Author Topic: Beware "My Millionaire Friend"  (Read 26028 times)


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Re: Beware "My Millionaire Friend"
« Reply #80 on: December 21, 2012, 06:20:47 PM »
I'm forced to correct to:

In the sense that carb rich foods are better than starvation, yes. The problem is the west has no lack of carb rich foods any more, and a decreased amount of calories spent to get those.

Our taste for sweetness and carb loveliness comes from our need to complement our diet with vegetables and fruit with meats as the primary source of nutrition. Science, though, has allowed us to create insanely concentrated amounts of carbs in small bites of food. You can eat a day worth of carb intake by eating something smaller an an Apple. Had you only eaten carbs entirely by eating fruit, your stomach would have never been able to accommodate so many carbs.

So, in short: our obsession with carb comes from our need of fruit and vegetables but does not acknowledge the possibility of an overdose. Eliminate bread, bakings (flour), pasta, candy and minimize potatoes and rice and you will not only lose a LOT of weight, but you will be way healthier. If you suffer from Type 2 Diabetes you may not even have to worry about it anymore unless your case is extreme.

*PS: My wife is a diabetes researcher.

Now we can resume our quest for millionaires!

got to eat according to lifestyle.

If you do not move around much, then probably not good to eat a bunch of carb loaded food.
If you lead an active lifestyle or strenuous work, I mean actual strenuous work that is more than moving a few fingers on a keyboard or writing, then carbs and energy rich foods are needed.

Eat according to your lifestyle, which takes some personal honesty, and you'll be ok.


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Re: Beware "My Millionaire Friend"
« Reply #81 on: December 21, 2012, 11:17:56 PM »
My derailment of the derailment got derailed....
Do I get the redundant badge for that?
As long as somebody keeps making up stories for it, the City isn't gone.


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Re: Beware "My Millionaire Friend"
« Reply #82 on: December 21, 2012, 11:19:45 PM »
My derailment of the derailment got derailed....
Do I get the redundant badge for that?

Due to a bug in the badge system, you will currently be awarded the Redundant badge with unaltered flavor text.
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Re: Beware "My Millionaire Friend"
« Reply #83 on: December 21, 2012, 11:24:13 PM »
I'm forced to correct to:

In the sense that carb rich foods are better than starvation, yes. The problem is the west has no lack of carb rich foods any more, and a decreased amount of calories spent to get those.

Our taste for sweetness and carb loveliness comes from our need to complement our diet with vegetables and fruit with meats as the primary source of nutrition. Science, though, has allowed us to create insanely concentrated amounts of carbs in small bites of food. You can eat a day worth of carb intake by eating something smaller an an Apple. Had you only eaten carbs entirely by eating fruit, your stomach would have never been able to accommodate so many carbs.

So, in short: our obsession with carb comes from our need of fruit and vegetables but does not acknowledge the possibility of an overdose. Eliminate bread, bakings (flour), pasta, candy and minimize potatoes and rice and you will not only lose a LOT of weight, but you will be way healthier. If you suffer from Type 2 Diabetes you may not even have to worry about it anymore unless your case is extreme.

*PS: My wife is a diabetes researcher.

Now we can resume our quest for millionaires!
I'm not debating that, I just didn't want to turn the post into a science lecture and for most intents and purposes what both of us said for the layman are the same.

got to eat according to lifestyle.

If you do not move around much, then probably not good to eat a bunch of carb loaded food.
If you lead an active lifestyle or strenuous work, I mean actual strenuous work that is more than moving a few fingers on a keyboard or writing, then carbs and energy rich foods are needed.

Eat according to your lifestyle, which takes some personal honesty, and you'll be ok.

The problem is that not everybody has the time or money or even health education to eat 'according to their lifestyle' when you get BS marketing like 'Organic' and super duper cheap processed foods like Stars was talking about thrown into the equation.

Add to the fact that getting fat is super easy to do but the more fat you are the more difficult it is to stop being that, it's not a very easy situation for many people.


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Re: Beware "My Millionaire Friend"
« Reply #84 on: December 22, 2012, 02:16:35 AM »

The problem is that not everybody has the time or money or even health education to eat 'according to their lifestyle' when you get BS marketing like 'Organic' and super duper cheap processed foods like Stars was talking about thrown into the equation.

Add to the fact that getting fat is super easy to do but the more fat you are the more difficult it is to stop being that, it's not a very easy situation for many people.

Well sounds like some may need to stop taking every food marketing scheme as concrete fact that everything they say buy you should buy and eat. Gotta make good personal choices. And if a person dont, there is no one to blame but themselves, regardless of how convincing the tv is.

Of course getting fat is easy. all you have to do is sit and do nothing but eat. But the fatter you get, the more difficult it is to get rid of it is very true. But it wont get any easier if they just continue to sit around doing nothing while still eating everything in sight because the tv said to or chasing every diet scheme that they come across. It's pretty simple. What ever energy you put into your body, it has to go somewhere. Either it is used, or stored. If you eat more than you use, you gain weight. If you eat less than you use you lose weight. Pretty simple in that regards and every body metabolism is difference and thus how many calories they burn baseline, aka, sitting doing nothing is also different. Some people can sit around and eat just about everything on the planet and moon and not gain a pound (of course depending on what they are eating, they still can suffer from high blood pressure and clogged arteries even while remaining thin.  On the other hand, some people have the metabolism of a Koala but lie to themselves thinking they have the metabolism of a rat and thus eat like someone with a high metabolism and wonder why they get fat.


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Re: Beware "My Millionaire Friend"
« Reply #85 on: December 22, 2012, 02:21:50 AM »
Know what I wish I had?  A device that would continuously monitor the amount of caloric energy I burned throughout the day so that I could accurately measure the amount of calories I took in accordingly.  It would be even better if it also monitored my heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, electrolyte levels...

Hey, I can dream, can't I? :)

Actually, I'd even settle for an accurate method for measuring the calories I'm taking in.  Avoiding prepared foods is better for you, but trying to figure out how much is too much is a royal pain the ass when you're eating something like home-made pasta sauce.
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Re: Beware "My Millionaire Friend"
« Reply #86 on: December 22, 2012, 02:31:02 AM »
Know what I wish I had?  A device that would continuously monitor the amount of caloric energy I burned throughout the day so that I could accurately measure the amount of calories I took in accordingly.  It would be even better if it also monitored my heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, electrolyte levels...

Hey, I can dream, can't I? :)

Actually, I'd even settle for an accurate method for measuring the calories I'm taking in.  Avoiding prepared foods is better for you, but trying to figure out how much is too much is a royal pain the ass when you're trying to eating something like home-made pasta sauce.

Actually most doctor's offices have a machine that actually calculates your metabolism and how many calories you burn a day. But alas, it doesnt seem many people ask about it dont know about it or dont really want to find out about their metabolism.

In DoD system they call it Health Promotion office. They use that machine for people that want to find that out or count their calories and find out how many calories they can eat before hitting their baseline metabolism, meaning metabolism when doing nothing, which many people spend the day or days rather doing as far as exercise goes. Then they can also help you with a diet plan and help you choose healthier foods.  Big part of that is self control though. Too many people are too quick to help themselves to another helping of that famous good tasting pasta when they know they probably shouldnt.

Easiest way to do calculate if you are eating too much is, although slow, is what the weight. If you eat too much, more energy intake than you expend, then you'll probably gain weight. That means, how much a person been eating in the past, they should eat less. If the weight is maintaining, then that means it's about even.


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Re: Beware "My Millionaire Friend"
« Reply #87 on: December 22, 2012, 02:42:54 AM »
Well sounds like some may need to stop taking every food marketing scheme as concrete fact that everything they say buy you should buy and eat. Gotta make good personal choices. And if a person dont, there is no one to blame but themselves, regardless of how convincing the tv is.

Of course getting fat is easy. all you have to do is sit and do nothing but eat. But the fatter you get, the more difficult it is to get rid of it is very true. But it wont get any easier if they just continue to sit around doing nothing while still eating everything in sight because the tv said to or chasing every diet scheme that they come across. It's pretty simple. What ever energy you put into your body, it has to go somewhere. Either it is used, or stored. If you eat more than you use, you gain weight. If you eat less than you use you lose weight. Pretty simple in that regards and every body metabolism is difference and thus how many calories they burn baseline, aka, sitting doing nothing is also different. Some people can sit around and eat just about everything on the planet and moon and not gain a pound (of course depending on what they are eating, they still can suffer from high blood pressure and clogged arteries even while remaining thin.  On the other hand, some people have the metabolism of a Koala but lie to themselves thinking they have the metabolism of a rat and thus eat like someone with a high metabolism and wonder why they get fat.

I'm not in the mood to make this political or to let what I said slide into some topic where we all gather around and do some fat shaming.

I'll just say that the amount of calories needed to lose weight is way less than the amount of calories needed to keep a healthy weight, and the inverse is true for exercise. It's not necessarily possible for somebody that is overweight to only eat or do the exercise that somebody healthy does to maintain their healthy weight. They have to do more than that, they have to eat even less in calories and do even more exercise.

It's not just a matter of subtracting what their calorie intake is to even them out with what a healthy person eats. They'll maintain their fat level, or in some cases continue to gain weight. A person's entire metabolism changes when they become fat to help them stay fat. That's not to mention the difficulty that it can be for somebody who's truly obese to actually do exercise. It could become unhealthy for them to do things that healthy people can do, like run, because their fat could strain their joints or permanently mess up their back or knees or whatever. They could be come physically incapable of doing other things.

It's easy to just shame people. And yes, in a lot of cases it might be their fault in the sense that nobody came by and fires a Twinkie cannon into their mouth. I'm not debating that. But none of that really helps solve the problem. That's like having your kid jump off a roof to do a trick and breaking his legs, and telling him to walk it off, because we with our unbroken legs can walk. It's not very helpful advice at this point. Making people feel ashamed doesn't help them get healthy it just makes them stay fat. It helps to defeat them before they even get up to try to do something that their body and their ingrained instincts are already telling them to give up on.

That's why a better solution is to make healthy choices easier. And if cutting out lying on products that trick people who frankly shouldn't be expected to have a PHD in nutrition does that, then great.

Yes, with enough due diligence one can read every fine print on every thing they buy or do, you can read every EULA and TOS to every video game, food product, car, television service and pair of underwear you ever purchase. And yes, in theory you 'should'. But it would become your full time unpaid career, and I suspect that most of you already got jobs or chores or school to do or kids to take care of or whatever.

So I think it better to expect that food companies don't get away with pretending their processed junk is health food. Because losing weight from obesity is anything but simple.

Then throw in people who are food insecure who can only afford the cheapest bull crap processed hotdogs and medicine and time insecure because scarce jobs would rather pay you almost nothing and put the tab of your food and emergency medical costs on the public dime instead of paying a living wage and expect you to be on call 24/7 with a schedule that fluctuates wildly from week to week, and you have a recipe for a large amount of people who are going to fall into this trap.

Saying it's simple, is again, like saying "Walking's simple!" to somebody with no legs. Yes, I'm sure that with the proper help and therapy and maybe prosthetics it's possible, and I salute the people who manage it, but saying "Just do it" is a gross understatement of what's involved.

I'm pretty sure if it was so simple we wouldn't have like a 33% obesity rate in a country where being fat is something to be ashamed of and we worship skinny people, especially skinny women, where even being slightly overweight is seen as 'unrealistic' for anybody except maybe a villain.

Name a single fat actress in a even remotely heroic position in a movie. Heck, in CoH you couldn't even MAKE a fat woman. Oh, you could get a relatively fat man with the Huge skeleton, but fat women? Heck no. You could set the sliders to max and get an olympian ripped woman with giant breasts, but fat was out of the question.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2012, 02:48:15 AM by Osborn »


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Re: Beware "My Millionaire Friend"
« Reply #88 on: December 22, 2012, 02:44:20 AM »
While off topic discussion is healthy for a community remaining friendly, I think this topic has veered so far away from something belonging in the "Save Paragon City!" part of the forum that I think it might be best to either start a new thread elsewhere, or drop the topic.

Its just getting a little out of hand...
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Re: Beware "My Millionaire Friend"
« Reply #89 on: December 22, 2012, 02:57:53 AM »
I'm not in the mood to make this political or to let what I said slide into some topic where we all gather around and do some fat shaming.

I'll just say that the amount of calories needed to lose weight is way less than the amount of calories needed to keep a healthy weight, and the inverse is true for exercise. It's not necessarily possible for somebody that is overweight to only eat or do the exercise that somebody healthy does to maintain their healthy weight. They have to do more than that, they have to eat even less in calories and do even more exercise.

It's not just a matter of subtracting what their calorie intake is to even them out with what a healthy person eats. They'll maintain their fat level, or in some cases continue to gain weight. A person's entire metabolism changes when they become fat to help them stay fat. That's not to mention the difficulty that it can be for somebody who's truly obese to actually do exercise. It could become unhealthy for them to do things that healthy people can do, like run, because their fat could strain their joints or permanently mess up their back or knees or whatever. They could be come physically incapable of doing other things.

It's easy to just shame people. And yes, in a lot of cases it might be their fault in the sense that nobody came by and fires a Twinkie cannon into their mouth. I'm not debating that. But none of that really helps solve the problem. That's like having your kid jump off a roof to do a trick and breaking his legs, and telling him to walk it off, because we with our unbroken legs can walk. It's not very helpful advice at this point. Making people feel ashamed doesn't help them get healthy it just makes them stay fat. It helps to defeat them before they even get up to try to do something that their body and their ingrained instincts are already telling them to give up on.

That's why a better solution is to make healthy choices easier. And if cutting out lying on products that trick people who frankly shouldn't be expected to have a PHD in nutrition does that, then great.

Yes, with enough due diligence one can read every fine print on every thing they buy or do, you can read every EULA and TOS to every video game, food product, car, television service and pair of underwear you ever purchase. And yes, in theory you 'should'. But it would become your full time unpaid career, and I suspect that most of you already got jobs or chores or school to do or kids to take care of or whatever.

So I think it better to expect that food companies don't get away with pretending their processed junk is health food. Because losing weight from obesity is anything but simple.

Then throw in people who are food insecure who can only afford the cheapest bull crap processed hotdogs and medicine and time insecure because scarce jobs would rather pay you almost nothing and put the tab of your food and emergency medical costs on the public dime instead of paying a living wage and expect you to be on call 24/7 with a schedule that fluctuates wildly from week to week, and you have a recipe for a large amount of people who are going to fall into this trap.

Saying it's simple, is again, like saying "Walking's simple!" to somebody with no legs. Yes, I'm sure that with the proper help and therapy and maybe prosthetics it's possible, and I salute the people who manage it, but saying "Just do it" is a gross understatement of what's involved.

I'm pretty sure if it was so simple we wouldn't have like a 33% obesity rate in a country where being fat is something to be ashamed of and we worship skinny people, especially skinny women, where even being slightly overweight is seen as 'unrealistic' for anybody except maybe a villain.

Name a single fat actress in a even remotely heroic position in a movie. Heck, in CoH you couldn't even MAKE a fat woman. Oh, you could get a relatively fat man with the Huge skeleton, but fat women? Heck no. You could set the sliders to max and get an olympian ripped woman with giant breasts, but fat was out of the question.

Well I'm not fat shaming or turning it into a political statement by any means. I'm saying that the information is out there, and it's simple process to lose weight if one chose to unless some other health issue is preventing it, and that is where the analogy with the man with no legs will find walking difficult. But if a person can walk if they chose to but chose to not too then wonder why they cant walk years down the line or find walking difficult, who fault is that? The tv? Yeah the tv is to blame. Everyone is to blame except the person who have the ability to make that choice to eat healthy or get fat? Never the person's fault. I forgot we live in the time where personal responsibility for themselves is all but dead. It's always someone else fault for actions and lifestyle they choose. The tv wont die of heart attack or gain weight. The person will. It's up to them to do something about it or just accept the consequences of their actions.

For example, I think you are a lawyer or something according to some of your past posts, and I'm sure getting to where you are at was no cake walk. What did it take? Sitting around doing nothing? nope probably took some determination, some personal responsibility, a goal, and actually working to do that goal. The will power. Same thing with weight. Once it's there of course it may be hard to find the will to lose the weight, but the process is easy. But if one dont have thaat drive to get rid of those pounds, then cant blame food companies, or everyone else in the world. Just like if you just decides to drop out of law school because the work is a challenge. Is the TV to blame for that too? There is no shame in being fat if that is what a person choose to be. If they feel shame, then they have to gather some inner will power and get to where they are going because sitting there doing nothing blaming the world for their fatness is going to do nothing but help that person get fatter and feel more shame. It's up to them to take interest in their health. If they dont want to put in work, they wont achieve it. Just like if you dont put in work to be a lawyer or what ever career a person choose, you wont go anywhere. No one can just wake up and be a lawyer just like that with no work. It's simple, work for it and get it or dont work for it and slide further down the the hole that a person dont want to be or claim to not want to be in.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2012, 03:04:31 AM by JaguarX »


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Re: Beware "My Millionaire Friend"
« Reply #90 on: December 22, 2012, 09:59:08 AM »
Defamation of character in an attempt to link her name with a money-making scheme.  She would HAVE to sue you in order to decouple her name from someone trying to set up a potentially money-making enterprise in order to ward off potential lawsuits against her if things turned pear-shaped.  She would HAVE to sue you in order to decouple her name from a business enterprise to which she had not agreed.

If she didn't, she could potentially be liable for all sorts of bad things, and even NCSoft might be tempted to go after her.

So, am I in the clear?  I don't think I've engaged in defamation of character, and I know I haven't started any money-making scheme (nor plan to.)

IF Ms. Bianco or any other dev is looking for employment/supplemental income, and IF enough of the fans here were likewise willing (this is all purely hypothetical) then perhaps via a monthly investment program (akin though different from subscription) we MIGHT be able to hire her or other devs as either consultants or lead designers for either of the Plan Z projects.  Does this idea have any merit?  (I'm completely willing to hear that it doesn't.)
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Re: Beware "My Millionaire Friend"
« Reply #91 on: December 22, 2012, 10:28:43 AM »
So, am I in the clear?  I don't think I've engaged in defamation of character, and I know I haven't started any money-making scheme (nor plan to.)

IF Ms. Bianco or any other dev is looking for employment/supplemental income, and IF enough of the fans here were likewise willing (this is all purely hypothetical) then perhaps via a monthly investment program (akin though different from subscription) we MIGHT be able to hire her or other devs as either consultants or lead designers for either of the Plan Z projects.  Does this idea have any merit?  (I'm completely willing to hear that it doesn't.)

I can't speak for Plan Z as I am not a part of it.  As for Melissa Bianco, you would have to consult with her first and have her oversight on anything you did that had her name attached to it.  I have no idea if she or any other devs would be interested, or even able, to consult on anything.
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Re: Beware "My Millionaire Friend"
« Reply #92 on: December 22, 2012, 11:53:56 AM »

I'll just say that the amount of calories needed to lose weight is way less than the amount of calories needed to keep a healthy weight, and the inverse is true for exercise. It's not necessarily possible for somebody that is overweight to only eat or do the exercise that somebody healthy does to maintain their healthy weight. They have to do more than that, they have to eat even less in calories and do even more exercise.

It's not just a matter of subtracting what their calorie intake is to even them out with what a healthy person eats.

Absolute rubbish.

To maintain a weight of 280 lbs requires more calories than to maintain a weight of 180 assuming similar lifestyle.

Somebody weighing 280, eating the amount of calories required to maintain 180 will lose weight.

I know, I've lost nearly 40 lbs eating more calories than my more active friend who's steady at about half my weight.


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Re: Beware "My Millionaire Friend"
« Reply #93 on: December 22, 2012, 02:33:11 PM »
While off topic discussion is healthy for a community remaining friendly, I think this topic has veered so far away from something belonging in the "Save Paragon City!" part of the forum that I think it might be best to either start a new thread elsewhere, or drop the topic.

Its just getting a little out of hand...

Hush, you!  :P
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Re: Beware "My Millionaire Friend"
« Reply #94 on: December 22, 2012, 10:33:00 PM »
Woo! - Argent Girl


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Re: Beware "My Millionaire Friend"
« Reply #95 on: December 24, 2012, 09:14:56 PM »
I know, I've lost nearly 40 lbs eating more calories than my more active friend who's steady at about half my weight.

Not to worry, I found 'em.


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Re: Beware "My Millionaire Friend"
« Reply #96 on: December 24, 2012, 11:29:44 PM »


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Re: Beware "My Millionaire Friend"
« Reply #97 on: December 25, 2012, 09:48:30 AM »
*sigh*  according to the medical charts with the weight/height ratio, I should be 12' 8"" tall..... :(
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Re: Beware "My Millionaire Friend"
« Reply #98 on: December 25, 2012, 10:34:03 AM »
*sigh*  according to the medical charts with the weight/height ratio, I should be 12' 8"" tall..... :(

ah, the old Garfield "I'm not overweight I'm undertall".


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Re: Beware "My Millionaire Friend"
« Reply #99 on: December 25, 2012, 02:17:23 PM »
As one of my gamer buddies likes to say, "I'm not 'out of shape.'  ROUND is a shape!"   ;)
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