What I have been doing the last two weeks

Started by Arctic Force., December 15, 2012, 11:16:22 PM

Arctic Force.

I have been really wanting to play my main character in City of Heroes, so for the last two weeks I have been creating his outfit. (my avatar is what he looks like by the way I am 6'-6" 300lbs and have red hair. nice visual) I get it all done and put it on. I feel amazing, because of the spandex I have a spring to my step and a wedgie that reminds me of grade school. I grab my trench coat and cover up, pack a back pack full of ice cubes and snow cones and head out, this is going to be epic.

I get downtown and I see baddies everywhere I rip off the trench coat and stand all heroically (you know the stance) My cape flapping behind me I activate sprint and run over to a baddie I believe is trying carjack someone. He cons purple to me but I think I can take him. I stop stop sprinting and fire of my first Ice Bolt ....damn random number generator I miss. So I fire of Bitter Ice Blast its a hit, I rapid fire Ice Bolt and Ice Blast both hits. He is closing in on me, hmm he must be a scrapper so I pull my Ice Sword and swing at him it hits and breaks damnit this dude must have some good defense his health hasn't dropped at all. I step back and try to release a Chillblain to hold him in place it misses. I am starting to to get a little winded I grab my whole arsenal and throw it at him HaHa Blizzard will take him down.  What the...he is just standing and laughing at me while a few ice cubes hit him he pulls something from his pocket and points it at me and fires I feel like I just stuck my tongue in a light socket...again. Uh oh I am going down now I am hugging the floor its okay I do this sometimes anyway everything is going dark.... no respite or awakens bummer.

I wake with a start something smells really bad, is it the guy I was trying to stop from carjacking someone who is waving something under my nose...or is it me? I jump to my feet as he pulls out a shield it is gold and it reads "Officer - Vancouver Police Department #06135".  He wasn't trying to carjack someone he was giving a ticket and they got away. This might not end well.

Sooo to sum it up the people here are very nice I get three meals a day, plus they give me these nice little pills and I have my own room its all white and puffy like snow. > >
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