER 1: Basic Powers that need no requirements to choose. Cost 1 Power Point.
BASIC RANGED: Can be offensive (a Fire Blast) or Utility Based (Ranged Telepathy with your allies).
BASIC MELEE: Melee attacks (such as a Fighting or Sword maneuver) or Utility Based (Drain life via contact with target)
BASIC DEFENSIVE: Personal (your character regenerates) or targeted (put a force-field around your allies or an object) defensive powers.
BASIC UTILITY: Varies based on Power Pool, but powers that do not fit into any specific category themselves (Transforming or the ability to "Charge" a blast)
BASIC SKILL (BODY): "Natural" abilities such as stat alteration (Super Strength) or blanket abilities that affect multiple attributes (Martial Arts Training).
BASIC SKILL (MIND): "Natural" abilities such as stat alteration (Genius) or blanket abilities that affect multiple attributes (Technical know-how/arcane arts).
BASIC EQUIPMENT/OTHER: Item Based Powers (such as a Magic Sword or Robotic Arm), Gadgets (Weapons, Grenades, Drones, etc), or other "uncategorized" powers (Flight by various means, etc).

TIER 2: Slightly more focused or altered powers. Requires a T1 power purchase from the power pool. 2 PP.

Tier 2 Powers follow the same framework as Tier 1, but in general offer different versions or upgrades. Such as an AoE blast for Ranged, a Stronger Melee Attack, A Self Heal power as opposed to damage reduction, a New Transformation, a New Type of Training, or simply Better Equipment.

TIER 3: Specific Powers. Require a T2 purchase from the power pool, as well as Class-2. 3 PP.
Tier 3 moves on from the basic frameworks for the most part and opens up specific powers based on the selected Power Pool. Examples include a specific ability for electrical manipulation, as opposed to picking a framework power and altering it to electrical type.
Liquify (Sonic, Ranged)
Lowers target resistance to damage by 3d20.

Hurl Object (Super Strength, Skill)
Lifting heavy/large objects (such as cars) becomes a free action, and needs no check. The item can then be weaponized.

TIER 4: Ultimate Powers. Require a Tier 3 purchase from the power pool, as well as Class-4. 4 pp.
Tier 4 unlocks the pinnacle of a character's power. These are very powerful special abilities associated with the character's power pool, such as a Super-Attack or Final Transformation.
1000 Cuts (Dual Blades, Melee)
Attacks of opportunity can now go on infinitely as long as you use your blades to create an opening each time, providing you do not fail a Dex roll. (Daily)

Boss Construct (Robotics, Equipment)
You have created your ultimate minion: a High-Powered Super-Drone! (Has it's own character sheet, and enhancements affect what abilities it possesses such as Missiles, Flight, durability, etc).

After choosing a power, you can enhance it beyond its base power and effects using Enhancements, gained by a reward roll (1d12) after an encounter.

For the most part, Enhancements are tied directly to the character's power pool of choice, for example with Fire powers; you can enhance the power for a chance to ignite the target for more damage over time. But there are "generic" enhancements available such as more damage, accuracy, range and general effectiveness.

Types: Like with powers, Enhancements also come in Types, like Tiers. Each different type of enhancement will influence the power in a different way, and range from common to rare on the reward roll based on the potency of the change it provides.

TYPE 1 (1-6 roll): Directly increase the basic effects of a power by a set amount. Examples of Type 1 enhancements are increasing the Damage Die used for an attack (D6 to D8), adding Range (usually 1-2 squares each), improving armor (10% to 20% resistance), and increasing the secondary effect's potency (Debuff Damage from -10% to -20%, or increase immobilize from 2-3 turns).

TYPE 2 (7-10 roll): Type 2 changes from enhancing basic attributes, to adding them on to the power. Examples of these types of enhancements are the "ignite" seen above, adding a secondary effect, adding new features to a power (such as interacting with another power), or adding new features to a weapon (adding a blade to a staff, for example). Can enhance already existing effects (Ignite from 18-20 is now 16-20 for example).

TYPE 3 (11-12 roll): The rarest type of enhancement also gives the best effects, being able to change the very rules of a power. Examples include changing a Single-Target attack so that it can affect multiple targets either through "Splash" damage , changing the frequency* (from encounter to every other turn), or even adding new mechanics to the power such as the ability to cast it on a target instead of yourself. These kinds of alterations often unlock alternate versions of a power to use such as a Single target Fire Blast's AoE version being able to be used once per encounter while otherwise remaining the way it was.
(DM Discretion Button / Freeform Power tool)
*some powers may not be viable for this type of enhancement by DM's discretion.

You can carry over enhancements, unused enhancements can be put towards your next reward roll (Each enhancement spent adds 1 to the next roll).

Special Enhancements:
Set bonuses ("Hulk Smash" Set:  gives +1 accuracy when 2 Slotted, +1 to all melee damage when 3, etc. Must be slotted in same power to get bonuses, bonuses can be stacked by slotting in different powers however. Last set bonus is usually a unique boost but requires maximum slotting of one power.)

Character Enhancements (DM-created enhancement [sets] for a specific character, gives bonuses to either their powers individually or their character, whatever the DM and/or Player decides!)

Everything is subject to change, especially if adapted to a MMO setting, but the gist of it is that there are global stats like CO as well as a slightly more in depth form of "free form" power selection based on points and power pool. Up next is the CoH influence in Archetypes:


Part 1: Intro - Adept

Spoiler for "Archetypes":

Archetypes are the "classes" of MarvelD20 as they encompass the varied styles and roles of characters seen throughout the Marvel Universe. Choosing a character's Archetype is essential, as even though the player has freedom over what powers they have, the Archetype (AT for short) governs how their character wields them. For instance, two players who have enhanced strength would play vastly differently if one were a Fighter and the other a Tank, although they selected nearly identical powers!

Mechanically, each AT will give the character a starting perk just for being that AT, as well as the choice between two "styles", which further define their playstyle (Such as the Defender AT's choice between self-protection as a Tank, and team-support as an Empath). Additionally, the style will give the character a free "style power" that will act as an automatic power, new effect across all powers, or even a triggered ability. Characters will also experience cost changes to certain powers based on their AT (with the exception of the Metahuman) with powers benefitting their chosen playstyle being able to become a Primary Power, and powers against their playstyle doubled in cost. Primary Powers are selected by the group a power set falls under, so a Brawler could select a primary power from any power set that is melee-focused. The player can choose 1 free Tier 1 power, as well as choose a Tier 4 power from the set at level 18!

As the character grows, their proficiency at their role does as well, with the 6th, 11th, 16th, 21st and 26th levels granting a new AT Perk and Style Power to reflect their increased Power Class (with Class-0 being a street-level vigilante, and Class-5 being the likes of the most powerful of Heroes). These new attributes do not replace older ones and instead stack with each other to further empower the character, unless specifically stated. The character's Style is not set until they choose the 3rd Style Power available to them however, meaning that any given character can have up to the 2nd Power of each Style before cementing themselves. Doing so does prevent choosing the later powers given by the style you ultimately decide on, given the 6 opportunities to select said powers. At level 16 and 26 you may cross into another AT by selecting a Class0 Perk to stack onto your normal perks, or the Class1 Perk of an AT you've already crossed into at 26. Every 5 levels you get a chance to enhance one of your AT Perks or Style Powers (including those you've crossed into) as seen below under each Perk/Power. DM's may also see it fit to reward players with an AT Enhancement after particularly challenging tasks.

Spoiler for Hidden:
The versatile Archetype, Metahumans are best described as the characters that can either do a bit of everything, but nothing particularly outshining the other, or as characters that can fill gaps in parties well enough and are able to hop from role to role. As such, their starting bonus is +1 to Mod of the player's choosing to either iron out a weakness, or possibly raise an already decent stat a bit more if the player already has a preference, but would like to build in a variety of other talents. Metahumans do not have price increases on power types, but at the same time lack price cuts as well.

Class 0) (See above.)
Enhance: +1 to selected stat's score.  Enhance+: +1 to selected stat's score.

Class 1) +1 to Mod of the player's choosing, cannot be a Mod they have already increased.
Enhance: +1 to selected stat's score.  Enhance+: +1 to selected stat's score.

Class2) +1 to Mod of the player's choosing, cannot be a Mod they have already increased.
Enhance: +1 to selected stat's score.  Enhance+: +1 to selected stat's score.

Class3) +1 to Mod of the player's choosing, cannot be a Mod they have already increased.
Enhance: +1 to selected stat's score.  Enhance+: +1 to selected stat's score.

Class4) +1 to Mod of the player's choosing, cannot be a Mod they have already increased.
Enhance: +1 to selected stat's score.  Enhance+: +1 to selected stat's score.

Class5) +1 to Mod of the player's choosing, cannot be a Mod they have already increased.
Enhance: +1 to selected stat's score.  Enhance+: +1 to selected stat's score. 

PARAGON: The Paragon is a hero who can do a bit of everything themselves, but no one thing particularly well compared to their teammates. As the Paragon levels, their focus shifts to personal gain to make themselves more well rounded.

Power 1) Grudge: +1 to check of your choice when at ½ HP or below.
Enhance: If the check rolls a 1, re-roll it. Enhance+: If the check rolls less than 3, re-roll it.

Power 2) Adaptive: Gain bonuses based on what other Archetypes are in your party:
+10% to your totaled Damage for each attack if there is a Brawler and/or Adept on the team.
+10% to All Damage Resistance if there is an Ace and/or Defender on the team.
+D4 to any Utility Check if there is an Expert and/or Manipulator on the team.
+D4 Initiative if there is any other Metahuman on the team.
Enhance: When at ½ HP or lower, values are 15% and D6.  Enhance+: When At ¾ HP or lower, values are 15% and D6.

Power 3) Heroic Action: Once per Encounter, you can add your two Highest Modifiers to the roll of your choice.
Enhance: +1 to the check.  Enhance+: +3 to the check.

Power 4) Grudge+: Replacing Grudge, add 1D4 when at 3/4 MaxHP or lower.
Enhance*: If the check rolls a 1, re-roll it.  Enhance+*: If the check rolls less than 3, re-roll it.

Power 5) Adaptive+: Gain further bonuses based on what other Archetypes are in your party:
+10% to Total Accuracy (Roll + Attack Bonus) if there is a Brawler and/or Adept.
+10% to Reflex/Evasion totals if there is an Ace and/or Defender.
+D4 to Movement/Range (Rolled at the beginning of each round) if there is an Expert and/or Manipulator.
+1 Action per Round if there is another Metahuman.
Enhance*: When at ½ HP or lower, values are 15% and D6.  Enhance+*: When At ¾ HP or lower, values are 15% and D6.

Power 6) Heroic Feat: Once per Day, add ALL Modifiers to the roll of your choice.
Enhance: +3 to the check.  Enhance+: +9 to the check. 

*: If you have enhanced a previous version of the power, the new version is also enhanced.

TACTICIAN: The Tactician is a hero that can fill in for the team and adapt to the situation at hand, with versatility as their main strength. As the Tactician levels, their focus shifts towards various situational abilities that come in handy in just about any encounter.
Power 1) Tactical Strike: +2 to check of your choice when target is half health or lower, and for as long as it stays at ½ or below. You may only have 1 target per encounter.
Enhance: If the check rolls a 1, re-roll it. Enhance+: If the check rolls less than 3, re-roll it.

Power 2) Adaptive: Gain bonuses based on what other Archetypes are in your party:
+10% to your totaled Damage for each attack if there is a Brawler and/or Adept on the team.
+10% to All Damage Resistance if there is an Ace and/or Defender on the team.
+D4 to any Utility Check if there is an Expert and/or Manipulator on the team.
+D4 Initiative if there is any other Metahuman on the team.
Enhance: When at ½ HP or lower, values are 15% and D6.  Enhance+: When At ¾ HP or lower, values are 15% and D6.

Power 3) Tactical Strike+: Add 1 to Tactical Strike, as well as being able to have 2 Targets per encounter.
Enhance*: If the check rolls a 1, re-roll it. Enhance+*: If the check rolls less than 3, re-roll it.

Power 4) Battle Experience: Add 1 to Tactical Strike per member of the team.
Enhance: +1 target per 2 party members.  Enhance+: +2 to check per party member.
Power 5) Versatile+: Gain further bonuses based on what other Archetypes are in your party:
+10% to Total Accuracy (Roll + Attack Bonus) if there is a Brawler and/or Adept.
+10% to Reflex/Evasion totals if there is an Ace and/or Defender.
+D4 to Movement/Range (Rolled at the beginning of each round) if there is an Expert and/or Manipulator.
+1 Action per Round if there is another Metahuman.
Enhance*: When at ½ HP or lower, values are 15% and D6.  Enhance+*: When At ¾ HP or lower, values are 15% and D6.

Power 6) Tactical StrikeX: Add 1 to Tactical Strike, as well as being able to have 3 Targets per encounter.
Enhance*: If the check rolls a 1, re-roll it. Enhance+*: If the check rolls less than 3, re-roll it.

*: If you have enhanced a previous version of the power, the new version is also enhanced.

Spoiler for Hidden:
In close quarters combat, no other hero can compare to the Brawler. As their inherent bonus, Brawlers gain +Damage Die on Melee Attacks, meaning that a D6 damage will become a D8, and so on. The Brawler is ideal for players who like to jump into the fray and do some damage, and as such can choose Melee Power Sets as their primary, with powers that detract from that goal (Utility) costing them more.
Class0) (See above)
Enhance: +1 damage when the damage roll is at max.  Enhance+: +3 damage when max.

Class1) +1 HP per level.
Enhance: +2 HP every other level.  Enhance+: +2 HP per level.

Class2) +1/2 Str Mod to Melee Attack bonus.
Enhance: +1 to Melee Damage.  Enhance+: Add ½ Str Mod to Melee Damage.

Class3) Melee Attacks may hit another target adjacent to their intended target for ½ damage if the adjacent target rolls less than the intended target on their evasion.
Enhance: Adjacent target does not need to roll less.  Enhance+: ¾ damage dealt to adjacent target.

Class4) Heal 5hp automatically per round up until the Brawler is at ½ MaxHP or lower.
Enhance: +2 HP regained.  Enhance: +2 HP regained. 

Class5) If a Damage Roll for a Melee attack lands on a 1, re-roll the die.
Enhance: Re-roll on 2 or lower.  Enhance: Re-roll on 3 or lower. 

FIGHTER: The Fighter is the type of brawler that has a trained hand and uses disciplined fighting styles to get the edge over their foes, often looking for / making openings to strike effectively. As they level, Fighters gain powers that focus on precise damage dealing and taking down single, tough targets.
Power 1) Combo Hit: In a round, if the Fighter has successfully landed their two attack actions, they may make a 3rd attack action.
Enhance: +1 to 3rd hit's damage.  Enhance+: +1 to 3rd hit's attack roll.

Power 2) Hi-Crit: On a critical hit, roll the base damage again after normal Max Damage.
Enhance: +2 to 2nd damage roll.  Enhance+: Apply Str Mod to 2nd roll as well.

Power 3) Against All Odds: Once per Encounter, the Fighter can pump themselves up for the fight ahead by increasing their damage output by 5 per enemy adjacent to themselves, as well as 2 per enemy 2 squares away for 1D4+1 rounds.
Enhance: +1 to damage gained.  Enhance+: +1 to duration.

Power 4) Combo Hit+: If the 3rd hit lands, a 4th action can be taken.
Enhance*: +2 to 4th hit's damage.  Enhance+*: +2 to 4th hit's attack roll.

Power 5) Finishing Blow: If the 4th hit lands on an opponent, it will roll Hi-Crit damage. If the Finisher crits, it will deal x2 Max Damage + Base Damage roll. You may only attempt a finishing blow once per encounter.
Enhance: You can attempt a finishing blow twice per encounter. 
Enhance+: x3 Max Damage.

Power 6) Resurgence: After defeating a foe with Finishing Blow, you may use an Encounter or Daily power you have already used.
Enhance: Gain 5% MaxHP back when defeating a foe with a Finishing Blow.
Enhance+: Afflict "Terrorize" on all foes within a 3 sq radius of defeated target for 3 rounds. 

*: If you have enhanced a previous version of the power, the new version is also enhanced.

BERSERKER: Unlike their more refined counterpart, the Berserker is a feral powerhouse fueled by rage and the sheer act of combat, getting stronger and stronger as the battle rages on. As Berserker levels, their focus is on sustained fighting versus multiple foes.
Power 1) Fury: For each attack landed by or on the Berserker, add 1 damage to every attack made for the next two rounds. At Class2, Fury adds 2 damage per attack, and 3 damage per attack at Class4.
Enhance: +1 Fury for every 4th hit landed by either you or the enemy on you. 
Enhance+: +2 Fury per 4th hit.

Power 2) Focused Rage: Pick a Target, it grants x2 Fury when you attack it or vice-versa until it is no longer your target. You may only have 1 target per Encounter.
Enhance: Damage done by target is reduced by 2 towards you. 
Enhance+: +1 target per encounter.

Power 3) Rise to the Challenge: Once per Encounter, the Berserker can prepare themselves up for the fight ahead by adding their Str Mod worth of Absorption per enemy within a 3sq radius.
Enhance: +1 to Absorb per enemy.  Enhance+: +1 to radius.

Power 4) Fury+: Fury now lasts for 3 turns instead of 2.
Enhance*: +1 Fury per 4th hit landed by either you or the enemy on you. 
Enhance+*: +2 Fury per 4th hit.

Power 5) Battle-Ready: At the beginning of an Encounter, roll a D4 and add it to your Fury Bonus for the next 3 rounds.
Enhance: Roll a D6 instead of a D4.  Enhance: Roll a D8 instead of a D6. 

Power 6) Rampage: If a foe is defeated, you get another action until you stop defeating foes.
Enhance: +1 Fury per foe defeated.  Enhance+: +2 Fury per foe defeated.

*: If you have enhanced a previous version of the power, the new version is also enhanced.

Spoiler for Hidden:
Adepts are masters of Power, with their ability to control supernatural abilities unmatched throughout the other archetypes. Due to their focus on "power" abilities, choosing an Adept will grant the character +Damage on all POW attacks (much like with Brawlers with a D6 becoming a D8) on all powers that use the stat. Due to their focus on more "elemental" abilities, Adepts can get Primaries from Ranged Power sets, but pay a price if they wish to use personal Defenses.
Class0) (See above)
Enhance: +1 damage when the damage roll is at max.  Enhance+: +3 damage when max.

Class1) +Range equal to Pow Mod.
Enhance: +1 range on all Power attacks.  Enhance+: +2 to all range.

Class2) +1/2 Pow Mod to Ranged Attack Bonus and Damage.
Enhance: +1 to Damage.  Enhance+: +2 to Attack bonus.

Class3) Area Effect powers have their Radius increased by 1 Square.
Enhance: On a roll of 18-20, AoE powers may leave their targets Prone. 
Enhance+: On a roll of 18-20, AoE powers may leave targets Dazed.

Class4) Enemies on the receiving end of an Adept's Assault have a 10% chance to have the Fear status placed on them. (19-20)
Enhance: Fear on 18-20.  Enhance+: Terrorized targets deal 3/4ths damage.

Class5) 50% of a Critical Hit's damage bypasses Negation, Resistance and Absorption.
Enhance: 75% of Crit damage is unmitigated. 
Enhance+: 100% of Crit damage is unmitigated.

BLASTER: Blasters take the focus of Power abilities and turn it into a focus on ranged bombardment. As a Blaster levels, they will receive bonuses towards ranged assaults and Power damage.
Power 1) Assault: +Damage Die on Power Attacks (D8 becomes a D10, etc). Blasters also increase their Damage by their Class#, adding 1 at Class1 and so on.
Enhance: +25% resistance vs Damage Debuff. 
Enhance+: +50% resistance vs Damage Debuff.

Power 2) Build-Up: For every action you Build-Up an attack, add ½ your Pow Mod to the total.
Enhance: +1 to damage per B-U.  Enhance+: +3 to damage per B-U.

Power 3) Overkill: Every attack landed on the enemy will stunt their Self Healing/Regeneration by 5hp/Round for 5 rounds each hit.
Enhance: +6 hp/Round.  Enhance+: Stunts Healing for 6 rounds.

Power 4) Build-Up+: For every action you Build-Up an attack, add your Pow Mod to the total.
Enhance*: +2 to damage per B-U.  Enhance+*: +6 to damage per B-U.

Power 5) Overload: The Blaster can willingly take damage equal to 10% of their Max HP in order to do 20% more total damage that action.
Enhance: Option to take up to 15% on self for +30% Damage. 
Enhance+: Option to take up to 25% on self for +50% Damage.

Power 6) Build-UpX: For every action you Build-Up an attack, add 2x your Pow Mod to the total.
Enhance*: +3 to damage per B-U.  Enhance+*: +9 to damage per B-U.

*: If you have enhanced a previous version of the power, the new version is also enhanced.

OPPRESSOR: Shifting from solely offense, the Oppressor employs a mix of status effects and finesse to combat with their powers, often locking down foes or using crippling secondary effects on top of ranged damage. As an Oppressor levels, their focus is their ability to "control" their powers, and their foes.
Power 1) Domination: If your target is already under the influence of your powers, add 1d4 to all rolls influencing them (including damage, secondary effects and further status) until they are free of your influence. DoT effects have the roll once it is applied, not at every "tick" of damage.
Enhance: Roll D6 instead of D4.  Enhance+: Roll D8 instead of D6.

Power 2) Spreadshot: At the cost of a damage die, Oppressors can increase the area of their AoE powers by 1 for each loss of damage. Maximum of +/- 5, and a minimum of 1d2 damage dealt.
Enhance: Minimum of -4 Damage Die. 
Enhance+: Single-Target powers can "splash" secondary effects to adjacent targets.

Power 3) Overwhelm: Add your Pow Mod to the secondary effects of all powers that apply them. DoT effects are not boosted by this.
Enhance: +1 to Effect Roll.  Enhance+: +3 to Effect Roll.

Power 4) Domination+: Domination now adds 2d4.
Enhance*: Roll 2D6 instead of 2D4.  Enhance+*: Roll 2D8 instead of 2D6.

Power 5) Aftermath: Area of Effect powers have a 50% chance to trigger their secondary effects/status effects on the round after their use in the area they affected.
Enhance: +1 round.  Enhance+: 75% chance.

Power 6) Scourge: If their enemy is at ½ hp or lower, the values for the Secondary/Status effect are doubled.
Enhance: Activates at 2/3 HP or lower. 
Enhance+: Damage is increased by 20% vs Targets at ½ HP or lower.

*: If you have enhanced a previous version of the power, the new version is also enhanced.


Part 2: Ace-Manipulator

Spoiler for Hidden:

Spoiler for Hidden:
Precision and mobility are what the Ace is all about, being able to snipe targets, hit critical areas and move about the field without being touched or even seen. With their dexterous play style, Aces receive +Crit (19-20), allowing them to hit on-target more often as well as Primaries from Skill (Body) powers, but at the cost of Skill (Mind).
Class0) (See above, attacks only hit automatically on a roll of 20, otherwise the attack will deal Max Damage.)
Enhance: +1 to Crit Range.  Enhance+: +1 to Crit Range.

Class1) Critical Hits will Daze their target for 1 round.
Enhance: +1 Round.  Enhance+: 50% chance to "Hold" target instead of Daze.

Class2) Add ½ Dex Mod to both Attack Bonuses.
Enhance: +1 to one Attack Bonus.  Enhance+: +1 to one Attack Bonus.

Class3) If an Attack Roll lands on a 1 to-hit, re-roll the die.
Enhance: Re-roll if 2 or lower.  Enhance+: Re-roll on 3 or lower.

Class4) +Crit (17-20).
Enhance*: +1 to Crit Range.  Enhance+*: +1 to Crit Range.

Class5) When an Ally within a range equal to your Dex Mod makes an attack of opportunity, you can also capitalize with one yourself on the same target, adding both your attack rolls together vs said target.
Enhance: +1 Damage on Attack.  Enhance+: +3 Damage on Attack.

MARTIAL: The Martial is a weapons expert first and foremost, and is deadly accurate with their tool of choice. As the Martial levels, they gain abilities suited towards combat with weaponry and critical hits.
Power 1) Aim: After marking a target, add your Dex mod to both Damage and Accuracy to hit said target. You may only have 1 target per round, but can re-use the same target as well as specific parts of said target.
Enhance: +1 to Accuracy.  Enhance+: +1 to damage per 2 Die rolled.

Power 2) Trained Hand: Add ½ your level to all weapon damage. On a crit, add full level.
Enhance: Add ½ your level to the chance of secondary effects caused by your weapon.  Enhance+: Add ½ your level again on a natural 20 critical.

Power 3) Arms Master: The martial is proficient in any and all weapons, giving an added +2 to Attack Bonus with weaponry and allowing them to carry over bonuses to weapons taken from the battlefield/enemy, and improvised weapons. Taken weapons may also replace a weapon of the same type, and carry over enhancements.
Enhance: +2 to Improvised Weapon damage. 
Enhance+: You may keep enhancements on weapons on top of the ones you carry over.

Power 4) Perfect Hit: On a natural 20 to hit, roll a D4 and multiply the Max Damage by the result. Does not multiply bonus damage from "Trained Hand".
Enhance: Re-roll D4 if it lands on 1.  Enhance+: +1 to D4.

Power 5) One with the Weapon: Once per Day, you can add your Dex Mod to your Critical Hit range for the entirety of an encounter.
Enhance: Add ½ Dex mod to Critical Damage. 
Enhance+: Every critical made will extend OWtW by one turn in the next encounter.

Power 6) Marked for Death: Once per Encounter, you can take a full turn to mark a single target for a chance to 1-hit KO them. To hit, roll your Attack bonus vs their Fortitude save, if you succeed the check the target will drop to 0 HP regardless of defenses, and no damage will be dealt if the target succeeds. The DM can deem special targets to take x4 max damage instead.
Enhance: Take ½ a turn on the first mark of the day. 
Enhance+: After defeating the target, all other enemies gain a -3 to their Attack Rolls for 2 turns.

ACROBAT: Where the Martial focuses on what's in their hands, the Acrobat focuses on the hands and body their attached to. Acrobats focus on mobility around the field, and gain bonuses to various forms of movement.
Power 1) Fitness: +1 to all movement range, as well as cutting the duration and effectiveness of any form of slow or immobilize in half.
Enhance: +1 to distance.  Enhance+: +3 vs Holds and Immobilizes.

Power 2) Burst of Speed: Once per round, you can move ½ your max movement as a free action.
Enhance: +1 to distance.  Enhance+: +1 to distance.

Power 3) Hit & Run: Acrobats can combine their attacks and move actions into one action, but lose extra Accuracy bonuses while on the run (such as your Class2 bonus).
Enhance: Regain ½ of your accuracy bonuses.  Enhance+: No penalties.

Power 4) Rescue: An acrobat can make a movement of opportunity to re-position an ally within range of their Dex Mod up to their max movement range away. The acrobat can perform this action at any time with the other player's consent, and can perform it as many times in an encounter as their current Class#.
Enhance: Add ½ your Reflex save for both characters vs incoming attacks. 
Enhance+: Add full Reflex save.

Power 5) Set-Up: All encounter powers give allies an attack of opportunity against your target(s) if they are within your Dex Mod range of said target.
Enhance: +1 damage on ally attacks.  Enhance+: +1 accuracy on ally attacks.

Power 6) Spring to Action: Once per Day, the Acrobat can inspire themselves to take 1D4 + 4 additional Actions in one turn.
Enhance: +1 Action.  Enhance+: 1D6 instead of 1D4.

Spoiler for Hidden:
Defenders are focused on protecting themselves and their team by either taking the hits for them, or healing their wounds or supporting them directly. To help with this role, Defenders gain +D4 on checks vs status ailments, such as Stun, and can choose Defensive Primary Powersets, but have to pay more for Ranged.
Class0) (See above)
Enhance: +D6.  Enhance+: +D8.

Class1) +D4 vs Debuffs targeted at the Defender
Enhance: +D6.  Enhance+: +D8.

Class2) Re-roll defensive checks if you roll 2 or lower
Enhance: Reroll on 3 or lower. 
Enhance+: On a re-roll of 20, gain +5 towards your next check.

Class3) +Con vs Status Ailments
Enhance: +1 to check.  Enhance+: +3 to check.

Class4) +Con vs Debuffs
Enhance: +1 to check.  Enhance+: +3 to check.

Class5) Your critical save range is equal to ¼ your Constitution modifier, instead of just being 20.
Enhance: Equal to 1/3 your Con mod.  Enhance+: Equal to ½ your Con mod.

TANK: The Tank takes the heat for the team, and as such is the toughest character around. Tanks gain bonuses to both personal defense, as well as holding attention of the incoming fire as they level.
Power 1) True Grit: Add your Con modifier to your HP every time you level up.
Enhance: +1 to HP per level.  Enhance+: Regenerate 1/20th Max HP per round.

Power 2) Resilience: Gain damage negation towards all damage types equal to ½ your level.
Enhance: +1 Negation. 
Enhance+: Resist any spill-over damage that is less than your negation by 10%.

Power 3) Taunt: (Instant Interrupt) You can target an enemy and make them attack you for X amount of turns, where X is your Con Mod.
Enhance: +1 turn.  Enhance+: +1 turn.

Power 4) Die Hard: Remain conscious at Negative Health up until half your level. Once the encounter ends, you are unconscious regardless if still at negative health. While in negative health, the Tank cannot use any "activated" defensive abilities, but can still have the effects of passive abilities.
Enhance: You can use 1 activated defensive ability while in Negative HP. 
Enhance+: Defeating an enemy while in negative HP will regain 1 HP.

Power 5) Living Target: Enemies feel naturally threatened by you, and more often than not target the Tank over other party members if they are within a range equal to your Con mod.
Enhance: +1 to threat radius. 
Enhance+: Enemies have to pass a Willpower check to not target you over an ally.

Power 6) Undying: Extend your death saving threshold by ½ of your Constitution Stat.
Enhance: Extend by your full Con Stat.  Enhance+: Add your Con Mod.

EMPATH: Whereas the Tank is at the front lines, the Empath is back in a position to support their allies when in need with either direct healing, or other means of protection. As they level, Empaths gain bonuses to aiding allies and ways to negate incoming damage from the enemy.
Power 1) Emergency Action: The Empath may make 1 extra non-combative action per ally that is at ½ hp or below.
Enhance: +1 action per 3 allies in risk. 
Enhance+: +2 actions per allies at 1/10th HP or lower.

Power 2) Vigilance: Activated Defensive abilities (such as Heal over Times) last for an additional 1D4 turns.
Enhance: 1D6 turns.  Enhance+: 1D8 turns.

Power 3) Field Medic: Any defensive buff or heal performed by the Empath has 1.25x the effectiveness.
Enhance: 1.5x effect.  Enhance+: 2x effect.

Power 4) Caretaker: Allies around the Empath (as well as the empathy itself) gain increased healing equal to 1/10th their max HP an hour if out of combat.
Enhance: 1/5th max HP an hour. 
Enhance+: Return to 1/10th max HP from 0 or lower out of combat.

Power 5) Saving Grace: Allies around the Empath in a range equal to its Con Mod do not have penalties to their death saving checks until -15 HP.
Enhance: No penalty until -20 HP.  Enhance+: No death checks until -15.

Power 6) Vengeance: If an ally drops to negative HP and is incapacitated for the encounter, the Empath can rally the rest of their team with a buff to their Damage and Evasion equal to half the Empath's level, as well as healing them for 2d20 + the Empath's Level.
Enhance: 3d20 + Level healing.  Enhance+: Full level worth of damage/evasion boost.

Spoiler for Hidden:
The brains behind any party, the Expert uses their superior intellect to get the edge in battle, either through creating new items and weapons for themselves or their friends, or using their knowledge of mysterious forces to alter their allies and foes for better or worse. No matter the style, all Experts will get a +2 on Reward Rolls for new enhancements, as well as a their choice of Primary from Skill (M) Power sets, at the cost of Skill (B).
Spoiler for "Their mechanic is extensive due to beign the Crafting CLass":
Class0) (See Above)
Enhance: +1 on first roll of the day.  Enhance+: 1 Re-roll per day.

Class1) Experts gain 2 "Craft Points" each time they level up, which are then usable for creating alternate equipment and powers when at their Base. Crafting is done at the base (designated by the Party and/or DM) and works much like power selection in that you may create alternate versions of your own powers by spending the same amount of points used to purchase them, with an Int check required to see how well one creates their new power. For example, a character can craft new guns if they already have a gun bought via power points, or a new type of shield spell, but must keep the crafted power the same category as what the Expert owns. Enhancements are bought for the powers with their cost equal to their Type (Type2 costs 2 points, and so on). You may freely swap out between these alternate powers while at your Base, or give the crafted powers to allies to use in the next encounter as a "temporary power" to be refunded back when at base.
Enhance: +1 check.  Enhance+: +2 to check.

Class2) Using either their Omnitool or Arcane Focus, Experts can identify attributes of their selected target with an Int Check. The Target's level difference from the Expert is either Added to the roll if lower level, or Subtracted if higher.
Enhance: +1 to check.  Enhance+: +2 to check.

Class3) Add ½ Int mod to Knowledge and Crafting checks.
Enhance: +1 to check.  Enhance+: +2 to check.

Class4) Gain 4 "Craft Points" per level.
Enhance: +1 to check.  Enhance+: +2 to check.

Class5) If an Intelligence check lands below ¼ your Int mod, re-roll it.
Enhance: Re-roll below ½. 
Enhance+: You only have to pass a check once, ever, for what you are crafting.

INVENTOR: As the name implies, the Inventor is the go-to hero for all sorts of advanced tools, weapons and gadgets. As they advance in level, Inventors can gain access to new forms of equipment to create, as well as bonuses to how they can be enhanced and used.
Power 1) Omnitool: The Inventor has access to a powerful database whether it is in their phone or other device; it allows them to look up special information about their situation that would otherwise be unknown to any other character. This "scan" of sorts can be done freely out of combat, and once per encounter while in combat.  Information is given at the DM's discretion, but the Int roll associated will help gather info.
Enhance: +1 use per encounter.  Enhance+: +1 use per encounter.

Power 2) Specialize: Add your Int Mod to one of the following effects of your inventions: Defensive, Offensive, or Utility. From now on, all aspects associated with the selected effect (Shielding, Damage, Range, etc) will be boosted with your Int mod.
Enhance: +1 to selected invention's Specialized attribute. 
Enhance+: +1 to Specialized attribute.

Power 3) Re-Invent: Once per play session, the Inventor can spend X amount of hours to re-create their equipment/technology, where X is the tier of the powers/equipment, plus 1 per enhancement. You will gain all the points used to make the power(s), as well as the enhancements put into it, as Craft Points.
Enhance: +1d4 extra Craft points per power re-invented. 
Enhance+: +1/2 your level worth of Craft Points per re-invention session.

Power 4) Commission: An ally can call upon the Inventor's skills to craft them a new piece of equipment using the ally's Power Points. The power/equipment created will have all the bonuses and effects associated with the particular inventor, as well as be able to be re-invented and swapped out via Crafting by the Inventor.
Enhance: +1 to selected invention's Specialized attribute. 
Enhance+: +1 to Specialized attribute.

Power 5) Secondary Specialization: Add half your Int Mod to one of the two remaining effects of your inventions not selected in Specialize.
Enhance: +1 to selected invention's Specialized attribute. 
Enhance+: +1 to Specialized attribute.

Power 6) Optimize: The inventor can craft Archetype Enhancements and Set Enhancements, but at costs determined by the DM with their craft points.
Enhance: -1 to cost per enhancement.  Enhance+: +1 to group reward roll.

ARCANIST: Shifting from the hi-tech to the mystical, the Arcanist doesn't treat their equipment as toys like the Inventor, but rather items of power. Arcanists focus on making their artifacts become channels for mystical energies, as well as creating spells and imbuing other equipment or even allies with magical enhancements.
Power 1) Focus: The Arcanist uses a favored item as a focus for their abilities, when using said item they gain +2 to any one check that turn.
Enhance: +1 to check.  Enhance+: +2 to check.

Power 2) Imbue: The Arcanist gains a free Type2 enhancement to use on all of their Defensive, Offensive or Utility powers. The Arcanist may only choose one of the three types to Imbue with the effect of their choice, but may switch which aspect has which effect once per day while at their base.
Enhance: On a roll of a 20, add the enhancement to a power type not selected.  Enhance+: Increase roll to 18-20.

Power 3) Mystic Arrangement: Once per session, you may re-attribute any gained Stat Points and Enhancements on yourself or an ally, and redistribute them as you or the other player see fit. The Arcanist can also combine lower typed enhancements into higher typed ones using this power. This power can fail if the user does not pass an Int check.
Enhance: +1 to check.  Enhance+: +2 to check.

Power 4) Bestow: Once per encounter, the Arcanist can bestow a free Type2 enhancement towards Defensive, Offensive or Utility Powers on both himself and his party for 1d4+4 turns. This effect can stack with Imbue, but cannot be swapped out as easily, requiring the Arcanist to come up with a set enhancement to give for each power type each time they use the power. For example, an offensive Bestow would always give a chance to do Toxic damage after the Arcanist decides on that as their Enhancement.
Enhance: +1 to chance of effect.  Enhance+: +1 to chance of effect.

Power 5) Arcane Empowerment: Once per encounter, the Arcanist can add their Int Mod to the Mod of their choice on one of their allies, or subtract ½ or their Int Mod from the Mod of their choice on an enemy.
Enhance: +1/-1 to mod.  Enhance+: +2/-2 to mod.

Power 6) Arcane Enchantment: Once per encounter you may roll an Enhancement roll for a Target, unmodified by your Expert perk. You may then use the result as a global enhancement to either better an Ally with more damage, a chance to heal on an attack roll of 18-20, or even make their melee attacks do splash damage for example with the respective tiers. Alternately, you may cripple a foe by lowering its resistances, simply taking away enhancements it may have, or even give it nasty negative enhancements such as a chance to harm itself if it rolls a certain number each action!
Enhance: +1 to roll.  Enhance+: +1/-1 to effect's value or chance.

Spoiler for Hidden:
Manipulators are masters of body and mind, being able to shape their environment as well as those around them. With their focus on Utility rather than direct combat, Manipulators of all shapes and sizes gain +D4 on Focus/Willpower checks when using their powers, and can choose Utility Power sets as their Primary, but with a bit of an aversion towards Melee combat.
Class0) (See above)
Enhance: +D6.  Enhance+: +D8.

Class1) Automatically negate friendly fire with their abilities.
Enhance: +1 to ally AC vs the damage type of surrounding attacks.
Enhance+: +2 to ally AC.

Class2) Can anticipate sneak attacks/attacks of opportunity, and add half their Will save to their Reflex save vs them.
Enhance: +1 to save.  Enhance+: +2 to save.

Class3) Sustaining powers will not prevent a Manipulator from taking another action; though with only half their mods towards it (checks or attack rolls have their respective mods halved).
Enhance: +1 to check.  Enhance+: +2 to check.

Class4) An Additional +D4 on Focus/Willpower checks.
Enhance: +1 D6.  Enhance+: +D8.

Class5) The Manipulator can use their Encounter and Daily powers again provided they roll 10 or higher (or 15 or higher for dailies) on an unmodified D20. You cannot do this more than once per power (ex: a Daily more than twice a session/day, or Encounter more than twice an encounter).
Enhance: +1 to roll.  Enhance+: +1 roll per power, per natural 20.

ELEMENTAL: Elementals bend the very natural forces to their will, and are able to command both Matter and Energies to control their opposition. As they level, Elementals become more attuned to their element and the environment around them, being able to use the battlefield as an extension of themselves.
Power 1) Constraint: On a critical focus roll, powers affecting enemies are twice as strong in duration and length.
Enhance: +1 damage.  Enhance+: +1 turn of duration.

Power 2) Field Awareness: The Elemental is naturally attuned to the battlefield, and will automatically be made aware of useable attributes of the area they are fighting in.
Enhance: +1 to check.  Enhance+: +2 to check.

Power 3) Scale: Elementals can command an extended area equal to their ½ Wis Mod with powers that target specific locations.
Enhance: +1 to range.  Enhance+: +2 to range.

Power 4) Affinity: Gain AC equal to twice your Wis Mod towards the element(s) of your choosing.
Enhance: +2 to AC.  Enhance+: +1/2 the value towards a second element.

Power 5) Dual Focus: Once per Encounter, you may use two utility powers in the same action as a combined power, adding both their effects but at the cost of halving the mods used to land the moves.
Enhance: +1 to check.  Enhance+: +2 to check.

Power 6) Attuned: Once per Day, the Elemental can add half their level to all their Utility rolls for the duration of an encounter.
Enhance: +1/2 Level to damage.  Enhance+: +1/2 level towards AC on selected elements.

COMMANDER: The general of the battlefield, Commanders can influence friend and foe alike to change the flow of combat, often specializing in leading their party and even minions of their own! As they level, Commanders gain bonuses to commanding their forces, as well as buffs toward their group as a whole.
Power 1) Dominion: A Commander has absolute control over their minions, meaning that their actions count as additional actions for the Commander at the same time as they move (2 actions for the Commander, 2 for their pets); furthermore, for every class they advance they can control one more minion, or upgrade their current minion(s).
Enhance: Add ½ your Wis mod towards Pet HP. 
Enhance+: Add ½ your Wis Score toward Pet HP.

Power 2) Overseer: When allies are within a number of squares equal to the Commander's Wisdom modifier, they get a bonus to their defenses equal to the Commander's Wis Mod vs. Abilities/Attacks of the same type as the Commander's Abilities/Attacks.
Enhance: +1 to range.  Enhance+: +1 to evasion towards attacks.

Power 3) Inspire: Once per Encounter, a Commander can give a friendly target a bonus to all rolls equal to the Commander's Wisdom modifier until the encounter ends.
Enhance: +1 to check.  Enhance+: +1 target per encounter.

Power 4) Bodyguards: Minions within a range equal to the Commander's Wis Mod can take a portion of damage directed toward their Master equal to ½ the Commander's level, times the amount they've been upgraded and/or the number of minions.
Enhance: +2 toward AoE evasion.  Enhance+: +4 toward AoE evasion.

Power 5) Split Up/Call Back: A Commander can give control of their minions to the DM or another party member to do multiple tasks at once, and can call them back at will. This gives the minions their own turn in battle as opposed to being "anchored" to the Commander.
Enhance: +1 towards minion's initiative. 
Enhance+: Minions can bodyguard the Commander's allies when split up.

Power 6) Supremacy: All friendly targets within range equal to the Commander's Wis Mod add a D4 to both Attack Bonus and Damage Rolls.
Enhance: +D6.  Enhance+: +D8.

7 Archetypes split into 14 "styles" which both define and fine-tune one's playstyle via various "Inherit" powers and powerset Bonuses/Negatives should recreate the feel of the CoH AT system while allowing free form power selection. On top of this, the ability to dip into another AT's perks in a way adds on "Epic Pools", as well as the ability to buy anti-playstyle powers for an increased cost.

To sum up my thoughts, ATs should be more frameworks that encourage playstyles by enticing players to use their powers in a certain way. Sure the Metahuman can be mostly ranged, but they'll never outdo a gun-toting Ace:Martial, or an Adept. The level of fine-tuning that can be achieved mimics the extensive array of IO's/Incarnate/Etc and the like seen in CoH, but done progressively as one advances through the game's content. Even then there are set/character (ATO) enhancements that can be used for end-game content, so to speak.



The last part, this is the biggest part and the one that has the most left to do.. however, I have compiled the "list" that will make it into my game, as well as the primary sections they belong in:

Spoiler for Hidden:

•   The Elements
o Electric - Chaining, Electric Damage, Minor Negation bypass
o Fire – Fire Damage, bonus DoT on hit
o Ice – Cold Damage, Slows down target on hit, Crowd Control
o Water – Mixed Physical/Cold/Fire damage, Variety of effects
o Wind – Physical, Knockbacks/Repels
o Earth – Physical/Lethal, Defensive, Melee-heavy

•   Sound – Physical/Energy, -Resist on hit
•   Energy – Energy/Physical, Knockdowns
•   Psychic Assault – Psychic Damage, Crowd Control heavy, Penetrates defenses
•   Radiation – Toxic/Energy, -AC on hit, Many Debuffs
•   Matter-Moving
o Gravity – Physical, Heavy movement control, warps areas for added control
o Magnetics – Electric/Physical, Interferes with metals/electronics
o Telekinesis – Psychic/Physical, Moves environment

•   Super Strength
•   The Elements
o Electric - Chaining, Electric Damage, Minor Negation bypass
o Fire – Fire Damage, bonus DoT on hit
o Ice – Cold Damage, Slows down target on hit, Crowd Control
o Water – Mixed Physical/Cold/Fire damage, Variety of effects
o Wind – Physical, Knockbacks/Repels
o Earth – Physical/Lethal, Defensive, Melee-heavy

•   Unarmed Combat
o Brawling
o    Martial Arts

•   Darkness
•   Absorption
o (rogue)
o Mimicry

•   Body-Weapons
o Spines
o Body Manipulation

•   Savage
•   Kinetics
o (energy melee)


•   Invulnerability
•   Regeneration
•   Empathy
•   Super-Reflexes
•   The Elements
o Electric - Chaining, Electric Damage, Minor Negation bypass
o Fire – Fire Damage, bonus DoT on hit
o Ice – Cold Damage, Slows down target on hit, Crowd Control
o Water – Mixed Physical/Cold/Fire damage, Variety of effects
o Wind – Physical, Knockbacks/Repels
o Earth – Physical/Lethal, Defensive, Melee-heavy

•   Darkness
•   Force Fields
•   Body/Power Armor
•   Time Manipulation
•   Nature Manipulation
•   Sonic
•   Willpower
•   Adaptation

•   Matter-Manipulation
o (Gravity, Magnetics, Telekinesis)
•   Plant Control/Nature Manipulation
•   Telepathy
o Illusion
•   The Elements
o Electric - Chaining, Electric Damage, Minor Negation bypass
o Fire – Fire Damage, bonus DoT on hit
o Ice – Cold Damage, Slows down target on hit, Crowd Control
o Water – Mixed Physical/Cold/Fire damage, Variety of effects
o Wind – Physical, Knockbacks/Repels
o Earth – Physical/Lethal, Defensive, Melee-heavy

•   Poison
•   Radiation
•   Pain Manipulation
•   Time Manipulation
•   Power Manipulation
•   Duplication/Merging
•   Summoning
o (Various)
•   Kinetics

•   Savage
•   Super-Reflexes
•   Super Strength
•   Super Senses
•   All Weapon Skills
o (Melee and Ranged, various)
•   Stealth
•   Body Manipulation
•   Absorption
•   Willpower
•   Ki Manipulation

•   Psychics
o Telepathy
o Telekinesis
o Psionic Weapon

•   ESP
•   Super Intellect
•   Innate Capability
o (various, think: Forge)
•   All Magic
o (creating spells/etc)
•   All Technology
o (in regards to making and using advanced gadgets/etc)
•   Constructs
o Physical
o energy

•   Summoning
o (various, pretty much any sort of pets / pseudo-pets)

•   Flight
•   Super Speed
•   Super Jump
•   Acrobatics
•   Swinging
•   Wall-Crawl
•   Shape-Shifting
•   Tunneling
•   Teleportation
•   Phasing
•   Leadership
•   Spells
•   Gadgets
•   Swords/Melee
o Single Basic (Broadsword/Mace/Axe)
o Single Fast (Katana/Short Blade/Etc)
o Dual Blades/Daggers

•   Titan Weapon
•   Claws
•   Staff
•   Shield
•   Archery/Trick Arrows
•   Beam/Energy Weapons
•   Thrown Weapons
•   Munitions/Heavy Weaponry
•   Dual Pistols
•   Special Guns & Ammunition
•   All Elements may have special "elemental" weaponry, such as Fire Swords, etc.

As a note, this section -will- be cleaned up in the future (after finals, @_@), but the plan is to have 82 different power pools.

As an example of how the pools will go, the general format is this:

1-3 Tier 1 powers: The equivalent to the T1-2 powers in CoH sets. Includes basic ST attacks, passives like Resist physical Damage, etc.

3-6 Tier 2 powers: Stuff like Fireball, an AoE immob, "defensive toggles"etc go here.

3-6 Tier 3 powers: Signature powers such as Rend Armor, Wormhole, etc go here.

1-3 Tier 4 powers: Rounding off with the likes of Elude and Nova, sets finish with a few choice powers worth 4 points a piece, giving players a bit of choice (unless there's just 1 here) on how to cap off that set.

A good analogy would be to Pool Powers in CoH for the Powersets here. You need to buy and/or level your way into them, and require prior choices in order to get other powers in the sets. This not only prevents people from semi-breaking characters via selecting a T3 "Blaze" without having any other fire powers due to having just 3 spare points, but also subtly limits the amounts of power pools they can realistically dip into via having to buy your way in. The middle tiers have the most "meat" to them as that is where the majority of set-defining powers would lie and should give the most room for build variance given some would choose to either just get one T1 power to get into the set, and others may opt to not take a T4 from some sets due to cost/wanting to get a T4 from their primary.


As I've said before this is subject to change/made for a Pen and Paper system, but at the same time is largely based on CoH, so hopefully it has sparked some ideas? :D


One idea I wanted when I was playing cox was a mimic powerset. You have the ability to mimic the powers of your allies and enemies. Subject to range of target copying. You could click mimic and a list of random powers being used and you pick one to drop right in your tray. One possible power could be mimic enviorment where yo can have armor of stone or steel skin depending on what is around. And maybe a chamellion blend power